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Dani Moonstar (Scenesys ID: 1157)
"And this, Asgardian, is how we Cheyenne count coup!"
Full Name: Danielle Moonstar
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: High School Student/Valkyrie
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Active
Groups: [Xavier's School] [New Mutants] [Asgard]
Other Information
Apparent Age: 17 Actual Age: 17
Date of Birth 4 May 2008 Actor: Kimberly Guerrero
Height: 168 cm Weight: 56 kg
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0bD4ts8eWY


Danielle (call me Dani) Moonstar was born in Boulder, Colorado. She joined Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters as a young teen, learning to focus and utilize her mutant powers. On one adventure she and other students were transported to Asgard, where the young mutant was made a Valkyrie, thanks to establishing a bond with the winged stallion Brightwing.

Her mutant power is the psionic ability to create a manifestation of someone's greatest desires or their worst fears. She also has an empathic ability to communicate with animals. In addiiton, she has the power to create solid psionic 'images', typically in the form of a lance or spear. Alternatively, she can craft psychic arrows that would stun her opponents by overloading their nervous system or making them relive their worst memories.



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< Animal Empathy >------------------------------

Dani Moonstar has the psychic ability to create a telepathic link with many animals. She has a very strong empathic link with her Horse, Brightwind. She can create one with any animal, usually.

< Perceive Death Aura >----------------------------

Being a Valkyrie, Dani Moonstar can see into someone's aura and see the coming of death for them. Usually, she tries to prevent it, but if it's someone's time, she'll let them go.

< Psychic Arrows >------------------------------

Dani Moonstar can fire out psychic bolts that can bring out what the recipient most fears or most desires. They can even stun an opponent by overloading their central nervous system. This psychic bolts take the form of arrows for Dani when she uses them.

< Solid Illusions >------------------------------

Dani is able to create solid illusions from latent psychic power. The Illusion is permanent until she decides to make another illusion, then the previous one is destroyed, so she can only make one at a time. It's with this power that she creates her 'Spirit lance' from. Usually, however, she has a necklace made from this ability.



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< Hand-to-hand expert >----------------------------

Dani is quite athletically gifted. SO much so that she is still dangerous without her mutant powers. She knows quite a few martial art forms, but she relies, mainly upon the training she received when she was younger, from her tribe, and the training she received while at Xavier's school.

< modern weapons >------------------------------

Dani knows how to use modern weapons, such as rifles, pistols, and more. While she 'prefers' more primitive weapons, like knives, swords and bows, she WILL use more modern weapons if she must.

< Primitive Weapons >-----------------------------

Dani is very skilled in the use of primitive weapons. Her skill is most notable with the Bow and Arrow, Sword, and the spear/lance. She can hit someone between the eyes with the bow at 50 yards. And she's quite adept with the Spear, especially when using her 'Spirit Lance'. She has a sword that she also has with her Asgardian armor when she uses her Valkyrie Powers. She also carries a couple of knives with her in case she needs them, and she's good with them as well.



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< Asgardian Armor >------------------------------

Dani is able to summon her Valkyrie Breastplate and sword with Brightwind. It is high quality armor, as it is Asgardian and is able to deflect many blows and types of weaponry.

< Brightwind >--------------------------------

Brightwind is a winged horse that chose her as her rider in Asgard. As such, it bestowed upon her the gifts of a Valkyrie. Dani takes very good care of Brightwind, and tries not to mistreat her at all.

< Sword >-----------------------------------

She has an asgardian sword that accompanies her armor when she wears it. It's a high quality blade, but had no real special powers.

< Trick Arrows >-------------------------------

Dani has a few trick arrows that she got from Hawkeye after winning a bet. She was able to reverse engineer them and create her own, unique, arrows.

< Weaponry >---------------------------------

Dani Moonstar has quite a few weapons, usually carried by Brightwind, but some of the smaller ones are usually on her person. She carries a pair of knives upon her most times, but she also has a bow that is usually held on Brightwind, and she keeps her trick arrows with Brightwind as well.



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< Headaches >---------------------------------

Her powers do give Moonstar headaches, and we mean splitting migraine headaches to where she has to go into a dark, sound proof room so she can feel minimal pain.

< Impatient >---------------------------------

Danielle, despite her training, tends to be pretty headstrong and is prone to rushing in where eagles (or Valkyries) fear to tread. This can cause her to get in way over her head, and she doesn't have too much of a mindset to wait and plan. This isn't saying she doesn't plan at all, but she'd rather do something on the fly.

< Mutant >----------------------------------

She is a mutant, which means her existence comes with many many racial prejudices and more. Not just from humans, from mutants as well.



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Title Date Scene Summary
Is it real or is it memoreX June 30th, 2023 And who shall win the pieces
Sun, swimming and wet fur June 10th, 2023 A day at the pool with good friends, good food and thankfully, no oil-slicks in the pool.
Making dinner June 2nd, 2023 What started out as cooking for fun turned into Angelica feeding a crowd.
Dream walk May 27th, 2023 Dani had a dream that will likely lead her to live in interesting times.
Car Hold Up a Minute. May 6th, 2023 It's brief but Dani and Tabby catch up. This could lead to fun trouble!
Pool side encounter April 22nd, 2023 Angelica and Dani encountered one another at the pool side and got to know each other a little better.
There has to be a joke in here, somewhere May 25th, 2021 That was just a weird little encounter!
The Tanning Booth May 22nd, 2021 Hank scienced up a way to give Rogue a temporary workaround for her powers. The proof is in the guinea pigs - Kurt and Dani.
Talking about The New Mutants and the future of them May 17th, 2021 Scott and Dani talk about The New Mutants and her new role.
Somebunny's in Trouble May 9th, 2021 Bunnies came. Bunnies found Basosa. Bunnies left. Bunnies! It must be bunnies!
The Gravitas of the situation May 2nd, 2021 It started out with attempting to assess Rosie's talents and ended up with a Shower cubicle o' dewm and discussions on mutations. That is until Deadpool. Car surgery concludes.
Aftermath The Rescue April 20th, 2021 There was some chatting in the stables after the rescue.
Milk Cartons: Las Vatos Locos debe pagar! April 20th, 2021 Cloak and Dagger track down more missing children with the help of Spider-Man and the X-Men! The Los Vatos have been defeated.
Milk Cartons: Another piece falls into place. April 19th, 2021 Kurt brings Dani by to meet his girlfriend. It went pretty well.
Danger Room Session April 5th, 2021 Scott runs a Danger Room session for the X-Men Core team for some light exercise. Kurt and Dani win a prize that could go terribly for everyone down the road.
Rude Awakenings and Beastly outcomes April 4th, 2021 He woke up, there were reunions and memory losses and Camp grounds were discussed. Also Nightcrawler's troublemagnet.
After Meeting The Hellequin March 26th, 2021 Some chit chat about Hellequin after the fact.
A new kind of Evil March 26th, 2021 Dani, Willow and Kurt meet the Hellequin, where true devotion is shown
It's All In The Reps March 18th, 2021 Idle chatter while polishing the guns.
Wanted: Dead or Alive March 15th, 2021 Shield has come knocking on the door for Jeremy.
A Welfare Check March 9th, 2021 The fuzzy blue elf gets woken up by Dani for a welfare check, then gets some stitches in his shoulder courtesy of Shannon's skills.
A Meeting in the Rec Room March 8th, 2021 A meeting in the rec room that turned into a warning and an exploration
A quick Riding Lession! March 2nd, 2021 Dani gives Megan some pointers in riding horses.
Tea and Swords February 27th, 2021 A magical teapot summons Kurt, Dani, Jamie, Shannon and Remy to the kitchen. Yes, it's the magical teapot and not the fact that there is food there.
The Cure: Infiltration! February 27th, 2021 The Xmen rescue the mutant prisoners from DAMT headquarters and ensure that no more twisted experiments will ever be performed there again.
X-men: Irresistible Force vs Immovable Object December 14th, 2019 Blob and Juggernaut's partnership comes to blows, and the X-men arrive to save a dam and power plant from being collateral damage.
Of Apples and Valkyries.... December 6th, 2019 Dani and Shannon have a pleasant chat in the stables about life and recent events, while sharing a snack with Brightwind.
Protect Xavier's: Finale November 10th, 2019 After much build up, a protection spell is cast that makes Xavier's School seem like a normal human prep school to anyone spying/scanning from outside.
Halloween at Club Mjolnir November 10th, 2019 A Halloween party took place at Club Mjolnir, and a good time was had by all.
You Are A Toy! October 29th, 2019 Honey, I shrunk Excalibur
Still Besties October 28th, 2019 Time finally allows Rahne and Dani to catch up a little bit. An old bond is renewed and strengthened.
Guthries Everywhere October 7th, 2019 Jay Guthrie arrives at Xavier's School. Everyone comes to say Hi!
Sam and Dani chat a bit. October 7th, 2019 Sam and Dani talk and Dani agrees to be Jay's advisor
We'd like our Villain back, please September 26th, 2019 Avengers and X-folks discuss Loki's recent visit.
Blood and Ichor... Four September 26th, 2019 Dani, Laura and Samuel Morgan try to antagonize Jeremy. It doesn't really work.
A Week of Freedom September 19th, 2019 Samuel and Shannon celebrate his first week at the school with some lasagna. Many friends join in, and Samuel is shown he is not alone.
Girl's Night! August 26th, 2019 After a night on the town with friends and
Fred's Diner, staple of Mutant Cuisine August 21st, 2019 Noriko, Dani, Domino are at a DINER (thanks ELLIE) when an Ellie walks in. Talking and mercenary shakes are enjoyed. Nori is loud. Fin.
Really, Sam August 21st, 2019 Summary needed
Protect Xavier's: Necroplasma from Spawn August 14th, 2019 Surge, Moonstar, Shannon, Josh and Kitty seek out Spawn to gather necroplasma for Wanda Maximoff's protection spell for the school
Nothing bad happens on school trips August 13th, 2019 It started as a field trip. It turned into a trip mine. BUT DID YOU DIE THOUGH?!
Cleaning out the stalls. August 10th, 2019 =The stalls are cleaned for Dani and Brightwind's return home
We Have Cancelled The Apokolips October 2nd, 2017 Summary needed
She Followed Me Home Can I Keep Her September 30th, 2017 Summary needed
Apokolips Now: Where Nightmares Are Made September 27th, 2017 Several students from Xavier's find themselves in an unexpected conflict
Pizza Pals September 24th, 2017 Summary needed
Teenagers... In... SPAAAAACE! (On an unpaid internship) September 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
When Life Gives You Melons September 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Working Hard Is Hardly Working September 12th, 2017 Summary needed
Tigger Remodeling September 12th, 2017 Summary needed
Queen of the Mallrats September 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Midnight Deviled Eggs September 1st, 2017 Summary needed
Currently Binging: Vengeance September 1st, 2017 Summary needed
Leaving on a Brightwind August 31st, 2017 Summary needed
School Daze August 31st, 2017 Summary needed
There's a WHAT Outside August 29th, 2017 Klavdiya Vasiliev
What Are Roomies For August 25th, 2017 Summary needed
No, Seriously, Tiger! August 24th, 2017 Lexi decides to go find Tigger Momma, and ends up involving Tabitha and Dani. They conclude the tigger may well be a shapeshifter of some variety.
This Is Why I'm Here August 22nd, 2017 Yana pulls Dani into the kitchen after her first meeting with the New Mutants and X-Men and a talk ensues about many things.
Tigger on the Loose August 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
Apres Paris, La Vie Continue August 21st, 2017 Summary needed
X-Changing Ideas August 21st, 2017 A meeting is called between the X-Men and New Mutants on various threats, including Starro, and Mojo.
The Beast Within August 19th, 2017 In the underground tunnels, the hunt is on for Alexia who has gone feral.
Paris: An X-Men Wedding August 18th, 2017 Summary needed
An X-men Wedding August 18th, 2017 Two X-Men getting married... what could go wrong? EVERYTHING!
Parisian Comfort League August 18th, 2017 Summary needed
An American Valkyrie in Paris August 17th, 2017 Summary needed
An American Valkyrie in Paris II August 17th, 2017 Summary needed
Breakfast at Xavier's August 15th, 2017 Tatum and Dani talk over breakfast
Tick Tick Tick BOOM August 15th, 2017 Tabitha, Dani, and Wednesday talk boys and girls
...And The Next Day August 13th, 2017 Yana and Dani have a conversation about the prior events, and Wolfsbane shows up.
Bughunters Triumphant! August 13th, 2017 After a 'Danger Room' Session in the gym, the girls relax, Boom-Boom goes off.
Danger Room Session August 12th, 2017 Colossus helps run a program in the Gym (aka student Danger Room) for some new students, and some old.
Fridays - Longest Day of the Week August 11th, 2017 Summary needed
Magical Freshwater Sharks August 10th, 2017 Summary needed
No Horses in the Pool August 10th, 2017 Sleeping by poolside... what could possibly go wrong?
Three by the Sea August 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Stars at Night August 8th, 2017 Sarah and Dani take a walk after the storm...
Does This Kitchen have Deviled Eggs August 7th, 2017 Kurt's back! And he's stealing Dani's deviled eggs!!!
A Heart Full of Rage August 7th, 2017 Directly following "Does This Kitchen have Deviled Eggs?" as Rahne encounters an angry Dani with Doug and Alexia involved as well.
Mutants August 4th, 2017 Summary needed
About Last Night August 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Catching Up Is Hard To Do August 3rd, 2017 Right after "Mutants": Sam and Dani have a heart to heart
The Wolf of Westchester July 31st, 2017 Doug's day runs the gamut of emotions. Wolfsbane returns to find out the truth about him. Dani is there for both of them.
Log 1727 July 30th, 2017 Summary needed
Nerdy Night for Movies July 29th, 2017 We'll send them cheesy movies, the worst we can find! LA LA LA.
Roomies July 27th, 2017 Dani and Alexia roomies? Heaven help us!
Quieres bailar July 27th, 2017 Summary needed
Reorientation July 27th, 2017 Havok looks a bit lost... like he's been gone for years?!?
To TP, or not to TP July 26th, 2017 Tomfollery was had at the Academy of Tomorrow which turned into a rescue and a beatdown of Smile Faces. Key ingredient, Havok is back from the dead. Yippie.
Gotta Make Way For The Homo Superior July 25th, 2017 Yana is saved from some Friends of Humanity by Dani and Magneto. Discourse ensues about mutants.
We Can Dance If We Want To July 25th, 2017 Dani & Alexia meet Yana at a rave set up in Mutant Town
Valkyries and Horses, July 24th, 2017 Alexia and Dani meet up while the latter was taking Brightwind out for a flight
A Brave Man Dies But Once July 22nd, 2017 No one told Dani that Doug was back!
Valhalla I Am Coming July 20th, 2017 So, how exactly did Dani get so young anyway? Who knows!
Between Dream and Reality July 10th, 2017 Summary needed


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