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Nightwing (Scenesys ID: 49)
"I was Robin. I was the first. I wore the colours you're wearing. I bled them black. That means I get the blame for what's going on here. For all of you. For what you're done. What you're going to do. You're wanted by the police. You need help. You need to become what you think you are. That's my fault. And that's my responsibility."
Full Name: Richard "Dick" Grayson
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: DC (DFC)
Occupation: Unemployed
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Active
Groups: Batman Family Street Level
Other Information
Apparent Age: 25 Actual Age: 25
Date of Birth 11 November 1999 Actor: Henry Cavill
Height: 188 cm Weight: 86 kg
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


The adopted son of Bruce Wayne and the very 1st Robin, Dick Grayson aka 'Nightwing' is one of the world's greatest acrobats, an influential leader, a recognized heroic vigilante, an expert detective and a master-class martial artist.



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Dick has been trained in acrobatics and gymnastics from almost before he could walk. While he is not superhuman, he possesses a natural acuity and talent for the craft that is virtually unmatched. He can twist, flip, spin and somersault with incredible skill. He can walk tightropes, swing on ropes and even dodge gunfire with his speed of movement and moves that most wouldn't even attempt.


Dick may not be a match for Bruce in terms of fighting skill or detection, but he might be an even greater natural athlete. Dick's conditioning, strength, dexterity and stamina are all top of the line, constantly pushed to the limits of what's attainable in a normal human being. He works out religiously and treats his body very much like a temple (although occasionally he does allows for parties in the temple).


Dick doesn't have as much patience or natural talent for detection as Batman, but he's nonetheless well-versed in the skills. He knows how to gather clues, sort through evidence, pursue leads and chase down suspects. His mind has been trained by logic puzzles, tests and, ultimately, having to think fast in life-or-death situations. Nightwing can solve mysteries at an elite level and could easily be a superstar for any law enforcement agency lucky enough to have him.


Nightwing has been trained to slip through bonds and escape imprisonment. He can slip and pick handcuffs, dislocate joints to escape ropes and knows the way out of even seemingly inescapable prison cells. He's been taken hostage and prisoner far more than he'd like to remember and, while he had to be rescued a few times, he got pretty damn good at getting out on his own.


Dick's had to learn a ton of miscellaneous skills, either as covers or simply as part of his elaborate training scheme. He's an expert scuba diver and paratrooper. He's well-versed in law and legal theory. He studied architecture for a time and knows enough about demolitions to dismantle and defuse most forms of conventional explosives. He's a skilled actor, capable of taking on multiple roles and improvising stories on the fly. He knows the basics of stage magic (although he's not the devotee to the art that his mentor is). His natural athleticism has made him good at a multitude of sports, notably basketball, baseball and track and field, beyond his gymnastic skills. He's got wilderness skills and can survive in a wide variety of harsh environments. He's even a passable ventriloquist and tried his hand at stand-up comedy a time or two. You never know when something will prove useful, and he's constantly trying new things and expanding his repertoire of skills.


Dick's become comfortable being in charge. Often serving as Bruce's second-in-command among his fellows, he's also been a leader of teams of young heroes in the past. He's quick on his feet, decisive and doesn't mind telling other people what to do. He's got at organizing and has a precise, logical mind that lets him put together plans of action and use people to their best. He's also charismatic enough to inspire trust and loyalty in those who follow him.


Nightwing has extensive training in the martial arts, both from Batman himself and from various other teachers he's met through his life (or had 'assigned' to him by Batman). He's an excellent hand-to-hand combatant, especially deft at combining his fighting skills with his acrobatic kills. He's particularly good as a striker, with fast hands and feet. He's not quite as good as his mentor, but being just a little less good than Batman is still pretty damn good.


Batman has some wonderful toys and he let Dick play with most of them. He's a highly skilled stunt driver, a capable jet and helicopter pilot and can put into operation even complex boats and watercraft. He's even driven a tank or two in his day. Personally, he likes the motorcycle the best, but he's damn good behind any wheel or stick.


Dick has extensive training in all manner of security systems, both electronic and old-fashioned. He's a master lock pick and can easily break into most any safe or through any door. He knows how to disable even the most advanced of security systems (and how to set them and plug their holes from a defensive standpoint). He knows the best way to get by guards and how to analyze and take advantage of weaknesses in any security set.


Nightwing has extensive stealth training, from cat burglary to ninja skills. He's excellent at staying hidden in shadows, moving silently, and following others without being detected. He can stay motionless and still for hours at a time, making him an expert observer and invaluable on a stakeout. He's even capable of pulling that classic Bat-trick of disappearing at a moment's notice, sure to infuriate police commissioners and angry girlfriends alike.


Nightwing extensively uses a variety of weapons, notably combat batons, Bo staff and a variety of throwing weapons. He's moved from the classic Batarang to his own stylized variations, but the principle is the same, part boomerang and part shuriken. He's a master of throwing and melee weapons of a wide-ranging variety. He's even a masterfully skilled fencer and, in fact, is rather fond of sword fighting.


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Nightwing's the oldest "son" and a vital member of what's sometimes called the Batman Family, a strong organization of vigilantes and crime fighters cantered in Gotham and led by Batman. In addition, he has a variety of heroes and friends he's made over his years in costume around the world. These people can be called on in times of trouble and can provide skills and powers far beyond Nightwing's own capabilities. Of course, by the same token, they can call on him in return.


Nightwing's costume is equipped with a thin layer of Wayne Tech designed bullet-proofing, the very cutting edge, protecting him from even high-calibre bullets, blades and penetrations. The costume is flame resistant and insulated against electrical attack. It's equipped with numerous hidden pockets, along with a built-in grapple launcher in his bracers. His utility belt is equipped with a wide array of tools and gadgets, from simple lock picks and scanners to more elaborate weapons and tools such as gas pellets, sonic grenades, and, of course his trademark throwing wings. His mask has flare-resistant lenses, a H.U.D. readout with a WiFi connection to advanced computer networks and voice-activated communications. It has infrared and thermal vision capabilities.


Nightwing has a motorcycle he calls his own, a custom vehicle with quite a few tricks up its sleeve. Capable of going at speeds of nearly 300 kph, the Nightcycle has a fully electric backup engine, capable of going without gas for hundreds of miles. The cycle has weapons, including low-calibre machine guns, oil slicks, and razor dart launchers. The cycle is armoured against conventional bullets and can withstand impacts of incredible speed and come out unscathed. The bike is keyed to Nightwing's optic signature and requires his retina-scan to start, unless he uses a specific vocal override code (with voice recognition).


Dick Grayson has a significant trust fund set up from the Wayne Foundation. While he still likes to make his own living when he can, the fact that he has around twenty million dollars just sitting in the bank certainly doesn't hurt. In addition, he is, as Bruce Wayne's oldest ward (even if he's of majority now) considered a partial heir to the Wayne Estate. He can also simply ask Bruce for his financial leverage and assistance in matters that reach beyond Dick's own resources. Of course, he hates asking Bruce for stuff like that, so, odds are, he'll only use such resources as a last resort.


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Dick's not shy about his own capabilities. He knows he's damn good and he isn't afraid to take risks and trust that his abilities will see him through. That can lead him to take unnecessary risks and put himself in situations where he's in over his head.


Nightwing's busted a lot of bad guy chops over the years. Many of those chops belonged to completely violent lunatics who spend most of their vacation days in Arkham Asylum. There's always someone wanting him dead and he often has a price on his carcass. Looking over his shoulder is just part and parcel of what he does.


Protecting his secret identity is important to Dick, both for himself and for those he cares about. His identity leads inevitably to Bruce's identity and to the identities of the careful web of friends and family built around them. Very, very few are those trusted with Dick Grayson's dual life and he will go to extraordinary measures to keep that secret from coming out.


Dick has something of an issue with his temper. He's willful, pushy, demanding of himself as much as he is of others. When others push back against him, against his decisions, his leadership or just if they hurt someone he cares about, he can go off the handle in extraordinary ways, in part due to the un-dealt with damage still inside his psyche. This can result in him making rash decisions and alienating others when he needs to be calm. He's always working on this, but has more success on some days than others.


Dick tries to pretend he's over what happened to his family, that he's processed it and put it behind him. That is, of course, a lie. He still remembers, vividly, the sight of his family lying in pools of blood, murdered before his eyes. He's never going to feel whole or okay ever again, not really. He channels that rage and mourning into his fight, but there's still an open, festering emotional wound deep down inside him.


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Title Date Scene Summary
It Wasn't My Fault! September 29th, 2023 The Bats Extract the Facts
Why Call It Football September 12th, 2023 While on a mission, Cassandra receives an education on American Football. In the end? It's still a mystery.
OMG WRU! August 25th, 2023 Dick and Cass give Babs the business for running off to have fun without them.
A Hidden Invitation August 4th, 2023 A human trafficking enterprise is broken up by Bat people, and Barbara comes away with a clue.
Take Your Tiny Car and Your Oversized Shoes too! July 20th, 2023 Clowns and Pies are prominent.
I was never a Teen Titan, I tell you. Never! June 26th, 2023 Nightwing, you're so dreamy. I wish I could be as cool as you.
Thank You, But No Thank You. June 9th, 2023 Dick goes to the HFC, speaks with Tessa, says no.
This Line Is For Emergencies May 23rd, 2023 Fashion Consultation 101
First Impression Fail May 17th, 2023 Cassie meets Nightwing for the first time. Things could have gone better from Cassie's point of view.
Inaugural Meeting of the Gotham Fashion Police May 2nd, 2023 Dick gets a haircut.
Herding Bats May 1st, 2023 Dick and Bruce touch base in the Batcave.
The Crime Family Olympics: Hundred Meter Butt-Kicking April 27th, 2023 Nightwing, Oracle, and Black Canary deal with a gang clash that turns rough, then have a few words shared between friends.
The Casting of a Spell April 26th, 2023 Dick comes to Zatanna and asks her for a small favor, then the two catch up.
There will be no untoward puns about names in this title. April 25th, 2023 Dick recruits a pretty bird to help on a project. This always goes well.
Spoilery Discussion April 23rd, 2023 Steph and Dick meet to talk about Current Events
The Who Of It All April 22nd, 2023 Three of the Crew chat about future plans for Gotham. And agree that they need to chat with Bruce.
April Showers April 4th, 2023 The Joker and Two-Face try to ring in the spring with a daring heist of a social event.
A family get together March 23rd, 2023 Summary needed
The Dark Knightwing March 22nd, 2023 Dick has fears and voices them to Stephanie. A plan is set in motion. The war for Gotham begins in the rain.
Who's that Lurking in the Shadows March 22nd, 2023 Selina flees from unknown assailants and runs into some bats.
Powerful Times December 20th, 2022 Dick and Karen meet at a club and bold statements are made.
BDH December 7th, 2022 Some fighting with an armoured car.
Day 2 (TBD) November 3rd, 2022 Summary needed
Night Life October 29th, 2022 Kate Bishop and Dick Grayson cross paths as grown-ups.
Catching up with family. October 29th, 2022 Two brothers catch up
Flying Devils October 27th, 2022 Summary needed
The Canary and the Robin October 26th, 2022 Summary needed
Bad Nights and Good Mornings June 13th, 2022 Dick has to cancel on movie night with Margot. Again. He shows up the next morning to try and make up for it.
Introducing The Flying Grayson! May 29th, 2022 The Marceau sisters get to see Dick Grayson perform as an aerialist.
Ma'am, I'm going to need you to move along. May 16th, 2022 Buffy is a vagrant and loiterer and Nightwing has to tell her to get lost!
Dinner with Double Dare May 3rd, 2022 Aliki and Margot introduce Dick to their circus family leading to dinner with the group!
Of Cops and Criminals April 17th, 2022 Aliki and Dick share a walk in the park. He pries. She still has no clue who he really is.
Times change. April 8th, 2022 Officer Grayson stumbles upon an old adversary as he's looking for walkathon pledges and finds out that the neighborhood has been invaded by the French.
Meeting Miss Mustard May 9th, 2021 Reconnecting with the Titans, Dick Grayson comes to visit Koriand'r.
Some Knights... May 7th, 2021 When a Beacon goes off in Gotham, Nightwing and Red Robin investigate. Bad guys pull an odd disappearing act.
So, Just How Serious is this October 8th, 2020 Dick and Tim discuss girls and catgirls.
Equipment Checks with the Bats October 8th, 2020 Cassandra, Barbara, and Dick conduct gear inspections. Dick is plotting. Cassandra seemingly approves. Barbara remains clueless. Cassandra's opinions on Phoebe are sought after.
The Fireman Gala October 1st, 2020 At the Fall Wonderland-themed Firefighter's Fund Gala, chaos occurs when the unexpected happens! Attacked by electric squash, a little creature of darkness and a booming voice swearing the downfall of the rich, Megan Gwynn, Conner and Dazzler end up fighting a creature of darkness while Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Andrea and Phoebe Beacon make sure the site gets evacuated!
A Time for All Things September 21st, 2020 Dick makes a decision and Barbara approves. Maybe some wounds can heal, if they are not picked at.
A bird in the Hand (I) September 17th, 2020 Please delete
A Lannister Always Repays his Debts September 11th, 2020 Dazzler had one stipulation for her help with Superman; and Nightwing provided the bikes. A Bat always repays his debt.
The Other Catwoman of Gotham September 10th, 2020 Black Cat reconnoiters the Gotham Diamond Exchange and flees from Nightwing.
Checking up on progress. September 10th, 2020 Plans are made, and tech discussed.
(Night) Birds of a Feather II August 31st, 2020 Sparrowhawk continues to develop her techniques and Nightwing edges closer towards actual combat training with her.
(Night) Birds of a Feather August 19th, 2020 Sparrowhawk and Nightwing explain what Okay does not mean and repel a clumsy probing attack by the Court of Owls
Scooby Doo & Nightwing too August 17th, 2020 Willow & Nightwing have a discussion about surveillance, backup, and security in Bludhaven.
Come with Me if you want him to Live August 13th, 2020 Alison Blair makes a leap of faith to save another hero
Lucy I'm Home August 6th, 2020 In the wake of the soft reboot of the bat continuity, Dick and Barbara set up the new normal and start to talk to each other about what's going on.
Bat Family Values August 6th, 2020 A briefing on the Ninja/Mob wars turns into a medical emergency when a moldy Superman crashes the meeting
A family gathering. July 27th, 2020 And Beacon starts too become part of the Family.
A Box full of Surprises. July 7th, 2020 Buffy, Nightwing and Nick talk about mysterious vigilantes
Dancing in the Shadows June 9th, 2020 Tandy and Dick go dancing for a night of being normal.
Log 11603 June 7th, 2020 Dick and Tandy headed out looking for somewhere they could do a little dancing...
A Bat In Her Belfry June 2nd, 2020 Nightwing and Dagger went their separate ways to get ready to get a bite.
Hyperion Hype April 26th, 2020 Buffy introduces some allies to Angel. A mysterious visitor makes another appearance.
Noise Solution April 7th, 2020 Katsumi just wanted to share something nice with Buffy. But it seems nothing ever goes right.
A brothers visit. March 17th, 2020 Dick finds out about Tim's new flame.
The acrobat, and the chimp talk of the circus. February 25th, 2020 Summary needed
Happiness is a Free Box of Donuts February 18th, 2020 Nightwing and Marshmellow Girl go their separate ways. Until next time...
Valentine Cat February 14th, 2020 After having bee made Typhoid Hairy by Cheetah, Ivory get wrecked havoc upon by Pixie, Nightwing and a silly 'yote.
It Always Goes Down At the Docks February 11th, 2020 Nightwing and Kestrel descended upon the unknowning thugs below to put an end to the arms deal.
Dumpling Meet Up February 4th, 2020 Carrie, Dick, Damian and Stephanie gather at their favorite dumpling place. Damian likes it hot. Dick is a food thief.
Bludhaven Evenings January 29th, 2020 Nightwing and Batgirl catch up on the rooftops of Bludhaven.
Consulting the Elder January 22nd, 2020 Damian consults Dick about matters of grandparents, and his father.
Na Na Na Na Bat Dumplings January 20th, 2020 The Bat crew spend an evening chatting and enjoying dinner. It's Carrie's birthday. Nothing explodes.
A Gathering of Titans Old and New January 13th, 2020 Titans meet for the traditional pizza, courtesy of Nightwing. The secrets of M.O.D.O.T.I.R, Skydancing, Carrie's life as a bird, and Ellie's name for Nightwing are discussed. Raven claims everything is fine, which means the world is ending.
Nightcave December 9th, 2019 Dick and Carrie talk over Dick's workload and injuries.
Setbacks and moving forward November 19th, 2019 'Batman' checks in with Flash about JLA status.
Catching up on Duties November 17th, 2019 The Bats gather in the cave to catch up on events, criminal, demonic and familial.
Knightfall: That weight, though November 11th, 2019 Stephanie boosts Batman (Dick)'s spirits about the workload.
Knightfall: Leading November 9th, 2019 Batman (Dick) discusses League leadership with Hal Jordan.
Knightfall: Not a Magic Trick November 6th, 2019 Batman (Dick) seeks out Zatanna to help with several problems.
Knightfall: Just one more question! November 4th, 2019 Lois Lane has some /questions/ for Batman.
Knightfall: There's Hope November 4th, 2019 Dick, as Batman, meets with Diana about the current state of the JLA.
Knightfall: Lazarus November 4th, 2019 Constantine meets with the Bat Family, deals with a Loa, and sets Bruce on the path of recovery.
Knightfall: Summoning the Bat...or /a/ Bat November 4th, 2019 Catwoman lights her own Bat Signal. Batman responds, but who really shows up?
Ivy Island: Flybys and Leverage November 3rd, 2019 Jason, Steph and Dick make plans and discuss Bruce amidst the usual Batfamly hijinx.
Knightfall: Paterfamilias November 2nd, 2019 Damian, Dick, and Bruce discuss the current state of affairs and make plans for the Bat-future.
Knightfall: The Name November 1st, 2019 Dick and Jason learn the true meaning of Knightfall.
Knightfall: Curtains of Shadow October 31st, 2019 Jason and Dick fight over common ground, and their mutual pain about Bruce.
Knightfall: The Return of Dick Grayson October 30th, 2019 Dick explains he's not Batman and Batman disagrees.
Age of Darkness: Rao Ascendent October 29th, 2019 The Heroes come to the last resting place of Superman to find answers, and after a pitched battle with villains, instead find only more questions! Where is Superman?
Knightfall: Their Worst Fears October 11th, 2019 Barbara tells Talia Bruce's condition. Carrie and Damian work with the doctor to try to save Bruce.
Nightwing Night October 7th, 2019 Stephanie and Dick discuss Batman's impending fight with Superman, and how they can pick up the slack in Gotham for him.
Knightfall: Thanksgiving October 5th, 2019 The Bat Family gather for Thanksgiving Dinner, charitable visitors, and strange tidings.
A Night In The Batcave October 5th, 2019 Batman, Nightwing, Damian, Batgirl and Misfit hear of Superman killing people, and Misfit learns Batman's identity
More Than A Feeling September 30th, 2019 Backdated scene of when Stephanie first worked up the courage to let Dick know her feelings.
Ready for Patrol August 8th, 2019 Dick catches Stephanie before they are about to go on patrol.
Friday Night Beneath Stately Wayne Manor July 12th, 2019 Bruce, Carrie, Helena, Tim, Dick and Stephanie gather in the Batcave. Training happens and equipment upgrades are discussed. Bruce and Dick's relationship strains and rebounds.
Gotham: The Deep Freeze June 28th, 2019 The Bat-fam has to respond to a crazy Mister Freeze who's attacked a armored convoy in Fort Clinton! Lots of chilling puns are told and there's quite a few explosions! Its that time of year after all.
Robin - Homecoming June 21st, 2019 Summary needed
Titans: For Once the Sky Isn't Falling. June 18th, 2019 Two Robins and a bear walk into a room... this is no joke.
Chinese Was a Good Choice June 15th, 2019 Stephanie meets the cat that lives on Dick's fire escape
Two (Gear)Heads are Better Than One June 10th, 2019 Summary needed
Information Super Highway June 6th, 2019 Negasonic visits the Titans to get to know the team. She meets Nightwings Abs and other team members. This is going to go great.
Matter of the Heart June 6th, 2019 Summary needed
Punishment in Arkham June 3rd, 2019 The Punisher tries to assassinate Harley in Arkham. Interference from Nightwing causes the operation to go sideways, fast... with Harley escaping in the chaos.
Training May 31st, 2019 Summary needed
Batfamily Reunion March 31st, 2019 The four sons of Bruce Wayne, plus Barbara and Kitty, gather to discuss the latest happenings
When the Bat's away the Robins will chat. March 24th, 2019 Summary needed
Waffles and Brothers March 19th, 2019 Jason, Kitty, Carrie and Dick breakfast together at the manor. Kitty meets Dick for the first time. And peanut butter gets put on waffles
Journey Ahead March 15th, 2019 Summary needed
Lunch break of champions February 22nd, 2019 Yin and Nightwing meet in civvies to visit and bemoan their side duties.
Girl Problems and New Students February 15th, 2019 Dock Grayson has girl trouble and Damian makes an appearance! Both are things Richard Dragon is happy to help with.
Good Morning, Sensei! February 10th, 2019 Summary needed
Dinner at Kelleys' February 5th, 2019 Summary needed
Roomate Catchup! February 3rd, 2019 Summary needed
Getting into the New Routine January 28th, 2019 Summary needed
The Reunion January 23rd, 2019 Summary needed
The Belfry January 22nd, 2019 Summary needed
Deck the Cave December 25th, 2018 Summary needed
The Chef: Order to go November 30th, 2018 Yin and Nightwing track The Chef's minions back to their food drop point, and compare notes.
Down November 25th, 2018 Kestrel rescues Batman, is inducted into the Bat-Family, and becomes Nightwing's sidekick all in one evening.
Shopping for trouble November 16th, 2018 Thor and Vintridr apprehend one of Malekith's remaining assassins, with some help from Midgard's lesser known heroes.
Diet craze! November 15th, 2018 Yin and Nightwing investigate strange goings on at the local fitness studio.
Coffee in Gotham November 11th, 2018 Summary needed
Don't Get Hit and It Won't Hurt September 11th, 2018 After a close call for Nightwing, a conversation is had about what they would all be if they weren't costumed heroes.
Mini-Trouble in China Town September 5th, 2018 Nightwing and Carrie cross paths on the rooftops. Carrie gets to see just how he can take on five ninjas at once.
Tales of Breaks and Bruises August 19th, 2018 Rule 1: Nightwing is Stupid. Rule 2: See Rule 1
Rebirth August 15th, 2018 Nightwing learns why Shiva challenged him a year ago. Is he up for the next challenge she has presented to him?
Brotherly Squabbles August 14th, 2018 Summary needed
Nightwing Vs. Shiva: A Year in the Making August 14th, 2018 One year after the deal was struck, Nightwing and Lady Shiva meet in a battle to the death. One of them loses...
Supernatural is a goofy show. August 7th, 2018 Dean and Nightwing deal with Man-Bat
Shivonic Plague: Countdown August 5th, 2018 Nightwing thinks he's ready to face Lady Shiva. Shiva shows up early to find out.
Dockside Shenanigans July 24th, 2018 Summary needed
Things that go bump July 11th, 2018 Damian and Nightwing meet Spawn.
People Watching July 10th, 2018 Cass realizes she ain't all that and a bag of chips.
Night of a Million Zillion Ninjas or Just One. July 9th, 2018 A ninja beats up some guys on Nightwing's turf!
When the Bat's Away July 3rd, 2018 Casssandra's slacking on her times. Nightwing helps her figure out what's in her head that is throwing her off.
Bright Stars over Gotham June 29th, 2018 Nightwing and Starfire reconnect and agree to be co-conspirators.
The Newest Consults the First March 19th, 2018 Summary needed
This is Why you Dump your Browser History March 14th, 2018 certain Crazy redhead has some 'splain'n to do when Ricardo finds out about her SHIELD hijinks. Secrets are shared. Affirmations of affection are exchanged and Batman has an angry redhead coming for him.
Don't blow up my city! March 12th, 2018 The Bat crew deal with an arc reactor overload.
And the Training Begins... March 7th, 2018 Backscened first meeting of Richard Dragon and Dick Grayson. The two Richards begin the Nightwing training project.
Cats, Cradles, & Kung Fu March 5th, 2018 Batman & Nightwing have a meeting of the minds. Harsh truths are spoken.
Gotham Knights- Legacies March 3rd, 2018 Summary needed
Stranded in Gotham March 1st, 2018 Dick Grayson gets some darn sleep. Barbara's kitchen is in shambles. A half asleep Dick reveals something that keeps Barbara up.
Extatic Revelations Continue January 18th, 2018 Summary needed
Dude, That is my sister December 23rd, 2017 Summary needed
Extatic Revelations December 19th, 2017 Summary needed
Circus People Unite! December 6th, 2017 Nightcrawler meets the last remaining Flying Grayson. It's sweet!
Why are you always hassling me December 5th, 2017 Summary needed
Signs Are Often Given to Oracles By Birds December 2nd, 2017 On a patrol follow-up to the Gotham riot, Nightwing gives Oracle a new perspective.
Lucy, You Got Some 'Splainin' To Do November 25th, 2017 Who knew Babs was a babbler?! Nightwing thinks being a billionaire playboy might be the way to go.
Into Hostile Territory November 24th, 2017 Summary needed
Old Friends and Remembrances November 20th, 2017 Nightwing and Black Canary meet up. She learns about his future Duel with Lady Shiva
Bludhaven Rooftops November 18th, 2017 Motorcycles and sweatpants with Nightwing's name on them. Oh my.
Bike Delivery and a Check Up November 18th, 2017 Summary needed
B&E Is Gotham For Hello November 18th, 2017 Caroline decides that Jim Gordon's daughter is the best way to get a message to the Commissioner.
Ungrateful Kids! November 17th, 2017 Summary needed
Old Friends, New Sites, Old Habits. November 16th, 2017 Summary needed
The Genesis of Oracle November 15th, 2017 The road from hacker to HACKER is made one step at a time.
An Unexpected Turn October 23rd, 2017 It was supposed to be drug dealers and butt-kicking, but it went pear-shaped in more ways than one.
A Little Birdie Told Me... October 16th, 2017 Contracting Shivonic Plague is nothing to to joke about!
Marco Polo and Bat-Dates October 13th, 2017 This is what happens when Bat-peoples don't keep in touch enough.
Two Men and a Lady October 11th, 2017 Shiva speaks to Nightwing in front of Robin. She spills the beans on the challenge she made for a fight in one year.
Rose's Super Loopy Scene October 11th, 2017 Summary needed
Gotham Charity Event: PBS Gala October 10th, 2017 Summary needed
Franchise Inspection October 10th, 2017 Summary needed
Like a Thief in the Night... Wing October 8th, 2017 Summary needed
We All Start Somewhere October 8th, 2017 Karen Page comes to the Greene Dojo to begin training with Beth. Dick Grayson stops in while they are cooling down.
Classic Gotham City Meet and Greet September 27th, 2017 In which, Nightwing and The Urban Wolf stalk some Ukrainian gangsters and layeth the smacketh down upon their candy asses! As ya do.
Madness September 17th, 2017 Summary needed
Bludhaven Bureau of Tourism September 8th, 2017 Summary needed
Bludhaven By Night September 5th, 2017 Summary needed
Message for you, sir. August 29th, 2017 Summary needed
Terrific Triplicates and Nifty Nightwing August 23rd, 2017 Summary needed
Roll The Bones August 21st, 2017 Summary needed
The Ultimatum August 14th, 2017 Shiva goes to challenge Nightwing but he offers a deal instead.
Trophies August 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Catching up with the Wilson Girl August 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Every Day Is Exactly The Same August 8th, 2017 Summary needed
Mandated Psych Profile August 6th, 2017 Summary needed
The Purple Pugilist August 6th, 2017 Summary needed
Back on Track August 1st, 2017 Beth and Dick go on a date
The Olympic Committee in Bludhaven August 1st, 2017 Summary needed
The Arkham Breakout Bash! July 30th, 2017 Summary needed
Green is the New Black July 26th, 2017 Summary needed
Nightwing the Slacker July 26th, 2017 Alfred and Cassandra help Nightwing recover, and deal with Bruce's demands.
A Visitor, Madame Ambassador July 25th, 2017 Summary needed
Mystery of the Dragon July 25th, 2017 Summary needed
Wake up, Wing. July 25th, 2017 Summary needed
Cancelled Plans July 22nd, 2017 Beth and Dick catch up after repeatedly cancelling plans on each other.
Fight Club: The Blood July 22nd, 2017 A drug deal in Gotham goes south.
The Rinaldis pt 2. July 21st, 2017 Zinda & Grace are on a brawlaholic spree, and run into Nightwing and some gangsters.
After Hours July 21st, 2017 Summary needed
Birds of a Feather July 21st, 2017 Summary needed
Wolf on Patrol July 21st, 2017 Summary needed
Log July 20th, 2017 Sif and Nightwing run afoul of Spiral
Don't Quit Your Day Job July 19th, 2017 Summary needed
Workin' on the Night Moves July 19th, 2017 Dick and Beth go out on a date.
Kid Bat and Lil Devil July 19th, 2017 Summary needed
Catching up with the Kryptonians July 17th, 2017 Supergirl happens upon Nightwing on a stake out and wants to help.
This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things July 16th, 2017 Summary needed
The new help. July 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Wet & Wild! July 14th, 2017 Summary needed
The Veterans Ball July 14th, 2017 Omens, portents, and fortune telling games at the Veteran's Ball.
Black, White and Gray Morality July 13th, 2017 Summary needed
The Bachelor Auction Prize July 10th, 2017 Summary needed
Tom, Dick, and Hairy. July 9th, 2017 Summary needed
The Cat, the Bat, and the... Richard July 9th, 2017 Batman and Catwoman work together on something.
Mork Calling Orson, Come in Orson. July 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Assault On Zhang's Laundry July 9th, 2017 Summary needed
The Cult of Radamantus! July 8th, 2017 Summary needed
The Narrows by Night July 8th, 2017 Batgirl meets Nightwing for the first time.
Patchwork July 7th, 2017 Alfred, Damian, and Cassandra deal with the fallout from Nightwing's injuries.
Leviathan: A Helping Hand June 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Nightingale Is Born May 20th, 2017 Summary needed
hi May 12th, 2017 Summary needed
A Superstitious, Cowardly Lot May 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Furiously Fast April 17th, 2017 Summary needed.
Broken Heart April 11th, 2017 An attempt to steal a graphics card in hopes of getting meds is stopped by Dick Grayson.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Dark Dreams September 16th, 2020 Nightwing is having a familiar dream with some new twists.


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