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Alexis Carr (Scenesys ID: 9059)
"You. Yes, you. The one who just addressed the clerk so crudely. I know your type. Too much money, not enough spankings as a child -- proof positive that you can buy lessons but you just can't buy class."
Full Name: Allegra Caradenza
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Musician, Busker
Citizenship: Dual American/Italian
Residence: Brooklyn, New York
Education: Private Conservatory
Status: Shelved
Groups: [Xavier's School]]
Other Information
Apparent Age: 19 Actual Age: 19
Date of Birth 14 March 2008 Actor:
Height: 157 cm (5'2") Weight: 53 kg (117 lb)
Hair Color: Dark Brown Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: "Where the Skies End" by Starset


Once attending prestigious European musical academies, called a Virtuoso, a genius, and now fallen from grace and exiled from her family, Allegra Caradenza has been making her cautious home in New York City, watching the mounting violence against mutants, the the rising discontent. Split between wanting to remain hidden and forgotten and desperately wanting to Do Something More, Allegra finds herself pulled reluctantly into the goings on in Mutant Town. Dedicated, creative, and stubborn to a fault, she is one for preservation and protection, even if it means keeping to the shadows.

Current Player Approved: Not Applicable



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Allegra Caradenza is a young woman of mixed Mediterranean ancestry with dark eyes and dark, short-cut brown hair which has a tendency to be a bit on the 'poofy' side. She has long, graceful limbs and a short torso, well-muscled legs and short stature, rising only to about 5'2" in bare feet. Her face is heart-shaped, with wide eyes and full lips and a nose that turns up a little at the tip. She's commonly wearing second-hand clothes that show some wear-and-repair, stitched seams, hand-embroidered to hide holes and disguise stains and in cooler months she wears well-kept jackets and scarves, in warmer months T-shirts sourced from events and promotions or bargain bins. She carries herself with an air of gracefulness, keeping effortless proper posture as if she grew up balancing books on her head. She typically wears a perfume with warm citrus notes and spice to it.

One should be wary of her skin tone; typically it has warm, olive tones in a normal shade, but even the most level headed person can break, and when she does her skin can change...


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History I:
Allegra Caradenza was born to Amelia Florin, an English soprano living in the United States and performing for an opera company in New York, and Filipe Caradenza, an Italian ballet dancer working with the Boston Ballet. Both coming from long lines of artists in classical music, joined dynasties of ballet and opera spent a tumulus time in the late 90's between amid accusations of eating disorders and drug use before announcing their marriage, and a decade later the birth of their daughter, Allegra.

Allegra spent her youth split between her father's family in Italy at their winery and olive groves, her parents home in Boston and her grandmother's estate in the United Kingdom, calling each place 'home'. She grew up aware of her situation, from encountering homeless men in Boston, the early states of mutant hatred and racism aimed at others, witnessed through tinted windows and through her classmates classist behaviors, starting with the striking of nannies and helpers and ranging from the vapid mistreatment of staff in homes -- nothing she had much interest in emulating.

Allegra adored her maternal grandmother, Dame Mildred Florin, given title for her services to the arts in the United Kingdom and helping to elevate the classical arts -- dance, instruments and opera singing -- to try and make them accessible to people of all levels of life, from renovating old theaters to be more handicap accessible while retaining their charm to providing workshops and scholarships to kids in less-well-to-do areas to attend conservatories. To her, Grandmother Millie was the epitome of class. Friendly, outgoing, forever respectful and an honest purveyor of solicited advice, and Allegra strove to be like her grandmother in all manners. Summers were spent in Italy, Christmas and holidays in Boston, but the majority of time was spent studying in the UK with her grandmother's conservatory.

There she studied opera and classical singing technique, learning French and Italian and a smattering of German and Danish. She studied violin and ballet. She studied fencing, and even competed against later Olympic hopefuls. Allegra was called a virtuoso, Gifted, and there was not an instrument she picked up that she couldn't become accomplished in, and she performed with excellence in ballet recitals. She had an album out, whose sales helped promote the charity attached to Dame Florin's academy, and then she developed just... itchy skin. Raw patches explained as some sort of allergy. Eczema. Millie took Allegra to a specialist, on the pretense of a shopping trip as to not arouse suspicion -- and it was confirmed via testing that Allega possessed the so-called X-Gene.

Allegra was a mutant. The rashes and raw patches were the result of a thin layer of material, taking up some of her dermal layer of skin, and as it 'grew in' it was causing her irritations. Allegra was prescribed a cream, and sent back with her grandmother. Mildred Florin decided to not tell her granddaughter's parents about the development, taking great care to help Allegra keep her secret hidden. Allegra became ashamed of her mutation, and took to wearing clothes specifically to hide as much skin as possible, and stopped making public appearances outside of related functions to the conservatory.

Finally, her skin healed after several years of hiding, and Allegra's confidence soared, and she was asked to sing for a Youth Opera Night from Dido and Aeneas -- and she readily agreed.

The spotlight was on her. She had crystals affixed to her hair, a crown of heather and lavender, and she performed Dido's Lament, thinking her secret hidden, and she felt a burning against her skin as she sang, drawing her gaze down as the music drew onwards -- and saw her hands were the most morose blue she could conjure. Gasps erupted from the audience as Allegra Caradenza screamed, panicked, and fled the stage.

History Ii:

Allegra never returned to the stage. Though it was passed off as 'nervousness with a special effect' and issues involving her well-known skin condition, she left the academy, and returned to the United States, intent on staying hidden. She left her parents home, with their permission and aid, and briefly lived in the Midwest before abandoning her little apartment, paid for by her parents, and went dark. She cut ties with her former life, discarded her fine clothes, and messily cut off her hair. She wiped her ever-present make up away, and made her way to the best place she could think of -- New York City. She pawned her expensive jewelry, bought a fake ID identifying herself as Alexis Carr, and landed herself in Mutant Town, occupying a tiny basement flat in what used to be servant's quarters of a nicer building -- back when it was a nicer building -- and set up shop. She taught pick-up piano lessons, taught herself guitar and taught others off and on. Read tarot cards and busqued in the park for tips. Bussed tables, things that didn't involve her directly talking to a lot of people at once, living in fear that someone would recognize Amelia and Filipe's daughter, that someone would tell Mildred Florin her granddaughter was living in poverty -- but she was tenacious. And no matter what, she always treated everyone with respect and class. She charmed the occasional gentleman into a job or a gig. She learned Billy Joel's repertoire for college nights at bars where drunk patrons would spill cheap beer on her and leave tips and tipsiness. She worked herself to the bone, and tried so hard to stay out of trouble... but sometimes fate has a way of inviting itself in.

It happened on her way back from an engagement at a bar, on a bitter cold winter's night. Her hands were in her pockets, her breath hanging in the air as she paused by a homeless man -- Anything Helps. Bless. She left twenty bucks and her bar burger and fries at his feet, and took off her three-sizes-too-big army surplus jacket and laid it over him. He stirred, but slept on as she stuffed her hands back in her pockets and hurried on, planning on jogging the last couple blocks to get home quick.

Breaking Glass. Laughing. Jeers. Some Friends of Humanity punks, with anti-mutant slogans, haranguing people on the edge of Mutant Town. She called out that she'd call the police. Unpleasantries were exchanged, and when one of the three men picked up the to-go bag and dumped it on the ground, Allegra saw red, and bracing her hands, the 5'2, classically trained musician made the worst judgement of her life. She picked a fight with three racists. One broke a broomstick over her back, sending her to the ground, and another jumped on her back, pulled a knife, and set to put her out of her misery -- when the knife struck, there was just a soft 'thud', its tip imbedding a scant few millimeters into her skin. A bead of blood. She grabbed the broomstick, swung it around, and dislodged her attacker, and fled. Since then, Allegra has quietly funneled money to mutant activists, and been on the look out for mutant kids coming into Mutant Town. She's made it her business to know where services are for whatever you might need, and when things get slow, she performs in the shelters -- after all, it's what Grandmother Millie would want. The Arts belong in the city, and everyone deserves to have their share of respect.


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Allegra was born to a life of moderate wealth and luxury, an ancient pedigree and fine living with moderate nobility. She has surrendered all of it in order to keep her family away from her own doings. She eschewed fortune to run her own life, dancing on a knife's edge between obscurity, poverty, civility and unrest, striving for delicate balancing act.

That being said, Allegra prides herself on three things: kindness in the face of adversity, joy in the midst of sorrows, and class among those who've forgotten that what they have can be taken away quite easily.

Kindness, first and foremost, is a value indispensable to Allegra. Even when she's trying to keep a low profile in New York, it's just not in her nature to pass someone by who might need help, to treat someone poorly because of their situation or to turn away from a need. The two years she has spent building herself in New York City was the roughest she has ever had, and she's learned a new appreciation for not only her talents but proper lessons on civility from her grandmother -- a little tact and compassion goes a long, long way.

Joy, second among her virtues, is something she relishes both in giving and feeling. Seeing faces light up as she plays piano, or mimics some popular song on her guitar for the amusement of someone else makes her feel good. She delights in watching old folks dance in the street if she's busquing, or little kids jump up and down, and even the camaraderie among college students as she plays through Billy Joel's Greatest Hits, even though it's the third time someone's requested Piano Man in the last hour.

And finally, and most complexly, Class. Allegra tries to exude this in spite of her worn clothes through acting like a proper lady, but also imbuing a sense of the Gentlemen's Code -- never hesitate to help, or let someone handle for themselves when you can handle them. Be Truthful, always, but be able to keep in confidence what is told in secret. Allegra keeps her lodgings clean, cooks for herself most nights and has given up on some luxuries in life in order to help where she can: mutants.

Contrary to her usual 'keeping her head down', she cannot abide by bullies, classless actions and senseless violence. She has occasionally picked fights she knows she can't really win in confidence that the afflicted victim can make an escape. She tries to speak ill of no one (who doesn't banefully deserve it) and find just that little spark of good in everyone, and it is with the above attitudes that she approaches her life.

She tries very hard to be the good she wants to see in the world, even if it is a struggle to see any at all.


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Carbon Prism Layer:

Allegra has, between her epidermis (outer skin) and dermis (inner-skin) a layer of fine, biological monofilament-connected crystalline structures. These crystalline structures act as an internal layer of Kevlar, preventing most normal gunfire (minus certain jacketed and armor-piercing rounds, or rounds fired from high-powered rifles at close range) and normal blades from penetrating past the epidermis, resulting in blunt force trauma being distributed, and as a side effect can process light bouncing through her epidermis and break it down along the prismatic color scale, resulting in psychedelic rainbow hues when struck, though repeated strikes against the localized area break down the monofilaments connecting the structures, resulting in a loss of armoring capability. These carbon crystalline structures regenerate over time, resulting in spectacular bruising and rashes. The crystalline structures are moderately tied to her emotional state, and with concentration she can change the colors of her skin.


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Allegra is a classically trained and highly skilled ballerina, and keeps up with daily practice and stretches to retain her skill and musculature. She is physically highly flexible and has strong legs and excellent stamina thanks to her training.

Trained in both foil and epee styles of fencing. Recreational skill rather than combat skill. She is highly athletic and has sharp reflexes.

First Aid:
Allegra has passed intro to first aid and advanced first aid, and curtesy of her pursuit of dance, theater and fencing has had the occasion to have real world practice.

Allegra was trained for strings on the violin, but has since picked up guitar (both classical and contemporary acoustic), and has transitioned between classical and contemporary piano. She is well taught, can sight-read music at varying levels of difficulty and is skilled enough to play at major symphony levels on either of her three chosen instruments.

A native speaker of English and Italian, thanks to her operatic training she is conversational in Spanish and French, has a solid grasp of German and Danish.

A little politeness goes a long way in some cases. Allegra is used to doing light networking in order to find resources for others, from the random homeless guy to the newly-arrived wide-eyed (and sometimes terribly naïve) mutant teenager arriving to Mutant Town.

Operatic Soprano:
Trained from a young age to participate in classical music, especially with vocal training following her mother and grandmother, Allegra is a talented operatic soprano and can sight-read difficult pieces in English, Italian, Spanish and French and would be at home in any opera house.

Sewing and Embroidery:

You can't wear second-hand clothing without getting good at stitching things up, hiding stains and holes. The easiest way to have customized, cool embroidered jeans is in fact to do it yourself. Allegra is a passable seamstress and can make her own clothing, alter other clothing to fit, and uses hand-embroidering to hide stains and holes in second-hand clothing.


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Alias: Alexis Carr:
Alexis Carr has a birth certificate that states she was born in a now defunct country hospital in New England, attended a small private college in Vermont and majored in music theory. She has a social security number that sometimes presents an issue, but she always says she'll 'work it out later' if it comes up. It's the name on her non-driver's ID, the renter's agreement on her apartment, her E-mail and twitter accounts and used to order the occasional pizza. A useful alias to use when you don't want your real name to come up in paperwork, especially once you start getting involved in volunteer work.

Allegra maintains a small, basement-level apartment in Mutant Town, shared with several house plants and a retired stray cat named Jim. The apartment is easily accessible via the basement hallway, and is near to the boiler room for those coldish New York winters.

Lessons & Gigs:
Allegra makes use of her talents to pay the bills in her apartment, playing at various establishments ranging from accompanying piano to fancy restaurants on Valentine's day, to bars on college night, to teaching piano and guitar and busquing using her guitar or violin, depending on venue and weather to supplement her income. She has been known to step in for singers on the odd occasion in metal bars.


Allegra tries to keep an ear to the ground for new resources for mutants -- outreach programs, support groups, meals services, medical and psych services to point others in the right direction, even if she doesn't always take advantage of them herself. She pays the resources back by playing in shelters and at meal times on the odd occasion, bringing a touch of class and a little joy.


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A Familiar Face:
The Caradenza family is relatively well known in classical music circles, especially in the world of professional ballet. It's known that the young member of the entertainment dynasty hasn't been seen, and that she's cut ties with her family. Dig far enough and someone's bound to hit dirt.

Carbon Layer Repair:
Although her body naturally repairs the layer of crystalized carbon between her epidermis and dermal layer, it takes up to two weeks to a month to repair fully with a heightened carbon-intake diet, meaning more protein and occasionally ingesting 'activated charcoal tablets'.

Allegra can't be given IV's or shots with normal needles, as they hit her carbon layer and halt. The only place needles and IV's can be pushed is either into her inner cheeks, or using 'high piercing materials' like adamantium or molecularly sharpened needles.

True Colors:

Allegra, in moments of extreme stress or heightened emotional states will change colors, with vibrancy dependent on how much light there is coming through her epidermis. This effect is most easily seen in her hands and face, although it occurs all over her body.


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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Title Date Scene Summary
Xavier School Prom May 25th, 2021 The prom for Xavier's School. Big wins, little wins, new friends, and old ones; a night to celebrate those that matter and the memories made. And dancing. Lots of that. Hank still remembers the Macarena.
Trouble at Il Galletto May 14th, 2021 So three... four mutants and a Iron Fist walk into a bar...
Readiness May 11th, 2021 Sam and Alexis sit by the lake and have a light talk
Xavier's Dream continues: Welcome Prismatic May 10th, 2021 Cyclops gives a speech about family and team, then welcomes Alexis Carr to the X-Men.
The Farm: Call to Action May 7th, 2021 The X-Men fly to Ontario to remove a Mutant 'Farm' that has been attempting to kidnap superpowers for experiments. They found a new face amongst the rubble.
A night on the town. May 4th, 2021 And a nice date is had by all.
The Aftermath of a Wet Student Rescue April 23rd, 2021 After contending with the crisis of a student's near demise and Rogue's recussitation of the student, Alexis and Sam have a frank conversation about the future.
Drowning in the lake April 23rd, 2021 Jeremy falls into the lake and sinks like a rock. Rogue gives him CPR and takes a look into the mind of his trauma. Shannon and Alexis swoop in to help out.
Thanks Where Thanks Is Due April 20th, 2021 Thanks is given where it is due, but is only accepted with some difficulty--and threats of Danger Room retaliation if reponsibility for hard work isn't accepted in kind!
We interrupt your normal program... April 6th, 2021 Deadpool very politely interrupts a music class at Xavier's via a portal, pops an instructor's arm out of socket, and attends to Taco Tuesday with Megan Gwynn.
Chasing Pavements 2.0 March 30th, 2021 Gray gets welcomed to the school as a guest. He's terrified. Probably for good reason.
Chasing Pavements March 29th, 2021 The New Mutants track Gray down to make him an offer. The ball is in his court.
Morning shadows March 29th, 2021 Jeremy tries his hand at art and talks to Pete, Storm and Alexis. He lets them know that he's chasing down a new mutant who's lost on the streets.
Wanted: Dead Or Alive Part 2 March 15th, 2021 Clint makes a deal to Jeremy. Jeremy delivers and leaves behind a receipt. Surely Tony can front the bill.
An important Question. March 14th, 2021 She said yes.
Time for Tea with Alexis and Remy March 13th, 2021 Always with the magic teapot. Alexis Carr sits down to afternoon tea while Remy LeBeau shows up for breakfast. They have a nice conversation regarding homelessness, survival, and kneecapping people who bother you.
A Musical Interude with Alexis and Megan March 11th, 2021 A beginning music lesson with Alexis and Megan
An Important Question II: Italy March 10th, 2021 Sam asks a very important question, procedes to drink with old Italian people.
A Very Important Question: Shipping out to Boston March 3rd, 2021 Sam takes Andrea for emotional support to ask a very important question in Boston.
Revisiting February 28th, 2021 Jeremy is called into the office. Alexis paints his fingernails. It will never come off.
Tea and Swords February 27th, 2021 A magical teapot summons Kurt, Dani, Jamie, Shannon and Remy to the kitchen. Yes, it's the magical teapot and not the fact that there is food there.
The Cure: Infiltration! February 27th, 2021 The Xmen rescue the mutant prisoners from DAMT headquarters and ensure that no more twisted experiments will ever be performed there again.
Return of the Carr February 27th, 2021 Alexis Carr returns to the Mansion from time away, and gets a low-down on the happenings since she's been away. Jeremy is not emoting, Shannon makes grilled cheese, and Logan makes an appearance. Alexis is mildly confused and dismayed.
New Years Explosion January 1st, 2021 Ringing in the New Year with music and explosives
A Year in Passing December 13th, 2020 Alexis brings cookies from Italy and there is talk about signing up for decorations.
Date night in the Danger room. November 18th, 2020 Alexis faces a bit of a worry from her past.
You're A Sucker, Right October 20th, 2020 Jean and Alexis discuss the future of the school over some tea and under the figurative shade of olive trees.
Heavy Discussions October 8th, 2020 Alexis and Sam have some conversation in the foyer of Xavier's, including what may be in store for them in the future.
The Cure: No Place Like Home October 7th, 2020 Metaforce ruins a construction site. Avengers send them packing.
Welcome home, Andrea October 7th, 2020 Andrea visits the school to give a quick song and meet some new faces.
Wrong Place, Wrong Time: Hunori & Alexis Edition October 5th, 2020 Lex bumps into Hunori and Alexis.
No Glamping Allowed October 5th, 2020 The family gets together (blood and adoptive) leading to talk of future plans including camping, concerts, new singles and Danger Room sessions.
The Cure: Burning Man September 26th, 2020 Metaforce sets fire to anti mutant HQ, and comes up against resistance in the form of numerous heroes!
The more they change... September 21st, 2020 Alexis, Sam and Andrea talk about the fallout from Magneto's visit to the concert.
Concert in Mutant Town September 16th, 2020 What starts out as a party and concert becomes trouble as Magneto arrives.
Poolside with the Mutants August 22nd, 2020 Alice, Alexis and Megan are out by the pool, and discussion about why so many students stay during the summer occurs. Sam Guthrie joins in
Rain Boot Revolution August 17th, 2020 Containing impromptu dance offs and revisions to the physical education curriculum.
Today is the day! Neon Dreams August 1st, 2020 Andrea springs big news and gets a not so amazing reaction.
In Celebration July 31st, 2020 Alexis and Andrea have a little girl time, discuss the Guthries.
Incognito July 20th, 2020 Andrea and Alexis go into the park to try and have a calm afternoon. Willow is touring the city. What better to unite two differing groups than one jerk protesting both of them? Alexis has to stop testing her powers with bullets.
Crossing Swords July 19th, 2020 Remy and Alexis Car have a bit of fun with sharp pointy objects in the back yard. There are Princess Bride references. Alexis still doesn't like sweet tea.
Pleasant Introductions July 5th, 2020 Hank introduces his friends to his new paramour, Sandy! It goes well. Dinosaurs aren't mentioned by name.
Danger Room Files: Alexis I June 27th, 2020 Sam runs a test of the endurance of Alexis's crystaline structures beneath her skin, and simultaneously makes people want pina coladas, a trip to Henry's, and a tactical examination of suddenly dropping your girlfriend into combat.
Protesting people proceed in postirior pummeling, June 14th, 2020 Mutants get into a fight and win!
A Family and Familiar Faces June 13th, 2020 A post-graduation celebration, Andrea, Alexis and Jay Guthrie have a trio performance. Megan and Sam meet someone close to Alexis
Xavier's Graduation 2028 June 11th, 2020 It's graduation day for the latest round of Xavier's students. Party time!
Lets. Go. Shopping. June 10th, 2020 Andrea takes Jean and Alexis on a shopping trip to talk about graduation, food and friendship.
Cars and Karaoke June 9th, 2020 There's a small gathering of the Xavier family in the garage, where car work turns to singalongs and finally the inevitability of war over burgers. Mutants, always looking on the bright side.
Trading a few tricks. May 31st, 2020 And the dance begins.
Abruzzo May 13th, 2020 Alexis and Sam travel to Italy to meet the other Caradenzas. Papa and Nonna instantly take a liking to Sam in spite of the fact that he speaks little Italian and is an American. Nonna likes that Sam's not afraid of hard work as a farm boy, Papa likes the fact that Sam wants to do right by the family.
The Caradenzas May 9th, 2020 Sam Guthrie meets the other half of Alexis Carr's family -- the Italian Caradenza, Guiseppe
Danger Zone, Alexis! May 6th, 2020 Samuel attempts to out-think rather than Out-Power Alexis with a Walk Accross the Room trial. He didn't count on Alexis Carr having never seen The Goonies!
What lays ahead May 1st, 2020 Alexis Carr is given an offer she can't refuse, and Scott Summers gets to welcome the new Performing Arts instructor to the Xavier Institute. Beware, students, your homework increaseth!
Milk Cartons: Pier 17 April 30th, 2020 The raid finally goes down on Pier 17 and our heroes bite off more than they can chew. Guest starring The Punisher and Fantomex.
'Fence'd In Gardens April 26th, 2020 Alexis opens dueling a student name Simone in the gardens as a bit of tutilage in Fencing, with Sam Guthrie making sure that it doesn't go overboard with powers. Scott Summers and Jean Grey get the chance to get some air in after reviewing paperwork, and Shannon arrives fresh out of the medbay. Josiah is introduced to Alexis, and all comes to a stop when Megan Wynn, and her changed appearance, prompt a full stop.
Saint Cici's April 26th, 2020 Alexis and Sam meet Alexis's grandmother, the opera singer Dame Florin. Sam learns that Alexis will age like fine wine and that her grandmother supported her through growing pains into being a mutant, considers sending his brother to the school.
Afternoon in the garage. April 26th, 2020 The time had Comme the Cajun said to speak of many things of helmets, gummies, speeding bikes, Cabages and kings.
A new day at Xavier's April 25th, 2020 Scott and Jean go over incoming students and speak with friends.
Milk Cartons: Ezekiel 25:17 April 12th, 2020 Cloak and Dagger meet the X-Men.
Checking on the Club. April 5th, 2020 And things are learned, and places are cleaned
Milk Cartons: Psalms 139:14 April 5th, 2020 Sam and Alexis hear gunshots and find a terrifying secret within the dark of Mutant Town
Whose Birthday is it, Anyway April 2nd, 2020 A birthday party is thrown for Megan (And Logan). Cake and gifts are had!
A cross town trip. February 12th, 2020 And the pretzels were good.
Meet the Caradenzas February 2nd, 2020 Sam Guthrie and Alexis -- returning to Allegra Caradenza, visit her parent at their home in Cambridge, Massachusettes. Things don't go precisely to pot, but they don't g o to plan either.
After All The Mud Has Been Washed Off January 27th, 2020 Colossus' cooking draws quite a crowd. Life, classes, frustrations, and birthday plans are discussed.
Plans for the future January 26th, 2020 Plans are made and some worries adressed.
Chatting and maybe a movie. January 19th, 2020 The new student is met and may have a new room mate.
Friend New Mutants edition. January 18th, 2020 and a double date may happen
Female cookies have no nuts January 11th, 2020 Goofin' around in the Kitchen with Shannon and Alexis
A Night of music and fun. January 9th, 2020 And Id is disposed of
Thrift Shops have such interesting things. January 4th, 2020 A picture is found that leads to a loose end?
A Solo for a Lonely Heart December 30th, 2019 Sam Guthrie gets caught up in some music, Sam and Alexis talk decor in an apartment, adorable fluff.
Showing off the Hangout. December 29th, 2019 Harry and Slim are met at the hideaway
Morning at the apartment December 28th, 2019 cooking maybe learned, and Doug has how towel moment.
Packing for a southern Christmas Trip. December 24th, 2019 They trade presents, and get ready for the trip.
A Date on the Town December 20th, 2019 And the couple have a happy date.
Lessons to last a lifetime... 101 December 19th, 2019 Lessons are taught, lessons are learned. Guns are dangerous, mmkay?
A Danger room session for Alexis. December 18th, 2019 And a barfight is had in the Danger room.
Santapool and the Snowflakes December 17th, 2019 Santapool stops by with some rather unorthodox decorations and some presents. Much laughter, frustration, and free-falling fun is had by all! Welcome, Squeakers!
First rule of Fight Club is... December 16th, 2019 After the events of the disasterous gala the night before, Sam and Alexis talk
Party Crushers December 16th, 2019 Grant Washington's mercenaries invade a fancy gala. They get their asses kicked by heroes who just happen to be in the right place at the right time. And also Captain America.
New Surroundings December 14th, 2019 Warrior Joe is beginning to explore his new home (on a leash and harness), Sam Guthrie and Alexis Carr act lovebirdy, and then there is Ballet.

Come for the goofy puns, stay for the mental image of men participating in intense daily training in tights.

To Rescue a Warrior: Warrior Joe December 14th, 2019 TO RESCUE WARRIOR JOE, Alexis Carr takes Sam, Chris, Theresa Cassidy and Shannon to the Palasade apartment building run by the extremely foul Othello Iiro, who has nothing good to say about his tennants as he runs a slum specifically meant for mutants to survive in.

Invoking Matt Murdock and the police don't help, so Sam resorts to not taking insults to Alexis and Shannon sitting down, and as Sam and Alexis retreive Warrior Joe (an aged alley cat who adopted Alexis), Chris and Shannon encounter another resident of the mutant-occupied building and make sure there are plenty of ways to get in touch with the group should they need help.

You Make Me Feel like Dancing December 12th, 2019 Alexis stumbles upon Samuel
Finding the Chords December 12th, 2019 Samuel comes along Alexis playing in an empty classroom, and gets to enjoy a lesson and a little information exchange. Sam
Danger room Show and Learn December 11th, 2019 We are gonna need another Timmy-bot as we learn Gwen's strength
Morning Tea December 9th, 2019 Tea and brunch are shared by all. Gifts changing over time are discussed, and plans to rescue Warrior Joe from the clutches of a scumbag landlord are made. Save Warrior Joe!
Danger Room 01-AC December 8th, 2019 And we learn more about Alexis and Shannon's powers.
Anything but routine December 7th, 2019 Alexis Carr visits the Wellness Office to discuss medical care but draws a crowd instead.
DR-Gwendoyn - 01 December 6th, 2019 And an interesting time is had by all.
Celebrate and Good times. December 5th, 2019 Alexis learns more about Sam.
New Faculty December 5th, 2019 Alexis gets the job and maybe more to come.
Mean Streets of Mutant Town December 4th, 2019 Sam and Alexis go for a walk, and interrupt a robbery in progress at the shelter where Alexis volunteers.
Friends meeting Girlfriend... No pressure. December 3rd, 2019 And they all seem to get along well.
A Reunion December 3rd, 2019 Hector and Alexis run into each other again.
Back at the Carr Apartment -- wouldn't that be a garage December 1st, 2019 Sam and Alexis head back to Alexis's apartment, and talk a little about their lives together.
A little lesson for the teacher. December 1st, 2019 And Andrea and Sam show what the others can learn to do.
Music in the Mall November 30th, 2019 Alexis Carr and Shannon Lance give an impromptu performance of Veni, Veni, Emmanuel. Alexis and Rahne Sinclair (Wolfsbane) meet acquaintence, and poor Sam's former wardrobe is brought up for the second time in a week!
Jubilee should not be in charge of Thanksgiving. November 26th, 2019 Jubilee is a fantastic counselor and teacher, but admits to her lack of culinary expertise. Enter in Gwendolyn, Shannon, Triage, and Nathaniel to save the day! Mr. McCoy, Cannonball, Bean, and Alexis also join in the fun!
A talk about Family. November 26th, 2019 Sam and Alexis discuss family
Dancing On My Own. November 22nd, 2019 Chrysalis came out to play. Sam and Alexis have concerns.
Long night early morning. November 13th, 2019 New arrivals seem to find a bright spot.
Night on the (Mutant) Town November 12th, 2019 Sam gets to meet Warrior Joe, Sam and Alexis kick some butt.
A Night at the Roc... Errr Club Evolution. November 6th, 2019 Music plans and romance plans are made
Scoping the Competition November 4th, 2019 While scoping out the competition for bar space, Samuel Guthrie comes upon Alexis Carr playing piano. Extending an invitation to visit Xavier's School, the two share a quiet moment on a Brooklyn rooftop
Time For A Duet... November 1st, 2019 Shannon learns some new music, and Sam and Alexis figure a bit out.
Second Date: Trick, Treat October 31st, 2019 After coming upon Alexis Carr violining for tips, Sam convinces her to join him for a costume party. Kitty Pryde arrives to give expert opinions, and Sam and Alexis work out a couples costume.
Halloween Eve Bash October 28th, 2019 the Van Dyne Halloween Party is a great success!
A Little Fall Entertainment October 28th, 2019 Thanks to Andrea's mechanations, which may or may not be for evil, Sam Guthrie and Alexis Carr meet for a most extraordinary date. Italian, flight, a little dancing, and of course a little brooding on rooftops, all the rage among the young superhumans these days.
Music Together October 24th, 2019 While entertaining in one of Mutant Town's shelters, Alexis Carr makes the acquaintence of Andrea Jackson and reacquaints herself with Samuel Guthrie when they catch her doing a very special rendition of
The Scarlet Pimpernel in Brooklyn October 22nd, 2019 When a advertising stunt for the Scarlet Pimpernel (starring the amiable and athletic Hector Rodriguez) occurs in Brooklyn, Alexis Carr gets to indulge in something she sorely misses from her conservitory days -- acting and fencing!
Park and Carr October 21st, 2019 Sara Pezzini stops on a crisp fall day to hear Alexis Carr play some Bach Violin solos in Central Park. Joseph Miller returns a young rogue to the scene of the crime, and Ivory protests their brand's association with drugs. Hotdogs are had.
Sam meets Allegra October 15th, 2019 Music is made, and plans are planned.
Bar Hoppin' October 14th, 2019 Allegra Caradenza, as


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Title Date Scene Summary
For Your Consideration September 19th, 2020 Alexis reflects
Cutscene: Thanksgiving November 26th, 2019 Summary needed


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