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Rachel Grey (Scenesys ID: 762)
"Sometimes, kiddo, the choices aren't clear-cut, or easy. And the victories aren't absolute. Sometimes, you have to settle for a draw."
Full Name: Rachel Anne Grey-Summers
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: It's Complicated
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Active
Groups: X-Men Xavier's School
Other Information
Apparent Age: {{{PAge}}} Actual Age: {{{AAge}}}
Date of Birth Also Complicated Actor: Ruby Rose
Height: 170 cm Weight: 57 kg
Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: "Veteran of the Psychic Wars" - Blue Oyster Cult


A refugee from a dead, dystopian branch of time, Rachel Grey has spent most of her life living from tragedy to tragedy. In a desperate bid to save her time, she tapped into the immense wellspring of power at her command to project herself backwards through time... only to find herself stranded in a past different from her own. Her timeline now divergent and adrift from the main flow of things, Rachel finds herself a stranger in a strange land, desperate to belong in a time where she simply does not and saddled with the scars of a traumatic life... a fact further complicated by the indelible mark of the Phoenix Force upon her soul.



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Perhaps a real testament both to her abilities and her unfocused and unskilled nature, Rachel's psychic abilities don't just affect space, but time as well. Rachel has the potential to project past events through people and objects, and move both forwards and backwards throughtime, as well as other rudimentary temporal manipulations. Through something called chronoskimming, Rachel can transplant a person's mind through time to a younger or older version of themselves or close ancestors or descendants temporarily. 

However, Rachel cannot accomplish any of these feats on her own right now, perhaps ever, save under extreme duress -- such as the dystopian, hopeless context that brought her to shuttle herself back in time to present day out of desperation. Her only temporal ability is a fourth dimensional pulse that Rachel transmits subconsciously, shielding her from alterations in the timestream: Rachel remembers when time is altered, and knows what has been changed and how it used to be.


Through her psychic gifts, Rachel is able to perceive and manipulation the sensations and emotions of others. These gifts are strong but unskilled, and she does not quite have the fine-tuned control that others might have -- often, she has to work just to block out the emotions of others from affecting her because of how sensitive and widespread the radius of her gifts can be.


The Phoenix, a cosmic entity of change and life itself. Because of the nature of her conception, Rachel was born with a piece of the Phoenix Force bonded to her. Rachel is destined to one day be a host for the evolutionary abstract entity thanks to the indelible bond they share. She is drawn to it, and vice versa -- Rachel can generally sense the presence of the Phoenix Force, and though she doesn't truly grasp the implications of why this is, it ironically makes her better capable of intuitively channeling it in the event it does possess her.


The ability to generate, control, and intensify flames with one's mind. Rachel's pretty good at it, which is kind of a no-brainer when you consider who she is and who her mom is and what that gigantic flaming cosmic bird over there signifies for her entire family. Her fine-tune control with this, like with most things, isn't all that great -- she can mostly use it bluntly, increasing temperatures or generating high-heat flames in her immediate vicinity, which quickly taper off the further they get from her. 

At her full potential, Rachel can control flames from further distances, as well as being able to control and utilize 'cosmic fire' -- essentially drawing ambient heat from stars and other celestial bodies to be able to produce something similar enough to flames in space, on a whole different level of intensities and scale, though with most things, she has not the means or training to really manage this consistently, at the moment.


Rachel is an immensely powerful telekinetic, able to move and manipulate matter on macro and microscopic levels. Generally speaking, Rachel can control things at a molecular level, from moving massive objects to something as simple and subtle as changing her clothes into different outfits. Amongst other things, she can achieve flight, create force fields, and generate blasts or conjure weapons of pure, psychokinetic force as well as generating and manipulating flame. 

Rachel's full potential is virtually unlimited, possibly constrained only by the limits of her imagination. At her best, tapping into the vast reservoir of untapped power at her command, she can manipulate matter at a sub-atomic level and create cosmic phenomenon like generating miniature black holes; she is even capable of altering her genetic code, essentially changing her very nature, as well as alter surrounding matter to transmute materials into something else (wood to gold, and etc.).


Like her mother, Rachel is an Omega-level telepath. Like most of her powers, this is skill is woefully unrefined however, often putting her at tiers lower than she should rightfully be. Rachel can manipulate the cognitive processes of others towards a variety of ends, projecting telepathic messages, reading and altering thoughts and memories. She can create mind-links between people, and generate psionic energy offensively, disrupting brain function or tweaking the nervous system for jolts of pain or otherwise, and project herself into the astral plane, amongst other things. 
The full potential of Rachel's powers make her one of the strongest minds in the world, on a level if not beyond telepaths like Charles Xavier. There's very little that she cannot do with her powers when she is actually capable of using her true potential, both able to suppress and amplify superpowers, swap minds between people, and track mutants based on thought patterns across vast distances (though for obvious reasons, Rachel has an aversion to this). This potential, however, is largely untapped, much like most of her powers.


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You don't live through a dystopian future without learning how to fight your way through it. And having been - unwittingly - part of both sides of the apocalyptic equation, Rachel has become very good at fighting. She combines different styles taught to her by different people, usually going for whatever feels most effective for the situation -- but she has no true close quarters style she calls her own. She's also relatively adept with a variety of weapons, both melee and ranged. Like a good future Summers child ought to.


Rachel is fairly good with machines of various stripes, and knows how to repair them if necessary, from vehicles to more complex machinery. She's far from a master of the trade -- but she at very least knows what she's doing.


Whether thanks to the power of her mind or developed as a necessity of survival, Rachel Grey is very adept at swiftly picking up skills and knowledge to the point that she can intuitively grasp an act or skillset just by observing it. She has learned to pick locks simply by watching Storm, and has disseminated complex fighting styles just through watching people spar to the point that she can replicate it almost perfectly. It's practically photographic memory; suffice to say, Rachel is a very quick learner.


She doesn't like to think about it, she doesn't like to make use of any aspect of it, but Rachel spent a considerable amount of time as the prized mutant hunter-killer of Ahab, his lead Hound. The scars still linger as deeply as the skills: Rachel is adept at tracking people and things across long distances, both with her powers and conventionally looking for all manners of trails by which to look for them. If she wants to, Rachel can generally find someone, even if they don't want to be found. It's just that she so very wants to. Trauma is like that.


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Rachel is a recent transplant, having been discovered and taken in by them when both her temporal and mutant signature was discovered upon being hurtled into the (wrong) past. While she hasn't been forthcoming about all the specifics of her timeline (her time as a Hound and her parentage, in particular) she makes no secret that she is from some manner of horrible future, and has been afforded the school's safety and protection. 
As a fledgling X-Man and a member of the institute, Rachel is afforded all the basic amenities one could expect, as well as all the resources afforded to a member of the X-Men. All the other multitudes of problems with her situation aside, it's kind of nice, having an actual home, protected by like, five different billionaires.


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Being a rage-filled, brainwashed living weapon for most of your life can kind of stunt your social skills. Part of Rachel wants to just be a normal girl, but she's never going to be able to be entirely normal, a fact that frustrates her endlessly. She can be hopelessly awkward in social situations, and has difficulty addressing situations that challenge her emotionally in any way, a fact that has led her to, amongst other things, hide the nature of her parentage simply because she just doesn't know how to deal. Emotionally stunted is probably a nice way to put it. Rachel has a lot of problems to sort through before she can properly people.


A psionic, Rachel is entirely dependent on her ability to concentrate to use her powers. Losing her focus means losing her ability to effectively use her powers, and considering that she is a powder keg of emotional issues and past traumas, that's not necessarily a hard thing to achieve. Poor, poor woobie Rachel.


Rachel is a mutant. She's not an obvious one, though times of high stress reveal the Marks of the Hound branded upon her, ugly facial scars that make her more recognizable. Regardless, her nature as a mutant makes her a target by people who would like to exploit her, or kill her, because despite the world being filled with about ten dozen different metahuman varieties, mutants are definitely still the true threat to mankind, or something. It's a complex issue, okay?


The Phoenix Force and Rachel are tied together in a way that can't be broken. Though she is not its host, she understands it on an instinctual level, and has the potential to house it in the event it ever requires it. This is not always a good thing. Beyond the fact that the Phoenix is about as tempestuous as an abstract cosmic god-thing that lives forever outside the bounds of conventional logic and purges worlds on unknowable whims can be expected to be, Rachel's nature makes her a target of anyone who either wishes to use the Phoenix's power for their own ends... or holds grudges against it, probably for reasons relating to its temperamental abstract cosmic god-thing that lives forever outside the bounds of conventional logic and purges worlds on unknowable whims... thing.


Rachel has been through much in her short life. She watched a great man die right in front of her eyes as a child before being abducted, tortured, branded and brainwashed with extensive and invasive tampering until she was turned into a living weapon and forced to kill mutants -- many of whom were once friends and loved ones. To say she's had a hard life would be a tremendous understatement, and her time as a Hound of Ahab has saddled Rachel with a considerable post-traumatic stress disorder. Certain circumstances and contexts, phrases and people, will trigger flashbacks and anxiety attacks in Rachel, and can sometimes render her unable to properly function at the worst of times -- or worse yet, will trigger more extreme reactions to try to get rid of the problem.


Rachel does not belong in this timeline. It's not even a matter of being from the future: her desperate jaunt backwards displaced her into an entirely different timeline where events have transpired in a way very different from her home time. The knowledge that not only is this time different, but her own divergent and basically a temporal dead end making her very existence anomalous, is disheartening enough -- but everything about this world is different in ways that can unsettle her like a temporal version of culture shock. People, places, things, events -- they are all similar enough to be all the more jarring for their differences, sometimes blatant... and sometimes subtle enough that she can find herself tricked or in a poor spot from believing something or someone is different from what they really are in this time. Being from a dead future has very few actual benefits and tons of downsides. The More You Know!


A blunt hammer. That's probably the best way to describe Rachel. 'Runaway atomic bomb' might be better. Rachel Grey, while not entirely unskilled, is more or less all power with no true finesse. The simple fact is she's spent most of her time enslaved by mutant-hating humans and then the rest of the time was spent watching the people who -could- teach her be murdered in front of her eyes. 
Rachel requires training -- a lot of training -- until she can inherit the full breadth of her power. Until then, her more considerable capacities usually manifest themselves in times of high stress and desperation. Most of Rachel's considerable power remains untapped without the proper instruction on how to use it, leaving her with phenomenal cosmic powers that she mainly uses to manifest hammers to bludgeon people with. See? Blunt hammer.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Attack on Genosha April 9th, 2024 Clan Akkaba blow up on a vault on Genosha before leaving with the Segment of Death
Another night at the Diner February 19th, 2020 Grabbyhands end up crossing paths with PTSD
A Good Sweat. Also, Death To Future Robots November 2nd, 2019 Kitty and Rachel catchup during a jog. Sebastion, Ogun, Jason Todd and Peter Parker get discussed.
Did You Try Taking It Apart And Putting It Back Together Again October 13th, 2019 Two former weapons take the experience apart and work on putting it back together again.
Snooping by the UN October 12th, 2019 Rachel is a snack barbarian, here is the proof
Carousing in Caernarvon October 5th, 2019 Friends, old and new, enjoy an evening under the stars
Cheap One-Liners October 1st, 2019 Summary needed
Down, But Not Out September 22nd, 2019 A very long day in the medbay is lightened by good company all around. Rachel reveals that Kitty is still 'home', even if in a coma. Shannon and Samuel have a long talk about home, heroes, and their histories.
Vigilante Interests September 22nd, 2019 Punisher and Rachel Grey have a discussion
Summer Wonderland September 2nd, 2019 Winter is coming. And it's early.
Same New Self, Same Old Place August 27th, 2019 Marvel Girl and Cable meet in the woods. They talk apocalyptic futures and have a foot race.
Another Walk in the Park August 13th, 2019 A vampire was stopped from attacking Rachel. Blade teaches Rachel and Kaydin about vampires. Blade did not reveal what he is.
Unrelated Training July 18th, 2019 Rachel and Scott talk tactics, more tactics, and the meaning of life.
One Small Step For Man... July 14th, 2019 The X-men go to the moon seeking a crashed Cybertronian probe.
Into the Lions Den July 13th, 2019 Members of the X-Men meet the Punisher at one of his underground safehouses to discuss their Sentinel factory raid.
Meanwhile at the Mansion July 11th, 2019 Updates are shared, plans are discussed, hair dying is considered.
All the Java July 7th, 2019 Rachel and Josh meet for coffee. Nothing weird happens.
Because Xavier's July 3rd, 2019 Several students meet up in the backyard. Rachel apologizes. Laura hugs someone. Sam recruits for garden patrol. Hisako gets a new roomate. And no leather pants were used in the making of this scene.
Brotherly Advice July 2nd, 2019 Summary needed
Breakstone Lake July 4th Extravaganza July 2nd, 2019 Students, friends, and faculty of Xavier's School gather by the Lake to celebrate July 4th!
Back at It July 1st, 2019 A day in the life at Xavier's School
Sentinels: Meet the Mold - Team 2 June 30th, 2019 Team 2 infiltrate the Trask facility and soon discover they have been discovered!
Kitchen Days of Future Past June 28th, 2019 Rachel and Kitty have a kitchen talk about Rachel's past and if it might relate to events with the Sentinels today.
Curfews are for Losers June 27th, 2019 People hit up Club Evolution to unwind.
Mix and Mingle June 26th, 2019 Summary needed
Xavier's: Friends Like No Others June 24th, 2019 A cookout at Breakstone Lake has surprise guests: therapy dogs brought by a mutant family.
X-MEN: They Hide Below June 22nd, 2019 Frank Castle and his Unpunishable X-Men take on a strange new type of maybe... Sentinel...? Nobody's really sure, even when its all said and done, they saved lives and fought some weird robotic spider things. But they got basically no questions answered!
A quiet night under the stars June 18th, 2019 Sam and Rachel talk and Sam gets the hint.
A Clown, A Phoenix, and an Ocean God Walk Into A Park June 16th, 2019 Summary needed
Sentinels: Protest Panic June 15th, 2019 Sentinels arrive at a protest march. Negasonic, Rachel Grey, Nightcrawler and Thor intervene.
Summers Session June 14th, 2019 Summary needed
Double Trouble June 13th, 2019 Pulse tried to take out Rachel. He got /way/ more trouble than he bargained for.
Sci-Fi night. June 12th, 2019 Sci-fi night in the Rec room.
New Growth in the Garden June 10th, 2019 Rachel is back around with some things on her mind. Rahne ends up discussing them with her.
Horsing Around June 9th, 2019 Rogue, Rachel and Kitty go for a horseback ride at the school.
So You Got Detention... June 6th, 2019 Steve, Janet and Tony visit Xavier's school and meet the students and staff for a cookout and then a motorcycle race against Cap. Doug Ramsey wins!
Loads of motorcycles. April 26th, 2019 Summary needed
Forces of Nature April 15th, 2019 Meeting of Rachel and Marc. <Had to pause as Rachel's player was super tired>
Chatting with Rachel. March 29th, 2019 Summary needed
Big mood on the couch March 28th, 2019 Summary needed
Wreck Room March 27th, 2019 Summary needed
Meeting Ma. March 23rd, 2019 Summary needed
Friday Night LED Lights March 23rd, 2019 Ellie was just playing with a drone when Kitty sets off a Rachel shaped explosion destroying the computer lab. Erika and Jean come to the rescue.
Tv Night March 22nd, 2019 Summary needed
Be mutie, do crimes March 21st, 2019 Summary needed
In The Kitchen With Sam March 15th, 2019 Samuel, Rachel, Erika, Blink, Negasonic, and X-23 make fried chicken while discussing hero names, image inducers, and various student issues
New taste treats. March 9th, 2019 Summary needed
SpaceSelfies March 8th, 2019 Summary needed
Dead March 7th, 2019 Reactions to Sam surviving his apparent death in a fight against FoH Sentinels
Dinner time at Chucky Xs March 1st, 2019 Summary needed
Getting To Know A Daughter February 23rd, 2019 Summary needed
A king in Mutant town. February 23rd, 2019 Summary needed
late night x-snack February 21st, 2019 Summary needed
An evening on the town. February 20th, 2019 Summary needed
My new BFF February 18th, 2019 Meggan returns to Xaviers. Various people visit. Erika gets embarrassed a lot.
Learning Rachel's Past...Future...Whatever February 15th, 2019 Rachel discovers cheetos popcorn. Kitty discovers more of Rachel's story.
Checking On Aunty February 14th, 2019 Rachel came to check on Kitty's recovery from the boating mishap
Bedroom chats February 14th, 2019 Summary needed
X-Peoples Visit! February 13th, 2019 A bunch of Xavier nerds hassle Thor!
Exploring New Asgard February 13th, 2019 Summary needed
Rogueasonic February 13th, 2019 Rogue and Negasonic have a chat with each other, casual friend stuff. Rachel Grey shows up and is introdcued to Rogue for the first time!
Whats the Asgardian's up to. February 12th, 2019 Summary needed
And then they find the dangerroom. February 12th, 2019 Summary needed
The Young Aunty Kate February 10th, 2019 Rachel Grey runs into her Aunt Kate (Kitty) in this timeline. Nega and Cannonball stop by to talk
One Thousand Origami Cranes February 10th, 2019 Rachel shares more with Kitty about her past, before they join Logan to watch hockey
Ugn Class Tomorrow February 10th, 2019 Ellie has an emergency study session due to her first week of classes since she came back from Genosha starting the next day. Rachel psychic cheats to catch her up on Math. So cheating. Also serious relationship talk.
Where You Goin With a Head Like That February 9th, 2019 The search for the head continues! Illyana finds Sam and Rachel and someone is gonna die! (Not in this scene but soon!)
There I Was! February 9th, 2019 Big family drama, mean girls on twitter, snark, movies, and cuddles.
Dating the Bosses Daughter can be a bad thing. February 9th, 2019 Summary needed
Not my Parts Birdbutt! February 8th, 2019 Rachel gets lightly chewed out by Wolverine over the bike parts. Then the girls challenge the boys to a race.
FFS How hard is unpacking February 7th, 2019 NWT is unpacking in her old room when she gets Erika and Rachel as company. Leather. Costumes. Spikes. Doughnuts. Sarcasm. Trouble is afoot.
Firebird from the Future February 5th, 2019 What begins as Rahne meeting Rachel turns into a small gathering of a few more mutants.
Parting is Such Sweet S--Oh Who Am I Kidding February 3rd, 2019 Emma turns in her resignation from Xavier's school. She also meets Rachel, her Goddaughter from a future timeline. Who knew? Sam is entrusted to care for the New Mutants. And Logan is just plain mean.
Summery Winter February 3rd, 2019 Summary needed
Immortal Visitations February 2nd, 2019 Summary needed
The Fire Bird and Coffee February 1st, 2019 Summary needed
Out shooping with the Future girl February 1st, 2019 Summary needed
Sparring with the Fire Canary, and the RedNeck February 1st, 2019 Summary needed
Fire from the future. January 31st, 2019 Summary needed
Xavier's has a Jacuzzi October 25th, 2017 Summary needed
Unseasonably Warm Weather October 6th, 2017 Summary needed
Feast Fit For a Faerie October 2nd, 2017 Summary needed
Hisako Ichiki and the Suppurating Arm Wound September 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
Meanwhile in the Medbay September 20th, 2017 Summary needed
Apokolips Now: Goodness Gracious ... Granny! September 19th, 2017 The Furies attack the Hall of Justice, and many heroes come to it's defense.
adult swim September 18th, 2017 Summary needed


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