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What exactly IS "pizza"? Please assess threat level.
What exactly IS "pizza"? Please assess threat level.
===Current Player Approved: May 26, 2018===
|Description=She stands tall. 5'11" puts her at a much greater height than most women, though not a giant by any regard. Her features are feminine, but hold a certain determination. She looks like she is a hard person. Mouth remains set in a neutral poise, red lips betraying neither smile nor frown. Her blue eyes are attentive, studious and alert. Auburn hair is pulled back in a pony tail that reaches her shoulder blades. She's not old, but neither is she particularly youthful, having just lost the last of her childish features.  
|Description=She stands tall. 5'11" puts her at a much greater height than most women, though not a giant by any regard. Her features are feminine, but hold a certain determination. She looks like she is a hard person. Mouth remains set in a neutral poise, red lips betraying neither smile nor frown. Her blue eyes are attentive, studious and alert. Auburn hair is pulled back in a pony tail that reaches her shoulder blades. She's not old, but neither is she particularly youthful, having just lost the last of her childish features.  

Revision as of 23:50, 13 February 2019

Nuala (Scenesys ID: 1622)
"Have you ever lost something, but not realized it for so long that by the time you know it, it's too far past to mourn?"
Full Name: Nuala Duvall
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Space Exterminator
Citizenship: American / Nova Empire
Residence: Halal Interceptor
Education: Nova Corps
Status: Active
Groups: Avengers
Other Information
Apparent Age: 32 Actual Age: 32
Date of Birth 11 November 1993 Actor: Tricia Helfer
Height: 5'11" Weight: 135 lbs.
Hair Color: Auburn Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "Spaceman" by The Killers


Born on Earth, Nuala does not know what it means to be human. She was removed from the planet by a well-meaning group of aliens who were attempting to save her from Brood infestation. She grew up in the stars, and was trained by a subgroup of Nova Corps to stop parasitic alien infestations from taking hold on planets throughout the galaxy. Now, due to the constant threat that seems to loom over the earth, she has been assigned to watch and prevent such attacks. That's not the important question right now. The important question is...

What exactly IS "pizza"? Please assess threat level.

Current Player Approved: May 26, 2018



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She stands tall. 5'11" puts her at a much greater height than most women, though not a giant by any regard. Her features are feminine, but hold a certain determination. She looks like she is a hard person. Mouth remains set in a neutral poise, red lips betraying neither smile nor frown. Her blue eyes are attentive, studious and alert. Auburn hair is pulled back in a pony tail that reaches her shoulder blades. She's not old, but neither is she particularly youthful, having just lost the last of her childish features.

Her pale form is athletic, toned muscles behind the tight suit of indeterminate material. Skin tight might be an over simplification, as several silver looking materials were clearly involved. Violet lighting pulses from thin receded panels in the part smooth, part geometric form-fitting bodysuit, leaving only her neck and higher exposed.


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I'm human. Well, biologically. I don't remember my parents' names. I suppose that's should make me sad, but it's hard to be sad for something you barely remember. Maybe that is sadder. Don't waste time pitying me, I don't. What I do remember was that they loved each other. We lived on a boat. I remember the boat's name. The Sea Song. It seems primitive now, maybe it wasn't to them. My father was the captain of the ship. I don't think my mother liked it, but she loved him, so that was really where we lived. She had a job on the ship, I think she was the engineer, or engineer's assistant. She fixed things, at least. She tutored me on the long trips. I wasn't on the land very much, I remember when we docked I felt it was a mythical event. I guess that stayed with me.

I couldn't tell you how it started, but I remember how afraid the crew was. Something landed on the ship, it was alien. I was afraid, but certainly was not afraid enough. The crew were infested, and they all died, my parents included. I'll spare you the gory details. The creatures were things of nightmares, then someone else arrived. They were as strange, but they killed the monsters that I would later call the Brood. They took me with them.

I really don't know what happened for the next six months, Dad tells me that I was six months in recovery from the infestation. None of the crew knew how to treat humans, and they saved my life the best they could. They had to strip a psionic nerve in order to remove the brood infestation. I know, there are much better ways that don't involve that, but don't be so hard on them, they did the best they could in the situation.

Dad, Dro'Frinn is his real name, was the first person I saw. He was strange to my eyes, alien and frightening. He was patient with me. He explained that he was an Astonian. Patient and kind, he gave me hope when I saw none. I don't know all that happened in the next few months, but there was apparently a great deal of debate on what should be done with me. No one knew how to find my extended family, and back then the communication was not well established between Earth and Nova Corps. Dro was eager to get me returned to Earth, but did not know how to proceed. Since we were on a transatlantic ship, he was not even certain which nation to speak to, and all I knew was that we lived on a boat. Technically I was American, but we didn't know that then. After several months, Dro was ordered to leave me at any human orphanage. He didn't.

We became friends, and soon Dro became Dad. I didn't have anyone else, I was just a human girl in a strange and vast universe. I thought of myself as the alien more than other races. I saw other races. I didn't see my own. Dad helped me learn the ways of the galaxy, the rules and his work. He was a commander in the Halal, a subgroup from the Nova Corps designed to preemptively stop parasitic alien races from taking over other planets. The Brood attack on our ship was one such attack.

I'm not sure when it happened, really. I became an adult. Some things pass, and by the time you realize it, it's too late to mourn. I suppose my childhood was that way. I learned a great deal from Dad and the other members of the Halal. By the time command found out that I was still with the Halal team, it was too late to do anything about it. I was 22 and applying to be a member of the Halal myself. I had a distinct advantage of having lived with them for years, and was far better trained than any other applicants. Naturally I was selected. So I went about cleansing the galaxy of threats. Gifted was the term Dad would use. He always made me feel good about my skills. Really, I just had more practice than others. I guess it makes little difference in the end, as long as the mission is complete. For years I have done this now. I have seen empires fall to parasitic invasions. I have fought in wars when required. I have saved people, I have lost people.

I don't know what to make of this assignment, though. The Halal have assigned me to a solo assignment on Earth. I can go there without causing a political stir because I'm human, I'm already a citizen. I don't feel like one. The excitement on Earth regarding aliens means that the Halal need a representative. I got a promotion. I'm Frinto, kind of like a Lieutenant. I am not sure I want to go. How do you go to a home that you don't know? A family of aliens, a people of alien ways. I suppose I have to figure that out.


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Professional: Nuala has lived most of her life in a professional environment, nearly militaristic even. When she is working, she does her best to keep emotions out of the way. She has a job to do. This can cause her to come across as cold or callous to a casual observer who does not see her when she is off duty. Oh, wait, she's never off duty.

Fish out of water: When a person is in a culture outside of their own, they can stand out. Nuala may be human, but she spent most of her life with no interaction among humans. She doesn't know anything about human culture except what she has read about in her briefing and reports. She is so far removed that she had to learn English as a second language, because she had not used it since she was 6 years old, even though she is born American.

False Confidence: Nuala has a lot of confidence in her skills, but they are a mask for her insecurities regarding her place in the galaxy. She does not feel at home with people, particularly other humans. She relies on her competence in her job as a way to compensate, and takes it very seriously.

Curse of Hearing: Nothing destroys your view of creation quite like knowing what people are thinking. She has a low opinion not of people in specific, but of people in general. She wants to protect them, but part of her thinks the universe would be better without them. At the same time, it's humbling because she hears her own thoughts echoed in the minds of others.

Religious: Nuala follows the Astonian understanding of the spiritual. She believes in one singular God that intends well for the universe and is real and personal. This belief is what holds her together in the most difficult of situations. For this reason, she also has a particular affinity toward the Blue Lanterns, even though she is not one herself.

Brood Hatred: Naturally, she is loathe toward the Brood, and would love to see them eradicated from the universe. She would press the button without hesitation if such existed. She will attack on sight any Brood, or any parasitic race that is similar in nature. She can become obsessed with hunting parasitic races.


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The one exception to Nuala's inability to communicate telepathically is with the Brood. She can hear and speak telepathically with them, whether she wants to or not. She is particularly vulnerable to their telepathic attacks, though due to her past experiences, the Brood cannot actually infest her again. Her telepathic shielding on her suit blocks this ability.


Nuala can sense any living creature and its thoughts within 100 meters. This does not work on creatures that have a psychic signature smaller than a mouse. She tends to hear thoughts of those who are around her, but she is not telepathic in any other way. She cannot communicate with the thoughts of others, nor can she impose any psychic control over them. A trained telepath can use psychic shields to block her without much effort. She can only hear surface thoughts of a person.


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Nuala is quite familiar with technology ages ahead of normal humans. Things that are considered brilliant understandings are common to her. This is not because she is remarkably smarter than others, it is just the environment and education she received growing up as the adopted child of an alien. It has it's perks.

Nuala speaks 5 alien races due to her time spent 'abroad'. Astonian, Shi'ar, Brood, Xandarian, and English. Humans are aliens too, right?

When you are flying to different ends of the galaxy, you have to learn the rules that govern them. She's no lawyer, but she is familiar with the laws in most of the larger empires. She has a moderate understanding of Earth laws which she just had to learn for the sake of her current assignment. Why are there no space vehicle parking codes here?

Nuala is a one woman army. She is supposed to handle small alien infestation threats without outside assistance. She is a very competent fighter, both with her suit and without it, and could take down a several average people in a street fight. Her fighting skills would be comparable to Frank Castle, and is trained in various forms of melee and ranged combat. She will need to be taught most conventional human firearms, however, since they are a bit more primitive than the firearms with which she is familiar. She is not trained as a sniper.

When you are often working on a solo assignment, it's very possible that you will have to fix things on your own. Nuala knows how to work on level 8 tech spacecraft, and is extremely well versed with her own, able to fix just about anything that could break. She is scientifically adept, and while she would not be considered a brilliant scientist by those she grew up around, her education puts her scientific understanding far above most earthbound humans.


Nuala is one helluva pilot. She is one of the best pilots in the Halal. Yes, she knows it. She can pilot a variety of space vehicles, and is well versed in atmospheric piloting as well.


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Arc Talonts are Nuala's choice melee weapons. They are similar to tonfas, with an energy edge that rotates during use so that the energy arc always faces out during the strike for a cutting edge. They can cut through flesh easily, and have a superior ability to cut through metal, but a well crafted blade or thick armor are both able to resist the cut. If they are deactivated, they are just like tonfas.

Nuala is, by all human known accounts, a successful Technology Engineer. The suit is made by her, and she runs a company that makes head gaskets for cars. She has a facility which does just that, and has created 300 jobs. She doesn't really do much, having most of it automated, and the office staff is ignorant of her true purpose. She has enough people working the company and enough delegated authority that she needs to do very little to keep it functioning. Her office has a remote interface to her ship, allowing her to communicate and run systems remotely while she is at the building. It is gene locked, unable to be accessed by anyone else.

Her slim suit and her ship have cold fusion technology. They don't run out of energy at a significant rate. Her slim suit is required in order to power the Shell Suit.

The truth is she is more a resource for them than they are for her. All the same, she is an official member of Nova Corps. She is part of a sister organization under Nova Corps called the Halal. She has access to information from them, and can send word if there is a situation which requires a higher level of interaction. The Halal are fairly easy to ask for aid from, since she is a member of that organization, they only can directly help if the situation revolves around an infestation within their pervue. Nova Corps at large..well, politics, you know. A lot of things have to happen before she gets help from them. Like staff approval.

Nuala's home. Her ship. Her base of operations. The Sea Song is named after the ship her father was the captain of, and it is classified as a Halal Interceptor. It is a Tech level 8 star ship, able to comfortably transport up to ten people. It has an zeta class hyperdrive. It has shields, 4 forward and 2 aft plasma cannons, and rotary laser for closer range targeting. It also has a proton torpedo bay, and carries a maximum of 16 torpedoes. It possesses a cloaking field so that it can discreetly monitor an area. It measures 45 feet in length. The ship may not be revealed to non-authorized personnel or engage in combat except with staff approval or a TP/Event. It can be used to travel from city to city, but not to hope around town like a car.

The Shell Suit is an advanced combat tech that can be accessed by Nuala, and is normally stored on her ship, thus she only has it in a fight she has prepared to enter, and at that only in situations which she believes she will need the extra power. It can be cumbersome and is impractical for daily activity.

Size: The Shell Suit stands 9 feet tall, and can only barely squeeze through a standard doorway. Using it indoors is usually not a good plan unless she plans to destroy the building she is entering.

Defenses: The Shell Suit is a fully self-contained unit. It can be used in space combat, underwater, or most other environmental conditions, and does not react to most acids. Of course, there's always something that can corrode anything. It can absorb impacts of 15 tons of force, but at that impact there can still be significant damage internally to the wearer. It can protect Nuala from any harm up to 5 tons of force. It can resist heat up to 2500 F (1644K, 1370C)

Cannon: <Warning: Authorization Required> The Shell Suit boasts of an arm cannon which retracts while not in use. It has a plasma weapon with the knockdown power of an M1 Abrams tank cannon, and has the ability to level buildings within a few shots. She has to fill out a lot of paperwork if she fires it, and avoids using it if at all possible. Due to procedural policies, she cannot use it without prior authorization. If she does, she better have a damn good reason to put in that report.

Cutting Laser: You never know when you might have to cut through something. The cutting laser can cut through 1 foot thick steel at a rate of 2 feet per minute.

Electrical Prod: This is used for stunning, or if it's power is turned up, electrocuting targets.

Sonic Pulse: This is emitted from the same operation as the arm cannon, designed for sonic attacks against parasites with that vulnerability, and has a frequency which can be adjusted.

Ice Spread: This is not as much a gun as it is a freezing vapor fired in a cone up to 10 feet, designed to eliminate parasites that are vulnerable to cold. It can bring things to a temperature of -58F (-50C, 223K).

Miniature Missiles: They have approximately the strength of an F-1 hand grenade. The Shell Suit can carry 10 at a time, and they can be synthesized at the Sea Song using conventional earthborn materials. They are able to track targets through the suit's internal targeting system.

The Slim Suit is a lower level of body armor and power suite which Nuala can wear. It allows greater movement, and can resist most small arms fire. It is also required to power the larger Shell Suit, used for more intense confrontations.

Gene Locked: The suit scans Nuala's DNA upon entry. The Slim Suit cannot be activated by anyone else.

Wrist Blaster: The wrist blaster is a conventional level 8 tech plasma blaster, able to pierce conventional body armors and most light vehicle armor. It can also be accessed while in the larger Shell suit is equipped.

Scanners: The Slim suit has several scan types. She rarely needs the lifeform scanners, but they are there by default. The suit can assess and analyze living creatures, their vitals, and potential weaknesses. It can scan for electronic signatures and atmospheric toxins. The suit also has the ability to communicate and patch to her ship, allowing the ships systems to do the heavy lifting of data interpretation of data, and use the ship's

Psionic Shield: It looks like a band across her forehead, but it is very important. While Nuala wears it, it keeps her ability in check, preventing psionic assault and muting her unbidden ability. It is detachable.


Timmy is a small artificial intelligent bot. It is about the size and shape of a softball, can fly up to 30 mph, and has almost no combat ability on its own. He can, however, hack almost any system up to level 7 technology. At level 8, he is hit and miss, and can take him several minutes. He is able to interface (but not hack) most level 9 tech, but cannot interact with anything level 10 or higher. He has an adjustable input port which he can change the shape of to match a reduced technology port after scanning it. He can also remotely interact with the Sea Song, Shell Suit, and Slim Suit. Timmy is not armored and can take no impact stronger than an average human swinging a baseball bat. Don't hurt Timmy!


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She's human, but only biologically. Nuala is extremely out of place culturally, and has trouble being able to relate to other humans.

Due to the removal of a Brood infestation as a child, Nuala has a psionic nerve that is 'exposed'. This makes her far more vulnerable to psionic attacks than most people. It also has given her the ability to hear other's thoughts, and she must wear psionic protection to stop it. She has no control, even after several years of attempt, to control the ability, but has been unsuccessful.

When you are part of a formal galactic subdivision of Nova Corps, you have lots of rules to follow. Nuala has to follow those rules as a member of Nova Corps. This means things that she would like to do to help others are sometimes restricted. She has powerful resources at her disposal, but some of her more powerful resources cannot utilized without permission.


Ever wonder how you would fare if you were placed back in time a few hundred years? Do you know how to use a loom, or how to yoke oxen? Nuala doesn't have to wonder how she would fare, it's poorly. Earth technology is primitive compared to what she is accustomed to. For this reason, using many things that people take for granted are strange to her. How does a culture survive these technological dark ages?


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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Title Date Scene Summary
Age of Darkness: Celebration of Life October 12th, 2019 It was the Memorial Celebration for Superman, and it was a sombre event for everyone to be a part of.
Welcome Wagon July 22nd, 2019 Just another day on the station is broken up by a surprise visit by Green Lantern Hal Jordan, who introduces Kinsey to Nuala... a fellow Blue.
War of Light Interlude: Knowhere July 2nd, 2019 War of Light Interlude: A meeting of several space faring peeps, getting to know one another. Hal drops hints that he was looking for Arkillo, in regards to the War of Light.
The Trial of Nuala Duvall May 21st, 2019 Suzanne stands up for Nuala at her trial. The outcome is a little unanticipated.
Catching Up on a Few Things May 16th, 2019 Nuala returns to Earth, tells Thor the exciting news that she's a Blue Lantern. Thor tells her the exciting news...he's engaged?
Hope April 16th, 2019 Suzanne inducts Nuala to the Blue Lantern Corps.
C.O.D. April 16th, 2019 Summary needed
Hooked April 11th, 2019 Bounty hunters try to work out a deal with their quarry, while trying not to get Lanterned and blowed up in hyperspace.
Abduction April 8th, 2019 Nuala is kidnapped by Lobo and Star-Lord! Suzanne, Black Panther, and Hal try to stop it.
All good things... April 4th, 2019 Nuala finds out who Suzanne is, and...get's a job?
Trial of Nuala Duvall: Diplomatic Excursion March 6th, 2019 Loki meets with Rhomann Dey about Nuala Duvall to try to come to an agreement.
What Shall We Do About Nuala February 20th, 2019 Plans are made!
Nova Corps: Nuala and Thor are almost kidnapped! February 18th, 2019 Loki ruins Thor's awesome exit.
Panther's Den February 6th, 2019 Nuala shares tidbits about The Brood with T'Challa
While I still can... January 15th, 2019 Suzanne takes Nuala to lunch, and leaves her with a lot of confusion, and alusion.
A Conversation Between Friends January 9th, 2019 Thor encourages Nuala that she will be welcome at Asgard while dealing with the recent charges from the Nova Empire.
When Nova Comes Knocking January 8th, 2019 Nova Corps comes to arrest Nuala for breaking Nova law. Drake, Hal, and Thor come to her rescue, and nobody has to get punched!
Astral Flux: Slippery November 27th, 2018 Tony briefs various heroes on the Mexico situation.
Hey lady, we need a lift. September 5th, 2018 Thor goes back to Norway to put some efforts into action and has a strange visitor.
To Steal A Spaceship...With Politics September 3rd, 2018 Summary needed
How to Tourist August 27th, 2018 Nuala and Drake run into each other in the Library. Drake teaches Nuala about the concept of a vacation.
Life in Norway August 10th, 2018 Nuala goes to Norway to check up on the Asgardians. Asgardian mead brings out a conversation that might not have otherwise happened.
Germination: Back, From Outer Space July 31st, 2018 A meeting is held to determine how to use their new 'weapon' against the fungus, if at all.
Germination: Float Down Here July 31st, 2018 Fungus DEFEATED, WORLD SAVED!
Germination: Knowplace Like Home July 30th, 2018 The continued adventures of three Titans and one Novan on Knowhere. Sent to find some 'slow glass', they run into about as many kinds of trouble as it's possible, including an agent of the Collector, some self-duplicating bounty hunters, some illegal miners with immensely dangerous equipment, and a very strange cosmonaut. Somehow it all works out rather well in the end.
Germination: Road to Knowhere July 25th, 2018 Some earthlings make their way to Knowhere, gaining some particular insight and a potential new weapon in fighting the Oomycetans.
The Spaceman Says... July 25th, 2018 Nuala prepares to break more rules by taking some of the Titans on her ship.
Nuala addresses the UN about the Asgardian Problem July 20th, 2018 The UN hears Nuala's testimony on the current state of galactic politics.
So, let's talk about space. July 19th, 2018 Nuala wants to know whether Colette has been infected with Aliens. Colette wants to borrow Nuala's spaceship. Negotiations are strange.
Germination: A Hint From History July 17th, 2018 The Titans have information to share. Nuala, Tony Stark and Diana make their way to the Tower and get thoroughly Titaned. Stories are told, weapons are shared, theories are voiced, pizzas are (inevitably) ordered, and some very strange space-politicking takes place. Progress is being made!
Expect the Unexpected July 15th, 2018 Summary needed
Strange Meetings July 12th, 2018 Nuala, Lois Lane and Kal-El discuss how to tell the world about the importance of helping the Asgardians.
Ragnarok pt. 14: Recovery July 11th, 2018 Thor is recovered and on the way back to the Asgardians
Ragnarok Pt. 12: Planetfall July 10th, 2018 Frigga's Mercy crashes into the Atlantic while the heroes work frantically to evacuate all that they can.
Minor Adjustments July 9th, 2018 After some course correction, Nuala and Kal-El meet onboard Frigga's Mercy.
Ragnarok pt. 8: The News of the U.N. June 28th, 2018 A course of action is decided upon.
Two Brothers and a Stark + 1 June 28th, 2018 Brother are brothers, and Tony snarks while Nuala tries not to get on anyone's bad side.
Germination: Let there be Light, pt 2 June 27th, 2018 Heroes deal with the giant space fungus 'ship'.
Ragnarok pt. 7: Reflection and Logistics June 23rd, 2018 Plans are made to deal with the transfer of the Asgardians
Cultural Diversity June 22nd, 2018 T'Challa and Nuala each teach the other a little of what they do not know.
Ragnarok pt 2: First Responders June 20th, 2018 The Asgardians are visited by a Nova, a Lantern, and some Wakandans. Help is given, and T'Challa offers asylum.
Germination:A council of heroes is Called June 15th, 2018 Summary needed
Germination: Sprawl June 12th, 2018 The space-mushrooms show a new trick, and heroes respond!
Germination - The Next Day May 31st, 2018 Summary needed
A most curiouse Sound May 23rd, 2018 Summary needed
Space Road Trip May 14th, 2018 Summary needed
Symbiotic Investigation Pt 3 May 1st, 2018 Summary needed
Symbiotic Investigation Pt 2 April 27th, 2018 Summary needed
Going for a Dive April 24th, 2018 Summary needed
Park Escapades Episode 1 April 19th, 2018 Summary needed
Nuala Duvall vs. The Swarm April 11th, 2018 Summary needed
Symbiotic Investigation March 28th, 2018 Summary needed
Welcoming Party March 13th, 2018 Summary needed
Identifying the Haters February 20th, 2018 Nuala and Lar discuss the identity of the attacker at the crash site.
A chance encounter February 19th, 2018 Summary needed
Going Outside February 14th, 2018 Summary needed
Crash Site Investigation February 14th, 2018 A crash investigation turns out to be more than Nuala can handle alone. Luckily, she gets help!
Animal House February 1st, 2018 Summary needed
Alien spacecraft January 30th, 2018 Summary needed
Ships Passing in the Night January 23rd, 2018 Summary needed


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Title Date Scene Summary
Confession July 20th, 2018 Summary needed
Ragnarok: Funeral Pyre July 17th, 2018 Asgard and their allies say goodbye to the fallen
It's Worse June 25th, 2018 Summary needed
Germination: Spore Investigation May 11th, 2018 Summary needed
After Action Report February 19th, 2018 Summary needed
Cutscene: After Action Report February 19th, 2018 Summary needed


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