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Domino (Scenesys ID: 180)
"This isn't about money, Ken. Sometimes you strap on your guns for cash. Sometimes, you do it because it's what's -right-."
Full Name: Neena Thurman
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Mercenary
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Dropped
Groups: Batman Family
Other Information
Apparent Age: 33 Actual Age: 33
Date of Birth 20 March 1992 Actor:
Height: 173 cm Weight: 54 kg
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "Big Gun" - Ice Tea
"Fait Accompli" - KDFDM
"Professional Killer" - KDFDM
"Absolute Zero" - Stone sour
"Lucky One" - Celldweller
"We Still Kill The Old Way" - Lostprophets
"Smashing the Opponent" - Infected Mushrom


Need some help from Lady Luck? Domino's probably more available. Few know her past beyond her time in the Six Pack, a group of mercenaries lead by the mutant Cable. Since their dispersal, she's drifted from place to place, sometimes working with groups like the X-Men, or SHIELD, sometimes working alone. With the mutant ability to alter events in her fate - good luck on command - she's a valuable asset to any team ... if she could ever stay in one place for long. Following her own moral code, Domino has "modified" deals mid-mission, making allies and enemies on every side. Only time will tell how long her luck will hold out.



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Tied to her mutant ability, Domino's nervous system operates much faster than normal, giving her heightened perception, reaction time and agility. She can react to a fired bullet fast enough to move and avoid it.


A low-level version of reality manipulation that Domino activates by action or attention to a specific circumstance; it manifests itself as incredible luck. She cannot cause the impossible to happen, but she can trigger events in her favor, even if their chances of happening are astronomically low - such as having a gun put to her head and the bullets failing to fire all six times. She can also gain an immediate sense of the odds of a situation's outcome, something that has benefitted the mercenary teams she has worked for in the past (so long as the team leader actually LISTENED to her advice). Her power works best when she takes actions that will have an


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Neena was born and bred quite literally for war, and spent the better portion of her childhood and youth training to be a one-woman killing machine. She can use nearly any weapon imaginable, can bypass all but the most advanced security systems, track down targets both urban and wild, and go dark for years if needs be. Add close-quarters-combat, survival skills, and the knowledge of how to pilot or drive just about anything with wheels or wings, and you have the total mercenary package that is Domino.


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Somewhere between wet suit and cat suit lies... Domino's body armor. It's enough to stop low-caliber rounds and prevent accidents with kitchen cutlery, but blunt trauma, bruises and broken bones are still a factor she has to consider in a fight. Provides thermal protection to -20F, is flame resistant and chemically neutral. Never leave home without it.


Domino has multiple mercenary and government contacts around the globe. She's well known within the soldier for hire circuit, and she's both hired gun and watched threat in governmental circles.


Between contracts and having cleaned out a string of casinos to the tune of several million dollars, it's safe to say that Domino will not retire to a life of fancy feast dinners any time soon.


Set up all over the world, these include emergency medical supplies, passports, fake identification, money in multiple currencies, weapon caches, and the necessities of life. Domino can go off-grid completely when needed and not have to surface for supplies, potentially for years.


Domino usually has at least one gun on her at all times, but usually, far more than that, carrying several rounds of ammunition, multiple side-arms, scopes, silencers and other concealed weapons, and that's just when she's out picking up the week's groceries. During planned missions, she's usually packing bigger munitions, up to and including explosives, high-powered rifles, energy weapons or even the odd RPG launcher.


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Domino's propensity for feeling guilt or compassion at inopportune moments have caused her to double cross very dangerous individuals. This puts both her ability to get mercenary work and her life in jeopardy, and she isn't capable of running and hiding forever.


Domino is afraid of them. It's those beady, soulless eyes, I tell you.


While Domino can take some steps to conceal her mutant status, she's hard to miss when you get a good look at her. There just aren't that many women with snow-white skin and a big black oval over their left eye in the world. In mercenary circles, her reputation precedes her.


Domino enjoys throwing herself into the thick of danger a little *too* much. She relies heavily on her mutant abilities to get herself out of a jam, especially when plans break down, and this overconfidence has nearly gotten her killed on multiple occasions. Even cats only have nine lives. It's difficult to say if Domino is just overconfident or harboring a unspoken death wish.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Dropping in. February 10th, 2024 Gabby drops in while Neena is eating a sandwich. They discuss food and some better codename ideas for Laura.
Vroom Vroom February 4th, 2024 Vampirella demonstrates the benefits of friendship to Neena.
Not Against Us December 23rd, 2023 Once into every generation, a Domino is born.
Confidentiality Comes Complimentary June 15th, 2023 Deciding she needs more chaos in her life, Kate makes the very professional decision to keep an eye on Gotham's newest x-factor, Domino, under the pretext of hiring her as her new security detail. It's the start of a beautiful business relationship, that will surely never go awry!
Hunting the Black and White May 29th, 2023 Batwoman, aided by Batgirl, close in on Domino to discuss matters which are important to at least one of them. Some verbal sparring commences with a deal ultimately being reached.
Mystic Materials, part 2 May 14th, 2023 Batwoman and Domino track down where the cargo truck led to and find Yet More Trouble. Surely these two can put an end to it without TOO much collateral damage.
V-Dubs at Mercy's May 9th, 2023 Mercy's garage gets a pair of extra Volkswagens! That's two Dub's at once! That's like a quad-u!
Heist Gone To The Bats! May 9th, 2023 Arnold Wesker, The Ventriloquist, robs a bank. Well he tries to, as his Scarface dummy. The Bat Family stop him, while Catwoman and Domino get out with the actual goods.
Mystic Materials, part 1 May 6th, 2023 Kate Kane moves to intercept an illegal shipment coming into Gotham City but is interrupted by Domino who has other plans. They don't see eye to eye at first.
The Bummer about Biometrics May 5th, 2023 Tabby gets caught trying to sneak down into the sub levels by Lorna. Domino comes and goes probably avoiding possible collateral damage. Lucky that. And Penance is investigating while trying to find more help that isn't the weird blonde.
LexCon 2031 April 30th, 2023 Tragedy Strikes at LexCon 2031! Will Metropolis ever be safe?!
Dead on the Road April 27th, 2023 An unfortunate deal falls through and leaves Domino stranded on the side of the road. Fate throws a VW-shaped curveball her way and Skye saves the day, as well as opening up a potential new door for later.
Working Wheels April 24th, 2023 Mercy's Garage is about to get an unusual customer. Boundaries are established then it's back to business as usual.
Gotham Rogues April 23rd, 2023 When is a meeting not a meeting?
No Hard Feelings April 10th, 2023 Lady luck brings Ivy an offer and an opportunity. What's a little double-crossing ecoterrorism between friends? Also, tea. They have some peppermint tea.
Shock & Aw Yeah April 7th, 2023 As planned, Livewire makes a 'totally unexpected visit' and utterly trashes ... everything. Domino gets what she needs with only a small amount of tinnitus.
Certainly No Mischief Will Come Of This April 7th, 2023 Domino hatches a plan with Livewire. Nobody gets injured and somehow Leslie doesn't rant about anything.
A New Day Blossoms April 6th, 2023 Pamela's preparation for Spring is interrupted by a stealthy, thieving figure in black. No, not that one. The lucky one. It's going to be the beginning of a beautiful something.
Painkillers and Paychecks October 2nd, 2019 Multiple Man finally pays Domino back. No, seriously. He did. For real! Oh, come on... it's true this time!
A Special Delivery September 14th, 2019 Domino brings a wounded Logan to the Mansion in the aftermath of a Sabretooth attack, Kitty takes charge!
The Birthday Blues: Blow Out the Candles September 13th, 2019 Sabretooth brings Wolverine a birthday gift of violence. Domino and Wolverine return the favor in kind.
War Story August 30th, 2019 Wolverine and Domino? Meet Nightingale!
The Birthday Blues: Make a Wish August 30th, 2019 Sabretooth lures Domino into a deadly game of cat and mouse. For Wolverine's birthday.
A Dom and a sadist walk into a bar... August 28th, 2019 Everything goes according to plan. Except the things that don't.
Hunting Party: The Contract August 24th, 2019 Jamie Madrox offers Domino a job. He brings Armor. Because he owes Dom money still.
Someone's Lucky Day August 22nd, 2019 Domino and Logan share a drink, a cigar, and thoughts on geopolitics.
Fred's Diner, staple of Mutant Cuisine August 21st, 2019 Noriko, Dani, Domino are at a DINER (thanks ELLIE) when an Ellie walks in. Talking and mercenary shakes are enjoyed. Nori is loud. Fin.
The Great Arkham Train called Escape April 12th, 2019 Chaos. No really chaos. Hyenas. Vampires. Insane People. Rocket Launchers.
A chance encounter with Turtles. March 31st, 2019 Summary needed
Plants , Tree's , Groot and Grenades March 22nd, 2019 Summary needed
Peacekeepers: Final Testing March 21st, 2019 Project Peacekeeper is put up against serious competition in final testing. Lex finds a number of design issues to iron out.
Gotham Girls March 20th, 2019 Summary needed
All part of the plan. March 16th, 2019 Summary needed
Lady Luck and the Doom! March 15th, 2019 Summary needed
Helping the wounded March 8th, 2019 Summary needed
New and Old besties in the Garden March 8th, 2019 Summary needed
Careful what you wish for. March 7th, 2019 Summary needed
Starling City Nights: Down in Gotham Alley March 2nd, 2019 Summary needed
An interesting encounter March 1st, 2019 Summary needed
Manhattan Mayhem February 28th, 2019 Summary needed
Dealing with Arms Dealers: Financial Troubles February 26th, 2019 A Bank Robbery aided by Domino is dealt with by Green Arrow and Black Canary... until the Joker comes along and takes advantage of the chaos.
Introduction to a new thorn. February 12th, 2019 Summary needed
The new, the experienced, and the choice. January 31st, 2019 Summary needed
Bad Choices January 24th, 2019 Samantha (aka Nyx) makes very bad choices with her new powers and when heroes (and a villain) intercede on her crime spree things go really wrong all around.
A Theory December 20th, 2018 Summary needed
TheWitch is (sorta) Back December 16th, 2018 Summary needed
A Prisoner, and a visitor.. Which one is leaving December 10th, 2018 Summary needed
Central Park After Dark December 10th, 2018 Summary needed
Hunting Wonderful Prey December 9th, 2018 Summary needed
So decisive December 7th, 2018 Domino gets a visit from Deadpool while working.
All the best traps need bait. December 1st, 2018 Summary needed
Chaos and Pancakes December 1st, 2018 Summary needed
Punishing the Punisher November 28th, 2018 Domino goes hunting Castle. Luckily, they both survive.
Vacationing in Latveria September 10th, 2017 Summary needed
Enchantment Under the Sea September 5th, 2017 Summary needed
Log 2272 August 31st, 2017 Summary needed
Roll The Bones August 21st, 2017 Summary needed
Untitled August 18th, 2017 Summary needed
South Of The Border August 18th, 2017 Summary needed
Castle Calls August 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Trophies August 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Weapon X: Work In Progress August 13th, 2017 Summary needed
Join the dark-side.. We have cookies August 10th, 2017 Summary needed
A Dangerous Game: The Game Begins August 10th, 2017 A group of Mystique's associates have been brought together for one purpose: to exterminate mutant slavers.
Luck of the Doom August 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Every Day Is Exactly The Same August 8th, 2017 Summary needed
A Dangerous Game: Recruiting the Luck Bearer August 7th, 2017 Domino comes home to find Mystique waiting for her. With an offer she won't refuse.
Weapon X: Domino August 4th, 2017 Summary needed
After Hours July 21st, 2017 Summary needed
Bruce takes a day off. July 20th, 2017 Summary needed
Don't Quit Your Day Job July 19th, 2017 Summary needed
The interview July 18th, 2017 Summary needed
The new help. July 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Black, White and Gray Morality July 13th, 2017 Summary needed
Following the bread crumbs July 13th, 2017 Summary needed
Hoist The Yellow Flag July 11th, 2017 Summary needed
To Kill A Latverian June 12th, 2017 X-23 is hired to eliminate a Dr. Doom political opponent, Domino happened to have had the same target, they meet.
Opening Negotiations May 24th, 2017 Summary needed
Putting all the Dominos into place.. (NSFW) May 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
Take Two May 19th, 2017 Summary needed
Fear of a Bat Planet April 30th, 2017 Summary needed
The Dead Travel Fast April 27th, 2017 Summary needed.
Dragons in the Sky April 24th, 2017 Summary needed.


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