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Angel (Scenesys ID: 219)
"Things used to be pretty simple. Hundred years, just hanging out, feeling guilty, really honed my brooding skills. Then she comes along. Yeah, I get jealous."
Full Name: Liam O'Connell
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Theme: Dark Horse (FC)
Occupation: Private Investigator
Citizenship: Republic of Ireland
Residence: Bludhaven, New Jersey
Education: Home Schooled Gentleman
Status: Approved
Groups: Scooby Gang, Angel Investigations, Just Cause
Other Information
Apparent Age: {{{PAge}}} Actual Age: 297
Date of Birth 11 November 1727 Actor: David Boreanaz
Height: 185 cm Weight: 86 kg
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: Angel Opening Credits -- Season One to Five, 1999-2004


Angel runs a supernatural detective agency called "Angel Investigations" as the lead Private Investigator. He has recently traveled to America, and is currently living in Bludhaven, New Jersey. Angel is a 297 year old Vampire, although he is currently the "Vampire with a Soul". Angel has also been known as "Angelus", and is one of histories greatest Vampire villains. Now that he ha a soul, however, he deeply regrets the evil he has done in the past and now strives to do good, helping people wherever and whenever possible.



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Angel's claws and fangs are supernaturally strong and dense, and are sharper than razors. They can penetrate skin, body armor, and even heroes who are "invulnerable" to harm, such as Superman and Captain Marvel, with significant effort.


Angel has a photographic memory, and is capable of recalling anything in his past as though looking at a picture. Angel remembers sights, sounds, smells, tastes and feelings from that exact moment, and can recall those moments with perfect clarity.


Angel is a 297 year old Vampire, with the stamina to be able to exert himself in combat for hours without tiring to an appreciable degree. He is able to regenerate damage with super human speed, healing even the most damaging wounds within hours, decapitated limbs (except his head, which would kill him) within days. Angel still feels pain, and it hurts when he gets shot or stabbed. It just cannot kill him. His vampiric body also does not age, and theoretically, he could live forever unless killed through physical means. It has been noted that Angel has way above average regenerative capabilities than the average Vampire.


All of Angel's five+ senses have been enhanced to a supernatural level. Angel can smell, hear, taste, see and feel approximately four times better than an average human, and approximately 1.5 times better than the average vampire. Angel has night vision, allowing him to see even and near zero light levels.


Angel is supernaturally fast, able to move and run around 4 times faster than an Olympian and about 1.5 times faster than the average vampire, due to his advanced age. This allows him to attack fast and with lightning speed, seeming to become a blur to the human eye. His reflexes are also just as fast, allowing him to dodge attacks and blows made towards him with lightning reflexes.


Angel is supernaturally strong, around 4 times stronger than the strongest human mortal without superhuman abilities and about 1.5 times stronger than the average vampire due to his age. He can lift approximately 5000 kilograms, and will continue to get stronger the more he ages.


Angel's mind is clouded from mental attacks and telepathic intrusion. The demonic body that he possesses has an innate resistance to any telepathic probe or attack. It requires significant ability to be able to glean even a cursory thought in Angel's mind and he is highly resistant.


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Angel likes to drive, mostly at night. Although he is, at best, an average driver, his speed and reflexes give him an advantage when driving. Angel knows how to drive cars, trucks, and motorcycles.


Although schooled as a "home schooled" gentleman in the 18th century, Angel has also developed his own education over the years, including understanding ancient texts and tomes of supernatural subjects. He can read and write, and is quite literate in English.


Angel has a keen fashion sense, for male and female clothing. Angel always looks his best, strangely enough, even after a battle. Angel always wears dark clothes, which adds to his brooding persona, but he also has great taste in choosing fashion as gifts, and can wear more colorful choices if he really wants to.


Angel has traveled all over the world, and has acquired a few languages. Angel can speak English, Irish, Latin, Chinese (Mandarin), Japanese and German. Angel can read and write Irish, Latin and English, with bits and pieces of the other languages, enough to get by.


Angel is actually a pretty talented leader. His experience, knowledge and training gives him the ability to mentor and teach others. People look up to him, and respect his decisions. Angel's confidence and sureness in battle gives him an edge that other people admire and follow. His charisma and keen tactical sense usually means he is on the winning side, and people will follow him to be on that side.


Angel is a man who has spent the last 297 years developing his fighting skills. In hand to hand combat, he has trained extensively in using his supernatural gifts to make him an extremely effective close-in fighter, able to defeat Demons stronger and faster than himself because of his discipline and knowledge of weaknesses of most demons. Even after his depression when he acquired a soul, he had to use them to defend himself when necessary, either from humans wanting to kill him, or demons. Angel is a natural, and picks up new skills and techniques easily and with little practice.


Angel is a an intelligent, observant individual, who is an expert at stealth, being quiet, and sneaking around. He uses his speed and quickness to great advantage, and is an expert at blending into the darkness of a room or in natural shadows of the outdoors. It helps that his favorite clothing to wear is usually black.


Angel has become an expert tactician after being in perpetual combat against demons, evil gods, and supernatural entities for almost 297 years. Angel has natural tactical instincts and has developed a keen eye for strategies and tactics. Angel is usually able to tell when he will not be able to succeed in a battle after the first few moments of combat and knows when to retreat. He also knows when to press, and give no quarter.


Angel is very familiar with the use of most ancient weapons, including the battle axe, swords, dagger, throwing knives, the staff, other blunt objects, such as the mace, and spears. He is an expert in using these weapons to supplement his supernatural gifts, and his hand to hand techniques with 297 years experience. Angel seems to be particularly proficient with swords, and it is his weapon of choice.


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Angel owns Angel Investigations and the Hyperion Hotel. Whenever A.I. has a successful case, he retains the funds that they get from a case. However, more often than not, these usually end up "pro bono". Angel also has access to funds that he has squirreled away over the years. Angel does not access it much, and it is a finite supply, but he always seems to be wearing the best clothes. His funds seem to be on par with a middle class income, approximately $1000 a week. If necessary, he can pawn his antiques off, but that would be a last resort.


Angel currently owns a black 1967 Plymouth GTX convertible.


Angel has a wardrobe of dark, mostly black, extremely tasteful fashions. He keeps these extra few fashions in his lair, in the Hyperion Hotel.


Angel has access to excellent condition ancient weapons. He has a small collection that he keeps in his lair. These include swords, axes, stakes, and even antique armor.


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Angel currently has a soul. This makes him a normal caring, compassionate, "human" being, with hopes and dreams and aspirations. However, Angel is also cursed. If, at any point in his life he feels a moment of perfect happiness, his soul will vanish and he will become the murderous, maniacal, twisted, evil monster known as Angelus. Angel will avoid this at all costs, even forsaking his true love and feelings for a particular Slayer.


Angel is a tortured soul, trying to redeem himself after hundreds of years of being a Vampire. Now that he has a soul, he is trying to fight the pain and redeem himself. With his photographic memory, Angel relives his tragic encounters throughout his life over and over. This can be distracting and depressing. It is no wonder he is always dark and brooding. This can be used to an oponent's advantage, and distract Angel.


As a normal 297 year old "Buffer-verse" Vampire, Angel has all of the vulnerabilities of a Vampire. Angel can be killed when impaled in the heart with a wooden object, beheaded, exposed to direct sunlight or consumed by fire. However, older and more powerful vampires like Spike or Angel could resist sunlight and fire better than younger, weaker vampires, and can last several seconds, and even sometimes minutes, with direct exposure. Christianity-based holy items such as crosses, bibles and holy water can burn Angel on contact, producing smoke but not flames. Angel is highly resistant to this, however, and it will usually just make him recoil for a second or wince in pain. Garlic works in a similar manner, to ward off Vampires. Also, it should be noted that Angel could enter a private residence, including houses and apartments, only if invited; otherwise Angel cannot enter and hits an "invisible barrier" preventing him access. Angel also does not cast a reflection in a mirror. Angel also has a hunger that he must satiate, a desire, a need for blood. Preferably human. However, Angel has spent the last several decades resisting the desire for human blood, and has been drinking animal blood whenever possible.


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Title Date Scene Summary
...I could have called you friend... October 27th, 2023 Satana introduces herself to the intriguing vampire with a soul, wondering how that happened and figuring it out. Indecent proposals are made (note the plural). All are rejected.
Weird Nothings April 18th, 2023 Faith keeps Angel up to date on Memory Demons by bringing one to The Box where a random drunk takes shelter..?
Back to Sunnydale and the memories it holds! April 18th, 2023 Buffy captures a winged cherub. Turns out he's Greek. Who Knew?! Oh right, Alexander.
When the Moon hits your eye March 27th, 2023 Done.
Coincidence or... March 11th, 2023 It's all about the weapons
Memories and Stuff March 10th, 2023 The games they play
Another meet and catch up February 23rd, 2023 Willow and Angel got together to catch up and ended up agreeing to a date.
Odd Jobs and Stuff. February 20th, 2023 Faith makes a bet with Angel and loses
The Darkness...Again! July 30th, 2022 The Scobs all get together to talk about what was going on.
Faith, Hope, and... July 15th, 2022 Faith and Angel come to talk with Thomas. Faith and Thomas share barbs, beers, blows and then things get interesting.
After the chaos April 30th, 2021 Buffy takes Wil and Angel to a club to celebrate Willow's new job
Catching up on little things March 31st, 2021 Buffy visits Angel to catch up and give a warning.
Who's Who: Sealing the Rift March 5th, 2021 The evil portal is sealed and ghouls are cleared out of the old site of dark rituals..
Happy Birthday Thomas! February 14th, 2021 The Scoobies celebrate Valentines and Thomas' birthday!
Who's Who: The Summoning January 23rd, 2021 The Scoobies track down the Red Order, defeating another summoned demon. But not without consequences.
A Christmas Angel January 3rd, 2021 Buffy meets Angel and gives him a late Christmas present.
Scene of the Crime! December 8th, 2020 The scoobies investigate the scene of the robbery at the Magic Box. Buffy and Thomas have a heart to heart.
Ghosts and Fishies December 1st, 2020 Buffy meets Nolan to discuss a ghostly problem..
Blood of the Ancients: Final Rendezvouz May 21st, 2020 Scoobies attempt to stop another recruitment of vamp converts.
Hyperion Hype April 26th, 2020 Buffy introduces some allies to Angel. A mysterious visitor makes another appearance.
Hotel Hyperion...vania April 3rd, 2020 The Scooby Gang meet up for a chat.
Harry's Hideaway March 20th, 2020 Harry fall afoul to a bad potion recipe, and needs to be saved.
The Scarlet Lounge March 11th, 2020 The Scoobies race to an exclusive Vampire feeding club to try and rescue Dawn..Unfortunately their victory is not without consequences.
The Summers March 9th, 2020 Angel heads to Buffy's Sunnydale residence to talk to her, and encounters someone from the backyard that, until tonight, he didn't know existed...Dawn, Buffy's sister. And then Buffy came home, and they discuss...heavy stuff.
After the Dust Settles.. February 28th, 2020 Buffy checks up on Fred and Angel after Vamps target her friends
Re:reunion February 20th, 2020 Buffy visits Angel again, and they reminisce about old times..
Best of Intentions December 13th, 2019 Buffy and Angel have a 'date' through a strange machine Fred made.
Kittens are totally a thing December 6th, 2019 Angel, Nick, and several kittens enter a bar...
Just dropped by to say hi December 6th, 2019 Buffy drops by the Hyperion to say 'Hi' to Angel, and runs into a familiar rival..Again..
Winter is Brooding November 26th, 2019 Summary needed
Aye, Vampire November 5th, 2019 Angel and Ralph solve the mystery of the pirate's gold and accompany Seymoure Carlson to the nearest police precinct so he can turn himself in.
Seeking help from an Angel October 29th, 2019 Shannon and Triage pay a visit to Angel Investigations but come away empty-handed.
Brooding Angel, Hidden Winifred October 29th, 2019 Summary needed
Digging the Dirt October 27th, 2019 Done.
Some angels brood, even when there is pizza! October 26th, 2019 Triage meets an angel while waiting for pizza, and hints that help might lie as near as a telephone.
Brooding In The Park September 11th, 2019 Morrigan and Angel meet to catchup and he gives her a gift.
Put a Spike through that Angel August 23rd, 2019 Spike sits on the Four Freedoms Plaza roof eating cookies. Angel drops in. They talk.
Just stopping by August 5th, 2019 Buffy drops by the Hyperion to catch up with Angel. Bittersweet memories ensue briefly.
the Dojo Hotel July 29th, 2019 Morrigan and Angel start with their first training session, learning the basics of self defense and a couple of throws
An Angel And A Doctor July 11th, 2019 Morrigan invites Angel over to talk.
Do You Know Mister Blackthorne June 24th, 2019 Angel and Morrigan meet over a shared connection and start a plan to rid the world of her father.
Getting knowledge from a vampire June 15th, 2019 Summary needed
Shiny, Shiny Shoes June 10th, 2019 Summary needed
Nighttime: Demons R Us June 7th, 2019 Spider-Woman finds Angel fighting Demons, and helps. It's a 3 for 1 sale. ALL DEMONS HAVE TO GO!
The Talk - Part 1 October 16th, 2017 Angel comes by to Talk. Buffy would prefer avoidance tactics.
A Follow Up to Last Time October 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Meeting with an Angel September 18th, 2017 Summary needed
Point of Order August 29th, 2017 Summary needed
Worlds Colliding August 26th, 2017 Summary needed
Investigating Angel August 19th, 2017 Summary needed
Catching Up August 17th, 2017 Angel and Fred discuss the rescue of Sam and hydras - both animal and organization.
Follow up with the Goblin. July 26th, 2017 Goblin Girl shows up for an update about the drug she dropped off, and calls in some backup.
Needle in a Haystack July 20th, 2017 Fred asks for Angel's help to find Sam.
A Meeting July 13th, 2017 Angel and Fred catch up on what they have been doing lately.
If a Tree falls in the park will anyone hear July 10th, 2017 Summary needed
Strife in Sunnydale! June 21st, 2017 Weird things are happening in Sunnydale and they seem to be centered around Ares being in town.
The Big Bad, Bartender, Buffy, and the Poof June 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Meetings May 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
Goblin-Girl Signing Up May 20th, 2017 Summary needed
A Chance Meeting May 13th, 2017 Summary needed


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