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|Occupation=Death Dealer
|Occupation=Military Leader
|Groups=Street Level
|Education=Hundreds of Years of Study and Training
|Groups=[[Street Level-OOC]]
|Quote="I am a Death Dealer, sworn to destroy those known as the Lycans. Our war has waged for centuries, unseen by human eyes. But all that is about to change."
|Quote="I am a Death Dealer, sworn to destroy those known as the Lycans. Our war has waged for centuries, unseen by human eyes. But all that is about to change."
+info Selene - To read more about me here.
|DOB=3 June 1383
|DOB=3 June 1383
|Height=170 cm (5'7")
|Weight=52 kg (114 lb)
|Hair=Dark Brown
|Eyes=Pale Blue
|Actor=Kate Beckinsale
|Actor=Kate Beckinsale
|Profile=Infamous among those that live in the "underworld", Selene has a reputation being the most accomplished death dealer that has ever been among the great covens of Europe. Carrying the banner in the war fought against the Lycans for hundreds of years out of revenge for her murdered family and now with the great packs she used to fight scattered her Coven reaches out from Hungary and sets it's sights upon America looking to expand as Selene struggles to find purpose in a world where her battle seems to be almost won.
|Song="Selene - Death Dealer"
|Profile=Infamous among those that live in the "underworld", Selene has a reputation being the most accomplished death dealer that has ever been among the great covens of Europe. Carrying the banner in the war fought against the Lycans for hundreds of years out of revenge for her murdered family and now with the great packs she used to fight scattered her Coven reaches out from Hungary and sets it's sights upon America looking to expand as Selene struggles to find purpose in a world where her battle seems to be almost won. Leading the "Death Dealers", her Covens military branch. She sets out to conquer the last of the defiant packs of Lycans that would resist subjugation while searching for purpose in a world that soon may not need her kind with the war won.
Leading the "Death Dealers", her Covens military branch. She sets out to conquer the last of the defiant packs of Lycans that would resist subjugation while searching for purpose in a world that soon may not need her kind with the war won.
===Current Player Approved: Not Available for Application===
<span style="color:#4040bf">'''Description:'''</span>
The world has changed a lot in 600 years, so many lifetimes lived, so many battles won, but only one war, one war that defined Selenes existence and threatens to come to an end. But victory feels hallow for the renown 'Death Dealer', it's hard to not think back to the beginning to a life seeking revenge. To a curse given as a gift so that she might be strong enough to avenge her family. But perhaps we should start there, revenge.
Slender and sleek with strength hidden within her athletic if not alluring form. Standing at 5' 7" and weighing only 115 lbs the pale porcelain beauty is a striking figure to behold. From her intense icy blue eyes often framed against that short black hair barely reaching her shoulders, to the whites of her fanged teeth it's obvious Selene is as dangerous as she is lovely. Dressed often for battle in the way those of her Coven do, wearing black latex and leather often accompanied with a long matching coat filled to the brim with various implements of 'death dealing'.
Born the daughter of an architect sometime in the 1300's of Hungary she wanted for nothing. Her family well taken care of by the Lord who she had no idea was a vampire, but all the same was always kind to them in a time where kindness was rarity and cruelty was as certain as ones own inevitable death. But peace was a fleeting thing for the undead rulers, their creations and former servants the Lycans had staged several rebellions that had broken into a full scale war, a war which spilled over again and again and claimed more then a few innocent victims. Selene's family among them, only nineteen years old and distraught beyond all measure she was barely alive and found by the Vampire Lord Viktor who offered her a chance. He told her of the Lycans and how they slaughtered her family and offered her revenge in the form of immortality and the strength to fight them.
<span style="color:#009999">'''History:'''</span>
By Viktors side through the centuries Selene descended into the fires of war that has raged since her embrace. She had many titles over the years from a time where she rushed into battle clad in metal armor to the modern ages of kevlar and fire resistant clothes. But nothing stuck like the title of 'Death Dealer' gained from her unmatched skill and fury in battle. Through it all she's become the longest living fighter of her Coven long since becoming the leader of their military, renown for her ability above any other to train her 'Death Dealers' in the art of war.
The world has changed a lot in 600 years, so many lifetimes lived, so many battles won, but only one war, one war that defined Selenes existence and threatens to come to an end. But victory feels hallow for the renown 'Death Dealer', it's hard to not think back to the beginning to a life seeking revenge. To a curse given as a gift so that she might be strong enough to avenge her family. But perhaps we should start there, revenge.<br><br>Born the daughter of an architect sometime in the 1300's of Hungary she wanted for nothing. Her family well taken care of by the Lord who she had no idea was a vampire, but all the same was always kind to them in a time where kindness was rarity and cruelty was as certain as ones own inevitable death. But peace was a fleeting thing for the undead rulers, their creations and former servants the Lycans had staged several rebellions that had broken into a full scale war, a war which spilled over again and again and claimed more then a few innocent victims. Selene's family among them, only nineteen years old and distraught beyond all measure she was barely alive and found by the Vampire Lord Viktor who offered her a chance. He told her of the Lycans and how they slaughtered her family and offered her revenge in the form of immortality and the strength to fight them.<br><br>By Viktors side through the centuries Selene descended into the fires of war that has raged since her embrace. She had many titles over the years from a time where she rushed into battle clad in metal armor to the modern ages of kevlar and fire resistant clothes. But nothing stuck like the title of 'Death Dealer' gained from her unmatched skill and fury in battle. Through it all she's become the longest living fighter of her Coven long since becoming the leader of their military, renown for her ability above any other to train her 'Death Dealers' in the art of war.<br><br>Through the years the tools of war have gotten deadlier and the Lycans resilience no longer seemed to be enough in the face of these new weapons and times that made it harder for both sides to survive in a society they now had to hide from. The vampires no longer ruling kingdoms but controlling Covens and Corporations and the Lycans packs far more fragmented resembling gangs and militias instead of the roving hordes they used to be thanks to rampant infighting and lack of strong leadership. Because of all of this Selene finds herself poised on the edge of victory the one thing she striven for through the ages though somehow on the precipice of revenge realized she can't help but feel only empty disappointment.<br><br>Having Driven their enemies from the old world Selene joined the covens expansion into the United States to take out the Remanent of Lycan resistance. To her through the whole ordeal felt like a victory lap, was there no more grand battles to fight, no more great purpose and revenge left to intact? Because of these thoughts she finds herself gripped with apathy regarding the politics of the Coven and the decadence of her Vampiric Kin, hopelessly searching for a new purpose as her use through all these years seems to be coming to an end. After all who would she be if not the 'Death Dealer'?
Through the years the tools of war have gotten deadlier and the Lycans resilience no longer seemed to be enough in the face of these new weapons and times that made it harder for both sides to survive in a society they now had to hide from. The vampires no longer ruling kingdoms but controlling Covens and Corporations and the Lycans packs far more fragmented resembling gangs and militias instead of the roving hordes they used to be thanks to rampant infighting and lack of strong leadership. Because of all of this Selene finds herself poised on the edge of victory the one thing she striven for through the ages though somehow on the precipice of revenge realized she can't help but feel only empty disappointment.
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Personality:'''</span>
Having Driven their enemies from the old world Selene joined the covens expansion into the United States to take out the Remanent of Lycan resistance. To her through the whole ordeal felt like a victory lap, was there no more grand battles to fight, no more great purpose and revenge left to intact? Because of these thoughts she finds herself gripped with apathy regarding the politics of the Coven and the decadence of her Vampiric Kin, hopelessly searching for a new purpose as her use through all these years seems to be coming to an end. After all who would she be if not the 'Death Dealer'?
Dangerous and stoic Selene in the image of cold even among the undead. Her steely and calm demeanor even in battle has served her well and gained her quite a reputation. Though without passion she is not, her very motivations in this unlife are what keep her going. Her sense of righteous revenge and purpose have driven her through the ages as a destructive and terrible force for her enemies to behold. Though under all of that battle hardened fervor doubt exists when concerned for what to do with herself outside of these matters of combat and war. The changing times and lack of enemies has let apathy creep into the heart of the great Death Dealer as she searches for new purpose.
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Elder:'''</span>
Despite the fact she's over 600 years old Selene hasn't aged a day since she was turned at the age of nineteen. As long as her body isn't destroyed she'll never be touched by the harshness of time or the decay of disease. Her age as a warrior among her kind has afforded her great enhancement to her innate abilities able to push herself harder and further to inhuman feats then younger vampires. It also leave her open to develop abilities and feats once thought impossible.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Fangs:'''</span>
The natural weapon of the vampires her fangs are sharp and capable of piercing almost any hide to delve into the blood within or rip the flesh free to leave a vicious wound.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Regeneration:'''</span>
Bullet wounds close and eject the slugs, gashes from blades mend, and broken bones knit back together. Some of the many perks of undeath that allow her to keep going despite the damage done to her body as she's able to heal the most gruesome of wounds with a moment of concentration.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Resilience:'''</span>
conventional and natural weapons alike have quite a bit of trouble hurting her to any great extent. Her well reinforced but sleek armor and her vampiric resilience make her difficult to take down in almost any case. Hails of bullets leave her merely staggered and a slash from a blade merely a wound to be ignored. Without exploiting her inherit weaknesses she's very difficult to injure let alone incapacitate or kill.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Super Agility:'''</span>
From dodging to avoid the swipe of a massive claw with a seemingly impossible act of flexibility as she bends backwards to managing to predict and slip out of the path of bullets Selenes speed and dexterity is perhaps her most finely toned trait. With a moments concentration she can pull off impossible feats of speed dashing and attacking multiple enemies in a single moment or crossing great distances though these acts typically force her to push her vampiric body to it's very limits but cause her to turn into merely a blur to her foes and onlookers alike.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Super Strength:'''</span>
Forged through six-hundred years of unlife and ceaseless war Selene's strength is unmatched among her peers of which there are few. Able to fall from great heights without missing a step or slash clean through a Lycan with a single cut, or even jump great heights and distances only to land gracefully. Her petite yet athletic stature is certainly deceptive of the immense power that lay within her muscles, easily able to throw large objects like a car or wrestle with a beast twice her size or bigger and come out on top. There's few limits to what her strength is capable of especially as the battle escalates.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Vampiric Senses:'''</span>
A beating heart, a shifting of feet around a corner, the sweat beading off the brow from the anticipation of battle. Selene is able to hear and feel all of these things over great distances. Her keen eyesight tuned to operate in almost complete darkness thanks to being a predator of the night with their intense glow of blue. Catching her by surprise is almost impossible to all but the most stealthy of assailants.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Language:'''</span>
Selene has learned countless languages some even dead in this modern age over her many years of unlife given she's often had to travel throughout the world in her life-long crusade.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Leader:'''</span>
Leading the men and women under her command has never been an easy feat. But being the best often inspires others to follow and it's a responsibility that Selene doesn't take lightly. Every one of her soldiers is trained and honed into a weapon by Selene herself and she will not suffer weakness nor hesitation among her troops and it has honed her force into the elite Death Dealers that are known and feared today.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Lore of Ages:'''</span>
Selene hasn't just learned about the history and advances of the world she'd been exposed to every single one of them. Every war, ever triumph, every failures, and every leap on technology and change in society that humanity as endured. Because of this Selene is afforded a wisdom and education beyond what most people could even dream of in their lifetimes. Obscure facts of bygone ages and even first hand encounters of legendary figures of the past are but some of the things within her timeless mind of hers.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Strategist:'''</span>
The battlefield is not merely a place you fight, it's a game to be won and Selene is a master of using her forces and equipment to their utmost efficiency, every movement planned every maneuver practiced. The only difference from many commanders and those skilled in the art of war is that she personally leads every skirmish and assault, never one to lead from behind.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Trainer:'''</span>
Among all the covens she is the most sought after instructor when it comes to the art of killing. Her methods and prestige allow her to take even the rawest of recruits and turn them into a formidable force within a few months time. Because of this it's not uncommon for others to travel far and wide for a chance to learn under her.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Weapon Master:'''</span>
With over six-hundred years of combat experience Selene was mastered the use of almost every weapon imaginable from the sword to the gun and everything in between. Employing even some weapons unique to her kind such as her customized machine pistols often loaded in unique ammunition or the razer sharp throwing stars with adjustable metals for different enemies, though silver often the weapon of choice.
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Advanced Tech:'''</span>
Through the ages The Coven has kept it's own researchers and scientists crafting weapons and technology to suit their unique needs as vampires. From bullets that inject silver nitrate into a Lycans blood, to better blood storage and replenishment for their human servants. Always possessing the bleeding edge thanks to their control of major corporations around the world The Coven has access to anything they might need for their war or conflicts beyond.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Death Dealers:'''</span>
As the military leader of The Coven Selene commands the Elite Death Dealers. The renown and infamous army of vampire warriors that protect and fight The Covens battles for them. Trained mostly for combat with Lycans they employ an array of silver blades, throwing weapons and firearms that posses various ammunition types some unique to their order. The average Death Dealer isn't as powerful or cunning as their leader but still a force to reckoned with, after all they were each trained by Selene herself.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''The Coven:'''</span>
The Coven is both the society and the sprawling mansion in which the vampires of her bloodline live. Ruled over by a council of Elders and a current ruler that rotates every few hundred years so that all of the ancient elders have a chance at the throne and time to rest as the ages catch up and weaken them. The building itself is build with beyond state of the art technology and security with automated guns, armed security, and windows with thick steel shutters to block the sunlight as well of course. It's from this impregnable fortress that the Coven does it's business and seeks refuge from the prying eyes of humanity and enemies alike.
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Elders Burden:'''</span>
Selene longs to return to the days where she didn't have to involved in the politics of the Elders Council. Though old enough to sit on it herself she instead leads The Covens military force and because of this she is often at the whim of the Councils decisions instead of her own which can lead to frustrating circumstance or even grudges between herself and the members of the Council. There's plenty that want to posses her for their own wicked ends, and others that want her dead. The reality of being as old as she is among a powerful organization is that you end up with more enemies then friends.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Infamous:'''</span>
'The Death Dealer' is known by many, despite her true nature she's seen by plenty in the world who know of her as a heartless killing machine good only for bringing an end to the lives of others. This reputation has followed her through the ages and any Lycan from the oldest to the newest pup knows of and desires nothing more then to be the one to end her. Plenty of Vampires in the various covens of the world and others even see her as a rival to be challenged or bested if only to prove they are better. Being a legend isn't easy after all especially when you're not yet dead.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Righteous Purpose:'''</span>
Selene is convinced she's been on the right side of this war since her family was murdered. She doesn't fight for money, for fame, or anything one might consider self-serving. Her single goal is to win the war and put down what she views as heartless monsters intent on destroying her kind and the innocents of the world. Because of this Selene cannot put herself on the 'wrong' side of a conflict. Cruelty and viciousness for no reason are not things she's capable of and this purpose can sometimes lead her to put herself in danger because of something she believes is right. But without purpose she herself is also lost, after all morality comes with a price and plenty of guilt if not seen through.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Vampires Curse:'''</span>
For all the strengths involved there is a reason many call it a curse. The inability to withstand sunlight less she be turned to Ash and of course the fatal nature of being set aflame as it hurts more then any other method of attack. The fatal vulnerabilities of a wooden stake through the heart or a blade slicing off the head. The revulsion in the face of holy objects or garlic. Being unable to enter a mortals home without a invitation. But most known of all is their lust for blood and a need to feed that can drive one to a murderous frenzy if too long without it goes by.
[[Category:Street Level-OOC]]

Latest revision as of 14:24, 12 April 2023

Selene (Scenesys ID: 761)
"I am a Death Dealer, sworn to destroy those known as the Lycans. Our war has waged for centuries, unseen by human eyes. But all that is about to change."

+info Selene - To read more about me here.

Full Name: Selene
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire
Theme: Other (FC)
Occupation: Military Leader
Citizenship: Hungarian
Residence: Bludhaven
Education: Hundreds of Years of Study and Training
Status: Retired
Groups: Street Level-OOC
Other Information
Apparent Age: 644 Actual Age: 644
Date of Birth 3 June 1383 Actor: Kate Beckinsale
Height: 170 cm (5'7") Weight: 52 kg (114 lb)
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "Selene - Death Dealer"


Infamous among those that live in the "underworld", Selene has a reputation being the most accomplished death dealer that has ever been among the great covens of Europe. Carrying the banner in the war fought against the Lycans for hundreds of years out of revenge for her murdered family and now with the great packs she used to fight scattered her Coven reaches out from Hungary and sets it's sights upon America looking to expand as Selene struggles to find purpose in a world where her battle seems to be almost won. Leading the "Death Dealers", her Covens military branch. She sets out to conquer the last of the defiant packs of Lycans that would resist subjugation while searching for purpose in a world that soon may not need her kind with the war won.

Current Player Approved: Not Available for Application



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Slender and sleek with strength hidden within her athletic if not alluring form. Standing at 5' 7" and weighing only 115 lbs the pale porcelain beauty is a striking figure to behold. From her intense icy blue eyes often framed against that short black hair barely reaching her shoulders, to the whites of her fanged teeth it's obvious Selene is as dangerous as she is lovely. Dressed often for battle in the way those of her Coven do, wearing black latex and leather often accompanied with a long matching coat filled to the brim with various implements of 'death dealing'.


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The world has changed a lot in 600 years, so many lifetimes lived, so many battles won, but only one war, one war that defined Selenes existence and threatens to come to an end. But victory feels hallow for the renown 'Death Dealer', it's hard to not think back to the beginning to a life seeking revenge. To a curse given as a gift so that she might be strong enough to avenge her family. But perhaps we should start there, revenge.

Born the daughter of an architect sometime in the 1300's of Hungary she wanted for nothing. Her family well taken care of by the Lord who she had no idea was a vampire, but all the same was always kind to them in a time where kindness was rarity and cruelty was as certain as ones own inevitable death. But peace was a fleeting thing for the undead rulers, their creations and former servants the Lycans had staged several rebellions that had broken into a full scale war, a war which spilled over again and again and claimed more then a few innocent victims. Selene's family among them, only nineteen years old and distraught beyond all measure she was barely alive and found by the Vampire Lord Viktor who offered her a chance. He told her of the Lycans and how they slaughtered her family and offered her revenge in the form of immortality and the strength to fight them.

By Viktors side through the centuries Selene descended into the fires of war that has raged since her embrace. She had many titles over the years from a time where she rushed into battle clad in metal armor to the modern ages of kevlar and fire resistant clothes. But nothing stuck like the title of 'Death Dealer' gained from her unmatched skill and fury in battle. Through it all she's become the longest living fighter of her Coven long since becoming the leader of their military, renown for her ability above any other to train her 'Death Dealers' in the art of war.

Through the years the tools of war have gotten deadlier and the Lycans resilience no longer seemed to be enough in the face of these new weapons and times that made it harder for both sides to survive in a society they now had to hide from. The vampires no longer ruling kingdoms but controlling Covens and Corporations and the Lycans packs far more fragmented resembling gangs and militias instead of the roving hordes they used to be thanks to rampant infighting and lack of strong leadership. Because of all of this Selene finds herself poised on the edge of victory the one thing she striven for through the ages though somehow on the precipice of revenge realized she can't help but feel only empty disappointment.

Having Driven their enemies from the old world Selene joined the covens expansion into the United States to take out the Remanent of Lycan resistance. To her through the whole ordeal felt like a victory lap, was there no more grand battles to fight, no more great purpose and revenge left to intact? Because of these thoughts she finds herself gripped with apathy regarding the politics of the Coven and the decadence of her Vampiric Kin, hopelessly searching for a new purpose as her use through all these years seems to be coming to an end. After all who would she be if not the 'Death Dealer'?


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Dangerous and stoic Selene in the image of cold even among the undead. Her steely and calm demeanor even in battle has served her well and gained her quite a reputation. Though without passion she is not, her very motivations in this unlife are what keep her going. Her sense of righteous revenge and purpose have driven her through the ages as a destructive and terrible force for her enemies to behold. Though under all of that battle hardened fervor doubt exists when concerned for what to do with herself outside of these matters of combat and war. The changing times and lack of enemies has let apathy creep into the heart of the great Death Dealer as she searches for new purpose.


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Despite the fact she's over 600 years old Selene hasn't aged a day since she was turned at the age of nineteen. As long as her body isn't destroyed she'll never be touched by the harshness of time or the decay of disease. Her age as a warrior among her kind has afforded her great enhancement to her innate abilities able to push herself harder and further to inhuman feats then younger vampires. It also leave her open to develop abilities and feats once thought impossible.

The natural weapon of the vampires her fangs are sharp and capable of piercing almost any hide to delve into the blood within or rip the flesh free to leave a vicious wound.

Bullet wounds close and eject the slugs, gashes from blades mend, and broken bones knit back together. Some of the many perks of undeath that allow her to keep going despite the damage done to her body as she's able to heal the most gruesome of wounds with a moment of concentration.

conventional and natural weapons alike have quite a bit of trouble hurting her to any great extent. Her well reinforced but sleek armor and her vampiric resilience make her difficult to take down in almost any case. Hails of bullets leave her merely staggered and a slash from a blade merely a wound to be ignored. Without exploiting her inherit weaknesses she's very difficult to injure let alone incapacitate or kill.

Super Agility:
From dodging to avoid the swipe of a massive claw with a seemingly impossible act of flexibility as she bends backwards to managing to predict and slip out of the path of bullets Selenes speed and dexterity is perhaps her most finely toned trait. With a moments concentration she can pull off impossible feats of speed dashing and attacking multiple enemies in a single moment or crossing great distances though these acts typically force her to push her vampiric body to it's very limits but cause her to turn into merely a blur to her foes and onlookers alike.

Super Strength:
Forged through six-hundred years of unlife and ceaseless war Selene's strength is unmatched among her peers of which there are few. Able to fall from great heights without missing a step or slash clean through a Lycan with a single cut, or even jump great heights and distances only to land gracefully. Her petite yet athletic stature is certainly deceptive of the immense power that lay within her muscles, easily able to throw large objects like a car or wrestle with a beast twice her size or bigger and come out on top. There's few limits to what her strength is capable of especially as the battle escalates.

Vampiric Senses:

A beating heart, a shifting of feet around a corner, the sweat beading off the brow from the anticipation of battle. Selene is able to hear and feel all of these things over great distances. Her keen eyesight tuned to operate in almost complete darkness thanks to being a predator of the night with their intense glow of blue. Catching her by surprise is almost impossible to all but the most stealthy of assailants.


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Selene has learned countless languages some even dead in this modern age over her many years of unlife given she's often had to travel throughout the world in her life-long crusade.

Leading the men and women under her command has never been an easy feat. But being the best often inspires others to follow and it's a responsibility that Selene doesn't take lightly. Every one of her soldiers is trained and honed into a weapon by Selene herself and she will not suffer weakness nor hesitation among her troops and it has honed her force into the elite Death Dealers that are known and feared today.

Lore of Ages:
Selene hasn't just learned about the history and advances of the world she'd been exposed to every single one of them. Every war, ever triumph, every failures, and every leap on technology and change in society that humanity as endured. Because of this Selene is afforded a wisdom and education beyond what most people could even dream of in their lifetimes. Obscure facts of bygone ages and even first hand encounters of legendary figures of the past are but some of the things within her timeless mind of hers.

The battlefield is not merely a place you fight, it's a game to be won and Selene is a master of using her forces and equipment to their utmost efficiency, every movement planned every maneuver practiced. The only difference from many commanders and those skilled in the art of war is that she personally leads every skirmish and assault, never one to lead from behind.

Among all the covens she is the most sought after instructor when it comes to the art of killing. Her methods and prestige allow her to take even the rawest of recruits and turn them into a formidable force within a few months time. Because of this it's not uncommon for others to travel far and wide for a chance to learn under her.

Weapon Master:

With over six-hundred years of combat experience Selene was mastered the use of almost every weapon imaginable from the sword to the gun and everything in between. Employing even some weapons unique to her kind such as her customized machine pistols often loaded in unique ammunition or the razer sharp throwing stars with adjustable metals for different enemies, though silver often the weapon of choice.


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Advanced Tech:
Through the ages The Coven has kept it's own researchers and scientists crafting weapons and technology to suit their unique needs as vampires. From bullets that inject silver nitrate into a Lycans blood, to better blood storage and replenishment for their human servants. Always possessing the bleeding edge thanks to their control of major corporations around the world The Coven has access to anything they might need for their war or conflicts beyond.

Death Dealers:
As the military leader of The Coven Selene commands the Elite Death Dealers. The renown and infamous army of vampire warriors that protect and fight The Covens battles for them. Trained mostly for combat with Lycans they employ an array of silver blades, throwing weapons and firearms that posses various ammunition types some unique to their order. The average Death Dealer isn't as powerful or cunning as their leader but still a force to reckoned with, after all they were each trained by Selene herself.

The Coven:

The Coven is both the society and the sprawling mansion in which the vampires of her bloodline live. Ruled over by a council of Elders and a current ruler that rotates every few hundred years so that all of the ancient elders have a chance at the throne and time to rest as the ages catch up and weaken them. The building itself is build with beyond state of the art technology and security with automated guns, armed security, and windows with thick steel shutters to block the sunlight as well of course. It's from this impregnable fortress that the Coven does it's business and seeks refuge from the prying eyes of humanity and enemies alike.


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Elders Burden:
Selene longs to return to the days where she didn't have to involved in the politics of the Elders Council. Though old enough to sit on it herself she instead leads The Covens military force and because of this she is often at the whim of the Councils decisions instead of her own which can lead to frustrating circumstance or even grudges between herself and the members of the Council. There's plenty that want to posses her for their own wicked ends, and others that want her dead. The reality of being as old as she is among a powerful organization is that you end up with more enemies then friends.

'The Death Dealer' is known by many, despite her true nature she's seen by plenty in the world who know of her as a heartless killing machine good only for bringing an end to the lives of others. This reputation has followed her through the ages and any Lycan from the oldest to the newest pup knows of and desires nothing more then to be the one to end her. Plenty of Vampires in the various covens of the world and others even see her as a rival to be challenged or bested if only to prove they are better. Being a legend isn't easy after all especially when you're not yet dead.

Righteous Purpose:
Selene is convinced she's been on the right side of this war since her family was murdered. She doesn't fight for money, for fame, or anything one might consider self-serving. Her single goal is to win the war and put down what she views as heartless monsters intent on destroying her kind and the innocents of the world. Because of this Selene cannot put herself on the 'wrong' side of a conflict. Cruelty and viciousness for no reason are not things she's capable of and this purpose can sometimes lead her to put herself in danger because of something she believes is right. But without purpose she herself is also lost, after all morality comes with a price and plenty of guilt if not seen through.

Vampires Curse:

For all the strengths involved there is a reason many call it a curse. The inability to withstand sunlight less she be turned to Ash and of course the fatal nature of being set aflame as it hurts more then any other method of attack. The fatal vulnerabilities of a wooden stake through the heart or a blade slicing off the head. The revulsion in the face of holy objects or garlic. Being unable to enter a mortals home without a invitation. But most known of all is their lust for blood and a need to feed that can drive one to a murderous frenzy if too long without it goes by.


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Title Date Scene Summary
In search of Answers March 10th, 2020 Buffy takes out frustrations on vamps. Selene and Thomas help.
Lost in Yonkers February 14th, 2020 Summary needed
Hanging at the Mansion February 13th, 2020 Summary needed
A Word Of Warning January 25th, 2020 Selene Grills William Wilkenson. Just with less fire.
Fangs for the Memories January 21st, 2020 Summary needed
In the police bar, the mighty police bar, the courier drinks tooooniiiiight... January 11th, 2020 Selene tracks down a courier with some questionable finances
Bloodbath! January 7th, 2020 Selene and Buffy turn a vampire club in a slaughterhouse into a vampire slaughterhouse.
The War Dogs are Marching January 4th, 2020 Tombstone goes to do a drug deal, and it gets ruined by Mary Marvel and Selene and Tombstone breaks his knuckles, courtesy of Mary.
Beasts and Vampires December 27th, 2019 Selene runs into Henry in Central Harlem. They discuss movies and things
Sharpening Blades December 24th, 2019 Selene and Blade team up to clear a warehouse and start to figure out who is behind the vampires herding humans
Moon and Marvel December 23rd, 2019 A Mighty Maiden and a Death Dealer walk into a warehouse...
A Coven-ted Time December 23rd, 2019 Selene invites Andre to the coven's mansion
Crimes and Punishers December 22nd, 2019 Selene meets Punisher, things go south and lycans join the party. The warehouse gets a new red paintjob.
Are Vampires Also Bats December 22nd, 2019 Misfit learns there are vampires in Gotham and has a message to deliver from Selene to Batman
Christmas Exchanges December 21st, 2019 Nick is waiting at the bar and Selene approaches. Selene is not a subtle person.
Big Game Hunting December 21st, 2019 Selene hires Grant and some of his men to help eliminate lycans. They are successful.
Nightclubs and Night Hunters December 21st, 2019 Selene and Rave meet, exchange names, relax and dance a little!
A little trouble December 20th, 2019 Nadia and Selene stop mutant hating goons from attacking Megan.
Its a Mall. In Gotham... November 27th, 2019 Summary needed
Another night in Gotham November 22nd, 2019 Buffy and Selene team up to fight a lycan..Before a stranger delivers an explosive message from the Master.
The House on Crested Hill: Its Haunted November 7th, 2019 Its a haunted house of mystery and mayhem... and a Sorcerer and a Vampire are there to solve it all!
So a minotaur stripper walks into a bar... October 30th, 2019 John and Selene talk business over drinks at Lux. John walks into the wind.
Gotham Is Magic. If Magic Were a Trash Filled City. October 25th, 2019 A Vampire and a Wizard due battle... with quips and willy European words.
Vampires, Lycans and Demons, Oh My! October 17th, 2019 Talia assists Selene in pursuing Lycans, Wutan and Raze, spotted in Gotham.
Details in the Blood October 5th, 2019 Jamie and Selene cross paths at a crime scene. Jamie keeps his blood and Selene gets some extra hands for a Lycan hunt in the making.
I'm Really Lycan This September 25th, 2019 Selene and Stephanie meet to discuss the Lycan threat and their recruitment of enhanced individuals
Call of the Wild September 11th, 2019 Logan runs into a previous acquaintence in the woods. As per normal for Logan's life, its pretty weird what she's doing.
My What Large Eyes You Have September 1st, 2019 Selene tails a Lycan, then prevents him from approaching Vanessa who is out working the street.
Hammerhead meets a Vampire August 23rd, 2019 Hammerhead meets Selene and makes a treaty with her people.
Undercurrents: Dangerous Dealers July 30th, 2019 Selene tells Captain Quaid that lycans are dealing and using Hook.
Selene's Lycan it July 29th, 2019 Batwoman and Selene speak to one another
Lambs for the Slaughter July 26th, 2019 Selene kills lycans, escapes explosions.
A Night Meeting July 25th, 2019 Selene and Andre sat and talked and he will show her around Gotham the next time they meet.
Sometimes the tunnels suck July 18th, 2019 Damian meets Selene while undercover, and underground!
Enough of an idea for something July 7th, 2019 Spider-Man meets up with Hank and Selene on the roofs of New York.
One cup of hot art June 28th, 2019 Selene runs into Kat in a cafe. Art is drawn. Deals are made.
Dance Revolution June 27th, 2019 Summary needed
A vampire, a Triad leader, and a nightly meetup June 27th, 2019 In which Selene and White China meet up to discuss business and alliances...and things.
Lycans of Gotham June 26th, 2019 Kitty warns Selene about police investigations, while Natasha Cranston follows Lycans to the bar and Tim Drake observes
Harley's Big Heist June 22nd, 2019 Summary needed
We Meet Again! June 18th, 2019 Selene pays a visit to Frank. This time she gives him information instead of a broken nose.
If in doubt....shoot 'em June 16th, 2019 Summary needed
Dead as a Dog June 15th, 2019 NYPD investigates a vampire-lycan fight only to get more of both. And Harley! And Punisher!
Getting knowledge from a vampire June 15th, 2019 Summary needed
Late night outings June 14th, 2019 Selene and her Death Dealers go to retrieve a particularly dangerous artifact from the smugglers that have it. They're not the only ones interested.
Follow the lead(er) June 14th, 2019 Summary needed
Info Swapping May 13th, 2019 Kitty and Selene discuss the Lycans
Vampires, Werewolves, and Demons, O'Mai! April 30th, 2019 Selene and Hellstrom kill Lycans.
Bats in the Gotham Belfry April 20th, 2019 Summary needed
The Great Arkham Train called Escape April 12th, 2019 Chaos. No really chaos. Hyenas. Vampires. Insane People. Rocket Launchers.
A Subway Between Worlds March 30th, 2019 Selene tracks two Lycans into the subway. As a fight breaks out, Wolverine and Shadowcat jump into the fray
Two Vampires Walk Into A Bar March 21st, 2019 Summary needed
A bit ago... November 20th, 2018 Vampires and Werewolves are weird.
Monster Mash Sleepover November 8th, 2018 Summary needed
The BFF November 7th, 2018 Harley meets a woman with hands as cold as a November night.
What Big Teeth You Have November 1st, 2018 A routine drug bust becomes an insane adventure into lycanthropy, bad luck, and mystical tomes.
Pool Night at Josie's October 16th, 2018 Nelson and Murdock host a mutant, a vampire, a spy, a thief and a skinwalker for a game of pool!
Planned Commandohood October 10th, 2018 Summary needed
Raining Dogs And Bats October 5th, 2018 A Death Dealer, and a monster hunter. More alike than different, they actually hit it off.
Ghost Stories September 26th, 2018 America has a lot of stories to tell. Also the Death Dealer rules.
A Meeting Unseen September 17th, 2018 Summary needed
Midtown Madness September 15th, 2018 Summary needed
Dark of the Moon September 10th, 2018 Ron and Selen chase a werewolf
Subway Slaytion September 10th, 2018 Summary needed
A Matter of Ownership October 19th, 2017 Summary needed
Awkward Shopping Trip September 30th, 2017 Summary needed
A Wolf's Clothing September 17th, 2017 Summary needed
What is Justice September 12th, 2017 In Gotham, Tigra encounters a vampire on the hunt for werewolves. Just another day in the life.
A Bat of a Different Breed September 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Subway Train Going Anywhere August 29th, 2017 Summary needed
What Did You Hear August 15th, 2017 A vampire meets a not-werewolf.
To Catch a Juberator August 11th, 2017 Summary needed
Whats in a Name August 11th, 2017 Summary needed
Do Vampires Need To Be Invited June 20th, 2017 Summary needed
Where is Rover June 5th, 2017 Summary needed
The Covens Curiousity:Wildfire V Juggernaut June 3rd, 2017 The Coven curious about a newly arrived player send their Mercenary against this mysterious space travaller only to be surprised just what he's capable of.


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