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Latest revision as of 20:10, 14 April 2020

Superman Returns: Finale
Date of Scene: 12 April 2020
Location: Abandoned Warehouse, Lower East Side
Synopsis: Superman Returns!
Cast of Characters: Superman, Lois Lane, Supergirl, Flex, Slipstream, Nightingale, Gambit, Superboy, Timber Wolf, White Fox, Mon-El
Cast of NPCs: 330, Deadshot, Enchantress (Moone), Giganta, Deathstroke, Captain Boomerang, Bronze Tiger
Tinyplot: Superman Returns

Superman has posed:
It was a dark and stormy afternoon. The weather system off the eastern shores of the Atlantic Ocean was heavy rain, thunder storms, and flooding in all coastal areas. It was like the world itself was tearing itself apart in anguish. Near the coast in a previously undisclosed location, the local ARGUS branch was attempting to relocate something extremely valuable.

Several advanced military vehicles were arriving at an "abandoned" warehouse just outside of the City. As it was near the bay, the water was wreaking havoc on the personnel, all wearing military fatigues, advanced kevlar armor and the latest in advanced weaponry. There was nearly a platoon of men and women, all armed to the teeth, all getting very wet...and all cranky.

Last but far from least, an armored "Presidential" limo arrives, with United States Government plates. The driver, looking vaguely familiar under his black "rain" clothing, opens the back door on the driver's side - the side facing the doorway to the warehouse.

The driver was wearing a dark midnight blue mesh "armor, a mask with one half orange, the other the same color as the mesh armor, and only one "eye". A hint of a sword could be seen, only for a moment though, as he looks around the skyline for anything out of the ordinary. Opening an umbrella, he holds it above the open doorway, waiting for the woman inside to step out.

Large, with obsidian skin, black hair, and a mean expression, Amanda Waller appears. She was wearing a long, black overcoat, and did not look happy. Barking orders at the men and women, they all assumed a formation around the vehicles - all of them on high alert.

For those with superhearing or other observation skills, you hear Waller bark, "Bring him out. Now!"

Next, woman gets out of the passenger's side of the car, green costume, skimpy outfit, long green hat, with a smile and red hair. The very heavy rain doesn't seem to touch her as she walks around the car, and leans against a large military vehicle.

The Enchantress looks at Deathstroke, then at Waller, at the doorway, then she takes a quick look at the nails on her right hand, and says, "Ms. Waller. They are here. It's a lot. Are you sure you want to do this now?" Waller doesn't reply, as the doorway opens...

Lois Lane has posed:
The last several weeks had been pretty intense, and Lois Lane had done her homework, a lot of it. It's a wonder she had much time to stay on her feet, tirelessly connecting with people, mostly superheroes who might help her with the rescue effort. Supergirl and possibly Powergirl too, had already done some legwork, scoping out the place ahead of time, checking in with the others.

Other superhero teams had been contacted as well, most notably the Avengers and Justice League, which had been no small task either, given how very busy superheroes tended to be.

And of course, she had done some of her own research on what was to come, specifically on the Suicide Squad and their major players, with a lot of help from Fury of course. The Enchantress seemed to be the biggest threat, although there were others who were less powerful, but just as skillful, such as Deathstroke.

Of course, Lois was no superhero and possessed nothing like the ninja skills or sharp shooting abilities that could protect her in a fight with any of these people. One thing she knew for certain was that Amanda Waller was a human, an intelligent, manipulative human but a human nonetheless, and one working for a secret branch of the government.

Which meant the best line of defence was...Exposure. So here she is, her reporting crew all ready to go as she drives up to the limo in her own bright white van, the 'Daily Planet' logo stamped clearly on the front. She steps out, nodding to her cameraman, keeping the bright headlights of the van focused on the limosine and its occupants.

"Excuse me, Miss Waller? Hi, I'm Lois Lane, Investigative Reporter for the Daily Planet? May I have a few words?"

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl has been doing her own work, investigating tirelessly, following leads of her own. After comparing notes with Lois, she had moved to touch base with all the heroes she knew for help.

Many were dealing with other crises. It was the nature of their lives. They might not be able to make it.

She had spoken with SHIELD, Director Fury called with the information and location. Agent Skye Johnson had helped her track a serial number on a camera, making the ARGUS link solid as it was registered to that dark ops group.

She had reached out to the Legion, where her best friend was a member. A warning that she was going in for recon to scout the location, a place where a Kryptonian was being held. If he was in a coma, as she believed, he wouldn't be helping them right now. Which is why she was there.

The building itself was lead lined. Even the vehicles were, designed to keep the prying eyes of the Kryptonian woman from seeing inside.

When she realized how many security measures there were for her species, she made her calls. A ping to the watch worn by Drake. A call to Fury. A message to the Justice League via Watchtower. All were asked to rally.

Yet, she was following Lois' lead. She was positioned two blocks away. A blink really with her speed. But enough that she could watch the goings-on with her x-ray vision. "They are about to move him outside the building to the vehicles," she says to those who might be gathered near her. "Be ready when Lois gives the signal."

Flex has posed:
The call was unexpected, Adrian has the implant to alert him and give him the longitude and lattitude where he is needed...he was readtt o move yp to Alpha. It is still the first time they have actually sent him the call. Perhaps it is just that he is currently living in Gotham, making him the closest Department H resource.

It is his first local public appearance in this costume...it is not UMF, but it is built to let him use his powers a lot better than street clothing. It is based on his Beta Flight uniform, but not exactly a copy. Still, the red and silver with the Maple Leaf design makes it pretty plain who he works for. He just wishes it was waterproof. This rain is saking him through and it is feeling pretty cold.

Flex arrives at the area and listens to Supergirl. He comments, "I may lack raw power, but I am pretty good at getting into places."

Slipstream has posed:
Having received the call for help personally from Supergirl, Drake, aka Slipstream, was obviously all in. There was no way he would let his best friend down, and thus, he, his robot companion Snowball, and Timberwolf who he easily recruited with the promise of kicking ass is waiting for the ping. Dressed in his blue and silver Legionnaire uniform, complete with flight ring and his belt with the symbol of an L wrapped about his hips, he is staring out his goggles with an intense look on his face.

Parked on the top of a roof a few blocks away, battered by the rain and the wind overhead, he lets out a heavy breath, then taps his watch as he speaks into it. "Slipstream and T-Woof are in position S-G. I can play the flank and spank and Brin will bring the noise." Usually he is all smack talk and dumb teen antics. Not tonight. Tonight he's not a character in a video game. This is real life. This is about Superman.

"Brin, get ready." He breathes out to him softly.

Nightingale has posed:
     One would not expect a simple angel-winged girl to hear much, or to care enough about much to pitch in with what was likely to be a highly risky, volatile situation.

     But then again, most did not know Shannon very well, but for a few.

     Those that did, would know she could not and would not ignore a call to arms, if there were anything at all she could do to render aid to one who had offered succor to so a world not even their own, to a species that had trouble accepting variants of their own kind, yet accepted an alien as family.

     She simply wore a black bodysuit, not her 'bumblebees', in the interests of keeping outward connections as quiet as possible. As always, she had her brown leather bag tied to her belt, and a simple comm device in her ear. Her hair was tied back in a tight bun at the back of her head, the better to present less of a target to anyone in range. In her right hand was what looked like a collapsible baton, but she knew better.

     It was all the weapon she would need.

     Flying a short ways above the group by Supergirl, she taps her comm device. "Nightingale here. Brought backup with me, need a hand?" Flying in place was a bit of a problem, with the storm raging on, but she would not let it deter her that easily.

     However, a hot bath later would probably feel like heaven....

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau was informed by frind of a friend of a friend's cousin's collage roommate what was goin on... And since A) she was grounded, B) She was under Remy's supervision, and C) she was going anyway, Remy figured that he better head out and see. So he is perched on the edge of an overlooking building. Rain plastered hair to his skull. "Yah been waitin' foh ages ta use dat code name ain'tcha petie?" the Cajun asks amused, touching his com badge... three uncharged playing cards in his hands. "Say de word, trucks go boom. Boyscout should be okay."

Superboy has posed:
If Conner was the betting kind of person, he would have bet Red Robin would be the one to find Superman. But Lois Lane would have been his second choice.

He got the text when he was in Europe, so he is running late. Currently flying faster then he usually dares to fly (crashing with a pigeon when going at hypersonic speed is no fun for a half-Kryptonian!) he is still a minute away. In fact, he is just entering the storm.

He also hates flying through storms. Thunder is bad for super-hearing, man!

Timber Wolf has posed:
Oh, Brin's ready. Brin is absolutely ready for this. He's stood by Drake. With his claws in the light, Brin's ready to do this. There's a certain tension to him as he shifts his weight from foot to foot, just waiting.

Sure. he's distinctive. Oh sure he's wearing his costume. of a sort. The wolf gear, like it's hard to tell just who Brin is. Points for subtlety.

"So" Brin murmurs to Drake. "Things get dicey, grab me by the ankles and swing me around, point me claws first at whatever needs dicing if things get too rough" he nods. He's not even joking, either. Brin is willing to do that to get things done.

White Fox has posed:
    The Last Weeks
The NIS was well informed, even moreso since they started to exchange data with SHIELD. Among those files were some communiques from various superheros to others regarding a MAN'O'STEEL. Files that were leeched of the Suicide Squad regarding PROJECT K. Then the speech of Ms. Lane regarding Superman. And some files that were gifen to Fury himself. It only took some days to crack through the cifer in some of the messages that had not been decrypted enough to figure out what was going on enough to convince the upper echelons. All was related, and it was clearly a case for the Superhuman Division to assist in global safety. Which means, it was a case for Ami Han. So she sends out the prime asset, Agent F-1.

A VTOL was hovering above the area, the sound of the propellers silenced by the thunderstorm. The pilot talks frantic Korean into the machine internal coms to tell about the weather conditions and position of the craft, working to keep her steady in the storm. In the back, White Fox readies herself for a low altitude parachute drop, scanning down the zone close to the buildings that she designated as landing. "If going words are beautiful, coming words will be beautiful" the catsuit clad woman tells back as she steps into the door, holding herself at a rail before dropping backwards.

A few long moments she falls freely as the machine above pulls away to get out of the bad weather and to a SHIELD airport to refuel. After some hundred feet of freefall, she spreads her arms, opening up a pair of artificial wings, revealing that there was a wingsuit component, allowing her to ster into the dropzone and get rid of some of the speed in the same instant, making it much more safe. A few seconds later, just a couple dzen feet off the ground, a tiny chute is opened and she touches the ground in a hard barrel roll. Only a couple moments later she cuts the black silk fwith her - the real combat gear. A few moments she took to load her handgun ready with some armor piercing bullets, then she taps the communicator SHIELD had provided. "Ready." was all she sent in, the eyes peering through the darkness of the storm over to the compound no more than 10 fathoms away.

Superman has posed:
...as the doorway opens, a long, cylindrical object appears hovering off the ground. The rain starts to patter against the metallic exterior, causing whatever was surrounding the cylinder to hiss and spat slightly. Was it an energy field? When the white van screeches to a halt and Lois Lane gets out, Waller glares.

Waller first screams at her personnel, "How the hell did that WHITE <curse words> van get through the perimeter! Useless <curse words>." With the door behind her now closed, Waller was trapped. But she didn't give the impression she was.

Even though the weather muffled a lot of sounds, anyone close by could hear the "shiiinnnnngggg" sound of a sword being drawn. Casually. By Deathstroke. His eye was on the skyline and the buildings all around them.

Turning to face her "nemesis" the last few weeks, even though Lois did not know it, Amanda Waller uses her right hand to wave towards the large woman in a white "doctor's" coat behind the cylinder, motioning her back inside. Looking slightly confused, Dr. Zuel stops, and freezes.

"I know who you are." Waller snaps, then notes the camera. He voice turns angry to coldly neutral. "What are you doing here Ms. Lanee? This is a Government sanctioned situation, and you are trespassing on official United States military business. You can leave now or you will be escorted from this area." Waller's expression reveals she hoped for the former not the latter.

The woman dressed in green remains calm for a few moments, muttering to herself. Her eyes narrow at the sky, and removes herself from leaning against the vehicle. The bright "flash" of lightning in the distance, followed quickly by a rumble of thunder penetrates the soon to be "War zone".

As the heroes begin to gather, and if any are looking carefully, they may notice other personnel wearing similar uniforms on the ground are hidden under camo. "high tech" covert tarps - tarps that are lead lined. The only reason they may be noticeable now is because the arrival of the white van seems to bring them out from under their shields. There are four total at the four points around the warehouse on top of similar dilapidated buildings...all snipers.

One sniper in particular is wearing diferent armor though...with a mask that has a strange look to it. Deadshot. Right now, he was aiming at Lois Lanee.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane smiles smoothly, taking a few steps towards Waller, appearing a heck of a lot more confident than she actually feels right now. Yeah, this is insanity, this is suicide. This is..."Hello, Lois here, with the 6 o' clock news. And here we have Miss Waller, manager of the covert ARGUS operation.." she turns to face her, still smiling.

"Miss Waller, care to comment?" she nods, "This is a free country and the world has a right to know how their hard earned tax dollars are being spent. Now, I want to know what this ARGUS is about, and what you are REALLY up to." eyes narrow. "Is it true that you are holding Superman against his will? Because if you are, you WILL have to pay for your crimes."

The whole part about this being 'private property' and other veiled threats go largely ignored. She knows damn well that they could shoot her down - in front of national tv and all - and probably find a way to make it look like an 'accident'..

She also knows that the heroes are gathering as she speaks. As she distracts. As she buys them time.


Supergirl has posed:
"There are more of them. Not sure how many. Just appeared out of no where. I suspect more lead lining to keep me from seeing things. If you move in, do so carefully as I cannot guarantee a correct count unless someone else has eyes on," Supergirl says into the comm links for everyone on the rescue team to hear. "We don't want to be the ones to start violence but they cannot move him. Do not let that thing be loaded into a vehicle."

She frowns darkly as she sees the long sniper rifle aimed in the direction of Lois. "Dammit." Oh, the shame! Kara has cursed. Outloud. Dire straits indeed.

"I'm going to make sure she doesn't get shot." And with that, Supergirl is gone in a blink only to appear in the sky between Deadshot and Lois. She is low enough to be visible to Waller and all her personnel but she does nothing but hover there. The glare she gives Waller is enough to make heat vision seem gentle though. "To quote a phrase I heard in a movie once... What's in the box? The large lead lined one that matches most of the structure and vehicles here. It's like you don't trust Kryptonians..."

Flex has posed:
Flex does not have any super senses or anything, and with the rain and wind what he can see and hear is pretty limited. What he can do, though, is be a bit subtle. He crouches down and starts extending his arms, turning them into flat metal blades sliding slowly across the ground.

He is careful not to make noise. When his arms have reached as far as they can, he slides his head and chest forward by extending is legs and pushing against the wall. When he sees the tips of his arms have reached the area of the cylinder, he turns them back into fingers and bends them, then reforms them as thin blades sinking into the ground. Flattening his body, he shortens and broadens his arm blades, pulling his body forward before reforming his head and checking where he is. Hopefully no one will notice the subtle approach.

Slipstream has posed:
Inching to the edge of the roof, Slipstream stands at the ready. He catches Kara over his commlink, a message just for him. A sniper. A position. He can feel the hair on the back of his neck rise, goosebumps rippling beneath his uniform along his arms. "TImberwolf. There's a sniper with his sights on Lois. I think he may shoot her. Supergirl is going to try and take the bullet. We need to take out the shooter."

He is breathing heavily now, his hands gripping the edge of the roof tightly. "Snowball." Doot-Da-Doo! The little robot chirps at him. "Prepare a blizzard. Let's put that jackass on ice."

With a tilt of his head, he grabs Brin and pulls him close. "Hold on to me.. We're going in."

BLINK! There is a burst of blue light as he takes off the roof, blinking a few more times to begin covering the distance between him and the gunman. If Timberwolf wants a fastball special, he's going to get one. At the speed of sound.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Oi, couyon, it's not the first time and it won't be the last!" Shannon keeps her laughter to herself, somehow, but cannot quite help a smile.

     However, that smile dims when she sees the sitution with Lois and Supergirl. It dims further when a flash of lightning hints at the camouflage netting on ground level. It turns into an outright frown when she sees the storm gathering--and it wasn't the one in the skies over the Eastern seaboard, either.

     Tapping her comm, she interjects, "Keep your head on a swivel. Potential hornet's nest down there in the weeds."

     Hopefully, her skills would not be needed.

     However, at this point, she wasn't too terribly optimistic about that prospect....

Gambit has posed:
"Snakes nest. Pretty sure 'Ornets mak dare nests up on de sides of buildings." He says amused, though he already has his head on a proverbial swivel. The rain is playing hell with his spacial awareness. It's like trying to watch polar bear in a snow storm. "nightingale, gimmie a location, maybe Ah c'n get a bead on de sniper an' give 'im a lil welcome to de party surprise."

Superboy has posed:
    Conner slows down when he guesses he is close enough to the ground. Except not that close. Oh well.
    He has done better landings, but this one is pretty good because he hits the ground on a three-point landing, impacting the ground with enough force to shake normal humans standing within a hundred yards. Who is the coolest, uh?
    "Hey folks, has the party started?" He glances around. "Oh, so much lead. You know lead does not work for me. 'Cause I have Tactile Telekinesis to see through walls."

Timber Wolf has posed:
Brin barely has time to respond before he goes zero to sprocking what the.... speeds, gripping on to poor Drake. Hey, at least his claws are pointed pointed away from anything too painful. When he said swinging him by the ankles, he didn't factor supersonic speed into this...it's playing havoc with his senses. The rain should not be going horizontal. The rain should not be making him stink of wet wolf, too. T-Wolf's letting the Zoonian side down. Thankfully he's not liable to hurl all over Drake, but tucking his head in, it's kind of nice. If he doesn't think on it, or open his eyes. He's just got his claws out in front of him.

Great, what next, drop a cruiser on the guys? That, rogjt there, is why Brin is not allowed to pilot. Ever. Just nope. So, clinging to Drake like his life depends on it (and it does, since the alternative is being a 760mph plus/minus margain of error, smear on the pavement, or a building, or being used as a drill to punch holes in everything. Ah, momentum's a pain, really. Not cool, science. Not cool. Gravity's not that bad. Just don't fall off, Brin.

Admittedly, that's liable to send whoever or whatever he lands on for a sudden, unplanned and totally inadvertent shrinking session. Followed by much angry clawing and punching, come to think of it.

White Fox has posed:
10 Fathoms are nothing but a short sprint for White Fox. A little under 6 seconds it takes her to dart in, vaulting over the fence in between without slowing down. A guarding soldier stands pretty close to her impact, but she timed her approach when he was facing the other way. He's at her mercy, but instead of breaking his spine, she smacks the magazine of the gun into the back of the guys head to send him to dreamland, then taking up a somewhat coverd position where the guard had stood.

Scanning the building, she taps the communicator again. "2 Snipers on northern and western roof corner." she tells into the com, giving a quick headcount onto what she can see after that.

Superman has posed:
Looking into the camera, Amanda Waller says two words. "No comment." With a nod towards Deathstroke, he takes two steps, the sword suddenly appears, and the camera was reduced to two very distinct parts, all without any loss of life or limbs, effectively ending the interview. "You were warned Miss Lane."

Looking up to where Deadshot was located, Waller subtley nods, giving him the order. Looking over her shoulder as she moves to get back in her car. "Superman is dead. I was at his funeral. It is too bad. I actually like you Miss Lane. This time, however, you have gotten yourself in too deep. Goodbye."

That was when Supergirl made her appearance. Waller looks up and can see her outline, in perfect timing with another flash of lightning in the distance, illuminating her. "What's in the box? Easter presents. Deathstroke. They are here. Begin Phase 2. Her first." She looks at Lane.

Deathstroke nods, and taps his right ear. Anyone with super hearing or was close enough to hear, hear "Go for 2. Begin." All of the troops begin taking positions around the exit of the warehouse as Dr Zuel again maneuvers into motion, heading for the closest vehicle - with the cylindrical container. So far, no one had noticed Flex's approach, not even the Doc. They were all concentrating on Supergirl and now Conner, as he arrives.

Deadshot, however, knows that even if he takes the shot now, Supergirl could easily deflect it. Nothing in his arsenal could ever breech her invulnerability...which is why he wasn't alone.

"Red, you got this?" Kara can hear that perfectly. "Oh Shotty, you are so thoughtful." That too. Suddenly, dark tendrils of magic leap out of the Enchantress's hands and try to grasp Supergirl from behind! It had begun!

Shannon's vantage point was perfect in being able to identify the other three snipers that were also aiming at Lois now that Shot had called in the Sorceress.

Ami Han's efficiency at the gates took away the element of surprise for the ARGUS personnel. Her words come over the comm as well, pointing out the exact location of two of the three other snipers.

Conner could also see them, at their perches, ready to fire. It would be child's play to point out locations for Gambit or anyone else.

As Deadshot prepares the extract himself, he stops, sniffs, and says, "Ugh. What is that smell...wet dog?" Then hearing a noise, looks up, and goes, "Oh...shi*..." Timber Wolf hits him like a ton of, well, wet fur as Timber Wolf and Drake arrive to spoil his day. Taken by surprise, he doesn't have much chance to fight back, as he is stunned for a second.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane frowns, folding her arms as the camera is sliced in two. Huh. Well that was rude. Not like she's surprised. Honestly, she's surprised she made it this far.

"Oh no, I think you're lying. In fact, I KNOW you're lying!" she smiles sweetly, "Know what else? I brought backup." and there's her signal, and there come the superheroes.

However, now the villains are coming out and it's time for her to go for cover. She signals to the camera man and they make a dash for the van, backing up, looking for cover..

Supergirl has posed:
"Phase 2 initiating. Go!" Supergirl manages to get out to the heroes as the magic wraps around her. She cries out in surprise as the tendrils grab, holding her where she had been hovering. Then they begin to tighten, constricting her.

Being magic, she isn't really as strong as she would like to be and is unlikely to break them. But that doesn't make her helpless.

While the tendrils are holding her, they are also attached to the Enchantress. Supergirl makes sure that Lois is out of that line of fire but then she shoots skyward, fast, intending to take the tendrils and the woman creating them with her.

Flex has posed:
Flex reforms his chest so he can breathe and considers. Judging by the way the rain is hissing off the Cylinder, it has some pretty hefty energy associated with it. His organic metal is pretty tough, but he is not sure if he can take it. He would need to turn completely to metal also, in case it is conductive.

He looks over the device...they were moving it somehow, perhaps he can figure out how to move it.

Slipstream has posed:
There is a blink as Slipstream comes out of sonic speed and there is a BANG as the sound barrier crackles around him as he hits Deadshot with the weight of Timberwolf in all his fuzzy clawed glory. "Cheers luv! The calvary's here!" He hits the ground, sommersaulting forward as he snatches up Deadshots sniper rifle from the ground. As he pops up to his feet, he whips himself around, pulling the gun upwards and takes aim with a quick flick shot at the other sniper across the way. The muzzle flashes as the rifle goes off with a bang through the rumbling storm filled sky. He is in the zone. Widowmaker. Lives are on the line tonight. His friends.

"Kick his ass, Brin!" He calls out to his teammate with full confidence in his voice. He is the Morale Officer after all. Snowball circles the two combatants, chiming loudly in a high pitched noise as she is ready to put the knocked down gunman on ice once Timberwolf is done with him. Across her LED faceplate is a X.X face. Unamused Stark Tech companion. "Kara, I got the shooter on the roof!"

Nightingale has posed:
     "Merde! Gambit, sniper on your eight, your one, and your four. Heads up! And watch out for that deadweight Supergirl's dragging along." Shannon's voice is a little bit grim, recognizing her all too well. "Going to see if I can give her an assist!"

     With that, Shannon takes off like a shot, glad now for the relentless training, the countless hours of flight and many a DR session that allowed for foul-weather flight training.

     Hopefully, for a second time, Enchantress wouldn't see her coming.

     With Supergirl dragging the magic-user along, Shannon barrels right for the Enchantress, in a bid to tackle her, and loosen her grip.

     This could get messy....

Superboy has posed:
Conner moves to protect Lois and her cameraman, standing on the way of Deathstroke. "Hello, have you seen Rose lately?" He asks with his patented smartass grin. "I sure hope she won't mind if I kick your ass," he adds, trying to punch the mercenary on his head. Not too hard, but at least hard enough to force him to step back and prevent him from reaching Lois or anyone else.

Timber Wolf has posed:
Kick his ass? Like Brin needs telling twice. With a growl, and claws out...Brin is /so/ ready to do this. He isn't one for fancy tricks...

Just straight up punching, slashing and ah yes...fightinge, well, a timber wolf. Funny, that...

Slashing and punching, a very not happy Zoonian. Hey, Brin lerned to survive by fighting. What's one more person in his way? This one's got it coming. Slashing and punching and chewing on things? That's how Brin fights. More animal than man...as he starts going to /town/ on Deadshot. hey, the wolf guy already got Deadshot's attention with the smell...that's getting worse as they're on the roof. Brin feels bad for those with enhanced olfactory senses, really.

What he's not feeling bad for? That's the target of his punches, kicks and slashes. There's a controlled fury to Brin unloading his hello, I am a pissed off, stinking wet, recently been up at Mach 1.0 Zoonian-ness on his immediate vicinity. Claws? Check. Kicks? Check. That awful reeking smell? Yes. Brin's so not playing by the Marquess of Queensberry's rules. Not in the least. Because kicking between the legs is a time honored fightingtradition where Brin's from. That's to say, he's going all in on the guy, and peppering groin kicks in, as well as enough slashing to make any slasher movie fan jealous.

Gambit has posed:
"Language." The Cajun says into the comunicator and then... Then cards are flying. Three to his eight o'clock flung with his left hand. Half a pivot, and three more with his right hand to the sniper at his four o'clock position. By that point he's repositioned cards into his left hand again and fires them at the last sniper. He takes aa step foreward to the edge of the building then and drops a full deck into each hand, points at the Enchantress and releases a game of super charged 104 card pick up at her.

White Fox has posed:
As the cavalry rides in lacking the ride of the valkyries, Ami jumps to the move, blasting a bullet into the back of one of the guard's knees that is in her way, then sending two more into the tires of the Van the Doctor had gotten into. No running on her watch, even if it got her pretty much into the field she'd have to fight with Deathstroke on.

Superman has posed:
As Lois attempts to take cover, Amanda Waller gets into the car. Then the passenger side front door opens, and out steps a dark skinned man dressed in a strange costume of yellow, black stripes, and the teeth of an animal on a necklace around his neck. Stretching a bit, the man frowns, and moves towards the cylinder, fast.

Meanwhile, the cylinder was moving towards the vehicle, faster now. Still hiden, as Flex looks closer, it looks like it was floating, perhaps anti gravity or magnetic propulsion. Somehow it was being controlled. Surrounding it was a energy screen, almost imperceptible if it wasn't for the rain. Right besides the cylinder though, Dr Zuel, or Giganta as she was known in her other guise, seems to be getting larger. And larger. Two guards move forward and flank the cylinder while looking up at her and moving into the back of the vehicle.

Bronze Tiger taps his right ear, and says, "Digger. Where are you and where is IT?" One of the guards turns to look at BT with blue gloves on, different than the other guards. Boomerang waves. "Thought I'd hide, just in case. Ya' know." His Aussie accent thick. "An it's here, luv." Something was in his right hand...something hard to see.

Now that did surprise the Enchantress. She wasn't expecting Supergirl to take to the air, and with a yelp, she is dragged up into the air, way too fast for her to get a protective spell up to prevent air friction. Combined that with the impact of Shannon hitting her like a missile, and the explosive cards flung from Gambit, and it was a devastating tag team combo.

With the wind knocked out of her, the Enchantress's command of the spell weakens around Supergirl, giving her a chance to break free! From her end, the Enchantress lets go, half unconscious, and tumbles towards the ground.

Drake Winters's shot towards one of the snipers hits him in the chest, and with Deadshot's special ammunition, easily penetrates his armor. That sniper was down. Nice shot!

The last two, surprised that two of their number was already under attack, take aim, and fire towards Lois, missing her as she ducks for cover because of the explosive cards sent their way by Gambit! The bullets instead hit her new guardian, doing no damage, but taking those snipers out of the fight.

The bullets harmlessly bounce off Conner as he advances towards Deathstroke and swings! Even with his super speed, Deathstroke is no longer where he was a second ago. His reflexes were unbelievable and Conner was "predictable". As DT maneuvers right around the punch, Conner feels something attach to his right shoulder. "Rose can't save you this time, kid. A present from the Batfamily and Waller. Enjoy." The Kryptonite patch now attached to Conner takes instant effect! This was Kryptonite that Waller recovered from the Batman V Superman fight.

Deadshot, meanwhile, momentarily dazed by the battle, tries to get his hands up to protect himself, but Timber Wolf's claws make short work of his armor. He can feel the razor sharp claws dig into his arms. The fury of the Wolf was too much for Deadshot, as he goes down under the litany of blows, slumping to the ground, unconscious! He was out of the fight.

As Ami Han's shots take out the tires of the vehicle the cylinder was in, Waller's car turns, and starts to head towards the exit as fast as it can. Who was driving?

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane narrows her eyes on the cylinder being moved, smiling and giving Conner the thumbs up as they do their best to avoid stray gunfire under his cover. She should really flee to some place safe. But there's no way in hell that Lois is gonna abandon Superman. Not so long as there's something she can do..

There, the cylinder. It's being moved. "Three guesses as to what's in it.." she quips aloud, then speaks into her comlinks, "Guys, I'm gonna intercept the cylinder. That's gotta be where they're keeping him! Superboy, can you cover me?"

She steers the van back around, darting in between the waiting vehicle and the cylinder, hopefully blocking the transfer, or slowing them down, if even a little. Hopefully she can buy them a little more time to get Superman out of that cylinder somehow..

Supergirl has posed:
As the tendrils weaken, Supergirl draws on her strength and flexes, breaking them so that she is free again! She sees the Enchantress falling and swoops down, catching the woman before she goes splat on the ground. A flick of her thumb to the woman's forehead should take her out of consciousness hopefully.

She takes a quick view of the field of battle and sees Giganta growing. Wonderful. "They have a full squad! More are coming out of the woodwork. There is someone named Digger out there as well. Eyes peeled everyone!" She's really not good at this leading and coordinating. How did Kal always make it seem so easy? She was better as the weapon. Aim and send her in to hit things.

"I'm going for the big one." And with that. She shoots back into the air, fists together as she streaks for Giganta in the hopes of taking her down before she reaches full height.

Slipstream has posed:
"DeadpoolSpider--Stroke-Shot is down." Drake says into the comms once Brin wraps up the fight with him. He gives him a quick fist bump as Snowball goes about putting him on ice, literally. She cocoons him to the rooftop.

"Shooter two is down as well. I'm also keeping this gun. It's pretty cool." He says as he shoulders the rifle. As he blinks down to the ground in a burst of blue speed, he starts forward towards the cylinder. "This thing has an energy source right to shut down? I don't know if punching it really hard works." He calls through the comms. Being the fragile member of this excursion, he decides to try to pull off some big brain plays. ".. What would Brainy say to something like this? Maybe it has an extension cord I can unplug."

Nightingale has posed:
     One. Shannon knocked the wind out of Enchantress.

     Two. Remy's barrage of charged cards find their mark, with just seconds to spare for the winged healer to veer off to the side and get out of the way.

     Three. Supergirl finishes the job, taking Enchantress out of the fight. Shannon allows herself a brief smile of pride at the teamwork shown here so far today. Better still, her other gifts had not needed to be brought into play yet.

     It was a good day.

     With strong downstrokes of her snowy, feathery wings, she gains some altitude to get herself out of the immediate line of fire, and return to her post as eyes in the sky, listening to the comms, and scanning the ground below for further threats to the group--or to spot if her assistance was needed.

     "Good shot, Gambit. Ding-dong, the witch is dead..asleep."

Flex has posed:
Looks like the guy in stripes spotted Flex, time to go all out. He Fontracts himself to human form, crouched in a ball, and then turns all of himself into a blade, with his target being the cylinder. He will hit it with as much force as he canon as fine an edge as possible. Hopefully it was break something on the cylinder and not just get Adrian killed...not that he will see what happens until he turns back.

Gambit has posed:
"Copy dat Nightingale. Next time Ah decide ta do somet'ing dat stupid, remind me not to." He says shaking his head. He really just shot enchanted? Jesus, Mary and Joe he's a thief not a hero. What was he thinking? He was thinking...the world needs it's Heroes. And with that he aims flicks another set of cards into each hand and sends the spray in the direction of the base of the cylinder.

Superboy has posed:
Conner is not too surprised Deathstroke avoided him, he has a general idea of what the old merc can do. But he thinks the fight had just began. Seems not.

Red hot pain flares from his shoulder, and he feels his forcefield going down and his strength vanishing, "ah... you cheating...". Not the first time he feels Kryptonite, and wonders how could possibly be worse for a full-blood Kryptonian. He stumbles back a few steps, expected Deathstroke sword coming, but then falls down on his back and decides maybe a sword would be better.

White Fox has posed:
The rest of the Magazine of White Fox' pistol is emptied into the legs of the guards that were working around Dr. Zuel before she rams the emty gun back into the holster, planning to leave Giganta for Kara, and the van for others as she bought them time with the worst one on the ground at the moment. Because Deathstroke was a big value. "Slade Joseph Wilson?" she annonces herself towards him, striding over in his direction with a smile visible under the half mask. "Still in good shape I see."

She stops out some feet from him, almost martial arts duelling distance, careful, measuring, before she steps forward fluently. It's a fluent style, not Taekkyeon but taking parts from it. Not Tang Soo Do but influenced by it. Not Judo but showing she learned it. Her own style. She's out for his mask though, not aiming to strike the body in mean. Because Ami got a plan... and if the mask comes off enough? She'll try to kiss him.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar is late to this party--not that he wanted to be, but he -did- mention to Kara last night that sometimes other priorities get in the way of...well, priorities. And given that the Legion often takes responsibility for not only Earth but the rest of the galaxy as well, this is something that wasn't all that uncommon. Impromptu ventures into outer space sometimes take longer than expected. But the Daxamite rushes back to Earth as soon as he can, hoping the other Legionnaires could keep things under control until he got there.

    Arriving in the air above the fight, he stops momentarily to appraise himself of the situation. Spotting Drake and Kara, he opens a commlink to them. << Drake, Kara, what's the situation here? >> he asks. He immediately notices that mysterious cylinder that someone is obviously trying to hide the contents of from powerful beings...

Superman has posed:
The two guards that were there guarding the cylinder, were surprised and a little flat footed because of Ami Han's opening up on the tires and Lois Lane's blocking the way of the van. They should have opened fire at Lois Lane, but another battle was distracting them as well. Deathstroke versus Conner. Lois was lucky for now, they were between her and the guards. Until Ami Han takes them out of the battle with her shots!

Meanwhile, Timber Wolf is trying to figure out where he would be most useful. Spotting a group of soldiers ready to unload their weapons on the van carrying Lois Lane, that is where Timber Wolf strikes next, tackling them with wild ferocity! Turning at the direction of the shots, the guards instead aim for the wet, shaggy ton of fur that was bearing down on them! They unload their weapons in Twolf's direction.

Supergirl easily catches a stunned Enchantress who gasps and just starts to cast a spell, but was not even close to fast enough with Supergirl's speed. Enchantress was now out of the fight thanks to the tag team and will have a massive headache, body ache, and ear aches tomorrow. As Kara starts flying towards Giganta, the woman grins, and swings at the oncoming Kryptonian!

Bronze Tiger gets to Digger, aka, Boomerang and nods to him. "Plan B, the vehicle is out. Guard that device and the "bullet" with your life. We can still win here." Tapping his ear, BT says, "All troops. Switch to protecting the cylinder. We have two Krypts here. We have surprises for them. Engage everyone else with extreme prejudice." He hasn't seen Mon El yet.

That was when Drake just blinks into existence near the cylinder, in what BT thinks is teleportation. Almost missed in all of the chaos of the work of Lois Lane, Ami Han, and Conner's fight, Bronze Tiger simply nods. "Well, that was a nice talent. Digger, stay here. I'll take care of the teleporter." Taking a few steps forward, he waits for Drake in a ready stance.

Flex's attempt to pierce the energy barrier around the cylinder fails by using brute strength. There is a sense of blazing heat, and a flash of electrical current that transmits to Flex in a way that was painful but not deadly. However, Gambit's explosive energy discharge, combined with the impact of Flex and the discharge from the energy screen causes that screen to overload and flicker. Suddenly the cylinder falls to the ground with a "CLANG!" as the electro-magnetic propulsion system shorts out!

"Hey there!" Boomerang says, surprised at the assault from the two heroes. Grabbing one of his boomerangs in his empty hand after transferring the device he held into his non-throwing hand, Boomerang flings it at the direction of Flex and then a second boomerang towards Gambit, with uncanny accuracy.

High above them all, Shannon can see things perfectly, and as yet, no one has taken a shot at her as she pretty much blends into the dark, storm cloud sky.

Looking down at Conner, the obvious grin evident even behind his mask, Deathstroke the Terminator says, "Cheating is how you win. Nothing personal kid," as he raises his sword. "Well, maybe a little personal!" Before he strikes, however, Ami Han comes out of nowhere. Distracted, he stops, his blade hovering above Conner. "Stay there." Deathstroke says to Conner, turns, watching her moves. "Interesting." As she moves forward, he lets her go, studying her, not expecting her to slip his mask up, just enough for a kiss?!?

Lois Lane has posed:
Well, there's a lot of chaos going all around her, and it's probably safest for Lois to stay in the van. She's about to climb out and engage the thugs by the transport vehicle, but looks like someone took care of them already.

So she just stays put, carefully watching the trajectory of the cylinder and trying to get in close too, using her spare, personal camera, to zoom in on it. Are there any unusual markings or locks or anything else on it that might indicate a way to open it?

She hands the steering wheel over to her cameraman, switching places as she continues to inspect the cylinder as best she can from her hiding spot. "Dammit, Superman..I wish there was a way to contact you from within.." she sighs.

Supergirl has posed:
"The cylinder. We think Superman is inside." Supergirl has to pause in her explanation to Lar. There is a giant hand swinging her direction and she flits out of the way before trying to come in for another hit on Giganta. Suddenly she knows how the planes felt in King Kong. And here she had always felt bad for the ape before.

She continues her information sharing, this time with everyone on the comm link. "They are shifting to protecting the cylinder. Someone try to get into the cyclinder. If we can confirm Superman is in there, it's just a matter of taking it out of here as fast as we can. They have surprises in store for Kryptonians, or so they are saying. I will do my best to draw fire. The important thing is confirm and extract!"

Which is when she misgauges her timing and a giant hand swats her like a bug, sending her crashing into the roof of the building that the ARGUS people had originally come out of. She mutters as she works on getting out of the wreckage and back into the fight.

A quick shot into the air then she goes for a punch to Giganta's jaw, if she can get in that close.

Flex has posed:
Flex feels some impact and feels electricity flowing through him. Boy is he glad he went totally metal or any parts left human would have fried. When the electricity stops he risks turning his head back to flesh to take a look around.

Hmmm, he is under the Cylinder...well part of him is at least. He will have to turn more of himself back to human, put his hands under the cylinder, and then transform them into a vertical blade...hopefully rolling it off him.

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh snap! It's the Furry version of Wolverine!" Drake quips to Bronze Tiger as he bobs back and forth on his ankles a bit. "Or are you like Black Panther's budget cousin? Wakanda forever! Am I right? I used to be on the Avengers with him. He's a cool dude. Doesn't speak much. Super dope accent though when he does." He snaps the sniper rifle upwards.

"Oh! Bee-Tee-Dubs my dude. I'm not a teleporter. Also .. my best friend just showed up .. and he's gonna turn you into a pancake. YO LAR! SLAP THE STRIPES OFF THIS DUDE!" He glances upwards to the sky just above Bronze Tiger's head, then blinks forward with a push off of one foot and blue light cycloning around him, feeling the speed of the world race past as he hikes the rifle up and swings it like a baseball bat towards the man's knee as he goes low instead of high. Je-baited.

Nightingale has posed:
     Oh, snap. From her vantage point high above, Shannon can spot the attack incoming on Remy. She's on her comm in an instant, barking out, "Gambit! DUCK! Incoming!" With her fingers crossed, she hopes she gave enough warning, without giving away her position by sound alone.

     And... down goes Supergirl. The winged healer cringes, watching for a moment. But, much to her relief, the Kryptonian woman is back up and in the fight, allowing her to release a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. Good. No need for a second tag team there.

     She moves her position just a little bit closer to Lois' van, and to the cylinder, though still high above so she can keep an eye on things. Maybe being the healer in a fight wasn't so useless after all.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau doesn't duck so much as let himself fall to one side, letting the boomerang slice through the air right past where his head once was. T'anks foh dat Nighingale. Remind me Ah owe yah a loaf of fresh baked corn bread when dis is all ovah... but yah still dealing wit' Logan on yah own." He says teasingly. He grabs the boomerang where it stabbed into a concrete wall that would have been his head and jerks it out. "Hey, yah want dis back mon ami?!" he yells down at boomerang and throws the weapon back at it's owner...charged to critical mass.

White Fox has posed:
White Fox reaches around Deathstroke enough to pull him in for a kiss, only altering her move enough to touch the Yeowoo Guseul hidden in one of her pockets before the lips meet... and she starts to sap a large load of life energy away from the Terminator, devouring it. Not that it would kill him, possibly not even weaken hom for more than a short time with his regeneration, but it would weaken him while giving her an up in the situation.

And then? She throws the mercenary towards the building and away from her so she can dart over to Connor and rip the Kryptonite patch off of him.

Mon-El has posed:
    << You mean the one covered in lead? Yeah, that's what I thought. >> Lar sends back to Kara as he zooms part of his vision all the way down onto the object that just rolled off of that truck. Good thing Brainiac has him covered in the lead department. He was sure to take a little bit of an extra dose quickly before he came out here, knowing what he might be up against.

    He maneuvers a bit in the air to position himself nearly a straight shot above the object in question...the advantage of arriving late is getting the jump on the enemy. Plus, it seems he was just in time for the shield they had up to get taken out.

    A chuckle in response to Drake's call. << I'll put that on my to-list. Incoming! >> With that, he divebombs out of the sky as fast as he dares to without shattering bones, buildings, and whatever else breaks if a sonic boom is too close to the ground. He heads straight for the cylinder, attempting to simply grab it and see if he can't just crack it open and take a peek at what, or -who-, is inside...

    Oh, and if he can, he'll flick Bronze Tiger into another truck sitting parked nearby. Not hard enough to kill him, but hopefully hard enough to bruise. Maybe break a few ribs. Nothing he won't recover from though. Right?

Superman has posed:
Unfortunately, Lois's prayers were not answered. Perhaps if there was a telepath, or a spiritual guide, that may be possible. As it was, another prayer /was/ answered. When Lois zooms in on the cylinder with her camera, the tele-photo lense picks up...a clock? On the top of the cylinder - smoothly imbedded in the casing, which she can now see as it is now on the ground. It is the only blemish on a cylinder that appears to have no locks...or openings. The clock seems to be counting down...53...52...51...

Supergirl's rocket punch to the jaw flattens Giganta. Crashing into the vehicle where the cylinder /would/ have gone into, yes, the one with the flat tires, she destroys it. Moaning, Giganta struggles to move, to get up, still barely conscious. One more blow would finish her as well. "What sa hits me?" Her speech is like a drunken sailor's after a night boozing.

Flex easily rolls the cylinder off of his body after the Boomerang thrown at him bounces off his metallic body without damage. Something about the connection with the electric field and the cylinder though sent a resonance "pulse" through him. A kind of "connection" that told him that it requires a command to open. Something...or someone...had the means to open the cylinder. Without this, it looked like it was made of a vibranium-adamantium alloy. Impenetrable.

Bronze Tiger nods as Drake reveals that he wasn't a teleporter. That he was a speedster. That made him change his stance, slightly. Ready for anything, the Bronze Tiger waits...well almost anything. When "Lar" was mentioned, he actually looks up, and then feels the shock of a rifle stock across his knee, shattering the rifle, but also shattering his kneecap. A scream of agony erupts from his mouth as BT feels the pain, but not before slashing at Drake Winters as Drake passes BT - with a set of razor sharp metal "claws" - right before Mon El sends him careening into the truck. Another one down, and unconscious.

Shannon's warning to Gambit helps him to avoid the boomerang. As Gambit tosses it back, charged, Boomerang dives out of the way, barely. Coughing at the near death experience he just faced, Digger aka Boomerang smiles. "Nice. Team-werk. Gotsa luv it, mate. See here, let's try a different tact, eh?" This time it was two Boomerangs, and they seem to be going "beep, beep, beep". "A bit a yer own medicine."

Ami Han's whole plan of "attack" was something Deathstroke /was not/ expecting. Feeling his life drain, temporarily, from his body, it weakened him just enough for Ami Han to get off her body throw, and sent him careening into a wall, dazing him, at least for a few precious seconds.

As Mon El lifts the cylinder with ease, he flexes and tries to rip it apart...but to no avail. It groans a bit at the massive stress it was taking, but would not open.

Superman has posed:
Ami Han arrives besides a dying Conner, and with a little effort, removes the patch from Conner's shoulder. Once removed though, the patch starts beeping as well. Did everything have a timer?

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane continues to zoom in on that cylinder, doing her best to ignore the continuing chaos and danger going on around her. The energy field is down, and that's a good sign, but it seems no one is yet having luck in openning it.

And then, something else on it attracts her attention, right when Mon-El makes a dive for it and she gasps. "Careful, there's some sort of..Timer on it. 54 seconds left and counting!" Lois shouts into her communicator. She...Really doesn't want to know what's gonna happen when that timer reaches zero.

Drawing a deep breath, Lois gets out of the van and cautiously approaches the cylinder, frowning at Flex and Mon-El. "I dont get it..There must be a way to open. I wonder what happens when the timer reaches zero.." she reaches out and knocks on the surface of the cylinder. "Come on, Superman..Cant you hear us? Wake up!"

Supergirl has posed:
As Giganta goes down, Supergirl follows up the hit with another one, determined to keep the enormous woman out of the fight. They have enough super villains to deal with already! Bronze Tiger is still ...nevermind. Ow. That looked like it hurt.

She focuses on the cylinder. "Timer. Two possibles. It blows up, and probably takes all of us with it. Or it is a Kryptonite injection that was supposedly prepared to be sure he never wakes up. Either one is not going to happen."

She looks to the gathered heroes. "Wait! Digger. Which one is the Digger person? Bronze Tiger asked if he had 'It' with him. Maybe it's a switch that stops it? Or maybe that's completely wrong and it was just whatever the surprise was for the Kryptonians." For the first time today, her confidence seems gone as she looks to the other heroes for help or ideas.

Flex has posed:
Flex says to Lar, "There is a remote somewhere nearby that can open it. My guess, either the girl in charge or the giant has it." This is the toughest alloy on the planet, and this reverse-color superman clone is making it groan with his strength...but he is not breaking it. Flex is not sure how he knows this stuff, but he will take advantage of the knowledge he has.

Superboy has posed:
Conner was already getting a little green-colored when the patch is finally removed. He groans and rolls away, feeling weaker than... well, last time he stumbled on Kryptonite, the Savage Land a couple years ago. And this late and with a storm going, he can barely feel any sunlight. That pretty much means he is down to use telekinesis until the morning.

"Thanks, where is that jerk? And what is that beeping sound. Oh uh."

Crouching, he spreads his tactile telekinesis through the ground, quickly creating a sinkhole several yards deep. "Toss it there. We don't want Kryptonite dust on the air with Supergirl around, and Superman maybe somewhere."

Slipstream has posed:
Sliding past Bronze Tiger, Drake drops his shattered weapon, then turns aorund to face him once more. Quick he may be, the tiger's claws dig deep into his arm and shoulder, ripping through his uniform and flesh. He lets out a loud wail of pain as he clutches his arm, blood squirting from between his fingers. Don't cry. Hot girls in spandex are literally flying around right now. Don't be a wussy.

Of course, Lar swoops in and flicks the bad guy into the next zip code, sparing him of a true assbeating. With a wet sniff, he clutches his ragged arm against his body as he hacks up a wet cough. "Ow." A manly ow. "Gonna need some bactine on that." He mutters.

Nightingale has posed:
     Beep. Beep. Beep.

     Sometimes, beeping was good. The beeping of an oven timer going off to let a cook know that a tasty dish was ready for consumption was good. The beeping of an alarm clock to wake one up for class in time in the morning was good.

     This, however, was not.

     Right about now, Shannon was thankful for every single agility course she'd ever flown as she dives towards the ground. She'd have only one shot at this. The doorway to the building where they'd kept the cylinder was open, and it was this entry way she aimed for, keeping the boomerang behind her like some terrestrial magnetic mine. She zips through the doorway, boomerang close behind her, hoping and praying she can fly back out again, before the boomerang runs out of room and goes /boom/....

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau mutters "Me an' mah big mout'..." and decides to execute the better part of valor. He steps off the edge of the building as the boomerang zooms up past him, falling the three stories and tucking into a roll. He comes back up to his feet as if it were something he does every day... (And knowing Scott's training regimen it might be) and sends another spray of cards, this time directly and solely at Boomarang, "Dare only room foh one accented psychopat' blowing t'ings up 'round 'ere mon ami.... But since Cannonball couldn' make it ah already agreed ta fill in."

White Fox has posed:
The White fox follows the request, the possibly expody patch tossed into the sinkhole fast before preparing herself to fight Deathstroke again by pulling out the gun, dropping the mag and slamming in a fresh one. .45 ACP isn't the most impressive AP shell. "Stand down, Mr. Wilson and peacefully face arrest by SHIELD or I will have your position glassed." A little bluff? maybe, or a call for someone with a heatray.

Mon-El has posed:
    Bronze Tiger isn't given a second thought. Lar's attention is instead focused on the strange cylindrical object. He frowns when it doesn't just give way to his raw strength like most things in this galaxy do. "Well isn't that something..." he mutters, and starts to try to figuring out what it's made of, or if it is reinforced with a spell or other magic or something. Not that he'd be able to tell if it were magic. Ugh, stupid magic!

    << Anyone have any idea what this thing is made of? >> he says into the general comms to those present. Then Lois approaches and draws his attention to the timer on it just as he would've noticed it himself. "Well that doesn't bode well." He again tries scrutinizing it, to see if he can figure out if he can identify any mechanisms connected to that clock.

    He listens to what Flex has to say. "A remote? What does it look like? I can probably locate it if I have an idea... And which one is the girl in charge?"

Superman has posed:
After Lois knocks on the cylinder, she can vaguely hear something. A knock. And another? Or was that her imagination. As it was the clock was now at 40 seconds, and counting down. Supergirl, finishes off Giganta, who collapses in the remnants of the shattered vehicle with a moan.

As Shannon flies into the old abandoned warehouse, the boomerang follows, and clips a wall, where it explodes. Thankfully, Shannon got out before doing more than singing her "feathers" a touch! That explosion? Also hides Deathstroke's stealthy escape, while everyone was distracted. When Ami Han approaches where he was, through the smoke, he was gone.

Digger's gloating smiles turns to one of horror as he watches Gambit do the insane...and then toss more cards his way. "Dammit...insane cajun...argh!" The explosion takes him down...hard. One hand open. One hand closed.

Moving to stand with his teammates, Timber Wolf claps Drake on the other shoulder, and smiles. "There! Look! New scars. Just what you've always wanted!"

When Digger goes down after Gambit's barrage, and the kryptonite patch explodes in its final burial place put there by Ami Han and Conner, that leaves everyone accounted for. Mon El was right. The cylinder was made of something almost unique in this world. However, magic is also not beyond the realm in possibility, considering the Enchantress was "on staff".

Waller was gone...so how to find what they were looking for? Flex and Supergirl were right. There was something that could open the cylinder...if only they could find it?

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane's eyes widen as she hears..Something from within. "Superman? Is that you? Hang in there! We'll save you, I promise!" she licks her lips, running a hand over the smooth metal surface of the cylinder. Dammit, it's counting down quickly, and she doesn't wanna know what happens when it reaches zero.

Glancing towards Supergirl and Flex as they relay some important information, she nods, using her camera again, the one with the fantastic zoom lens, and scans the area, searching for the one named 'Digger', keeping an eye out for the remote, or anything that looks remotely like it could BE a remote. Even if Amanda Waller already fled the scene, surely she kept the second copy for whoever was on the receiving end of the cylinder..Right?.

"Alright then..We need to find the remote to open the cylinder..And quickly! He's got 40 seconds..Please! If there's a spare..One of the Suicide Squad must have it!"

Supergirl has posed:
"Everyone, spread out and search any of the people here. Super speed is a plus!" They lost Deathstroke. Very disappointing. Supergirl is in the air again, scanning around. "Giganta, Bronze Tiger, Enchantress, any of the soldier types. I still don't know who this Digger is. Who am I missin--"

She narrows her eyes as she spies the explosion nearby where Captain Boomerang goes down. "That one up there too. Boomerang or whoever he is! Quickly! We have only seconds!"

With that, she heads for Giganta since that particular body is larger and super speed will make it faster to search.

Flex has posed:
Flex tries to reason, wishing he knew more about American villains. Waller i s gone, if she has the only remote we are out of luck. Who would she count as reliable? Right...the first one she sent in, "Check the sniper in the mask." Hopefully his reasoning is right.

Nightingale has posed:
     With only a few feathers singed for her trouble, Shannon zipped right out the door--and right over the spot where Digger lay. She backwings to a stop just above him, hovering in the air. A frown creases her brows as she peers down.

     One hand open.

     One hand /closed/.

     Wait. Could it be...?

     Her frown deepens, because now the coppery tang of blood could be smelled in the air. She knew it all too well, with her gifts often putting her in a position to staunch its flow. Both had to be dealt with, but she couldn't be in two places at once.

     Tapping her comm, she calls out. "Gambit... could you check this guy near the warehouse, the one that threw the boomerangs at us? It looks like he's holding onto something, but someone else needs healing."

     With that, she wings her way through the air to Drake, landing with a decent measure of grace, considering she'd nearly been blown up inside the warehouse. "Hey... looks like you got hit but good, will you let me help you?"

Slipstream has posed:
Giving Brin a shoulder bump back in return, Drake sucks up any potential tears, because he's super manly, and superheroes don't cry when they get boo boos. "Yeah man! More scars. To go along with the ones I got when I shattered my ribs, and stabbed with a sword, and punched into a five week coma by Lar when he was taken over by a super computer, and then that time I thought I was using the shower but it was actually your toaster on steroids that looked like a shower." He's just going to bleed all over his new costume. "Did we win yet? I think I'm going to black out. In fact, you're carrying me home after I made you look good in taking out Spider-Pool."

At the sight of Shannon backwinging down in front of them, Drake stares at her for a moment before he gives TimberWolf a side glance. He mouths to him: 'angels are real dude, holy crap'. He's woozy. "Uh .. sure?" He says to her, his brows lifting upwards. "You got some superglue on you?" His shoulder is hanging on by stubborn willpower.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau was about to head to the cylander. He doesn't have the proper tools to open it, but he can be a more experienced kind of useless... Which is when Shannon comes across the com. He runs for the fallen Aussie, prying open the man's hand and taking out whatevers inside...

White Fox has posed:
When Ami finds Deathstroke missing, she takes out a standard SHIELD communicator, calling in for a cleanup and roundup crew in some 15 minutes, once she made sure the premises were safe. Which meant also devoid of any heroes that wanted to dodge. Now... where might that remote be... Her eyes scan over the area for likely suspects. The goons she had sent sleeping (just a goon), those she kneecapped (Legs went squished under Giganta falling) were rather ut. Then came the one under Remy. Costume, hands around something? TARGET! "That gotto be one!"

Mon-El has posed:
    Sigh, it doesn't seem like anyone knows what the remote looks like, but Lar nods at Kara's suggestion and takes to the air to get a better vantage point. As she speeds off toward Giganta, he makes a beeline for Digger, using his enhanced vision along the way to search for anything that looks like a....wait. Could it be? Having spotted a device with a red button on top, he hurries to the position just as Remy is searching Boomerang's unconscious form.

Superman has posed:
The heroes find the two devices. One was in Boomerang's clenched hand, discovered by Gambit and Mon El, the other was in Giganta's pocket, discovered by Supergirl. Something was tugging at Gambit though. Something his instincts were telling him. It was almost too easy. The small "pin" like devices were made of the same material. With a small, faint red button on top.

Lois could see the timer was counting down to 15...14...it was now or never. The clock, imbedded in the case, was so small, it was almost hard to make out.

Ami Han's signal is acknowledged by Maria Hill...on the ODYSSEY...nearby.

Drake feels better under the healing touch of Shannon.

White Fox has posed:
"Roger that." Ami acknowledges the reception of Hill's message, starting to move over to the gathering heroes. "You got some 10 minutes before Shield takes over the scene. Leave the bodies for cleanup, puck up whatever you lost and can't let get into anyone's hands. And for heaven's sake, get 'Project K' out there already!"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau eyes the device in his hand, then the Cylander, then the device, then the cylander. He tosses it to Mon-El and points at the Cylander. "Ah don' t'ink it's a remote. It's a key." he informs the man in clipped tones hoping the not-actually-a-Kryptonian can get it over there faster and disarm the thing. After all 12 seconds isn't allot of time... unless you are faster then a speeding bullet.

Nightingale has posed:
     This is simply what she does. If someone is in need of healing, Shannon will not hesitate--even with a shoulder torn to shreds like Drake's. Resting her hand on the site of injury, she closes her eyes, her breath becoming deep and even. "Do not pull away. This will not hurt you, it will only feel warm, and you'll be whole again."

     However, she did not say just who it -would- hurt.

     As the seconds pass, it's not tears running down Drake's face, but her own, as his flesh knits together, skin bonding to skin, blood vessels reconnecting, muscle fibers and even bone reconnecting as they should.

     However, her own left shoulder is not so fortunate. By the time she's done, she's gone very pale, stumbling backwards. She glances over at Ami and nods once, smiling a little. "Give Cap my regards, will ya?" Tapping her com. "Gambit, I've got to get out of here. Won't be flying. Need an assist." The tension in her voice is enough to let Remy know just what likely happened.

     Yeah, someone was going to be spending the night in the medbay, and likely get a chewing out by Logan.

Supergirl has posed:
"Got it! Wait, there's two?" Supergirl returns to the cylinder, talking on the comms to the others on the nearby rooftops. She looks at the object with the button then at the countdown.

"This looks more like a detonator than a kill switch." She winces. "Bad choice of words."

She looks at the cylinder. "Everyone get clear if you can just in case." Then she looks to see if there is somewhere to insert the device. "Lar! Here." She points to the clock. There are two tiny holes on either side of it. "I think they go here." She looks up at him then moves to insert her device into the spot that looks made for it. "Rao help us..."

Slipstream has posed:
As he is healed, Drake watches his wound knit itself together. His brows raise upwards, a grin spreading over his face. "Sweet. Thanks so mu--- Woah, wait, are you okay?" He asks as he watches her reaction. "I haven't seen Cap in awhile. I'm a Legionnaire now, not an Avenger. That was part time thing.. and ... are you okay, seriously? I kinda self-heal already so if you just screwed yourself up, I'm gonna feel really guilty."

His eyes glance over to the cylinder that the others are working on, though his more immediate concern is for the healer now.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois Lane glances around, listening to the comm signals, trying to put two and two together. Glancing at Supergirl, she frowns softly. "Be careful.." Lois glances down at the cylinder, fighting the urge to run away as the timer continues to count down. "Hang in there, Superman.." she murmurs..

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods and catches the small pin-like device, quickly making his way over to the clock along with Kara. Faster than a speeding bullet, indeed--well good thing some people are! Seeing that there are indeed tiny holes in the device, he goes ahead and inserts the one in his hand into the other hole across from Kara's. Well if it blows up...at least he and Kara are the ones best suited to take the hit....

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau taps his comunicator. "Copy dat Nightingale. Moving ta yah position. Are yah mobile at all?" he glances back at the tube and tosses it a silent salute as he takes off to meet up with his student. After all the world needs heroes, and heroes don't need to know that schoundrals were involved in their rescue. "Mah bike is 'round de corner ta de East. C'n yah make it?"

Superman has posed:
As the keys are entered by Mon El and Supergirl, at the direction of Gambit, the electromagnetic conductors are disarmed with a soft "click". This sound is then followed by a "swoosh" that fills the air as though a pressurized container was suddenly vented. Now everyone who was holding their breath can hear the thunder in the distance but not the sound of rain. No one had noticed that the rain had stopped.

As the cylinder opens, the top raising slightly and moving to the left, a dark-clothed figure inside is revealed, all dressed in black. Except, on his chest, was a silver "S" emblem. The man's hair was long, and a few weeks beard growth was hiding his strong chin. The familiar face of the Man of Steel appears in the darkening early night, and the shocking thing was...his face was not pale with the color of death...but had a slight, ever so slight hue of...warmth.

Superman was alive. His eyes blink open. His first words in sometime, Kal El chokes out, "Lois...?" As his eyes focus, he sees everyone standing over him. "Kara...Lar...everyone...thank you." Looking around at the others, and then at the devastation, a small smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. "I hope you didn't go to all this trouble for me?"

Nightingale has posed:
     It didn't matter who was being overly modest. Shannon would hear none of it.

     Just about to answer Gambit on the comms, she turns to look Superman straight in the eye, her own expression tensed with intense pain. She's gripping the shreds of her left shoulder, wincing with the pressure to slow the flow of her blood. "You go to far more trouble for all of us. How is it even a question we'd do the same for you?" A tight little smile curls the corners of her lips upwards, and she takes a few ragged breaths. "Maybe someday we'll meet again under better circumstances."

     With that, she taps her comm again. "Acknowledged, Gambit. I can walk but won't do too great holding on. Left shoulder's a shambles." With that, she slips away, allowing herself a smile.

     This was one trip to the medbay well worth it.