Wild Rose

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Riana Mackenzie (Scenesys ID: 9154)
Full Name: Riana Mackenzie
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: .
Citizenship: .
Residence: .
Education: .
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: {{{PAge}}} Actual Age: {{{AAge}}}
Date of Birth {{{DOB}}} Actor:
Height: {{{Height}}} Weight: {{{Weight}}}
Hair Color: {{{Hair}}} Eye Color: {{{Eyes}}}
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}





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Title Date Scene Summary
Tricks or Treats October 26th, 2021 Talk of trick-or-treat and Halloween movies leads to talk of tricks of the trade--and when a thief is not a thief.
Crying Man at the Blue Lady. August 20th, 2021 Riana comes to the Blue Lady for a show, and has a brush with a Vampire.
Miracles CAN Happen! (Or: Of Derpy Doggos and Killer Tomatoes) July 12th, 2021 Miracles do happen. Riana actually cooks without burning supper. Jack defends Remy and Riana from a giant tomato. All is well in the world.
Couch cuddling and quizing. June 12th, 2021 Summary needed
King of Hearts homecoming. May 17th, 2021 Remy and Riana catch up after a week apart.
Derpy Doggo Does A Dumb April 25th, 2021 The aftermath of the derpy doggo's adventure at the vet is peaceful. The pair both, admittedly, have a soft spot for hard-luck cases. Despite his penchant for tasting footwear, Jack has a forever home.
Derpy Doggo Does His Duty April 5th, 2021 Derpy doggo does his duty decorating the new dojo
Day Trips March 7th, 2021 Jean and Andrea head out to scout some future home sites and run into Remy and Riana.
Renovations February 6th, 2021 Summary needed
A Thief is a Thief by any other name.. February 2nd, 2021 Four 'thieves' meet to discuss how to tackle the Cat Lady.
Whatever you do. Don't mess with the hat. January 23rd, 2021 Thugs crash, Remy and Riana Bo Staff, Nick dodges, and Hulk Smash
The Cure: The Antidote January 18th, 2021 Various heroes team up to stop the Reavers from assassinating Dr Brightman and his family. Meanwhile, Beast steaks through a forest.
Big Trouble on Little Hala: Part 2 December 16th, 2020 That's no donut, that's a donut-shaped space station!
Santa Claws' Naughty List: Part 2 December 7th, 2020 Petty Revenge! But they deserved it.
Big Trouble on Little Hala: Part 1 December 7th, 2020 It's not really called 'Little Hala', but there IS Big Trouble there.
To Find A Thief December 6th, 2020 Remy and Riana discuss Catwoman's visit to Bushwick. Teamwork makes the dream work!
A Thief for a Thief December 5th, 2020 Catwoman visits Mutant town in search of someone. Meets an unlikely ally instead.
Save Jack! November 9th, 2020 A successful cooking attempt becomes Jack's dinner. Gumbo is shared, vacation and anniversary plans made, and the groundwork for a new dojo is set down on paper.
Flat Chance October 12th, 2020 Mercy fixes a flat tire and shares the joy of cookies...and makes a new two and new four legged friend
This is what they call a walk in the park... October 3rd, 2020 Spider Man runs into Remy and Rianna for some action!
Trail of the Technovore! September 14th, 2020 Action! Adventure! Animatronics! Bucky blows up some stuff! Hawkeye gets goop everywhere! Everyone else is there too!
Playing Cupid September 4th, 2020 Remy and Ri play Cupid to their friends Trevor and Mae, over pizza and a game of One Night Werewolf. Aroooo!
Terror of the Technovore! August 12th, 2020 The Technovore gets loose in Stark Tower! Heroes arrive to contain the threat, and fight Naked LMDs! Also, Tony and J.A.R.V.I.S. look like goners at the end.
(Armored) Car Trouble August 6th, 2020 A group of do-gooders interrupts a friendly, neighborhood armored car robbery.
Martial Arts Practice August 6th, 2020 Snake Eyes teaches martial arts.
Madripoor Connection: Dangerous Streets August 4th, 2020 Lex and Riana spy on Tony Stark as he gives money to drug dealers.
Practice in the Park July 9th, 2020 Snake and Riana become friends over a mutual love of martial arts.
Protesting people proceed in postirior pummeling, June 14th, 2020 Mutants get into a fight and win!
Off The Leash June 9th, 2020 Riana and Kitty meet and greet--and so do their animal companions.
Delivering groceries May 14th, 2020 Riana and Remy meet up.
Never Meddle In The Affairs of Dragons April 23rd, 2020 Riana drops in on Richard Dragon to say hello, but winds up helping him clear out unwelcome visitors to his dojo instead!
Myths, Legends, and Reality April 3rd, 2020 Riana seeks the counsel of Richard Dragon on how best to deal with a swarm attack, in case the Harpies come back.
Local Problems March 6th, 2020 Riana looks for a peaceful spot to train out in nature, but winds up fighting harpies alongside Poseidon instead!
Of Fables and Foibles February 16th, 2020 Tales are told, lessons learned, and a teacher once more becomes a student.
Date Night for Ri and Re February 16th, 2020 The couple have dinner and talk about the past.
Wax On, Wax Off February 14th, 2020 Bean and Riana finally introduce themselves, and Riana also meets Bear.
Coils of the Serpent February 12th, 2020 Riana and Samuel fight Bikers
School's Out For--well, the day. February 12th, 2020 Snowball Fight!

And who was the vertically challenged doppleganger?

A Big Step Into Little Russia February 10th, 2020 In continuing the search for a location for her future dojo, Riana meets Piotr, and finally begins to test the limits of her gifts. A new friendship is made!
Wild Rose, Hidden Dragon January 29th, 2020 Riana seeks to satisfy her curiosity about Richard Dragon's dojo, and finds that the teacher can still become the student.
All's Fair In Love, War, and Playing With Sticks January 13th, 2020 Remy and Riana spar on the rooftop of her apartment building. A mysterious bet is made, and unfortunately--or fortunately, maybe?--Riana loses.
A First Christmas Eve December 29th, 2019 Remy and Riana spend their first Christmas together, and welcome the one-eyed holiday pup, Jack!
Central Park Greetings December 27th, 2019 Warren goes for a walk in Central Park and Riana ruins an attempted mugging!
And a partridge in a pear treeeeeeeee. December 12th, 2019 Remy and Riana leave the mall, a little Christmas shopping done with more to do later.
A Jarl For A Day: Barbara Gordon November 27th, 2019 A night of celebration was held in honor of Jarl For A Day, overseen by Jarl Barbara Gordon. It gave many an unfamiliar glance at customs of old, with bonus visits from King of Asgard, Thor of the Avengers, and the Lady Sif, a Shield Maiden to the Asgardian Royal Family.
Something old...and more somethings old. November 26th, 2019 David buys a desk, and buys Riana a lamp. The Antique shop owner gets a healthy comission. Everyone is happy.
Cocoa and Snow angels. November 25th, 2019 After being frozen Remy and Riana head back to her place to get thawed out.
A rose by any other name... November 15th, 2019 Cheap booze and great wings are eaten. The pair talk and flirt till the bartender plays Semisonic's greatest hit.
In the Club November 14th, 2019 Byron and Riana meet at the club, stories are told, a walk is had, and both of them forget winter is cold.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Confessions February 6th, 2020 Summary needed


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