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| class="LogCell" | Of Serpents and Vixens || class="LogCell" | May 3rd, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Phoebe Beacon visits Club Lux and gains an unlikely friend in the Devil himself. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | A sister's concern || class="LogCell" | May 4th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Rogue and Hank talk about the Shower of Doom, mostly because Rogue is concerned about Kurt's involvement. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Looking for someone (to annoy || class="LogCell" | May 4th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Spike meets Zatanna and steals a present. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Ulik, King of Midgard! || class="LogCell" | May 4th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | The Avengers Confront Ulik and defeat him! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | A New Titan || class="LogCell" | May 4th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Kory meet Willow in Titans Tower. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | So Many Secrets || class="LogCell" | May 4th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Alexander finds out there are two Slayers, but not the story of how. He shares some insight about Willow for Faith to follow up on. And he totally would've lost the arm wrestling competition. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Late night repairs! || class="LogCell" | May 4th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | A nice quick conversation with Rift! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Grand Risings || class="LogCell" | May 4th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | A plan is hatched. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Angry Robots vs Angry Fairies! || class="LogCell" | May 4th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Megan trains with Roberto and a friendship is formed. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | The Cake is a Lie || class="LogCell" | May 4th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Idle banter about fake food and uniforms. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Back from the tropical boonies || class="LogCell" | May 4th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Hawkeye returns from a far away mission, shares a pizza with Skye, and a bit more. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Post Practice Catchup || class="LogCell" | May 4th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Post training chatter between Nick and Buffy |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | What lies beneath... || class="LogCell" | May 4th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Warren and Sinister have a tete-a-tete and uncage the beast within and destroy sublminal programming. Also there was tea and whiskey. Saliva is a fantastic source of DNA. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | A night on the town. || class="LogCell" | May 4th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | And a nice date is had by all. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Acoustics and Riff Offs || class="LogCell" | May 5th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Shannon stops by to talk to Jay and Andrea about music. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Another Lux-filled Evening || class="LogCell" | May 5th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Phoebe Beacon graces Club Lux with her presence again, and Tyler Grant runs security ops. Sort of. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Cheesecake in the Park || class="LogCell" | May 5th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Power Girl catches up with Thor after the Avengers dealt with trolls in Central Park. She heads home with cheesecake. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | The Workout Routine || class="LogCell" | May 5th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Logan and Rogue share words in the gym. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Pietro comes calling. || class="LogCell" | May 5th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Pietro brings Willow some interesting news, and they swap cookie recipes. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Hitting the streets || class="LogCell" | May 5th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Drake and Hunori meet up and chat |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Let's make a deal || class="LogCell" | May 5th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Hawkeye brings Spyder Byte to talk to Iron Man. A deal is made. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Rogue's Birthday Disappearance || class="LogCell" | May 5th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Rogue's coerced into a birthday celebration where presents abound - all on Beast's dime! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | I Carry All the Things || class="LogCell" | May 5th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Alex catches Skye up a lil on social stuff while he's busy fetching and carrying. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | PANIC! At the Garage || class="LogCell" | May 5th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Rosie McGowan adopts a dirtbike. Shannon attempts to be friendly with the prickly Rosie. There is progress on both fronts. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | A Bird by any other name... || class="LogCell" | May 5th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Phoebe is beginning to question from where her powers come. Tim mildly doesn't approve of her new friend, and is about to crack open an old one (17-year-old cold case) with the boys. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Not Your Momma's Fried Chicken || class="LogCell" | May 6th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Rogue and Sam argue about fried chicken in the rec room...until a sudden Juggernaut and Deadpool appear at the front yard! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | ADVENTURE! || class="LogCell" | May 6th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Three SHIELD agents are accosted by Hermes and deal with his obnoxiousness. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | X-Force! || class="LogCell" | May 6th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | X-Force has a meeting and they talk about stuff! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | The First Asgardian Air Force! || class="LogCell" | May 6th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | The heroes sail with the first Asgardian ship to launch from Kvalvika while they deploy Bor's Shield into orbit. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Shield Briefing || class="LogCell" | May 6th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Reynard briefs the Alphas about current the state of matters. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Tech Brainstorm! || class="LogCell" | May 6th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | The Artisans of Asgard offer to share some of their knowledge. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | X-Force! First Mission! || class="LogCell" | May 6th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | X-Force's first mission was a success! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Space Attack! || class="LogCell" | May 6th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Svartalfar attack and the heroes repel them! |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Two Wolves, One Den || class="LogCell" | May 6th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Vlad pays a visit to Lucifer. Offers are made and needs are met. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Xavier School Prom || class="LogCell" | May 25th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | The prom for Xavier's School. Big wins, little wins, new friends, and old ones; a night to celebrate those that matter and the memories made. And dancing. Lots of that. Hank still remembers the Macarena. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Sometimes Up, Sometimes Down || class="LogCell" | May 6th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | A band for Prom night is found. The mystery of the snow leopard deepens. A search-and-rescue mission for Vitali is planned. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Friends in High Places || class="LogCell" | May 6th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | The Diplomat makes a personal appearance at their latest endeavor. It all goes wrong when Cloak, Dagger, and Deadpool shows up on the scene. Deadpool makes contact, Sabertooth assists the Diplomat, the one and only Raven Darkholme, threats were thrown, a good portion of merchandise lost, and massive arrests for the goons at the docks. Heroes and villains are at a draw. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Some Knights... || class="LogCell" | May 7th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | When a Beacon goes off in Gotham, Nightwing and Red Robin investigate. Bad guys pull an odd disappearing act. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Unusual Sightings: Sounds of the Motherland || class="LogCell" | May 7th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Shannon seeks out Colossus' assistance in finding and helping Vitali. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Phone Etiquette Not Applicable || class="LogCell" | May 7th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Rogue drops off a busted cellphone and nav sat to Jeremy so the technophile can gather intel |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Busted jaws || class="LogCell" | May 7th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Rogue comes to visit an injured Scott in the medbay. They find Alex asleep next to him like an over protective puppy. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | An Invitation Accepted || class="LogCell" | May 7th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Yao stops in to visit at Skye's brownstone and meets Clint in the process. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | The Farm: Call to Action || class="LogCell" | May 7th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | The X-Men fly to Ontario to remove a Mutant 'Farm' that has been attempting to kidnap superpowers for experiments. They found a new face amongst the rubble. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Confrontation in the Woods || class="LogCell" | May 8th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Fate brings Vitali and Zhao back together. Unexpected arrivals came upon the scene, bloodshed occurred, and then the sweet bliss of unconsciousness. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | The Farm: Juggernaut brings the X-Men the intel. || class="LogCell" | May 8th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Juggernaut brings intel to Scott and Jean. A war party is being put together. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Planning the Future || class="LogCell" | May 8th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Betsy approaches Scott with a proposal to make X-Force a permanent thing. Tentative plans are made. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Keeping a promise || class="LogCell" | May 8th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Alice impresses Hawkeye with her abilities and their potential |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | Milk Cartons: Something Strange has knocked on the door || class="LogCell" | May 8th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Doctor Strange seeks out Cloak and Dagger. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | A random hike in the woods.. || class="LogCell" | May 9th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Megan and James go for a hike and meet an angry mama bear. Owen joins in on the fun. |- class="LogRow"

| class="LogCell" | One tin soldier and a big Blue Meanie || class="LogCell" | May 9th, 2021 || class="LogCell" | Tin soldiers, Big Foot and breakthroughs. Bucky, Steve and Hank will fix it. |- class="LogRow"