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|NameOnMUSH=Arthur Curry
|FullName=Arthur Curry / Orin
|FullName=Arthur Curry
|Species=Atlantean / Human Hybrid
|Species=Atlantean/Human Hybrid
|Occupation=King of Atlantis
|Occupation=King of Atlantis-Poseidonis
|Citizenship=Kingdom of Atlantis
|Citizenship=USA / Atlantis-Poseidonis
|Residence=Poseidonis, Atlantis
|Residence=Atlantis-Poseidonis / Amnesty Bay
|Education=The best Atlantean Royalty can get.
|Education=Amnesty High School
|Groups=[[Justice League]]
|Groups=[[Justice League]]
|Quote="True happiness is found along a middle road. There lies the balance and the harmony -- with reason and emotion not at war, but hand in hand."
|Quote="If I don't fight for one life, how can I fight for all? What you call sentiment may make me a bad king ... but it also makes me human."
|DOB=29 January 1996
|DOB=29 January 1996
|Height=185 cm
|Height=185 cm (6'1")
|Weight=147 kg
|Weight=147 kg (323 lb)
|Actor=Charlie Hunman
|Actor=Charlie Hunnam
|Profile=Arthur Curry has always been a man torn between two worlds. On the surface he's Arthur Curry, the Amnesty Bay native that has grown up to become something much more. Below the surface he's King Arthur, the fated son of Atlanna and ruler of the Kingdom of Atlantis. A dedicated leader and hero in both places, Arthur fights a constant war on both fronts. Focused on leading his the citizens of Atlantis to a peaceful future while also protecting the Earth as a founding and senior member of the esteemed Justice League. Arthur Curry is a man that knows no boundaries. A Hero. A King. Arthur Curry is... Aquaman.
|Song="The Mariner's Revenge Song" by The Decemberists
|Description=Most people would not suspect that this man is the King of Atlantis and lord of half of the ocean. He stands a powerfully built 6'4", so that tends to draw some form of attention, however. He is a handsome man, with a firm body and pleasant features. His hair is blonde and thick, and it falls to his shoulders. He tends towards a bit of stubble, with a goatee being common. His skin is tanned, like you might expect from a surfer or beach body. His eyes are a piercing, intense and unforgettable ocean blue.<br><br>He has wide shoulders and the firmly muscled body of a Grecian God. He can be found in one of two styles. Either he is in jeans and boots and flannel, or his Atlantean regalia. The former makes him blend in very well, and make him come off as one of the most blue-collar men around. The latter is green and yellow scalemail, which makes up his rather famous outfit. While in mundane clothes the average person would absolutely not recognize him...while in the other he is hard to miss.
|Profile=The man known colloquially as "the Aquaman" is in fact King Orin II of Atlantis, an advanced city-state beneath the Atlantic Ocean populated by an amphibious evolutionary offshoot of the human race. Born of an Atlantean mother and a human father, he is able to live indefinitely both underwater and on land - a trait he uses to bridge the gap between the secretive, technologically-advanced Atlanteans and humanity. Under his auspices, Atlantis has gone from historical myth in the eyes of most people on the surface to a very real place. In possession of fantastical strength, the ability to telepathically influence marine life, and powerful magic wielded through the ancient Trident of Neptune, Aquaman also serves as one of the original members of the Justice League - Earth's greatest superheroes.
|History=Arthur Curry was born into a complicated life.<br><br>His mother was the Queen of Atlantis, but his father was not. He was to rule Atlantis when his mother's reign was done, but a nasty coup changed everything. His mother swam him to Maine, before dieing on the rocks beside a lighthouse in Amnesty Bay. The baby was taken in by the warmhearted lighthouse owner, who had the surname Curry. He raised Arthur well, and he was a good, good man.<br><br>Eventually members of the new regime discovered Arthur was alive, and sent assassins after him. His powers manifested in the attack, and he then began to investigate what was really happening. He left AMnesty Bay to travel the seas and world, eventually discovering Atlantis. He was captured and ended up in the terrible internment camps run by the current regime, which is where he discovered his true heritage. After two years in these camps, he staged a savage coup and freed his people and banished the new ruler. He then retook the throne.<br><br>After establishing his rule, he decided to out Atlantis to the world. This caused a lot of trouble among the more traditional of his people, but he did not care. He was both human and Atlantean, and he wanted both. He eventually helped found the League. Over all, he has only been public and running about for a few years, and has started spending more time away from Atlantis in a normal guise, hoping for the normalcy he misses.
===Current Player Approved: N/A===
|Personality=Aquaman is a complicated man that faces both a fate and a destiny for two worlds that don't exactly want him. He's a true monarch in the sense that he loves and cares about Atlantis with all of his being, even if it was not the place where he grew up. His destiny is to rule Atlantis as its champion and that is something that he does not take lightly. He's a very fierce and capable warrior following his passions more than he follows his own mind. His will vary rarely falters and he truly never really seems to be at complete peace.<br><br>Arthur also has a dark past with secrets that even he doesn't understand completely. While he's a force of Good upon the surface world they do not fully appreciate his abilities or his talents. Considered a joke to most of the world and even to some of the other heroes, Aquaman perseveres through the stupidity and ignorance to continue to do what is right and protect those that need it. Beneath all the power, the temper and the responsibility still lies a man that was once lost and he is still trying to find his way. Bouncing back and forth between two worlds that need him without knowing if either really wants him.
|Abilities=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''ATLANTEAN HYBRID'''</span><br>Atlanteans are an offshoot of humans who are biologically designed to survive in deep ocean environments. Baseline Atlanteans have an adapted physiology that allows them to breathe underwater, survive the crushing pressures of the unfathomable deep. They are also limited in the amount of time they are out of the water. Atlanteans are, for all intents and purposes, intended for aquatic life.<br><br>Arthur, however, seems to be a different case altogether. Due to either his royal bloodline or his hybridic nature, Arthur has been blessed with a fascinating biology all his own. He shares many of the same traits as baseline Atlanteans, however, Arthur is anywhere from 20 - 50 times stronger, faster, tougher. He's essentially tireless when it comes into question with other members of his race.<br><br>These enhanced and magnified traits put him leaps and bounds beyond Atlanteans and Humans alike. In essence, Aquaman is both super-Atlantean and super-human.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''COLD IMMUNITY'''</span><br>Aquaman is naturally immune to the effects of the cold, such as getting sick or hypothermia and other facets of that particular line of effects. His body is naturally capable of handling extreme cold temperatures and is adapted fully to be capable of handling such temperatures with ease. He feels no ill effects from cold and suffers no hinderances beyond perhaps physical movement in the event of being acted upon by "freezing" attacks.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''DIVINE BLESSING'''</span><br>Arthur Curry has proven himself to the Olympian God of the Seas, Poseidon. This has resulted in Arthur being blessed with a Divine Empowerment and given a powerful weapon of which to use in battle: Poseidon's Trident. The combination of the trident and this blessing have given Arthur access to a variety of mystical abilities.<br><br>Weather Manipulation: Arthur has been given the ability to control and manipulate the weather. Storms, rain, wind, thunder and lightning all full beneath the umbrella of Poseidon's Blessing.<br><br>Electrokinesis: Arthur can use Poseidon's Trident to summon forth lightning. The trident can also be used to expel lightning in a variety of ways such as blasts, bolts or even arcs.<br><br>Hydrokinesis: Arthur can bend and manipulate water with great skill and effect.<br><br>Hydroportation: Arthur can teleport through the water provided there is enough water in both the departure and arrival locations. This is limited to a global scale.<br><br>Cryokinesis: Arthur can manipulate the water in a frozen capacity as well. By bending the water's temperature to freezing levels he can create ice structures and objects or freeze targets.<br><br>Magic Resilience: Arthur has been given some specific defense against magic. This is mostly a blanket protection against magics in general. Due to Poseidon being the God of the Seas, though, Arthur's defense against Thule based magic is highest.<br><br>Flight: Arthur can use the Blessing of Poseidon to enable himself to fly without the aid of others or outside forces.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''FACELESS'''</span><br>People know Aquaman, King of Atlantis, but outside of Amnesty Bay and certain heroic or villainous circles, most folks can't attach the name to the face. Arthur has a tendency to run around on the surface in flannel and jeans, and most folks would never guess that stubble-chinned Mainer is the King of Atlantis. This can be an advantage, since he enjoys his privacy sometimes.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''MARINE TELEPATHY'''</span><br>Contrary to popular belief and Internet trolling, Aquaman doesn't actually talk to marine life. Instead, this is a sophisticated telepathic redirection of the thought processes in their brains which compels them to assist him when in need. Arthur's telepathic range is global enabling him to send out worldwide broadcasts if necessary. His marine telepathy works on all manner of aquatic life, though, some minds may be more difficult to compel and could cause Arthur severe mental strain.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''SUPERHUMAN DURABILITY'''</span><br>Arthur's physicality is strong enough to resist small arms fire with minimal injury or able to survive the likes of RPG missiles exploding in his face at point-blank range. In tune with his super-Atlantean, Aquaman can handle pressures equal to that of the ocean deep while suffering no discomfort. His durability is so great that he has been shown to even survive falling back to Earth from orbit and walking away without serious injury.<br><br>Arthur has an increased resistance to energy and heat. Energy blasts hit him with little to no effect and cause him no sense of actual pain or anguish. He has survived being flash frozen by the likes of ice based magic. His resilience is such that he could be submerged in a lava bed and emerge without a scratch.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''SUPERHUMAN REFLEXES'''</span><br>Arthur possesses reflexes that have been heightened to levels far beyond the scope of a baseline human. His reflexes and agility are vastly superior to even some of the most nimble Atlanteans. These already super-Atlantean feats are even more impressive in aquatic locations.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''SUPERHUMAN SENSES'''</span><br>Arthur possesses enhanced senses that have reached the superhuman level. Several levels beyond the scope of humanity, Arthur's senses of sight, touch, hearing and smell are unequivocaly superior. His senses are even more heightened in aquatic locations.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''SUPERHUMAN SPEED'''</span><br>Arthur's speed has reached superhuman levels due to his super-Atlantean biology. His speed is often considered to be somewhere in the range of phenomenal while running. His swim speed, however, is where Aquaman truly shines as he's capable of reaching speeds beyond Mach 5.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''SUPERHUMAN STAMINA'''</span><br>Arthur is capable of functioning at a significantly longer rate than any baseline human. During this extended period of time, Arthur suffers no fatigue or any ill effects of a tiring or weakening nature. His stamina is almost limitless in aquatic locations.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH'''</span><br>Arthur's innate super-Atlantean state gives him incredible strength. Aquaman's strength is impressive even by the standards of others with superhuman strength as he's been able to exhibit strength around 45 quintillion metric tons. However, as with most of his abilities, this limit is increased significantly while in aquatic environments.<br><br>Coupled with his strength comes the ability to, in effect, super-leap. Using his super-Atlantean strength Arthur can launch himself into the air with a mighty jump or rocket himself out of the water in the same fashion as a torpedo.
<span style="color:#4040bf">'''Description:'''</span>
|Skills=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''AQUABATICS'''</span><br>Aquaman possesses a natural affinity for acrobatics and related forms of performance, such as gymnastics, tumbling, parkour and various other talents that come with the foundation of Acrobatics. His level of expertise transcends him to a somewhat professional level, allowing him to act accordingly on land.<br><br>However, in water, Aquaman's ability to perform all of these same extensions of agility are far beyond the reach of what could be considered normal. As a pioneer of a form of aquatic acrobatics known as Aquabatics, Aquaman is capable of functioning at a flawless level. This allows him to spin, twist, tumble, skim, slide and various other methods of glorified and stylish movement within water based environments and conditions.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''ATLANTEAN'''</span><br>Through the combined effort of aquatic sea life, Atlantean historians, myths and legends, Arthur has become incredibly well versed and knowledgeable in Atlantean Lore and the history of Atlantis. There are very few things about Atlantis or the Atlanteans that Arthur doesn't know about in some form or fashion and his expertise in this area is widely known. What is not known can be accessed through Atlantean archives and advisors.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''COMBAT'''</span><br>Aquaman has been a fighter for his entire life. He has been trained by various masters of combat from Atlantis and beyond allowing him to become a versatile and fierce combatant. His combat expertise extends from hand-to-hand to fighting with weaponry of all kinds. However, Aquaman prefers the more melee and medieval style of weapons such as swords or staves. He is a fierce and incredible warrior capable of holding his own against various numerous opponents for an elongated period of time. When taking into account and adding his Super Atlantean abilities, Aquaman is nothing short of amazing.<br><br>Aquaman's fighting ability increases exponentially when engaging in underwater combat as that is more of his natural environment than anything else.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''DIPLOMAT'''</span><br>Aquaman is an accomplished diplomat that is capable of running an entire underwater kingdom and interacting with the surface world in a manner that is befitting of a monarch such as himself. While his mental state is designed to have him functioning much easier in a monarchial state, he does understand politics in such a manner that he is capable of dealing with other great political figures whether they be singular or part of a group, such as the President of the United States or United Nations. Aquaman is very well practiced in the art of political warfare.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''INTIMIDATION'''</span><br>Aquaman is well versed in the art of using intimidation to get what he wants. Whether that be information, access to a secure facility or something more specific, Aquaman knows how to use his presence, status and general demeanor to intimidate those that he sees as weak-willed or complacent enough to fall prey to his tactics of intimidation.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''SWIMMING'''</span><br>Aquaman is, perhaps, the greatest swimmer there is. His swimming ability allows him to perform feats underwater that even some of the greatest Olympic athletes could have no hope of performing. Aquaman's Royal Atlantean heritage is coupled with his hybridized physiology to provide him with an unparalleled ability to swim that has been mastered on a scope that leaves him in a class all his own.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''TACTICIAN'''</span><br>Aquaman is an accomplished tactician and strategist capable of using this mental ability to create various avenues to victory in various combat situations or other confrontations. He is capable of using his strategic mind to think on the fly and modify his plans while they are being enacted. He is capable of leading everything from small groups to armies in battle.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''WARRIOR'S SPIRIT'''</span><br>Aquaman possesses a Warrior's Spirit that will not allow him to back down. He is focused and driven by whatever it is that he's after and he will continue on that path with great need and passion. While this is borderline obsessive, it remains on the more positive side of things as this helps Aquaman to fight his foes and opponents as if he has already won. There is no room for error when Aquaman is in combat.
|Resources=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''ALLIES'''</span><br>Aquaman has a host of allies the he can call upon for assistance in matters of all types. He has advisors and historians to assist him with diplomatic or monarch matters, as well as those he rules with. He has former wards and partners that may assist him with combat situations or other confrontations. He also has an Atlantean military and other Atlanteans that can assist him in various ways, if needed. There are various connections that Aquaman has on the surface world that may assist him also.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''AMNESTY BAY'''</span><br>This is the small coastal town that Arthur Curry calls home. The majority of the people here are friends of Aquaman's and will do whatever they can for him. In turn, Aquaman protects this town with the same ferocity as he protects Atlantis. Amnesty Bay is also home to Curry Lighthouse, the place that Arthur Curry was raised.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''ATLANTEAN TECH'''</span><br>Aquaman has access to various technological marvels that come from the Atlantis Research & Development teams. They have created various tools and vehicles that Aquaman may feel the need to use at random times for whatever reasons. This includes weaponry and the lightweight scaled armor that he wears.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''ATLANTIS'''</span><br>As the ruler of the Kingdom of Atlantis, Arthur has full power over the underwater kingdom and full range of monarchial rulership over the armies and citizens of the Atlanteans that live within the limits of the ancient and powerful city. Everything in Atlantis, from the people to the technology and otherwise are underneath Arthur's controlling and guiding hand. He is one of the more "hands on" rulers of this great and powerful underwater nation and he rules with a firm, but compassionate hand and a warrior's spirit.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY'''</span><br>As the ruler of the Kingdom of Atlantis and a diplomat in constant contact with the United Nations, Arthur Curry has diplomatic immunity within the United States and other countries that are represented in the United Nations. This keeps him free from lawsuits and prosecution, as well as keeps him from being arrested or dealt with by the host country's laws.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''JUSTICE LEAGUE'''</span><br>Arthur Curry, aka the Aquaman, is a founder and high ranking member of the Justice League. This gives him access to all their technology, weapons, bases and even the roster for assistance. It also provides him with clout that only being a member of a prestigious superhero team can bring.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''MARINE LIFE'''</span><br>At any given point in time, Aquaman can summon Marine Life to assist him. Aquaman has access to these creatures of the sea at all times and can communicate with them all over the globe. They are vast and varied and loyal to Aquaman so long as he uses his powers wisely. In some cases, Aquaman's bond with certain creatures is so strong that he does not even need to use his Marine Telepathy to gain assistance.<br><br>Aquaman's selection of Marine Life ranges from the normal and common to the unusual and endangered.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''MERA'''</span><br>Arthur's significant other from that is born of Xebel. She's as fierce a warrior as she is beautiful and together the two of them redefine the phrase 'Power Couple'.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''TRIDENTS'''</span><br>The Trident of Poseidon belongs to Aquaman. Blessed upon him by Poseidon himself, the Trident is made of an indestructible metal and is the key to using the Divine Empowerment that has been given to him by Poseidon.<br><br>The Trident of Atlantis is a symbol of Royal Lineage and belongs to the King of Atlantis. Made from the strongest of Atlantean metals, the Trident of Atlantis serves a symbolic purpose as well as provides Arthur with a stylish weapon of choice.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''WEALTH'''</span><br>Arthur has an overabundance of wealth at his disposal thanks to being the King of a thriving and well resourced underwater kingdom. He wants for nothing.
A figure over six feet high, densely muscular and clad in orange and green mail that catches the light and glitters like some long-forgotten deep sea treasure. His hair is a dark blonde, hanging down to his shoulders and adding to the look of otherworldly savageness invoked by the beard he wears. His eyes are a piercing blue, remarkable not just in their bright color but the gravity of their stare. An imperious brow and Romanesque nose complete the look of a king, although possessed of a mercy not necessarily associated with royalty.<br><br>He wears what looks like traditional armour, albeit modified to provide a more iconic look. His arms and broad chest are covered by orange scales, while his legs are covered in green. They are divided by a belt of gold, clasped at the front with a buckle that looks to be a stylized A. Upon his hands and forearms he wears finned yellow gloves, the boots on his feet made of a similar material and in the same style.
|Weaknesses=<span style="color:#00CED1">'''ATLANTIS'''</span><br>Atlantis is Arthur's true home. He will always choose the fate of Atlantis over any other fate. It is his destiny and his calling to Rule and Protect Atlantis with everything he is. Threats on Atlantis will not be taken lightly and will be handled with as much vigor and power that are needed to neutralize the threat and keep his city safe.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''DEHYDRATION'''</span><br>Part of Aquaman is of Atlantean biology. This means that he must stay hydrated if he is to function effectively on land. His amphibious nature causes him to weaken in various states the longer he is out of water. During times of extreme loss of water, Aquaman will become impaired, disabled and finally incapacitated. After that, there is only death.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''ENEMIES'''</span><br>Aquaman has made many enemies over his tenure as both a King and a Hero. Many of them want him dead. Many of them want him ruined. All of these things are on the bad end of the scale for Aquaman and thus he (and those that are on his side) are always a target for attacks and vile plots.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''LEGACY'''</span><br>Arthur considers himself to be living up to a legacy that the Kings of Atlantis before him attempted to create. He also wants to make his mother proud, a woman that he never knew. He also feels that he must carry on the Curry name in honor of his father. There are many things that push and drive Arthur and he will go to great lengths to protect the legacy that he was born into.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''MERA'''</span><br>One of the key ways to get to Arthur is through Mera. He loves her with the whole of his heart and therefore any attacks, physical or emotional or spiritual or otherwise, will be met with the fiercest of vengeance. Or perhaps even the doing of biddingest depending on the situation at hand.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''PUBLIC IDENTITY'''</span><br>Aquaman's identity as Arthur Curry is a well known fact. Anyone with any knowledge of superheroes or Google can find this information out and use it to their advantage if they wanted to.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''RUTHLESS'''</span><br>Aquaman has a habit of losing his focus when doing battle with certain foes. Certain situations or enemies bring out the worst in Arthur and he focuses more on vengeance or victory than the greater good. He becomes ruthless and if not properly handled he can become a danger to himself and others. It is hard to come back from a dark place.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''SECRETS'''</span><br>There are a lot of things that Arthur has done in his past and a lot of secrets that he keeps all to himself. Things that nobody knows he has done. He would like to keep these secrets. Having any of them come up could possibly ruin or endanger Arthur in some very lucrative ways.<br><br><span style="color:#00CED1">'''TEMPER'''</span><br>Aquaman is known for his fierce temper, which is very short. This can cause his judgment to be clouded or cause him to make mistakes in battle due to seeing red and focusing more on his anger than the situation at hand. It does not take much to get on Arthur's bad side.
<span style="color:#009999">'''History:'''</span>
When Queen Atlana of the House Atlan, Sovereign of Atlantis, washed up on the shores of Amnesty Bay, Maine, she was cared for by a lighthouse keeper named Tom Curry. As one might expect in such fairy tale scenarios, they fell in love and together they had a child and named him Arthur. In the earliest days of his Arthur's infancy, they led a happy little life as a strange little family. But Atlana could not abandon her kingdom for long, and eventually she returned to the ocean. She left Tom Curry with half-understood tales of Atlantis and her son without a mother.<br><br> Arthur Curry grew up in Amnesty Bay. He knew he was different given that he could breathe underwater and seemed to possess incredible physical capabilities well beyond any normal human even at a young age. Also, he found that he could use his mind to influence fish and other marine life - to "talk to fish" to put it simply. While his new powers were hard to understand, they were all presumed to be the result of his genetics. A hybrid of royal-blooded Atlantean and human. Mix them both together and you've got the Aquaman.<br><br>Shortly after Arthur graduated from high school, tragedy struck. While trying to protect him from a hunter seeking to study Arthur for his strange abilities, Tom Curry suffered a heart attack and died. Stricken by grief, Arthur sought to exact vengeance against his father's killer. In his blind rage he killed the wrong man, mistaking the killer's father for the killer himself. He left Amnesty Bay shortly after, but not before making the first in a long line of enemies.<br><br>Feeling there was no home for him on land, Arthur sought out Atlantis. For several years he wandered the Earth, building an accidental mythos around himself as the Aquaman - a man who came from the sea to bring help and right wrongs. He became attached to the notion of doing good for the sake of doing good, and would never be able to leave his life as the Aquaman behind.<br><br>When, at last, Arthur discovered Atlantis he was taken in. He reclaimed his throne and came to hate humanity as the Atlanteans filled him with their own prejudices. Although he would not declare war on the surface as some would hope, for a time he seemed happy to be separate and isolated from it entirely. But it was not to last. After joining forces with the other heroes who would go on to form the Justice League, Arthur came to understand that he should serve as a bridge between Atlantis and the surface. He made the existence of Atlantis known to the world soon after, while maintaining an active presence as one of the Justice League.
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Personality:'''</span>
To the casual observer (and even observers who have known him for several years), Arthur Curry comes across as an implacable and regal man. He seeks to do what is good and right, but rarely does he let emotion or personal attachment enter into it. To some people, this is the ideal of what a monarch should be while others can be forgiven for seeing him as stoic and unable to truly connect with others. It is true that he keeps almost everyone save for those scarce few who earn his trust at arms length, although this is not because he does not feel. In fact, it is because he feels too deeply. He is pleasant with others and is not beyond words of encouragement, but most would argue that they do not truly know or understand him.<br><br>If Arthur does not curtail himself and maintain his stoicism, it is easy for him to spiral into a great rage. When his fury is sparked, even the entirety of the Atlantic Ocean would be hard pressed to extinguish it. And when Arthur Curry is angry, he can be violent. His temper drove him to kill when he was too young to know any better, and he is constantly aware that he must keep that dog on a leash for the good of all around him. There is a lot to fear from an enraged man with the ability to shift tectonic plates with his bare hands and an army of loyal soldiers at his back.
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Divine Empowerment:'''</span>
Arthur Curry has proven himself to the Olympian God of the Seas, Poseidon. This has resulted in Arthur being blessed with a Divine Empowerment and given a powerful weapon of which to use in battle: the Trident of Poseidon. The combination of the trident and this blessing have given Arthur access to a variety of mystical abilities.<br><br>Weather Manipulation: Arthur has been given the ability to control and manipulate the weather. Storms, rain, wind, thunder and lightning all full beneath the umbrella of Poseidon's Blessing.<br><br>Electrokinesis: Arthur can use Poseidon's Trident to summon forth lightning. The trident can also be used to expel lightning in a variety of ways such as blasts, bolts or even arcs.<br><br>Hydrokinesis: Arthur can bend and manipulate water with great skill and effect.<br><br>Hydroportation: Arthur can teleport through the water provided there is enough water in both the departure and arrival locations. This is limited to a global scale.<br><br>Cryokinesis: Arthur can manipulate the water in a frozen capacity as well. By bending the water's temperature to freezing levels he can create ice structures and objects or freeze targets.<br><br>Magic Resilience: Arthur has been given some specific defense against magic. This is mostly a blanket protection against magics in general. Due to Poseidon being the God of the Seas, though, Arthur's defense against Thule based magic is highest.<br><br>Flight: Arthur can use the Blessing of Poseidon to enable himself to fly without the aid of others or outside forces.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Hybrid Physiology:'''</span>
As a hybrid of human and Atlantean physiology, Arthur enjoys a number of perks. For one, he is amphibious in the truest sense of the word. He can survive indefinitely in the depths of the ocean, immune to the freezing cold and able to survive on the oxygen present in the water in the same way that most marine life do. Additionally, his physiology is adapted to function at its peak here. He can communicate with others verbally (that's right, no 'glub glub glubs' for this guy) as well as see, hear, taste, touch and smell (albeit not quite in the traditional sense) just as well as he can on land. In fact, in most cases his senses are actually keener deep beneath the surface. Being able to resist the cold is a great boon in itself, as Arthur can survive being flash frozen and wander around in the most inhospitably cold environments without suffering from hypothermia.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Marine Telepathy:'''</span>
Aquaman talks to the fishes. Except it isn't quite like that. It isn't like all fish are swimming around with a sapient-level brain but without the vocal cords required to talk. If they were that clever, they would probably be able to figure out what glass is when they get dumped in a fish tank. Instead, Aquaman is able to mentally influence marine life to get it to do what he wants. He can influence sharks to swim where he directs them to and attack a specific target. He can even get a school of fish to swim in such a way that they spell out words or make pretty patterns. In particular intelligent sea life, he may even be able to pick up thoughts and learn information but it is hardly a conversation in the traditional sense. The full limits of his ability are unknown, but reaching out too far or trying to control a particularly willful (or large) animal can deplete his stamina very quickly. He may be able to reach out and influence every shark on the planet to perform a single act, but as a result would probably need to take a breather for a few hours before he was operating at peak capacity again. There are truly monumental creatures dwelling in the uttermost depths of the ocean that could put him in a coma for months were he to try and influence them. But as with all things, the more Aquaman learns to use and control this ability the more effective it is.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Superhuman Durability:'''</span>
Arthur's physicality is strong enough to resist small arms fire with minimal injury or able to survive the likes of RPG missiles exploding in his face at point-blank range. In tune with his super-Atlantean physiology, Arthur can handle pressures equal to that of the ocean deep while suffering no discomfort. His durability is so great that he has been shown to even survive falling back to Earth from orbit and walking away without serious injury.<br><br>Arthur has an increased resistance to energy and heat. Energy blasts hit him with little to no effect and cause him no sense of actual pain or anguish. He has survived being flash frozen by the likes of ice based magic. His resilience is such that he could be submerged in a lava bed and emerge without a scratch.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Superhuman Reflexes:'''</span>
Arthur possesses reflexes that have been heightened to levels far beyond the scope of a baseline human. His reflexes and agility are vastly superior to even some of the most nimble Atlanteans. These already super-Atlantean feats are even more impressive in aquatic locations.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Superhuman Senses:'''</span>
Arthur possesses enhanced senses that have reached the superhuman level. Several levels beyond the scope of humanity, Arthur's senses of sight, touch, hearing and smell are unequivocaly superior. His senses are even more heightened in aquatic locations.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Superhuman Speed:'''</span>
Arthur's speed has reached superhuman levels due to his super-Atlantean biology. His speed is often considered to be somewhere in the range of phenomenal while running. His swim speed, however, is where Aquaman truly shines as he's capable of reaching speeds beyond Mach 5.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Superhuman Stamina:'''</span>
Arthur is capable of functioning at a significantly longer rate than any baseline human. During this extended period of time, Arthur suffers no fatigue or any ill effects of a tiring or weakening nature. His stamina is almost limitless in aquatic locations.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Superhuman Strength:'''</span>
All Atlanteans are strong since they live in the depths of the ocean in crushing pressures far beyond that of the surface world. However, whatever genetic magic is at play in Arthur Curry sets his strength many, many times beyond even that. In short, his strength is incalculable. He can heft ocean liners up from the waves and even shift continental plates. In short, most any act of physical strength is one he is capable of. His stamina is not limitless, so particularly massive undertakings can wear him out and performing such a task on land might compel him to head back to the water to rehydrate sooner than he might otherwise have needed to. He has a great deal of control over his strength, allowing him to throw punches at your run-of-the-mill human thug without completely liquifying them or even doing permanent injury. This strength is in every muscle of his body, and as such he can use it to leap great distances almost akin to flying as well as launching himself out of the water and several hundred feet into the air if need be.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Aquabatics:'''</span>
Aquaman possesses a natural affinity for acrobatics and related forms of performance, such as gymnastics, tumbling, parkour and various other talents that come with the foundation of Acrobatics. His level of expertise transcends him to a somewhat professional level, allowing him to act accordingly on land.<br><br>However, in water, Aquaman's ability to perform all of these same extensions of agility are far beyond the reach of what could be considered normal. As a pioneer of a form of aquatic acrobatics known as Aquabatics, Aquaman is capable of functioning at a flawless level. This allows him to spin, twist, tumble, skim, slide and various other methods of glorified and stylish movement within water based environments and conditions.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Atlantean:'''</span>
Through the combined effort of aquatic sea life, Atlantean historians, myths and legends, Arthur has become incredibly well versed and knowledgeable in Atlantean Lore and the history of Atlantis. There are very few things about Atlantis or the Atlanteans that Arthur doesn't know about in some form or fashion and his expertise in this area is widely known. What is not known can be accessed through Atlantean archives and advisors.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Combat:'''</span>
Aquaman has been a fighter for his entire life. He has been trained by various masters of combat from Atlantis and beyond allowing him to become a versatile and fierce combatant. His combat expertise extends from hand-to-hand to fighting with weaponry of all kinds. However, Aquaman prefers the more melee and medieval style of weapons such as swords or staves. He is a fierce and incredible warrior capable of holding his own against various numerous opponents for an elongated period of time. When taking into account and adding his Super Atlantean abilities, Aquaman is nothing short of amazing.<br><br>Aquaman's fighting ability increases exponentially when engaging in underwater combat as that is more of his natural environment than anything else.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Diplomat:'''</span>
Aquaman is an accomplished diplomat that is capable of running an entire underwater kingdom and interacting with the surface world in a manner that is befitting of a monarch such as himself. While his mental state is designed to have him functioning much easier in a monarchial state, he does understand politics in such a manner that he is capable of dealing with other great political figures whether they be singular or part of a group, such as the President of the United States or United Nations. Aquaman is very well practiced in the art of political warfare.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Intimidation:'''</span>
Aquaman is well versed in the art of using intimidation to get what he wants. Whether that be information, access to a secure facility or something more specific, Aquaman knows how to use his presence, status and general demeanor to intimidate those that he sees as weak-willed or complacent enough to fall prey to his tactics of intimidation.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Swimming:'''</span>
Aquaman is, perhaps, the greatest swimmer there is. His swimming ability allows him to perform feats underwater that even some of the greatest Olympic athletes could have no hope of performing. Aquaman's Royal Atlantean heritage is coupled with his hybridized physiology to provide him with an unparalleled ability to swim that has been mastered on a scope that leaves him in a class all his own.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Tactician:'''</span>
Aquaman is an accomplished tactician and strategist capable of using this mental ability to create various avenues to victory in various combat situations or other confrontations. He is capable of using his strategic mind to think on the fly and modify his plans while they are being enacted. He is capable of leading everything from small groups to armies in battle.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Warrior's Spirit:'''</span>
Aquaman possesses a Warrior's Spirit that will not allow him to back down. He is focused and driven by whatever it is that he's after and he will continue on that path with great need and passion. While this is borderline obsessive, it remains on the more positive side of things as this helps Aquaman to fight his foes and opponents as if he has already won. There is no room for error when Aquaman is in combat.
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Allies:'''</span>
Aquaman has a host of allies the he can call upon for assistance in matters of all types. He has advisors and historians to assist him with diplomatic or monarch matters, as well as those he rules with. He has former wards and partners that may assist him with combat situations or other confrontations. He also has an Atlantean military and other Atlanteans that can assist him in various ways, if needed. There are various connections that Aquaman has on the surface world that may assist him also.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Amnesty Bay:'''</span>
This is the small coastal town that Arthur Curry calls home. The majority of the people here are friends of Aquaman's and will do whatever they can for him. In turn, Aquaman protects this town with the same ferocity as he protects Atlantis. Amnesty Bay is also home to Curry Lighthouse, the place that Arthur Curry was raised.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Atlantean Tech:'''</span>
Aquaman has access to various technological marvels that come from the Atlantis Research & Development teams. They have created various tools and vehicles that Aquaman may feel the need to use at random times for whatever reasons. This includes weaponry and the lightweight scaled armor that he wears<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Atlantis:'''</span>
As the ruler of the Kingdom of Atlantis, Arthur has full power over the underwater kingdom and full range of monarchial rulership over the armies and citizens of the Atlanteans that live within the limits of the ancient and powerful city. Everything in Atlantis, from the people to the technology and otherwise are underneath Arthur's controlling and guiding hand. He is one of the more "hands on" rulers of this great and powerful underwater nation and he rules with a firm, but compassionate hand and a warrior's spirit.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Diplomatic Immunity:'''</span>
As the ruler of the Kingdom of Atlantis and a diplomat in constant contact with the United Nations, Arthur Curry has diplomatic immunity within the United States and other countries that are represented in the United Nations. This keeps him free from lawsuits and prosecution, as well as keeps him from being arrested or dealt with by the host country's laws.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Justice League:'''</span>
Arthur Curry, aka the Aquaman, is a founder and high ranking member of the Justice League. This gives him access to all their technology, weapons, bases and even the roster for assistance. It also provides him with clout that only being a member of a prestigious superhero team can bring.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Marine Life:'''</span>
At any given point in time, Aquaman can summon Marine Life to assist him. Aquaman has access to these creatures of the sea at all times and can communicate with them all over the globe. They are vast and varied and loyal to Aquaman so long as he uses his powers wisely. In some cases, Aquaman's bond with certain creatures is so strong that he does not even need to use his Marine Telepathy to gain assistance.<br><br>Aquaman's selection of Marine Life ranges from the normal and common to the unusual and endangered.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Mera:'''</span>
Arthur's significant other from that is born of Xebel. She's as fierce a warrior as she is beautiful and together the two of them redefine the phrase 'Power Couple'.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Tridents:'''</span>
The Trident of Poseidon belongs to Aquaman. Blessed upon him by Poseidon himself, the Trident is made of an indestructible metal and is the key to using the Divine Empowerment that has been given to him by Poseidon.<br><br>The Trident of Neptune is a symbol of Royal Lineage and belongs to the King of Atlantis. Made from the strongest of Atlantean metals, the Trident of Neptune serves a symbolic purpose as well as provides Arthur with a stylish weapon of choice.<br><br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Wealth:'''</span>
Arthur has an overabundance of wealth at his disposal thanks to being the King of a thriving and well resourced underwater kingdom. He wants for nothing.
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Atlantis:'''</span>
Atlantis is Arthur's true home. He will always choose the fate of Atlantis over any other fate. It is his destiny and his calling to Rule and Protect Atlantis with everything he is. Threats on Atlantis will not be taken lightly and will be handled with as much vigor and power that are needed to neutralize the threat and keep his city safe.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Dehydration:'''</span>
Part of Aquaman is of Atlantean biology. This means that he must stay hydrated if he is to function effectively on land. His amphibious nature causes him to weaken in various states the longer he is out of water. During times of extreme loss of water, Aquaman will become impaired, disabled and finally incapacitated. After that, there is only death.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Enemies:'''</span>
Aquaman has made many enemies over his tenure as both a King and a Hero. Many of them want him dead. Many of them want him ruined. All of these things are on the bad end of the scale for Aquaman and thus he (and those that are on his side) are always a target for attacks and vile plots.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Legacy:'''</span>
Arthur considers himself to be living up to a legacy that the Kings of Atlantis before him attempted to create. He also wants to make his mother proud, a woman that he never knew. He also feels that he must carry on the Curry name in honor of his father. There are many things that push and drive Arthur and he will go to great lengths to protect the legacy that he was born into.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Mera:'''</span>
One of the key ways to get to Arthur is through Mera. He loves her with the whole of his heart and therefore any attacks, physical or emotional or spiritual or otherwise, will be met with the fiercest of vengeance. Or perhaps even the doing of biddingest depending on the situation at hand.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Public Identity:'''</span>
Aquaman's identity as Arthur Curry is a well known fact. Anyone with any knowledge of superheroes or Google can find this information out and use it to their advantage if they wanted to.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Secrets:'''</span>
There are a lot of things that Arthur has done in his past and a lot of secrets that he keeps all to himself. Things that nobody knows he has done. He would like to keep these secrets. Having any of them come up could possibly ruin or endanger Arthur in some very lucrative ways.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Temper:'''</span>
Aquaman has a fierce temper and can fly into a very powerful rage if provoked. His years as a monarch and a member of the Justice League have taught him to keep it in check, the downside being that it makes him seem distant and reserved from time to time. When his ire is raised, however, he tends to see red and act rashly - often being more violent than is necessary or simply lashing out where a more reasoned and thoughtful approach would be more beneficial. Those who he considers enemies remain enemies for life and it takes a great deal to change that.
[[Category:Justice League]]
[[Category:Justice League]]

Latest revision as of 14:18, 4 June 2021

Aquaman (Scenesys ID: 100)
"If I don't fight for one life, how can I fight for all? What you call sentiment may make me a bad king ... but it also makes me human."
Full Name: Arthur Curry
Gender: Male
Species: Atlantean/Human Hybrid
Theme: DC (FC)
Occupation: King of Atlantis-Poseidonis
Citizenship: USA / Atlantis-Poseidonis
Residence: Atlantis-Poseidonis / Amnesty Bay
Education: Amnesty High School
Status: Dropped
Groups: Justice League
Other Information
Apparent Age: 31 Actual Age: 31
Date of Birth 29 January 1996 Actor: Charlie Hunnam
Height: 185 cm (6'1") Weight: 147 kg (323 lb)
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "The Mariner's Revenge Song" by The Decemberists


The man known colloquially as "the Aquaman" is in fact King Orin II of Atlantis, an advanced city-state beneath the Atlantic Ocean populated by an amphibious evolutionary offshoot of the human race. Born of an Atlantean mother and a human father, he is able to live indefinitely both underwater and on land - a trait he uses to bridge the gap between the secretive, technologically-advanced Atlanteans and humanity. Under his auspices, Atlantis has gone from historical myth in the eyes of most people on the surface to a very real place. In possession of fantastical strength, the ability to telepathically influence marine life, and powerful magic wielded through the ancient Trident of Neptune, Aquaman also serves as one of the original members of the Justice League - Earth's greatest superheroes.

Current Player Approved: N/A



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A figure over six feet high, densely muscular and clad in orange and green mail that catches the light and glitters like some long-forgotten deep sea treasure. His hair is a dark blonde, hanging down to his shoulders and adding to the look of otherworldly savageness invoked by the beard he wears. His eyes are a piercing blue, remarkable not just in their bright color but the gravity of their stare. An imperious brow and Romanesque nose complete the look of a king, although possessed of a mercy not necessarily associated with royalty.

He wears what looks like traditional armour, albeit modified to provide a more iconic look. His arms and broad chest are covered by orange scales, while his legs are covered in green. They are divided by a belt of gold, clasped at the front with a buckle that looks to be a stylized A. Upon his hands and forearms he wears finned yellow gloves, the boots on his feet made of a similar material and in the same style.


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When Queen Atlana of the House Atlan, Sovereign of Atlantis, washed up on the shores of Amnesty Bay, Maine, she was cared for by a lighthouse keeper named Tom Curry. As one might expect in such fairy tale scenarios, they fell in love and together they had a child and named him Arthur. In the earliest days of his Arthur's infancy, they led a happy little life as a strange little family. But Atlana could not abandon her kingdom for long, and eventually she returned to the ocean. She left Tom Curry with half-understood tales of Atlantis and her son without a mother.

Arthur Curry grew up in Amnesty Bay. He knew he was different given that he could breathe underwater and seemed to possess incredible physical capabilities well beyond any normal human even at a young age. Also, he found that he could use his mind to influence fish and other marine life - to "talk to fish" to put it simply. While his new powers were hard to understand, they were all presumed to be the result of his genetics. A hybrid of royal-blooded Atlantean and human. Mix them both together and you've got the Aquaman.

Shortly after Arthur graduated from high school, tragedy struck. While trying to protect him from a hunter seeking to study Arthur for his strange abilities, Tom Curry suffered a heart attack and died. Stricken by grief, Arthur sought to exact vengeance against his father's killer. In his blind rage he killed the wrong man, mistaking the killer's father for the killer himself. He left Amnesty Bay shortly after, but not before making the first in a long line of enemies.

Feeling there was no home for him on land, Arthur sought out Atlantis. For several years he wandered the Earth, building an accidental mythos around himself as the Aquaman - a man who came from the sea to bring help and right wrongs. He became attached to the notion of doing good for the sake of doing good, and would never be able to leave his life as the Aquaman behind.

When, at last, Arthur discovered Atlantis he was taken in. He reclaimed his throne and came to hate humanity as the Atlanteans filled him with their own prejudices. Although he would not declare war on the surface as some would hope, for a time he seemed happy to be separate and isolated from it entirely. But it was not to last. After joining forces with the other heroes who would go on to form the Justice League, Arthur came to understand that he should serve as a bridge between Atlantis and the surface. He made the existence of Atlantis known to the world soon after, while maintaining an active presence as one of the Justice League.


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To the casual observer (and even observers who have known him for several years), Arthur Curry comes across as an implacable and regal man. He seeks to do what is good and right, but rarely does he let emotion or personal attachment enter into it. To some people, this is the ideal of what a monarch should be while others can be forgiven for seeing him as stoic and unable to truly connect with others. It is true that he keeps almost everyone save for those scarce few who earn his trust at arms length, although this is not because he does not feel. In fact, it is because he feels too deeply. He is pleasant with others and is not beyond words of encouragement, but most would argue that they do not truly know or understand him.

If Arthur does not curtail himself and maintain his stoicism, it is easy for him to spiral into a great rage. When his fury is sparked, even the entirety of the Atlantic Ocean would be hard pressed to extinguish it. And when Arthur Curry is angry, he can be violent. His temper drove him to kill when he was too young to know any better, and he is constantly aware that he must keep that dog on a leash for the good of all around him. There is a lot to fear from an enraged man with the ability to shift tectonic plates with his bare hands and an army of loyal soldiers at his back.


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Divine Empowerment:
Arthur Curry has proven himself to the Olympian God of the Seas, Poseidon. This has resulted in Arthur being blessed with a Divine Empowerment and given a powerful weapon of which to use in battle: the Trident of Poseidon. The combination of the trident and this blessing have given Arthur access to a variety of mystical abilities.

Weather Manipulation: Arthur has been given the ability to control and manipulate the weather. Storms, rain, wind, thunder and lightning all full beneath the umbrella of Poseidon's Blessing.

Electrokinesis: Arthur can use Poseidon's Trident to summon forth lightning. The trident can also be used to expel lightning in a variety of ways such as blasts, bolts or even arcs.

Hydrokinesis: Arthur can bend and manipulate water with great skill and effect.

Hydroportation: Arthur can teleport through the water provided there is enough water in both the departure and arrival locations. This is limited to a global scale.

Cryokinesis: Arthur can manipulate the water in a frozen capacity as well. By bending the water's temperature to freezing levels he can create ice structures and objects or freeze targets.

Magic Resilience: Arthur has been given some specific defense against magic. This is mostly a blanket protection against magics in general. Due to Poseidon being the God of the Seas, though, Arthur's defense against Thule based magic is highest.

Flight: Arthur can use the Blessing of Poseidon to enable himself to fly without the aid of others or outside forces.

Hybrid Physiology:
As a hybrid of human and Atlantean physiology, Arthur enjoys a number of perks. For one, he is amphibious in the truest sense of the word. He can survive indefinitely in the depths of the ocean, immune to the freezing cold and able to survive on the oxygen present in the water in the same way that most marine life do. Additionally, his physiology is adapted to function at its peak here. He can communicate with others verbally (that's right, no 'glub glub glubs' for this guy) as well as see, hear, taste, touch and smell (albeit not quite in the traditional sense) just as well as he can on land. In fact, in most cases his senses are actually keener deep beneath the surface. Being able to resist the cold is a great boon in itself, as Arthur can survive being flash frozen and wander around in the most inhospitably cold environments without suffering from hypothermia.

Marine Telepathy:
Aquaman talks to the fishes. Except it isn't quite like that. It isn't like all fish are swimming around with a sapient-level brain but without the vocal cords required to talk. If they were that clever, they would probably be able to figure out what glass is when they get dumped in a fish tank. Instead, Aquaman is able to mentally influence marine life to get it to do what he wants. He can influence sharks to swim where he directs them to and attack a specific target. He can even get a school of fish to swim in such a way that they spell out words or make pretty patterns. In particular intelligent sea life, he may even be able to pick up thoughts and learn information but it is hardly a conversation in the traditional sense. The full limits of his ability are unknown, but reaching out too far or trying to control a particularly willful (or large) animal can deplete his stamina very quickly. He may be able to reach out and influence every shark on the planet to perform a single act, but as a result would probably need to take a breather for a few hours before he was operating at peak capacity again. There are truly monumental creatures dwelling in the uttermost depths of the ocean that could put him in a coma for months were he to try and influence them. But as with all things, the more Aquaman learns to use and control this ability the more effective it is.

Superhuman Durability:
Arthur's physicality is strong enough to resist small arms fire with minimal injury or able to survive the likes of RPG missiles exploding in his face at point-blank range. In tune with his super-Atlantean physiology, Arthur can handle pressures equal to that of the ocean deep while suffering no discomfort. His durability is so great that he has been shown to even survive falling back to Earth from orbit and walking away without serious injury.

Arthur has an increased resistance to energy and heat. Energy blasts hit him with little to no effect and cause him no sense of actual pain or anguish. He has survived being flash frozen by the likes of ice based magic. His resilience is such that he could be submerged in a lava bed and emerge without a scratch.

Superhuman Reflexes:
Arthur possesses reflexes that have been heightened to levels far beyond the scope of a baseline human. His reflexes and agility are vastly superior to even some of the most nimble Atlanteans. These already super-Atlantean feats are even more impressive in aquatic locations.

Superhuman Senses:
Arthur possesses enhanced senses that have reached the superhuman level. Several levels beyond the scope of humanity, Arthur's senses of sight, touch, hearing and smell are unequivocaly superior. His senses are even more heightened in aquatic locations.

Superhuman Speed:
Arthur's speed has reached superhuman levels due to his super-Atlantean biology. His speed is often considered to be somewhere in the range of phenomenal while running. His swim speed, however, is where Aquaman truly shines as he's capable of reaching speeds beyond Mach 5.

Superhuman Stamina:
Arthur is capable of functioning at a significantly longer rate than any baseline human. During this extended period of time, Arthur suffers no fatigue or any ill effects of a tiring or weakening nature. His stamina is almost limitless in aquatic locations.

Superhuman Strength:

All Atlanteans are strong since they live in the depths of the ocean in crushing pressures far beyond that of the surface world. However, whatever genetic magic is at play in Arthur Curry sets his strength many, many times beyond even that. In short, his strength is incalculable. He can heft ocean liners up from the waves and even shift continental plates. In short, most any act of physical strength is one he is capable of. His stamina is not limitless, so particularly massive undertakings can wear him out and performing such a task on land might compel him to head back to the water to rehydrate sooner than he might otherwise have needed to. He has a great deal of control over his strength, allowing him to throw punches at your run-of-the-mill human thug without completely liquifying them or even doing permanent injury. This strength is in every muscle of his body, and as such he can use it to leap great distances almost akin to flying as well as launching himself out of the water and several hundred feet into the air if need be.


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Aquaman possesses a natural affinity for acrobatics and related forms of performance, such as gymnastics, tumbling, parkour and various other talents that come with the foundation of Acrobatics. His level of expertise transcends him to a somewhat professional level, allowing him to act accordingly on land.

However, in water, Aquaman's ability to perform all of these same extensions of agility are far beyond the reach of what could be considered normal. As a pioneer of a form of aquatic acrobatics known as Aquabatics, Aquaman is capable of functioning at a flawless level. This allows him to spin, twist, tumble, skim, slide and various other methods of glorified and stylish movement within water based environments and conditions.

Through the combined effort of aquatic sea life, Atlantean historians, myths and legends, Arthur has become incredibly well versed and knowledgeable in Atlantean Lore and the history of Atlantis. There are very few things about Atlantis or the Atlanteans that Arthur doesn't know about in some form or fashion and his expertise in this area is widely known. What is not known can be accessed through Atlantean archives and advisors.

Aquaman has been a fighter for his entire life. He has been trained by various masters of combat from Atlantis and beyond allowing him to become a versatile and fierce combatant. His combat expertise extends from hand-to-hand to fighting with weaponry of all kinds. However, Aquaman prefers the more melee and medieval style of weapons such as swords or staves. He is a fierce and incredible warrior capable of holding his own against various numerous opponents for an elongated period of time. When taking into account and adding his Super Atlantean abilities, Aquaman is nothing short of amazing.

Aquaman's fighting ability increases exponentially when engaging in underwater combat as that is more of his natural environment than anything else.

Aquaman is an accomplished diplomat that is capable of running an entire underwater kingdom and interacting with the surface world in a manner that is befitting of a monarch such as himself. While his mental state is designed to have him functioning much easier in a monarchial state, he does understand politics in such a manner that he is capable of dealing with other great political figures whether they be singular or part of a group, such as the President of the United States or United Nations. Aquaman is very well practiced in the art of political warfare.

Aquaman is well versed in the art of using intimidation to get what he wants. Whether that be information, access to a secure facility or something more specific, Aquaman knows how to use his presence, status and general demeanor to intimidate those that he sees as weak-willed or complacent enough to fall prey to his tactics of intimidation.

Aquaman is, perhaps, the greatest swimmer there is. His swimming ability allows him to perform feats underwater that even some of the greatest Olympic athletes could have no hope of performing. Aquaman's Royal Atlantean heritage is coupled with his hybridized physiology to provide him with an unparalleled ability to swim that has been mastered on a scope that leaves him in a class all his own.

Aquaman is an accomplished tactician and strategist capable of using this mental ability to create various avenues to victory in various combat situations or other confrontations. He is capable of using his strategic mind to think on the fly and modify his plans while they are being enacted. He is capable of leading everything from small groups to armies in battle.

Warrior's Spirit:

Aquaman possesses a Warrior's Spirit that will not allow him to back down. He is focused and driven by whatever it is that he's after and he will continue on that path with great need and passion. While this is borderline obsessive, it remains on the more positive side of things as this helps Aquaman to fight his foes and opponents as if he has already won. There is no room for error when Aquaman is in combat.


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Aquaman has a host of allies the he can call upon for assistance in matters of all types. He has advisors and historians to assist him with diplomatic or monarch matters, as well as those he rules with. He has former wards and partners that may assist him with combat situations or other confrontations. He also has an Atlantean military and other Atlanteans that can assist him in various ways, if needed. There are various connections that Aquaman has on the surface world that may assist him also.

Amnesty Bay:
This is the small coastal town that Arthur Curry calls home. The majority of the people here are friends of Aquaman's and will do whatever they can for him. In turn, Aquaman protects this town with the same ferocity as he protects Atlantis. Amnesty Bay is also home to Curry Lighthouse, the place that Arthur Curry was raised.

Atlantean Tech:
Aquaman has access to various technological marvels that come from the Atlantis Research & Development teams. They have created various tools and vehicles that Aquaman may feel the need to use at random times for whatever reasons. This includes weaponry and the lightweight scaled armor that he wears

As the ruler of the Kingdom of Atlantis, Arthur has full power over the underwater kingdom and full range of monarchial rulership over the armies and citizens of the Atlanteans that live within the limits of the ancient and powerful city. Everything in Atlantis, from the people to the technology and otherwise are underneath Arthur's controlling and guiding hand. He is one of the more "hands on" rulers of this great and powerful underwater nation and he rules with a firm, but compassionate hand and a warrior's spirit.

Diplomatic Immunity:
As the ruler of the Kingdom of Atlantis and a diplomat in constant contact with the United Nations, Arthur Curry has diplomatic immunity within the United States and other countries that are represented in the United Nations. This keeps him free from lawsuits and prosecution, as well as keeps him from being arrested or dealt with by the host country's laws.

Justice League:
Arthur Curry, aka the Aquaman, is a founder and high ranking member of the Justice League. This gives him access to all their technology, weapons, bases and even the roster for assistance. It also provides him with clout that only being a member of a prestigious superhero team can bring.

Marine Life:
At any given point in time, Aquaman can summon Marine Life to assist him. Aquaman has access to these creatures of the sea at all times and can communicate with them all over the globe. They are vast and varied and loyal to Aquaman so long as he uses his powers wisely. In some cases, Aquaman's bond with certain creatures is so strong that he does not even need to use his Marine Telepathy to gain assistance.

Aquaman's selection of Marine Life ranges from the normal and common to the unusual and endangered.

Arthur's significant other from that is born of Xebel. She's as fierce a warrior as she is beautiful and together the two of them redefine the phrase 'Power Couple'.

The Trident of Poseidon belongs to Aquaman. Blessed upon him by Poseidon himself, the Trident is made of an indestructible metal and is the key to using the Divine Empowerment that has been given to him by Poseidon.

The Trident of Neptune is a symbol of Royal Lineage and belongs to the King of Atlantis. Made from the strongest of Atlantean metals, the Trident of Neptune serves a symbolic purpose as well as provides Arthur with a stylish weapon of choice.


Arthur has an overabundance of wealth at his disposal thanks to being the King of a thriving and well resourced underwater kingdom. He wants for nothing.


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Atlantis is Arthur's true home. He will always choose the fate of Atlantis over any other fate. It is his destiny and his calling to Rule and Protect Atlantis with everything he is. Threats on Atlantis will not be taken lightly and will be handled with as much vigor and power that are needed to neutralize the threat and keep his city safe.

Part of Aquaman is of Atlantean biology. This means that he must stay hydrated if he is to function effectively on land. His amphibious nature causes him to weaken in various states the longer he is out of water. During times of extreme loss of water, Aquaman will become impaired, disabled and finally incapacitated. After that, there is only death.

Aquaman has made many enemies over his tenure as both a King and a Hero. Many of them want him dead. Many of them want him ruined. All of these things are on the bad end of the scale for Aquaman and thus he (and those that are on his side) are always a target for attacks and vile plots.

Arthur considers himself to be living up to a legacy that the Kings of Atlantis before him attempted to create. He also wants to make his mother proud, a woman that he never knew. He also feels that he must carry on the Curry name in honor of his father. There are many things that push and drive Arthur and he will go to great lengths to protect the legacy that he was born into.

One of the key ways to get to Arthur is through Mera. He loves her with the whole of his heart and therefore any attacks, physical or emotional or spiritual or otherwise, will be met with the fiercest of vengeance. Or perhaps even the doing of biddingest depending on the situation at hand.

Public Identity:
Aquaman's identity as Arthur Curry is a well known fact. Anyone with any knowledge of superheroes or Google can find this information out and use it to their advantage if they wanted to.

There are a lot of things that Arthur has done in his past and a lot of secrets that he keeps all to himself. Things that nobody knows he has done. He would like to keep these secrets. Having any of them come up could possibly ruin or endanger Arthur in some very lucrative ways.


Aquaman has a fierce temper and can fly into a very powerful rage if provoked. His years as a monarch and a member of the Justice League have taught him to keep it in check, the downside being that it makes him seem distant and reserved from time to time. When his ire is raised, however, he tends to see red and act rashly - often being more violent than is necessary or simply lashing out where a more reasoned and thoughtful approach would be more beneficial. Those who he considers enemies remain enemies for life and it takes a great deal to change that.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Curious Meetings in the Sea April 26th, 2021 Aquaman meets an orca and a rogue.
Curiosity and the Coyote April 9th, 2021 Mercy goes to visit the Atlantean Embassy and meets Arthur there. The two share a pleasant conversation.
Grounded March 26th, 2021 Summary needed
Green Meets Blue March 19th, 2021 Summary needed
Watchtower Meetings March 9th, 2021 The Justice League gets together to talk about current events and opportunities.
A Royal Discussion December 30th, 2019 Mera and Arthur discuss plans for New Years
Age of Darkness: Riddle Me This December 6th, 2019 The Justice League and her allies have a strategy/planning session to determine what to do next and go over intel brought forth but multiple people and groups. Can it be? Can Superman be alive? We'll have to see.
Undercurrents: Problem in Pakistan August 15th, 2019 Mera and Aquaman go to Pakistan to investigate the use of plasma weapons to attack villages. They confirm what they feared.
Sentinels: Super Briefing August 15th, 2019 Superman and Aquaman meet in the Watchtower to discuss the Magneto crisis in New York and Polaris' appeal to Atlantis.
Undercurrents: The Missles Matter August 13th, 2019 Polaris pleads Genosha's case to Atlantis. King Orin II and Princess Mera warn Polaris of the danger to her people and present her with a difficult choice.
Undercurrents: Striking Stockholm August 11th, 2019 A plan to free and hunt down Stockholm goes sideways when Batman and Batgirl show up. Batgirl and Stockholm take out mercenaries who are after Stockholm. Batman squares off against Bane!
Impulsive Follow Up August 9th, 2019 In which Darcy meets with Aquaman about Flash's grandson
Undercurrents: Tragic Ripples August 8th, 2019 Lex Luthor goes to North Kivu in the DRC and learns something surprising about a small village that was wiped out.
Undercurrents: Cattaneo Catastrophe August 3rd, 2019 The Punisher assaults the Cattaneo estate outside New York and does heavy damage. Rave shows up to find out what is going on. A misunderstanding stalls the assault and everyone withdraws to let the police clean up the mess.
Undercurrents: Atlantean Connection August 1st, 2019 Scarlet Witch and Captain America visit the Atlantean embassy. The learn the magic in Hook is from the underwater realm.
Undercurrents: Kick Them While They're Down July 30th, 2019 Hammerhead's men take out a MD12 stash house in Hell's Kitchen. Blood and fire result.
A First Visit July 28th, 2019 Star Sapphire meets Mera and Aquaman to ask about the Justice League.
Undercurrents: Mashing Magia July 27th, 2019 Summary needed
Quite the Net July 26th, 2019 Arthur and Mera discuss the evils of galas and weddings, before retiring for the evening.
Undercurrents: Three Strikes July 24th, 2019 Lex Luthor, Stockholm and The Darkness assault the base of operations for the MD12 leadership in Metropolis. The sky lights up with a warning of what's to come.
Undercurrents: Making a Point July 23rd, 2019 Shredder, Bebop, Rocksteady and the Foot go to send a message to MD12's leaders in New York. Shredder and MD12 reach an impasse and declare war!!
Undercurrents: Analysis July 22nd, 2019 Lex Luthor gets an analysis of Hook from his scientists and sets them to finding counteragents. He orders strikes against groups importing Hook into Metropolis.
Undercurrents: Striking Back July 22nd, 2019 Orphan takes down the Hook stash house of a Gotham biker gang. The costs of justice are not small.
Aquaman Gets a Full House (Sorry No Poker Involved) July 18th, 2019 Aquaman delivers a speech on ocean conservation at Gotham U, with Tim Drake, Carrie Kelley, and Stephanie Brown in attendance.
Undercurrents: Unto Caesar July 18th, 2019 Lex Luthor gets an update on Hook and the drug situation in Metropolis. He gets a sample of Hook for examination.
Undercurrents: One of Yours July 17th, 2019 Bruce Banner meets with Aquaman and Mera to ask about a mystery ship. They confirm it is an Atlantean attack sub acting without orders. Aquaman and Mera are faced with a problem.
The Embassy July 17th, 2019 Mera and Aquaman talk about premonitions of trouble and truly binding the people of Xebel and Atlantis together.
Undercurrents: New Plates July 14th, 2019 Gambit and Killer Frost make an easy $20,000 each fetching some high-tech ceramics.
Undercurrents: Den of Snakes July 14th, 2019 Cannonball, Jubilee, Beast and Armor track down missing Xavier students to a den of scum and villainy, drugs and prostitution.
Undercurrents: Street Rules July 12th, 2019 Nadia and Shredder's minions interrupt a drive-by shooting between MD12 and K Crew gang members.
Undercurrents: Hammer Down June 29th, 2019 Hulk, Kid and She-Hulk respond to a distress call from a container ship. The crew is mostly rescued and the ship sinks. Hulk sees a mysterious sub.
Harley: Speed Psychiatry June 22nd, 2019 Summary needed
98 Bottles of Beer on the wall now June 21st, 2019 Aquaman and Vanessa continue a conversation at the bar. Arthur gets her to give her impressions of other customers.
99 Bottles of Beer on the wall... June 20th, 2019 Remy, Aquaman and Vanessa Carlysle drink at a neighborhood bar
On A Boat Going To Southern Islands February 15th, 2019 Aspen meets Aquaman while gathering marine research data
A Meeting By The Bay February 13th, 2019 Jason Blood and Morrigan MacIntyre both end up in Amnesty Bay for reasons. They meet up with the local legend that is Arthur Curry, aka Aquaman.
Another Quiet One December 4th, 2018 Superman, Aquaman and Green Lantern chat about Monitor Duty, and the current state of affairs.
JLA Meeting November 29th, 2018 Summary needed
Astral Flux: Slippery November 27th, 2018 Tony briefs various heroes on the Mexico situation.
Narrows Escape July 29th, 2018 Summary needed
STARK Birthday party June 1st, 2018 Tony's yacht party is a hit with a variety of high profile guests!
Just A Day In Atlantis May 21st, 2018 Summary needed
Monsters, sausages, kings and queens May 5th, 2018 Mutants eating hot dogs, Paper goddesses blowing up mind-warping horrors from beyond, and Atlantean royalty out for a walk.
Going for a Dive April 24th, 2018 Summary needed
All Aboard! January 22nd, 2018 Summary needed
I hate demons January 22nd, 2018 Shadowlite is pursued across the planet by minions of Satannish, ending with a confrontation in Queens.
A night out! October 27th, 2017 Summary needed
The King Under the Sea October 13th, 2017 Summary needed
Darkseid Gone... For Now. October 7th, 2017 Summary needed
Apokolips Now: Kalibak The Conqueror September 23rd, 2017 Kalibak and parademons appear to wrest Metropolis from the heroes control.
Meanwhile in the Medbay September 20th, 2017 Summary needed
Apokolips Now: Goodness Gracious ... Granny! September 19th, 2017 The Furies attack the Hall of Justice, and many heroes come to it's defense.
Apokolips Now: Barda's Big Entrance September 13th, 2017 Big Barda appears, to warn of the eminent approach of Darkseid, and Power Boy reveals himself.
A wild Arthur appears. September 6th, 2017 Summary needed
Enchantment Under the Sea September 5th, 2017 Summary needed
That one time on the Watchtower... August 27th, 2017 Summary needed
Nature Puts Down The Folly of Man August 19th, 2017 A huge monster emerges out of the sea, and many heroes join to turn it back.
Just Pokin' Around August 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Starrolight, starrobright August 15th, 2017 Summary needed
Another Starro August 12th, 2017 Summary needed
City of Starros August 12th, 2017 Summary needed
Fish out of Water August 7th, 2017 Summary needed
Hunger from the Deep August 5th, 2017 Heroes arrive at the site of a cargo ship under attack frhom ravenous sea monsters!
Extending the Olive Branch July 27th, 2017 Summary needed
A Wonder and A Bat July 13th, 2017 Summary needed
A leason Batman can't teach. July 13th, 2017 Batman drops off Cassandra on Wonder Woman's doorstep for a lesson.
Meeting at the Watch Tower June 29th, 2017 Summary needed
Eco Terrorable! June 28th, 2017 Summary needed
Rumors of Imperium June 27th, 2017 Summary needed
The Bat Fish June 27th, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 16th, 2017 Summary needed
Fish Out of Water. June 13th, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 13th, 2017 Summary needed
Of Kings & (Half)Amazons June 12th, 2017 Grace meets Aquaman
Water Works May 24th, 2017 Summary needed
Terror at Sea May 17th, 2017 Summary needed
Splash Fighter II May 13th, 2017 Summary needed
My Closest Friend--My Greatest Foe! May 8th, 2017 Summary needed
Carnevil Carnage Pt2 May 6th, 2017 The final day of the Jokers Carnevil is at hand and what heroes will put a stop to his dastardly plan.
Evening At The Bar May 6th, 2017 Carol can't help herself and goes out to an evening at a bar, where she runs into other people.
That's What Heroes Do April 21st, 2017 Summary needed.
Fishing for Crocs April 18th, 2017 Summary needed.


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