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|Occupation=College Student
|Occupation=College Student
|Citizenship=United States of America
|Citizenship=United States of America
|Residence=Gotham City
|Residence=Gotham City
|Education=Some College
|Education=Some College
|Groups=[[Birds of Prey]], [[Batman Family]], [[Titans]], [[Gotham-OOC]]
|Groups=[[Birds of Prey]], [[Batman Family]], [[Titans]], [[Gotham-OOC]], [[Street Level-OOC]]
|DOB=18 January 2008
|DOB=18 January 2008
|Height=176.7 cm
|Height=177 cm (5'10")
|Weight=49.89 kg
|Weight=50 kg (110 lb)
|Song="We Weren't Born to Follow" by Bon Jovi
|Song="We Weren't Born to Follow" by Bon Jovi
|Profile=Carrie Kelley is a student at Gotham U with no real repute to speak of. She's an active student with both physical and academic pursuits. When she's not tutoring younger students in the craft of acting, she often she's seen around Campus, or Gotham in general, with a video camera in hand.
|Profile=Carrie Kelley is a student at Gotham U with no real repute to speak of. She's an active student with both physical and academic pursuits. When she's not tutoring younger students in the craft of acting, she often she's seen around Campus, or Gotham in general, with a video camera in hand.
===Current Player Approved: Not Applicable===
===Current Player Approved: November 18, 2023===
|Description=Bright, carroty orange hair is parted to the right so that the majority sweeps over to that side of her face. It's kept otherwise out of her eyes by a simple clip-on barrette of silver that stands out obviously against the color of her hair. The length falls down just a bit past her shoulders as it's grown out from an obviously shorter cut--Either she's growing it out or it's just been awhile since she got it trimmed up to begin with. Bright, fresh green almond-shaped eyes are covered by a pair of large rectangular framed glasses that rest on her button-like nose. A smattering of freckles dashes over her cheeks adding color to her otherwise pale complexion. The shape of her jaw is wide and sharp but she has those full shapely lips that others have to pay a plastic surgeon to get.
|Description=Bright, carroty orange hair is parted to the right so that the majority sweeps over to that side of her face. It's kept otherwise out of her eyes by a simple clip-on barrette of silver that stands out obviously against the color of her hair. The length falls down just a bit past her shoulders as it's grown out from an obviously shorter cut--Either she's growing it out or it's just been awhile since she got it trimmed up to begin with. Bright, fresh green almond-shaped eyes are covered by a pair of large rectangular framed glasses that rest on her button-like nose. A smattering of freckles dashes over her cheeks adding color to her otherwise pale complexion. The shape of her jaw is wide and sharp but she has those full shapely lips that others have to pay a plastic surgeon to get.
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Like many heroes Carrie has a secret identity that she must maintain. Unlike many other vigilantes however, she's new to this. Keeping a secondary identity is a learning experience that she can't really risk failing. In addition, as she's not a mutant or alien or the like, it makes her a very easy target when out of her suit. While she doesn't have to worry of her family potentially being made a target should that information get out it's still important that she keep her identity secret if only to ensure it doesn't in turn ruin the secret identity of others, too.
Like many heroes Carrie has a secret identity that she must maintain. Unlike many other vigilantes however, she's new to this. Keeping a secondary identity is a learning experience that she can't really risk failing. In addition, as she's not a mutant or alien or the like, it makes her a very easy target when out of her suit. While she doesn't have to worry of her family potentially being made a target should that information get out it's still important that she keep her identity secret if only to ensure it doesn't in turn ruin the secret identity of others, too.
[[Category:Birds of Prey]][[Category:Batman Family]][[Category:Gotham-OOC]][[Category:Titans]]
[[Category:Birds of Prey]][[Category:Batman Family]][[Category:Gotham-OOC]][[Category:Titans]][[Category:Street Level-OOC]]

Revision as of 07:59, 30 December 2023

Carrie Kelley (Scenesys ID: 1747)
Full Name: Caroline Keene Kelley
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Theme: DC (FC)
Occupation: College Student
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Gotham City
Education: Some College
Status: Approved
Groups: Birds of Prey, Batman Family, Titans, Gotham-OOC, Street Level-OOC
Other Information
Apparent Age: 23 Actual Age: 23
Date of Birth 18 January 2008 Actor:
Height: 177 cm (5'10") Weight: 50 kg (110 lb)
Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: "We Weren't Born to Follow" by Bon Jovi


Carrie Kelley is a student at Gotham U with no real repute to speak of. She's an active student with both physical and academic pursuits. When she's not tutoring younger students in the craft of acting, she often she's seen around Campus, or Gotham in general, with a video camera in hand.

Current Player Approved: November 18, 2023



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Bright, carroty orange hair is parted to the right so that the majority sweeps over to that side of her face. It's kept otherwise out of her eyes by a simple clip-on barrette of silver that stands out obviously against the color of her hair. The length falls down just a bit past her shoulders as it's grown out from an obviously shorter cut--Either she's growing it out or it's just been awhile since she got it trimmed up to begin with. Bright, fresh green almond-shaped eyes are covered by a pair of large rectangular framed glasses that rest on her button-like nose. A smattering of freckles dashes over her cheeks adding color to her otherwise pale complexion. The shape of her jaw is wide and sharp but she has those full shapely lips that others have to pay a plastic surgeon to get.

Standing only around 5'6" she's not an overly impressive sight. Her build is lean, wiry, and athletic. There's no real bulk to her but she has the lean sort of muscle one would expect to find on either a gymnast or runner. She's taken to wearing a plain green hoodie partially zipped overtop a bright yellow Gotham Rogues team t-shirt which declares her affiliation to Gotham's football team. A well-fitted pair of black skinny jeans that are a bit too long for her are worn. The excess length of the denim bunches up around her ankle and drapes just over the top of a pair of tan brown Sketchers.


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Born and raised in Gotham in a middle-class neighborhood, Carrie learned early on to be independent. Her parents weren't wealthy by any means, but they were well enough off that their aspirations far outweighed their ability. They hung in that financial bracket that put them just above their less well off neighbors, but close enough to the wealthy sorts that they tried to make it into that higher society social circle. This meant the majority of the money they earned was spent primping and posturing trying to show they were better off than they were. When Carrie was old enough to not need a babysitter anymore, this meant they were allowed all that more extra money to go out in the evenings to nightclubs and parties.

Carrie was the latch key kid left home alone without supervision. While it allowed her a good amount of responsibility growing up on her own, she lacked the companionship of a family... At least until she found the theater. Throwing herself into this newfound passion she felt more at home on the stage than anywhere else. Her skill and ability in this area, as well as high grades, gained her a scholarship to Gotham University.

For the most part her life was uneventful. As always she dug into schoolwork with zeal and her skill in acting gave her the opportunity to hold her own classes for younger or less skilled students. It was quite a surprise when Damian Wayne signed up to take her classes. She saw in him the same troubled child that she once was and became perhaps unusually protective of him as her opinion of Bruce Wayne, and indeed most of the wealthy of Gotham, was very poor.

When heading home from visiting some of her old neighbors one night she was taken hostage by a pair of ninjas that were fighting Batman. This chance encounter led her to feeling helpless as all of her Gotham street smarts, and college self-defense courses, proved to be no use. Angered by this she began seeking out to improve her ability to fight back against the darker elements of her city. It was during testing out several dojos that she ran across Yin, who then became her sifu.

The Summer break from college was spent with in Starling City training with Yin. Her body was broken down, healed by Yin, and then pressed further. Though grueling, painful, and tiring it allowed Carrie to build her strength and skill beyond anything she'd known before. Though still with much to learn it put her on a level that she felt confident to at least begin testing herself on occasional outings on the rooftops of Gotham.

Such outings brought her into contact with the vigilantes that call Gotham their home. Batman warned her off her newfound path often. She gained the attention of others as well though. Spotted by members of the Birds of Prey, she was approached by Barbara Gordon and offered the chance to train with them so long as she followed their rules, and did as they said. As she was being given more of a chance than anyone else in Gotham had offered, Carrie accepted and took on the moniker 'Kestrel' as a code name.


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Carrie's emotions run deep and strong. From her hobbies to her friendships, she cares deeply about each. This can show in various ways depending on the subject; either by flare ups of anger when feeling something or someone she cares about is threatened, to being stubborn and unswayed in pursuit of her goals. This doesn't mean she's reckless about how she reacts. Quite the opposite in fact; she often has to decide if something is worth her energy. Once she decides it is she will work toward it diligently, confident in her decision.

Change is inevitable in life. This is something Carrie knows and accepts. She's keen to keep up on current topics to ensure that she doesn't become weighed down by misconceptions that have been disproven. Scientific facts are important to her to help mold and guide her perceptions of the world. Just as important though is the human aspect of things. She's well aware that there are numerous things in the world she doesn't know, and is open to learning what she can when she can. Those who keep hard held beliefs without the ability to adapt as new facts are found often frustrate her to no end.


An innate ability to notice patterns has led her to be rather intuitive with the world around her. Though she may not be completely aware of it at all times, more often than not she finds herself putting together small facts and details that would have been easily overlooked by many others. Her problem solving skills are a point of pride for her whether it be rewiring a sound system to function better, or putting together a puzzle.


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Most of what Carrie knows has been self-taught, or else she found those that would be able to teach her what she wished to know. Her studies come easily to her. When she realized that school was 'easy' for her she set out to obtain, and did get, a scholarship to Gotham U. She's naturally intuitive and easily notices patterns or connections between things.

When it seems she may just be staring off into space or slacking she's in reality taking in everything going on. Carrie watches the way that people talk, the way they move, the way that they portray themselves. Even the small things people do are within her realm of perception. This not only helps her read people, but mimic their mannerisms as well.


Speed and agility are more her forte than raw, brute strength. She's always been fast, enjoying running since she was young, and her reaction time is excellent. No doubt her observation skills aid a great deal in her reaction times. Even so, she's not yet a Master of a martial art, and is susceptible to those who are more skilled than her. With time and practice this ability can only be honed further.


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It started in a children's theater for Carrie. While it was true that there were no great thespians at this level by far, in the theater Carrie found the sort of connections that she lacked in her family. It became her second home through to high school, and into college. It was in college that her teachers suggested she was good enough to teach others, and she began passing on what she knew to younger students in paid tutoring sessions. Her observational skills make it easy for her to slip into the role of a character both in mannerisms, attitude, and movements.

An intensive body hardening and exercise routine combined with accelerated healing and chi manipulation by her trainer have granted Carrie a very high level of physical fitness. She can do the splits, run a marathon, et cetera to the level of a well rounded collegiate athlete or dancer. She can cover distance in urban areas quickly with roof running, and knows how to fall relatively safely.

She's no chef by far, but she knows how to cook. It's a survival skill she's honed. Most of her cooking is on the cheaper end of the spectrum though. Mac and Cheese, soups, casseroles, pasta. There's nothing fancy about what she can do, but she follow a recipe.

Due to the nature of her finances being very slim, the car she has is a manual transmission. They're cheaper. So not only does it mean she knows how to drive a stick, but driving in Gotham requires nerves of steel and quite a bit of defensive and offensive tactics. It's a city like any other, but one with far more than its share of accidents, crime, and city closures due to both. Reactive driving is a must.

Girl Scouts taught her first aid, CPR, and many other very useful things. Life in Gotham gave her plenty of chances to practice it on herself and friends as she grew up. Being the studious, bookworm sort, she went above and beyond the basics. She's able to set bones, create splints, stop bleeding, and bandage injuries. While she's no nurse she can keep someone not on the verge of death in good condition until they can get actual treatment.

Movie production quality makeup is very different from regular, every day makeup. It requires the ability to fool the perception of others so that they see what needs to be seen. It lends itself rather well to allowing her to disguise herself. She can give herself a normal every day girl next door look, but she can also make herself look like a pop idol or even a car crash victim.

Carrie always possessed excellent hand-eye coordination, but she's found that she's a rather good marksman during her training. A slingshot has become her long distance weapon of choice due to it's portability, and the option to use any ammunition she can get her hands on in a pinch, however she's also become excellent with thrown items as well.

Carrie has been intensively trained in martial arts for several months. She was pushed until her body gave out, then healed, and trained again by her Sifu. While far from a master, this brutal method of training has elevated her beyond beginner level to that of a low-level adept as it has created the muscle memory necessary to perform. Even so she still has much to learn, and has not been tested in actual combat situations more than a handful of times. This means she is as of yet not completely confident in these newly gained skills.

Her primary style is Xing Yi, a form of internal kung fu that focuses on powerful and aggressive punching; she also has experience with counters, evasion, and footwork from the closely related arts of Taiji and Bagua, and a splash of wrestling and grappling. On her own she has picked up a few Krav Maga disarming methods through video tutorials.

Parkour can include running, climbing, swinging, vaulting, jumping, rolling, quadrupedal movement, and the like, depending on what movement is deemed most suitable for the given situation. It's become something of a 'city sport' as the landscape of a city offers plenty of obstacles and buildings to overcome, and is sometimes also known as Free-Running. While mostly self-taught, Carrie is rather good in this. With further training she could become really good.


There's many skills she's learned in her years in the theater. For someone who throws herself into her projects, she's made sure to learn the ins and outs. This includes when it comes to costume production. She can sew an outfit from scratch or take thrift shop findings and alter them to be what she desires.


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It's not much really. An off-campus student housing apartment which is paid for with her collegial housing stipend. While it can be noisy at times in the building due to the sheer number of students living there, generally only those with scholarships or a proven academic record are offered such housing. It's better than the dorms in offering privacy and ability to function independently.

Since her start training to become a vigilante she's gathered quite a few gadgets to help in this endeavor. A hunting style slingshot, a grapple gun, smoke pellets, and clay throwing discs. The discs are a blunt enough object easily made, and they often break on impact making it harder to use against her in retaliation.

A little red Toyota Corolla. It's a beater, had a few dings, but is otherwise mechanically sound and clean. It's not top of the line and she's not about to win any races in it, but it gets the job done when she needs to get around the city in a mundane fashion.

The costume she wears is more than just to hide her identity; it also serves as protection. The suit itself is body armor, protecting her vital organs from punctures, slashes, and shootings. It doesn't stop blunt force, however. The cape she wears isn't a full cowl but a tapered length weighted at the end. It keeps it from flipping up around her while moving, but also allows her another means of fighting by swinging the weighted end out at her opponents. The boots are composite toe for protection.

The effectiveness of a utility belt was quickly passed on to her by more seasoned vigilantes. Her own is a work in progress as she adds or changes items as necessary working out what is most useful for her. A first aid kit, extra mask, slingshot pellets, smoke pellets, and the like are common place items she carries.


Access to the theater crowd over the years has helped her to amass a vast wardrobe of various attire. Very little of it is actually bought off the shelf of a store. Her wardrobe is a mix of items from thrift shops (which in Gotham can be pretty lucrative), or hand sewn items from various productions. She can easily pull an outfit quickly together that has her looking as if she'd just been to a rave, or as if she were fresh out of a boutique on 5th Avenue.


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No reasonable person would consider attending college a flaw. When you're pursuing the life of a vigilante however it kind of is. There's a great drag on her time to begin with from her classes. Adding in the physical and mental training at night, and the fact that she has no source of income beyond the few non-college classes she runs, it means her resources are stretched thin. In addition, given the lack of colleges in Gotham, if an enemy were to ever discover she was a college student it wouldn't be terribly hard to figure out where she went in an attempt to hunt her down.

Her parents are still alive and well. In spite of rarely associating with them, and outright preferring not to, that doesn't mean they couldn't be used against her if someone were to uncover her identity.

In spite of all the cramming and training she has pushed herself to achieve, she's as of yet very inexperienced in actual combat situations. She knows this, and often opts to stick to the sidelines acting as backup for those more experienced when necessary.
As much as she tries not to be there are certain topics and individuals she finds herself overly judgmental of. Usually this is in relation to what she may perceive as wrongs from her past, namely the fact that her parents were obsessed with high society and attempting to fit into it. Those from a rich background she often finds herself making snap judgements on: Self-centered, playboy, spoiled. Her current interactions with others are making her realize this isn't always the case but it is a fight to change those long held beliefs. Her knee-jerk reaction is often one of distaste.

She's just a regular human. One that's training diligently to keep her body in peak performance, but just a human. She's susceptible to everything that could kill or injure a human when she's outside of any protective suits she may have.


Like many heroes Carrie has a secret identity that she must maintain. Unlike many other vigilantes however, she's new to this. Keeping a secondary identity is a learning experience that she can't really risk failing. In addition, as she's not a mutant or alien or the like, it makes her a very easy target when out of her suit. While she doesn't have to worry of her family potentially being made a target should that information get out it's still important that she keep her identity secret if only to ensure it doesn't in turn ruin the secret identity of others, too.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Roofies December 7th, 2023 Harley and Carrie meet. Cute.
Bad Trips Draw Attention February 16th, 2020 Summary needed
It Always Goes Down At the Docks February 11th, 2020 Nightwing and Kestrel descended upon the unknowning thugs below to put an end to the arms deal.
Just Happened By February 6th, 2020 Carrie and Piotr chat a bit about art.
Assault on the Steel Serpent Society February 5th, 2020 Davos, the Steel Serpent, attempts to reap the fruits of his labors with the Serpent Society--by drawing their knowledge and chi into himself. A rag-tag team of heroes (Batgirl, Kestrel, Hawkeye, the Punisher, Samuel Morgan, and Iron Fist) fight to prevent Davos from achieving his goals.
Dumpling Meet Up February 4th, 2020 Carrie, Dick, Damian and Stephanie gather at their favorite dumpling place. Damian likes it hot. Dick is a food thief.
Devilish Dreams January 31st, 2020 Summary needed
Fantastic Four: Probably More Too January 29th, 2020 A motley crew of super powered people come together to tangle with the rat splashing powers of an angry under priviledged youth, who has his own set of specific skills to create creeps and chills... with lots of rats and nasty spills. Or something.
Na Na Na Na Bat Dumplings January 20th, 2020 The Bat crew spend an evening chatting and enjoying dinner. It's Carrie's birthday. Nothing explodes.
A Gathering of Titans Old and New January 13th, 2020 Titans meet for the traditional pizza, courtesy of Nightwing. The secrets of M.O.D.O.T.I.R, Skydancing, Carrie's life as a bird, and Ellie's name for Nightwing are discussed. Raven claims everything is fine, which means the world is ending.
A Question of Style January 11th, 2020 Richard Dragon, Carrie and Stephanie view a demo by a visiting martial artist
Working out Baggage January 9th, 2020 Robin gives Kestrel some advice after her familial loss. He denies being nice.
TITANS: Another Bird Comes to Roost December 29th, 2019 Carrie accepts her invitation to the Titans, and Vorpal returns from extra dimensional shenanigans.
The First Date... December 24th, 2019 Summary needed
At The Gotham Rec Center December 23rd, 2019 Stephanie, Charlie and Carrie drop of some presents at Andre Jackson's rec center.
On The River December 19th, 2019 Duncan rescues a vigilante from a watery grave! Cocoa is had.
Love, Hate, And Burgers December 17th, 2019 Another DITL at Halo Burger! A lady is VERY ANGRY about the service. Milkshakes are on the menu.
It's Sifu time! December 14th, 2019 Carrie and Oliver meet through Sifu Yin's dojo, they mend past mistakes.
This Place Has Too Many Rooms December 13th, 2019 I can't remember.
Muddy Birthday December 12th, 2019 Rogue beat EVERYONE in a mud wrestling birthday blowout for her 21st birthday. From a wayward Gothamite to a giant harry pokemon man, to a created-from-lube Kitty Pryde and more. What a crazy time!
Bat Night At The Movies December 12th, 2019 Carrie, Stephanie, and all the Robins except Dick hit the cinema to watch Sharknado 9: Ninja Sharknado
Nightcave December 9th, 2019 Dick and Carrie talk over Dick's workload and injuries.
Dumplings Make the Good Times Roll December 8th, 2019 The Bats gather at their favourite dumpling spot. Steph and Jason bring news from their trip.
Knightfall: Our Sins December 7th, 2019 As the League of Assassins lay siege to Gotham, the Bat Family receive a crippling blow ...
A Shopping Coincidence December 2nd, 2019 Carrie and Kitty shop at Rockefeller Center and catch up on happenings.
Heard In Passing December 1st, 2019 Alfred sends Jason with Stephanie's Thanksgiving leftovers, and Carrie brings cookies as a thank you gift. Jason is robbed by that darn Russian judge
The Devil Made Me Do It November 28th, 2019 Carrie drops in on Jason and they catch up about their lives and talk strategy about how not to sleep with Lucifer.
Coventry Murders: Clean-Up November 27th, 2019 Zatanna comes to be certain all the demons are gone. Information is shared and Lucifer has some explaining to do.
To Catch A Cat November 24th, 2019 Villains Catman and Cheshire rob the Gotham Diamond Exchange, but their caper is foiled by Red Hood, Batgirl, Kestrel and Lucifer.
Coventry Murders: Bloody Exorcism November 24th, 2019 The Bat-Squad (plus Lucifer) engage the demon Gaulichu, finally!
Showing off the Bunker November 17th, 2019 Carrie catches up on current events with Kitty. Shows off the Bunker to her.
Catching up on Duties November 17th, 2019 The Bats gather in the cave to catch up on events, criminal, demonic and familial.
Dumplings are Good for the Soul November 12th, 2019 Some Bats gather for dumplings and relaxation at their favourite spot.
Knightfall: Dark Christmas November 11th, 2019 The Heroes of Gotham unite atop the GCPD Headquarters to save their city.
Knightfall: Lazarus November 4th, 2019 Constantine meets with the Bat Family, deals with a Loa, and sets Bruce on the path of recovery.
Knightfall: Seeking Sorcerers October 31st, 2019 Carrie and Jason go in search of the infamous John Constantine to enlist his expertise in helping Batman. Jason takes up smoking again.
Breakfast for Dinner October 27th, 2019 The Bats make breakfast for dinner, tales are told, revenge is promised, and Ivy is discussed.
Knightfall: Doctor Visit October 23rd, 2019 Kestrel and Red Hood make a trip to ask for Dr. Strange's doctorly aid.
Knightfall: Talks While Taking out the Trash October 20th, 2019 Jason, Carrie and Damian crash a 'No More Bat' party to talk and punch out their feelings. It sort of works?
New Digs October 16th, 2019 Carrie and Jason catch up over some bao in the Bunker.
Knightfall: Keys to the Kingdom October 14th, 2019 Carrie follows instructions from Batman to reveal her role in a Gotham without its Dark Knight.
Knightfall: Their Worst Fears October 11th, 2019 Barbara tells Talia Bruce's condition. Carrie and Damian work with the doctor to try to save Bruce.
Knightfall: The Death of Batman October 9th, 2019 The Bat Family, locked in the Batcave and unable to aid Batman in his fight with Superman, rush to his aid in the aftermath.
Knightfall: Thanksgiving October 5th, 2019 The Bat Family gather for Thanksgiving Dinner, charitable visitors, and strange tidings.
Happy Birthday, Space Avenger! October 2nd, 2019 Asgardian Ale! Traditional dancing! Flying people! More dancing! A birthday party to remember!
Breakfast, Bat-style September 22nd, 2019 Talia and Carrie finally speak, over breakfast.
Day in the Life September 8th, 2019 Zachary visits the Wayne Manor after the auction and meets some of its residents. *UnFin*
=No Happy Clouds Allowed September 6th, 2019 Damian warms up his portraiture skills by painting Carrie. Conversations ensue.
It's Spelled CLOCKtower September 4th, 2019 Diana visits Stephanie and Barbara to examine some artifacts that Stephanie bought for Tim Drake, only to find they are Themysciran
Wayward Bats September 3rd, 2019 Jason returns and is caught up on current events by Carrie.
Bat-Training Montage September 2nd, 2019 Carrie stops by the Clocktower and meets Charlie. They talk about important stuff like not killing and also how weird the wealth is to kids who never had any.
Wayne Foundation Charity Auction August 29th, 2019 The luminaries turn out for the Wayne Foundation Charity Auction!
Blow Out The Candles, Peter August 26th, 2019 Xavier's students and staff, Cap, Tony, Cindy and Carrie gather at Harry's to celebrate Peter Parker's and Alek's birthdays
Birbs of a Feather August 26th, 2019 A small chat and catching up with current events over some Korean food.
Explanations are Due August 20th, 2019 Carrie, Tim and Damian follow up on the situation from the charity event. Talia makes her son's favorite meal
Tim and Carrie chatting and Tim showing off his new place. August 19th, 2019 Invitations are made.
Movin' In August 17th, 2019 Carrie moves in to the Wayne Manor and Bruce even deigns to tell her about it.
Children's Charity Gala August 13th, 2019 The Children's Charity gala for the Pediatrics units of several New York hospitals goes swimmingly. Atlantean Royalty makes an unexpected appearance. New introductions are made. The Bat-Tots are not webbed to the wall. Success!
Work Experience August 9th, 2019 Kestrel and Batman bring Stockholm to justice and steal her dog.
So There I Was, Swinging Through Queens August 6th, 2019 Carrie and Kitty fail to hunt down Hammerhead, but are witness to Spider-Man apprehending jewel thieves. Also? Carrie slaps him.
Coffee for two. July 23rd, 2019 Plans are made.
Glad Tidings July 20th, 2019 Tim and Carrie plan their fake romance to catch a killer. Stephanie and Bruce offer help and advice.
Will you be mine.... sorta. July 19th, 2019 Summary needed
Aquaman Gets a Full House (Sorry No Poker Involved) July 18th, 2019 Aquaman delivers a speech on ocean conservation at Gotham U, with Tim Drake, Carrie Kelley, and Stephanie Brown in attendance.
Friday Night Beneath Stately Wayne Manor July 12th, 2019 Bruce, Carrie, Helena, Tim, Dick and Stephanie gather in the Batcave. Training happens and equipment upgrades are discussed. Bruce and Dick's relationship strains and rebounds.
This Mall Has Everything. Including Friends of Humanity July 2nd, 2019 A simple trip to the mall pits Josh, Doug, Kitty, Hisako, Bobby, and Carrie Kelley against some members of the Friends of Humanity
Bat Training Sessions (And Other Tortures) June 23rd, 2019 Carrie, Stephanie and Damian do some combat training. Tim bails out Stephanie with a job offer that will keep her from having to miss a semester of school.
A Day In The Life of Gotham U June 17th, 2019 Tim, Carrie and Stephanie find each other on campus and go for coffee and snacks.
All-Blade: Prepwork June 15th, 2019 Jason, Carrie and Kitty prepare for their trip to Asia to save the Lazarus Pit
Wardrobe is ready for you, Miss Kelley June 12th, 2019 Carrie Kelley seeks out Janet van Dyne for a long-overdue fashion consult.
A War in Hell June 8th, 2019 Kitty, Doug and Carrie investigate the carcass of a N'Garai demon, reported in the papers.
After The Beer June 5th, 2019 Jason comes home to find Kitty and Carrie have drank his beer. Also, red hair is now brown.
Drinking Jason's Beer June 3rd, 2019 Carrie, Rogue and Kitty gather for a little underage drinking at home as Carrie sports a changed look.
So About That Interview... June 2nd, 2019 With Carrie providing moral support, Stephanie approaches Bruce about her media gaffe. He lets her live to fight another day.
Coffee At The Wayne's May 29th, 2019 Carrie, Barbara and Stephanie stop at Wayne Manor for coffee with Bruce. Barbara plans to patrol alongside Stephanie
The Clocktower May 27th, 2019 A meeting of the minds in the Clocktower Apartment.
But It Was A Good Movie May 25th, 2019 Carrie joins Kitty and a napping Jason to catch up on Sentinels, Megatron, and first dates
Movie Night without Spies May 24th, 2019 Summary needed
Well, It Isn't Bat Burger At Least May 21st, 2019 Jason and Carrie are introduced to Doug by Kitty over burgers. Tim Drake tracks them down later
Race for their lives May 18th, 2019 Scarecrow wins the race - but at the cost of pistachio pudding.
There's More to Life than Bats. May 16th, 2019 Kestrel visits the tower to fight Holo Ninjas. Kian refuses to fight Holo Ninjas, but agrees to help their Holo Victims. Negasonic visits to apply for the non-existent social media internship for a laugh. Colette takes it seriously, possibly also for a laugh. Kori fetches the pizzas, and everyone hopes she doesn't leave the mustard-free pies at the pizzeria.
Wandering back to civilization May 12th, 2019 Carrie hassles Logan.
Do They Have Ice Cream on Mars May 10th, 2019 Blink introduces J'onn to Lorna over ice cream. Carrie Kelley drops by and also meets the Genoshan mutant.
You Know What They Say About Those With Bigfeet May 9th, 2019 Rogue, Logan, Kitty and Carrie Kelley visit Doug in Washington state. A hunter shoots one of Doug's wildlife friends
Kestrel Robin and Strange things are afoot. May 9th, 2019 Summary needed
How I learned to stop worrying and love the Omega May 6th, 2019 Things explode, assassins get wounded.
Where Birdies Get the Info May 5th, 2019 Summary needed
And Carrie Brings Thai Food May 5th, 2019 Carrie brings authentic Thai street food. Kitty brings an ice cream cake. Doctor Strange brings sass.
A Touch Of Thai May 4th, 2019 Carrie and Blink return from a food run to Bangkok for authentic Thai.
When a Bird Gains Her Wings April 29th, 2019 Summary needed
City Fall: From the inside April 22nd, 2019 Carrie takes an undercover role with a small time gang, and gets a rather dire task put before her.
City Fall: Making a Murder April 22nd, 2019 Carrie gets help from the Bat team to stage a murder. Wait, aren't they supposed to be good guys?
Bats in the Gotham Belfry April 20th, 2019 Summary needed
Gotham Good Times April 16th, 2019 Blink and Negasonic visit Carrie's Gotham apartment, getting her in trouble with her super
Skate Or Die April 14th, 2019 Rogue, Carrie and Blink hit a skatepark together.
The Question Of The Day April 13th, 2019 Batman, Robin, Red Robin, and Blackbird are caught in Riddler's (NPC) trap. Red Hood and Kestrel arrive in time to help stop Riddler from gassing an apartment building.
A Kitty By Any Other Name April 9th, 2019 Kitty, Carrie and Jason discuss hero names for Kitty in Gotham
A Stranger at the gates. April 8th, 2019 Carrie meets Remy and Rogue outside the school, and they are joined by Kitty
Proof that Damian has a Heart April 6th, 2019 Summary needed
It's a Lesson April 5th, 2019 Batman sends a message to Impulse about activity in Gotham, with Shadowcat, Kestrel and Huntress watching on
Two Sides of a Coin March 31st, 2019 What is it with Gotham. Kestral half foils Stockholms second attempt to get capital for her new projects. At least it was only half way, like the flip of a coin.
A Night At The Gotham University Theater March 30th, 2019 Blink talks to Carrie after a Gotham U play about the injustices committed on the Apache
A Room With A View March 29th, 2019 Carrie Kelley comes to see the room that Kitty has been given by Doctor Strange to use while she works in New York City
Introductions At Wayne Manor March 28th, 2019 Kitty Pryde and Stephanie Brown get introduced as Kitty drops off some boxes at Wayne Manor, and runs into Tim and Carrie Kelley as well.
Chatting and Chedder Brugers March 28th, 2019 Tim Drake, Carrie Kelley, Gar Logan, Kitty Pryde, and Koriand'r meet up for a late night meal. Kori learns why some heroes wear masks.
Gotham in the rain March 26th, 2019 Summary needed
When the Bat's away the Robins will chat. March 24th, 2019 Summary needed
Hunting Apartments March 24th, 2019 Carrie and Kitty look for an NYC apartment for Kitty, and talk about superhero things
Desperately Seeking Damian March 23rd, 2019 Red Robin and Kestrel seek Damian at Titans Tower. Stardust is less obstructive than she pretends.
Catching up with the Bat Fam March 22nd, 2019 Summary needed
Waffles and Brothers March 19th, 2019 Jason, Kitty, Carrie and Dick breakfast together at the manor. Kitty meets Dick for the first time. And peanut butter gets put on waffles
Dinner New York Style March 18th, 2019 Carrie joins James for a late dinner with a view of the Statue of Liberty
Ladies Unmasked March 16th, 2019 Red Hood and Shadowcat return to the Redcave. Kestrel and Shadowcat share their identities
Wakanda Computing: Interception March 16th, 2019 Summary needed
Journey Ahead March 15th, 2019 Summary needed
Arsenals, felines and paratroopers. March 14th, 2019 Red Hood and Arsenal talk about a new Outlaws with Galina and Kitty in attendance. Kestrel makes a visit. Kitty and Galina talk Sentinels
The Play's The Thing March 11th, 2019 Carrie meets James over a play with Apaches as a subject matter. A stage accident results in students who need saving.
Post-Party Calmdowns March 10th, 2019 Jason, Kitty and Carrie unwind and chow down after the charity ball. Worries over Damian are exchanged.
Na Na Na Na Bat Lunch March 9th, 2019 Summary needed
Masquerade Ball March 9th, 2019 Selina Kyle holds a charity event for a big cat sanctuary. Lots and lots of people attend. Lots of money is raised.
Masked Meetings March 8th, 2019 Carrie and Kitty bond while trying on masks for the charity ball, and Jason joins them with takeout
Where do Russians get their power March 4th, 2019 After the Crimson Dynamo was arrested by the FSB, Red Hood takes Kestrel with him to spring her.
Letting Cats Out Of Bags at a Chinese Restaurant March 3rd, 2019 Jason, Kitty, Carrie, Damian, and Harper Row meet up for Chinese
Painting By Numbers February 23rd, 2019 Yin and Kestrel save a delivery van from an ambush by Painted Men.
CupCakes and Ackward meetings February 22nd, 2019 Summary needed
Study Hall at Wayne Manor February 18th, 2019 Summary needed
Dark Knights at the Docks February 12th, 2019 Summary needed
Shenanigans at the Bean February 9th, 2019 Summary needed
Dinner at Kelleys' February 5th, 2019 Summary needed
Getting into the New Routine January 28th, 2019 Summary needed
So, we meet once again! January 27th, 2019 Summary needed
Birds in the Hand January 26th, 2019 Summary needed
The Belfry January 22nd, 2019 Summary needed
Post Winter Break Pizza January 13th, 2019 Summary needed
Holiday shopping can be murder December 29th, 2018 Carrie shops for New Year's, Sara's on patrol, Nina looks for something, and a few would-be robbers have a /terrible/ evening...
Deck the Cave December 25th, 2018 Summary needed
It wasn't supposed to be this way December 17th, 2018 Summary needed
Down November 25th, 2018 Kestrel rescues Batman, is inducted into the Bat-Family, and becomes Nightwing's sidekick all in one evening.
Coffee and flying mammals November 18th, 2018 Brooke and Carrie meet up to touch base.
Tuesday at Josie's November 7th, 2018 Summary needed
Closing the Loop November 5th, 2018 Summary needed
The Bat's Out Of The Bag November 4th, 2018 The Bat Family let Carrie in on their big secret.
Halloween Hijinks.. November 3rd, 2018 A Halloween party goes wrong, and the aftermath goes even wronger..
Catching Up with the Waynes October 30th, 2018 Carrie visits Damian at Wayne Manor to check up on him after hearing of his father's injuries at Wayne Tower.
Halloween Hijinks pt1 October 28th, 2018 Carrie and Jason meet Selina and stop a shop lifter.. Plans for a fantastic Halloween continue to coalesce...
Two Birds meet at a coffee shop October 25th, 2018 Carrie meets up with Jason, and they make plans for halloween
The Third Night October 23rd, 2018 Tim and Carrie visit a Haunted Manor and come across Mellie.
Meetings and Greetings October 18th, 2018 Summary needed
Early Morning Joggers October 15th, 2018 Summary needed
All About the Birds and the Bats October 10th, 2018 Kestrel (Carrie) is out training with new gear. Batman gives some tips.
Bad Medicine: Your Average Patrolling Heroes September 17th, 2018 Summary needed
Mini-Trouble in China Town September 5th, 2018 Nightwing and Carrie cross paths on the rooftops. Carrie gets to see just how he can take on five ninjas at once.
Salutations and Visitations (Also Snooping) September 2nd, 2018 Carrie visits Wayne manor to snoop. Bruce gives her more to think about.
Recruiting August 30th, 2018 Summary needed
PR Time at the Avengers Mansion August 29th, 2018 Summary needed
A Practice Run August 29th, 2018 Green Arrow, Carrie, and the Red Ranger deal with a celebrating gang. Green Arrow takes prisoners. Crowley amuses himself watching the show.
New Faces August 27th, 2018 Jason Scott and Carrie Kelly get to know each other over healthy smoothies.
Evening Checkin August 15th, 2018 Green Arrow, Black Canary, Yin, and Carrie, who still needs a costume and a name, meet up at Yin's kwoon to check in.
Batburglar! August 15th, 2018 Carrie Kelly meets Tim Drake-Wayne in a case of mistaken identity and a mystery is uncovered..
Out with a Friend July 24th, 2018 Summary needed
Midterm slump July 15th, 2018 Yin takes Carrie Kelley around Gotham by rooftop. Batman is not pleased. Green Arrow is not pleased with Batman's displeasure.
Coney Island People Watching July 7th, 2018 Brooke takes Carrie Kelley to Coney Island to give her practice studying how people move. They encounter Kate Bishop and the team of pickpockets hunting her.
Not My Circus... June 30th, 2018 Summary needed
Making up for lost time June 30th, 2018 Yin puts Carrie Kelley through some torturous training to make up for being in space, and they meet Zhao Lin during a break.
Germination: Just use Tinactin June 29th, 2018 A mix of heroes (and others?) engage a mushroom alien stalk at the Gotham zoo.
An admissions letter June 17th, 2018 Carrie Kelley learns more about what makes Yin tick... and decides she wants to be a part of it.
A Night in Gotham June 11th, 2018 Summary needed
Sage Advice June 8th, 2018 Carrie and Twitch run into Scarlet Spider and social hijinks ensue!
Nana Nana Nana ... Spider June 6th, 2018 Benjamin Reilly runs into Carrie Kelley in Central Park. They see the sights and chat awhile before parting ways.
Visiting the Waynes June 3rd, 2018 Summary needed
Ninjas 101 June 2nd, 2018 Roof running for fun and exercise has some risks - like stumbling across a dojo-busting.
Downtown Social June 2nd, 2018 Enjoying a rare, sunny day in Gotham's downtown area, Selina happens upon Carrie again for a little catchup.
Light Metal May 19th, 2018 School is on break, but artists and directors never rest..
Rooftop Rendevous May 14th, 2018 Summary needed
Coffee. Kung fu. May 12th, 2018 Meeting over coffee: student and sifu.
Private Eyes May 7th, 2018 Summary needed
Little Trouble in Little China May 6th, 2018 Carrie tries out a new martial arts studio, and gets a few pointers from a guest at the class.
Self-Defense 101 May 5th, 2018 Carrie attends the advanced self-defense class and finds a guest there. The two decide to have dinner together to explore her further training.
Inspiration April 29th, 2018 Carrie Kelley has a close encounter.
Rivals online meet IRL. No Kappa. This will be lit. April 28th, 2018 Drake and Carrie meet for the first time to hang out after spending most of their time fragging each other out online in Overwatch.


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