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Batman (Scenesys ID: 104)
"Ladies. Gentlemen. you have eaten well. You've eaten Gotham's wealth. Its spirit. Your feast is nearly over. From this moment on--none of you are safe."
Full Name: Bruce Wayne
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: DC (EFC)
Occupation: C.E.O. of Wayne Enterprises, Vigilante
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Stately Wayne Manor, Crest Hill, Bristol Township
Education: Many Mentors, Travels, and the Ivy League. A true Renaissance Man
Status: Approved
Groups: Justice League, Batman Family
Other Information
Apparent Age: 32 Actual Age: 32
Date of Birth 19 February 1993 Actor: Jon Hamm, Voiced by Kevin Conroy
Height: 19.5 cm (6'3") Weight: 102 kg (225 lbs)
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "Batman Theme" by Danny Elfman


The philanthropic Billionaire Bruce Wayne is the head of Wayne Enterprises, one of the world's leading technology firms, fulfilling contracts for military and consumer goods. The majority of Gotham's infrastructure has used Wayne technology at their core. While Bruce also heads the Wayne Foundation, a charitable organization that supports children in need, along with the Gotham City Police Department, and other first responders. And all while maintaining his outward appearance as a man of not only wealth, but a socialite. At night, Bruce becomes the famed Batman, a costumed vigilante and scourge of criminals in Gotham. When needed, he also is a founding member of the Justice League, a group of superheroes from around the world, sworn to protect it against all threats, both foreign and domestic. He is vengeance, he is the night... he is Batman!



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This large figure is dressed in an outfit of black and gray, much of which is hidden in the shadows of its flowing cape. Most of its face, other than its mouth and square chin, is hidden beneath a dark, horned cowl; the long black cape that drapes from it has pointed edges that hang to its wearer's feet. The figure's reinforced gray form-fitting bodysuit suggests an athletic build, and a large black silhouette of a bat sits on the center of its chest, while a similar icon appears on the buckle to a thick belt girded at the figure's waist. Elbow-length black gloves sporting barbs and knee-high black boots cover the figure's extremities.


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Bruce Wayne was born into immense wealth and privilege, and for the first decade of his life, he wanted for nothing. That sense of peace and satisfaction shattered when, in a back alley in downtown Gotham, his parents were murdered in front of him.

Having lost all sense of understanding, Bruce transformed his grief into a drive for revenge and for prevention of others' loss. Every waking moment was bent to this goal, that crime could be defeated with the right training and skill. Criminology, chemistry, martial arts, engineering--these fields and more Bruce mastered before being inspired to haunt the night as a bat. His days, in contrast, were spent appearing as inept, irresponsible, and irreverent as a billionaire playboy could possibly be.

Having lost all sense of understanding, Bruce transformed his grief into a drive for revenge and for prevention of others' loss. Every waking moment was bent to this goal, that crime could be defeated with the right training and skill. Criminology, chemistry, martial arts, engineering--these fields and more Bruce mastered before being inspired to haunt the night as a bat. His days, in contrast, were spent appearing as inept, irresponsible, and irreverent as a billionaire playboy could possibly be.

Dick eventually headed out on his own to escape Bruce's shadow, and Bruce attempted to fill that void by recruiting Jason Todd to serve as a second Robin. Unfortunately, Jason's tenure as Robin ended in tragedy, and Bruce found himself as distraught as he'd been when his parents were taken from him. It took time, but eventually he clawed his way back to embrace the responsibilities he knew he'd taken on years ago.

A third Robin--and other allies besides, in time--allied with Batman to fight those forces threatening the peace and safety of Gotham's citizens. Bruce has continued to push himself to his limits in order to ensure that he is not compromising the promises he made to his parents' spirits that no one else would ever suffer similarly.


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Dedicated: Few individuals are as singularly driven as Bruce is in directing their lives toward a clear goal--in Bruce's case, to win a seemingly never-ending war on crime. Regardless of the specific issues he may need to face on any given day, this goal is omnipresent and crystal-clear. Everything he does is to achieve that victory, and he cannot be dissuaded from it.

Disciplined: Bruce Wayne is not a man without fear. He has, however, spent much of his life training himself to overcome his fears, given the necessity thereof in order to accomplish his magnum opus. While he is overwhelmingly calculating, cautious, and surgical in his actions, Bruce will dive into any situation if he needs to in order to help others--even if this means facing horrors that would drive others quickly away or to catatonia. Bruce regularly looks deep within himself to examine his innermost fears and then uses that knowledge to drive himself to overcome them.

Compassionate: While he may not seem it in his guise as Batman, Bruce is an individual who cares deeply about the hopes, fears, and pains of his fellow man. He desperately wants to save others from the crushing agonies he felt as a scared little boy who was denied a life with his parents. Batman's war on crime is intended to prevent as much tragedy as possible--and every time he fails to do so, he knows, deep down, that he has contributed to the creation of another life as shattered as his was.

Terrifying: The Batman is, to the criminal community at large (a superstitious and cowardly lot), a force of nature, a bogeyman, a superstition, and an inevitable reality. Bruce has cultivated this reputation through years of focused effort to make sure his abilities and influence are both well-known and mysterious. This air of terror is so pervasive that many other heroes share similar concerns and fears to the criminals that Batman works against.

Apparently Buffoonish: Among Bruce's most long-term efforts is his public projection of "Bruce Wayne" as an obscenely incompetent and emotionally immature billionaire entirely separated from common sense. There have been countless moments where Bruce has longed to be himself, to show his true nature and let his guard down, but he knows he cannot--lest he endanger those around himself while his mission remains unfinished.


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Bruce Wayne is an exceptional human specimen of well above-average proportions who's honed his physical capacity to its utmost limits. He could compete, and perhaps even dominate, in several Olympic events if it interested him to do so, the Bat's strength, agility, resilience, and stamina all well above human norms. It's fodder for several impressive montages, the feats he's honed into his muscle memory, faster than a man who hits harder than numerous legendary heavyweights has any right to be.

A born genius, Bruce's mind was all but broken by grief and loss with the tragic loss of his parents at an age just late enough to remember it with haunting clarity, and early enough to be all but unfathomable to his psyche at the time. Despite it all, the boy endured, built himself up-- became Batman. His ingenuity rivals inventors and engineers like Tony Stark or Hank Pym, particularly when it comes to reverse-engineering or devising countermeasures for other dangerous abilities and technologies. This is forged in the fire of trauma and determination, leaving the Bat with an iron will that's highly resistant to both the rigors of fatigue and extraneous brainwashing or mind control.


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Perhaps viewed best as an electronic expression of his detective and escape artist skillsets, Bruce's hacking abilities are quite advanced, allowing him to maneuver successfully through the majority of secured networks on the planet (and it doesn't hurt that the heavily modified forks of Wayne Enterprises' crypto-tools he uses are incredibly effective, as well). Batman may not be a match for the greatest hacker minds alive, but against anyone's likely he'll come out on top.

A master ninja and talented actor, the Batman is one of the paramount sneaks on the planet. He can move at just the right moment so as to seem to vanish from view, create elaborate disguises with the performance chops to sell the role, and infiltrate the most heavily guarded places on Earth, often without raising an alarm or drawing an eye; a master of silence, at home in the shadows. He's a good enough actor to regularly convince thugs he'll murder them despite years of doing nothing of the sort, and to sell Bruce Wayne to the public eye in such a way as to allay any suspicion of his secret identity in all but the most formidable minds. The art of subtlety and cunning, adaptive action, its core partner is Batman's Theatricality.

Often described as "The World's Greatest Detective," Bruce has honed his faculties to an extent that he can perform complex deductions and draw connections from even scant evidence. Further, his training is so expert that Bruce rarely, if ever, misses clues at a given scene, as he is capable of recording to memory--as if eidetically--the details he observes.

Alongside Bruce's education was his physical training, much of it in a variety of eastern and western schools of martial arts, from kung fu to karate to krav maga and capoeira. He sports a dozen black belts and other markers of expertise, and it is rare for Bruce to go more than a day or two without practicing intensely to keep his knowledge and execution thereof sharp. Batman may not be the world's greatest combatant in any individual art form, but he can employ and adapt his use of even seemingly dissonant tactics in order to keep his opponent unsure and unable to react effectively.

Bruce's expertise in a variety of spheres is complemented by his ability to multitask with little "signal loss" or confusion when needing to shift the bulk of his concentration from one task or object to another. Bruce is capable of mentally juggling, and successfully completing, a dozen complex activities at once.

Bruce has spent most of his life pursuing mastery in a wide range of academic and professional disciplines, including chemistry, computer science, criminology, engineering, law, and military strategy. As part of his efforts to perfect his body and mind, Bruce trained himself to become a powerful student of whatever his object of study happened to be--that is, he is a pupil quick to learn, understand, and conquer new fields and areas of potential knowledge.

Despite being a vigilante who often professes to preferring to work alone, the Batman has a longstanding tradition of taking on proteges and stepping up in a crisis situation to guide a larger group to victory. He's a decisive strategist and master of deploying resources where and when they're needed, but how effective and positive his leadership style is remains some point of contention. The Bat pushes those he works with to their utmost-- and then beyond. He expects the best out of everyone around him, and is often outspoken in his disappointment when he doesn't get it; or feels he has not. While not at all too proud to delegate or listen to good advice, Bruce is very much of the attitude that everyone should either be offering it, or doing their jobs. He's often the wrong place indeed to look for validation.

A trained stage magician, the Batman can put on quite a show, to rather different purposes than the norm. Skilled in ventriloquism, escape artistry, lockpicking, and sleight of hand, the Dark Knight employs misdirection, distraction, and spectacle with great acumen during his nighttime war against injustice. It's an element of why it's so hard to pin down exactly -where- the Bat is coming from, which hand is about to throw a weapon, or when he found a chance to swap a key trinket for a worthless fake. One part of his reputation for terror, it's not uncommon for a group of killers to empty countless magazines and completely lose their minds before any of them actually lays eyes on the Batman... and then there's the other half of the equation, Deception.

Bruce's combat training is not limited to unarmed fighting styles. While he rarely wields weapons in his crusade against crime (outside of those few a regular part of his arsenal, such as his batarangs), Bruce has trained extensively with blades, staves, and even firearms. His philosophy, after all, requires knowing one's enemy in order to outwit and overcome that enemy.


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While he often prefers to work alone, Batman has accumulated a number of allies in his war on crime. Some (like most members of the "Bat-family") are frequent partners that can be--and are--relied upon regularly, just as they rely on him. In comparison, others are more occasional companions whose paths cross Batman's far less often and who may be less ready to act immediately if needed (just as Batman may not be able to respond immediately to their requests).

Among Batman's most-used pieces of equipment are his batarangs, razor-sharp thrown weapons roughly the size of Bruce's palm, with a variety of specialized functionalities (e.g., tracking software). At any given time, Batman has anywhere from half to a full dozen of batarangs stored in his utility belt.

The center of Batman's crimefighting operations, the Batcave--located in a sprawling system of natural caverns beneath the Wayne estate--houses Batman's computer systems, a hangar for vehicular maintenance, a med-bay for first and and emergency treatment, a dojo for physical training, and guest quarters for those who may find themselves staying for a time in the Cave.

Bruce's significant resources connected to Wayne Enterprises has allowed for Batman's toolbox to be advanced considerably by the incorporation of numerous innovative computer technologies, from those in the various Bat-vehicles to personal devices and the Batcave's mainframe. The mainframe in particular is built for intense and complex data analysis from input evidence and cross-references to dozens of public, academic, and private databases.

Batman's costume is a cutting-edge Wayne Enterprises design that provides bulletproof and flame-, cold-, and blade-resistant protection to its wearer. The cowl includes a communications system, while a variety of thin tools are stored in small compartments in the gloves and boots. The forearms of his gloves sport sharp, sturdy spines that can serve in defensive and offensive capacities. The cape is lightweight but sturdy enough to serve as a gliding instrument when a particular-voltage electrical current is run through it from conductive pads, containing batteries, in the gloves.

Bruce's wealth is immense, with vast financial holdings and a wide variety of liquid, real, and stock assets that provide him with billions of dollars--a fortune that is augmented by a regular income (in addition to capital gains) from Wayne Enterprises, where Bruce remains the company's primary shareholder.

To go with his brilliantly inventive mind, Batman has access to a dazzling array of wonderful toys, and is almost notorious for devising and deploying countermeasures to specific villains, situations, weapons, or tactics. He has access to several personal workshops and the ability to fabricate much of what he needs himself. Where he lacks this time or means, Bruce Wayne likely owns a company through this or that subsidiary that can supply or manufacture what he needs, sometimes en masse. If he can devise it, he can make it manifest, and he is infamously creative.

Batman's utility belt is a sturdy and high-tech storage site for numerous all-purpose and specific tools likely to be used on a given case, from a holster for a grappling hook to garrote wire to smoke grenades and a temporary rebreather. While he doesn't necessarily have something for every possible contingency, Batman has spent his career being prepared, and the utility belt is perhaps the most blatant demonstration of that preparation.

The most iconic of Batman's transports is almost certainly what the press calls the Batmobile. Actually several vehicles that can only nominally be called 'cars', the Dark Knight's wheels vary from a heavily armored breaching vehicle to a unique, turbine-driven supercar. Which is deployed on a given night depends largely on patrol region or mission parameters, but each mounts varied, sophisticated weaponry, autonomous systems, and countermeasures. Each also runs 'dark' or 'hot', going from being nearly silent and invisible at night to utterly roaring and spitting turbine fire.

Also of prominent note is the Batwing, a jetcraft that serves as both support and strike craft, most often deploying supplementary gear pods or replacement batsuits to Batman in the field, but also capable of being loaded for devastating airstrikes or impressive firefighting or search and rescue profiles. Less seen amongst his aircraft is a stealth helicopter gunship, also built as a one-off.

The Batboat, as Gotham and the world know it, is actually a submersible superboat model launched from and housed at either the cove beneath Wayne Manor, or its larger cousin, a militarized stealth supersub modified from the plans for the Migaloo outfitted to the gills for strike and recon missions and serving as a long-range base of operations for the Batfam in international affairs; a submersible Batcave, if you will.

In addition to these notables, Batman may deploy one or more armored superbikes capable of both great speeds and operations as automated drones or decoys, rocketcraft capable of reaching and operating within outer space, or several varieties of flying drone deployed from personal or vehicle stores. These are most often used for reconnaissance and interdiction.

The Wayne estate, Bruce's home since birth, is a massive baroque mansion on a ludicrously large private lot that sits (unbeknownst to the world at large) a sprawling system of bat-populated natural caverns. Wayne Manor is decorated like many uber-wealthy homes, giving no hint that Bruce has any more depth than the shallow façade he shows society.


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While Bruce has often felt alone in the world since his parents died, he is often physically, and always emotionally, surrounded by caring friends and family. Far too frequently, Bruce allows this knowledge to sit in a mental blind spot, while at other times he views these relationships as potential weaknesses, since they could be ammunition for one or more villain to use against him. At still other times, Bruce knows he has this new family, and he makes an effort to sustain it--which then leads him to realize that he's diverting energy and focus away from the Batman's crusade.

Bruce's drive leads him almost incessantly toward a point of isolation from those he cares about. His mission to fight and prevent crime never lets up--and without the voices of his loved ones to remind him of their presence in his life (and that he can and must have a life with them), Bruce risks immersing himself so deeply in his role as Batman that the person his parents wanted him to be might disappear.

Bruce feels his war on crime is a responsibility, and it eats at him. Every moment he is conscious and not actively working toward the war (with its fronts on all sides), Bruce believes he is not only letting himself and his parents down but also every citizen in Gotham--or elsewhere--whose lives could be improved had he merely acted to help. This focus, in addition to isolating Bruce from many others, also risks pushing his own sanity over the edge and adding him to the mass of Arkham-bound criminals and victims unable to think of anything other than "the Bat" and its omnipresence in the city.

Batman's enemies are a uniquely dangerous and unstable lot. Their tactics are, quite often, insane, and they frequently act out to taunt and threaten Batman as often as they seek wealth or infamy by terrorizing Gotham City. The most tragic detail of all is that Bruce exhausts himself in an effort to get them psychiatric help at Arkham Asylum, even though they are far more likely to break out or manage to manipulate others into allowing them parole before they would ever legitimately be rehabilitated.

Unlike those heroes whose identities are publicly known, Batman keeps his alter ego a very well-guarded secret. The connections he has made to others as Bruce Wayne, whether substantive or even tangential, are means for Batman's enemies to target him and torture him by, possibly, torturing or killing those individuals. Bruce knows that he must keep his identity secret lest he inadvertently condemn everyone with whom he has ever talked or even simply shared space.


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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Title Date Scene Summary
BATFUN March 10th, 2024 orders were given!
You Need to Fill Out Form 74B. February 22nd, 2024 Dinah does a bads, Bats corrects her.
My Ship Is In the Shop February 15th, 2024 Imra calls the Justice League for help only to reach Batman himself!
Mutants and Masterminds January 3rd, 2024 Something Clever Here.
Ringing In The New Year January 3rd, 2024 Something super clever goes here.
Christmas Eve Visitations December 24th, 2023 Selina stops by the Manor on Christmas Eve.
T'was The Night Before Christmas December 23rd, 2023 The Dark Knight has an early evening to start Christmas Eve.
Tis the Season December 3rd, 2023 Bruce, Harley and Zatanna enjoy a little Christmas Cheer at the Manor.
Gone Clubbin' November 15th, 2023 Bruce and Zatanna meet up for drinks. Harley crashes things and makes it a real party.
Log 15747 October 28th, 2023 Batman and Zatanna.
Getting to know things. October 13th, 2023 Angelica went up to the Watchtower. Despite a little unease, she managed to hold down a conversation with Batman and got to pick his brain for a while.
Putting On the Papps October 2nd, 2023 Satana and Batman.
Staying the Night September 25th, 2023 Satana stays the night in Wayne Manor, though perhaps not in the bedroom originally planned.
Show Me The Way To Go Home *hic* September 13th, 2023 Satana goes out for dinner, gets interrupted by the Batman, who drops her off at her employer's home in a state of near-dishabille. Bruce gets suspicious. VERY suspicious. Which isn't news. Bruce is always suspicious. VERY suspicious.
A Totally Friendly Reunion September 5th, 2023 Huntress and Red Hood finally swallow their pride and ask for help from the best person to step into the middle of the bloody mafia war. Batman.
Excited and a little uncertain. August 28th, 2023 Angelica came to the Hall of Justice to meet with League members. She left with a temp ID and a probationary welcome to the team.
Secrets and Accusations August 28th, 2023 Bruce confronts Satana about her identity -- and while he may have pierced part of her disguise, a pretty big part of it remains hidden. A new bargain is struck.
A United Trinity August 24th, 2023 The Trinity of the Justice League meet for the first time in ages. Could new things be in store for the team?
The Wayne Enterprises Casting Cou... ah ... Job Interview August 15th, 2023 Satana gets a job! Bruce gets a new assistant!
Stark Cybersecurity Gala August 14th, 2023 Tony Stark and Pepper Potts host a fundraiser for their new cybersecurity foundation, and everything goes off without a hitch... until a bunch of gremlins are released that foul up the Stark Tower lighting, hack phones, steal funds, worst of all... play dubstep!
The Mud Pit August 13th, 2023 The attempted murder of a mob informant by Clayface draws all sorts of faces -- likely and otherwise -- to the oldest cemetery in Gotham CIty.
Judgement Time August 12th, 2023 Rumors of an impending assasination attempt on Helena Bertinelli bring Red Hood and Batman into the fray. Batman's a little unhappy about the current state of his city, to say the least.
Dichotomous Interludes July 19th, 2023 As Two-Face gears up for war in Gotham, a certain ninja surreptitiously raids his luxurious club.
Adopt-a-Fundraiser June 24th, 2023 Lux hosts some truly unique events. An adoption evennt for dogs, cats and a few exotics was a wild success, drawing billionaires and plebian unwashed masses both. What went on between the lines of philanthropy though, was a different story.
Another Dull Charity Gala June 12th, 2023 At a charity gala event, Helena attempts to negotiate a real estate deal intended to thwart a pair of Costa Nostra families, but Bruce Wayne outbids her. Fortunately they come to terms.
The Wayward May 26th, 2023 Batman devotes some time out of his busy schedule to trying to improve the Relationship Level with his most disapproving protege. It's possible Jason listens to some of what he has to say.
Heist Gone To The Bats! May 9th, 2023 Arnold Wesker, The Ventriloquist, robs a bank. Well he tries to, as his Scarface dummy. The Bat Family stop him, while Catwoman and Domino get out with the actual goods.
Probabilities and Causalities May 6th, 2023 The Batman manifests to Skye in the wake of her heart to heart with-- and huge gamble on-- Rose Wilson.
Herding Bats May 1st, 2023 Dick and Bruce touch base in the Batcave.
Massassin Transit April 28th, 2023 Wherein Rose Wilson seeks to do an assassination, and Batman seeks to stop an assassin.
A meeting in the library. April 18th, 2023 Harles updates Bruce on current emotions.
April Showers April 4th, 2023 The Joker and Two-Face try to ring in the spring with a daring heist of a social event.
Please Can we Vacation March 27th, 2023 He said yes!
A Night of Lux-ury March 27th, 2023 A night at Lux is always interesting. Especially when Rorschach takes the trash out, and Bruce Wayne joins care of Harley Quinn.
Friend or foe March 25th, 2023 Summary needed
Unmasked! March 24th, 2023 An elegant masquerade turns to chaos as masked thugs steal a powerful,gemstone, using a bomb tied Selina as a decoy!
Sticking to the Shadows March 24th, 2023 Selina us acting shifty again, Bruce tries to figure out why.
A family get together March 23rd, 2023 Summary needed
Too many strays March 21st, 2023 Selina finds another stray
Touch talk March 15th, 2023 Progress is made cuddles to be had!
An evening at the manor. March 11th, 2023 Summary needed
Forgotten Gifts March 4th, 2023 Summary needed
Happy Birthday, Bruce! February 20th, 2023 A birthday party is thrown for Bruce
What the Cat Dragged in.. February 18th, 2023 Selina tries to process info from her first hypnotic session with Harley
A Visit to Gotham! February 14th, 2023 Bat Guy and Arachnid Boy save the day at the docks while Harley just sighs at both of them.
A Moment of Introspection February 10th, 2023 Summary needed
Cat Training February 9th, 2023 Bruce Wanye tries to estimate where Ivory is fighting level wise, and manages to get them doen to instincts.
Searching for Trouble February 7th, 2023 Selina and Bruce play their usual games
What was that about Curiosity and cats February 2nd, 2023 Summary needed
Crazy and the Cat January 29th, 2023 Summary needed
Gotham by Night - A Walk in the Park January 28th, 2023 A yeen, a bat and a ranger meet at the docks and derp about at night.
Post Christmas Shenanigans January 27th, 2023 The three meet, suspicions are raised
Colorful night in Gotham January 27th, 2023 Kim and Tommy meet Dinah!
Batsie N Harls January 26th, 2023 Batsie and harl talk of the future
Spiders and Bats December 27th, 2022 Batman and Arana fight some roided-up baddies
Bat and Cat X-mas December 18th, 2022 Bruce gets an early gift from Selina.
Batsy Holidays December 16th, 2022 Bruce and his strange companions start the holidays.
From There to Where November 10th, 2022 Catwoman seems off her game, Batman is concerned
Creatures of the Night October 25th, 2022 An unlikely crossing of paths in NYC
Vampires and Bats October 10th, 2022 Summary needed
Graves September 17th, 2022 Harley and Bats talk at the cemetary
Send in the Clown(girl) August 25th, 2022 Batman and Harley Quinn beat up some baddies
Back In Bat August 19th, 2022 Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham and Tim catches him up on things.
Coffee Perhaps May 18th, 2022 Summary needed
Monitor Duty and cookies May 13th, 2022 Milk and Cookies and coffee were had while watching out for trouble spots!
Batman and Robin May 6th, 2022 Summary needed
AEC, Team Scene 2.5: In Transition April 29th, 2022 Cap helps people align their core synergies to come up with a new paradigm shift to get their action items in order with only a few takeaways.
Long Overdue April 28th, 2022 Summary needed
Another day in the Watchtower April 23rd, 2022 Batman and Wonder Woman catch up on the Watchtower
AEC, Team Scene 2: Proxima Centauri B April 15th, 2022 The team investigates Proxima B and comes away with interesting intel.
Punching Things is Therapeutic. April 14th, 2022 Summary needed
Heart to Bat April 10th, 2022 Summary needed
The Bat and the Cat April 8th, 2022 Summary needed
AEC, Part 5. 'The Bat takes interest' April 5th, 2022 Batman entrusts Steve with a weighty burden.
A Shipping Error April 4th, 2022 Summary needed
The Batman and the Wonder Woman April 2nd, 2022 Summary needed
When You're Downtown March 31st, 2022 Summary needed
The Cult's Revenge March 22nd, 2022 Batman and Superman team up to save Lois from the revenge of a cult which she just published an damning expose.
The Bat and the Widow March 17th, 2022 Batman and Black Widow stop Clayface from robbing Gotham National Bank. Captain America cameos.
The Dark Knight and the Big Bad March 16th, 2022 Batman, Spike, a rooftop, and mood lighting, what more could you ask for?
The Old Boys (+1) Club March 14th, 2022 Summary needed
Bats and Cats March 12th, 2022 Black Cat has a run in with the Batman. It surprisingly doesn't come to blows.
The High Profile Life March 11th, 2022 Batman gives Karai a not so gentle message for the Foot Clan.
So the Alpha Flight Director walks into a room... March 9th, 2022 Director Danvers meets with Bruce Wayne and learns of his interest in contributing to the budget of Alpha Flight.
Gotham Tourist March 7th, 2022 Batman and Hoplite deal with some street crime in Gotham.
Hey kids. Take a seat. April 27th, 2021 Batman breaks the news to the Titans they aren't sidekicks but they still got mentors to help them improve. It went over really well. Like a brick to the head.
What do we do about the kids April 24th, 2021 Batman summons the Justice League to decide what to do with their sidekicks. It's time for some of them to get promoted.
The Shield: Hellboy gets briefed April 19th, 2021 Justice League Dark is heading to New Jersey.
The Cursed Shield - Batman brings in a big gun April 17th, 2021 Batman recruits Zatanna to investigate the origins of the magical shield he came into possession of.
A Dark Knight Interrogation April 14th, 2021 Batman interrogates a Footsoldier with Sparrowhawk and Batgirl. Plans are made to flush them out.
A meeting of the big three April 5th, 2021 Batman speaks with Superman and Diana about a potential new recruit. He also shows some frustration in regards to ninjas.
Bats In The Clocktower April 2nd, 2021 Bruce visited Barbara at the Clocktower to recruit her for a support role in the Justice Leauge. And also to ask her to help an ongoing investigation.
The Cursed Shield March 28th, 2021 A shield is stolen. A curse is released. Bad things happen.
Mulch House Stakeout March 24th, 2021 Phoebe and Batman stake out an old apartment building. But it's a trap!
Meet the Pare-- oh. March 14th, 2021 Phoebe meets Batman's alter ego. It does not go smoothly.
Batman reaches out to Oracle March 10th, 2021 Batman fills Red Robin and Batgirl on a curious apartment complex
Watchtower Meetings March 9th, 2021 The Justice League gets together to talk about current events and opportunities.
No Deal March 8th, 2021 Batman investigates a suspicious building, and finds a rather unusual stash.
A Spring Moonlit Gala March 5th, 2021 An innocent party conceals ulterior motives, but not all guests are fooled!
Want some Pie March 4th, 2021 Bruce and Clark meet and discuss the future.
This Is What We Do October 20th, 2020 Batman and Batgirl (Cassandra) find out some information about warring families after taking down some assassins on the rooftops of Gotham.
The Light in the Darkness October 1st, 2020 Catwoman feels compelled to attack the one person who might be able to help her.
How do you solve a problem like Grayson September 17th, 2020 Bruce tells Cass to keep an eye out.
Backstreets Back September 4th, 2020 Cass plays with the Batcomputer and gets in trouble. Sort of.
Curiosity is thy name. August 26th, 2020 Catwoman follows up on Batman's injured friend while musing in a rooftop.
Things That Go Bump in the Night August 21st, 2020 Dazzler meets Batman, and also meets Superman. After a fashion.
Birds and Bats August 17th, 2020 After a run-in with the Xiangshi Tong, a gang in the China Basin area of Gotham, Red Robin (Tim Drake) and Sparrowhawk (Pheobe Beacon) encounter The Batman. The two experienced vigilantes pass a judgement on the newer Sparrowhawk
And Then There Were Two August 17th, 2020 Batman consults Batgirl for her opinion on an earlier confrontation involving Red Robin and Sparrowhawk.
THIS IS A SCENE TITLE I HAVE MADE UP! August 11th, 2020 Catwoman is given a job to do.
Barehanded August 11th, 2020 Batman and Superman discuss Superman's fungus infestation.
Bat Family Values August 6th, 2020 A briefing on the Ninja/Mob wars turns into a medical emergency when a moldy Superman crashes the meeting
Robin comes to Bruce with a chat. August 5th, 2020 Batman lets Tim know he is doing an Ok Job.
Please Turn Off Your Cellphones February 8th, 2020 Harley causes mayhem in a cinema. Scene will not be completed due to Batman drop.
Ruiner: The Ruination January 28th, 2020 Diana and Bruce watch an old Robert E. Howard-style movie and talk about each other. Why are you even reading this? Such a voyeur!
On The Town January 18th, 2020 Diana and Bruce enjoy a fancy meal, followed by a visit to a ... kind of museum.
Motivational Speaking January 9th, 2020 Batman and Lucifer intimidate a crooked cop for information.
Business As Usual January 6th, 2020 As Bruce prepares for another all-nighter, Diana appears bearing treats!
Works of Art December 22nd, 2019 Bruce and Diana discuss their plans for the New Year.
Nothing Like A Good Pomegranate Juice December 12th, 2019 Bruce Wayne surprises Stephanie with a Christmas present like no other.
Knightfall: Our Sins December 7th, 2019 As the League of Assassins lay siege to Gotham, the Bat Family receive a crippling blow ...
Knightfall: On the Beach December 7th, 2019 Diana and Bruce enjoy a weekend getaway in the Greek Islands.
Knightfall: The Forge November 23rd, 2019 In the wake of Bruce's recovery, he and Diana discuss happiness, being old, and the way forward.
Catching up on Duties November 17th, 2019 The Bats gather in the cave to catch up on events, criminal, demonic and familial.
Knightfall: Dark Christmas November 11th, 2019 The Heroes of Gotham unite atop the GCPD Headquarters to save their city.
A Night at the Opera November 9th, 2019 Diana and Bruce enjoy the opera and an evening walk through the park.
Knightfall: The First Step November 6th, 2019 Diana joins Bruce for training and they discuss life, the future, and South Indian soup.
Knightfall: Life Outside November 5th, 2019 Diana and Bruce talk about the future.
Knightfall: Lazarus November 4th, 2019 Constantine meets with the Bat Family, deals with a Loa, and sets Bruce on the path of recovery.
Knightfall: Mis-fitting In November 3rd, 2019 Bruce explains his reasoning to Charlie, Jason cracks the 'Coventry Murders' case.
Knightfall: Paterfamilias November 2nd, 2019 Damian, Dick, and Bruce discuss the current state of affairs and make plans for the Bat-future.
Knightfall: The Name November 1st, 2019 Dick and Jason learn the true meaning of Knightfall.
Knightfall: The Return of Dick Grayson October 30th, 2019 Dick explains he's not Batman and Batman disagrees.
Knightfall: A Surprise Visit October 26th, 2019 Jason checks on Bruce while staying at the mansion, they talk about the past and the future and what needs to happen before the next crises come.
Knightfall: Alive October 21st, 2019 Diana pays a visit to a more conscious Bruce, discussing the League and life after death.
Knightfall: Stephanie and an awake Bruce October 19th, 2019 Stephanie visits after Bruce wakes from his coma. He explains why he needed her to launch the missile at Superman.
Knightfall: Heavy Price October 18th, 2019 Tony visits his friend Bruce... but finds a Bat.
Knightfall: Sign of Life October 16th, 2019 Diana pays a visit to the Batcave and a comatose Bruce Wayne.
Knightfall: Prodigal Son October 15th, 2019 Jason returns to the Batcave to learn what has become of Batman and the mission set aside for him.
Knightfall: Keys to the Kingdom October 14th, 2019 Carrie follows instructions from Batman to reveal her role in a Gotham without its Dark Knight.
Knightfall: Inheritance October 14th, 2019 Misfit investigates what Batman has left for her following the Battle of Superman.
Knightfall: The Pale Moonlight October 10th, 2019 Have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight?
Knightfall: The Death of Batman October 9th, 2019 The Bat Family, locked in the Batcave and unable to aid Batman in his fight with Superman, rush to his aid in the aftermath.
Prelude to Knightfall: Needs Must October 9th, 2019 Batman visits the Hall of Justice to say his farewells to Diana.
Age of Darkness: Batman Vs Superman - Round One October 9th, 2019 Batman and Superman battle each other to save the world from Yuga Khan...and both are critically, if not, mortally wounded by the battle. Is this the Death of Superman and the end of Yuga Khan? The Age of Darkness truly begins.
A Night In The Batcave October 5th, 2019 Batman, Nightwing, Damian, Batgirl and Misfit hear of Superman killing people, and Misfit learns Batman's identity
Knightfall: You Seem So Serious Bruce. Serious Even For You October 5th, 2019 Bruce reveals to Talia what he has been obsessing over. Talia offers to help fill the void in Gotham.
Knightfall: Thanksgiving October 5th, 2019 The Bat Family gather for Thanksgiving Dinner, charitable visitors, and strange tidings.
Mistake October 1st, 2019 A brief meeting in Gotham's crime alley.
Super Problem, Man September 28th, 2019 Batman requests Catwoman's help with a serious matter.
Safe House September 28th, 2019 Julia and 'Matches' Malone get ready to leave the safehouse and take on Bane.
Hard Night's Work September 21st, 2019 Steph and Bruce discuss Bat-plans for the coming weeks.
A Day in the Life of Bruce Wayne September 15th, 2019 Zachary comes to Wayne Manor to experience 'A Day in the Life of Bruce Wayne'
Through The Looking Glass September 2nd, 2019 Stockholm, with the aid of 'Matches' Malone, breaks out of Arkham Asylum.
So You Are Mr Wayne September 1st, 2019 Wanda brings some things for the charity auction, and discusses how else she might contribute with Bruce and Damian
Robin Hood or William Tell. Apple Anyone August 31st, 2019 Bruce talks to Talia while she takes archery practice
Wayne Foundation Charity Auction August 29th, 2019 The luminaries turn out for the Wayne Foundation Charity Auction!
Batfamily: Spoiling Their Night August 24th, 2019 Batman, Huntress and Blackbird take down Falcone family members receiving a weapons shipment that includes anti-Lycan ammunition
Drawn Like A Moth To A Quilt August 22nd, 2019 Batman, Batgirl, and Misfit take town Crazy Quilt with Oracle Assist. Batman makes Misfit an offer she can't refuse in the end.
Showing Bruce what he paid for. August 21st, 2019 Tim gets the Bat-seal of approval
Movin' In August 17th, 2019 Carrie moves in to the Wayne Manor and Bruce even deigns to tell her about it.
Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen. August 17th, 2019 Batman visits Julia in Arkham and at the end of it plans to break her out? WTH?
Bad Old Days August 16th, 2019 Batman and Oracle encounter Catwoman during a moment of reflection. Do old habits die hard?
Spider-Man: Homecoming... wait make that Robin: Homecoming August 15th, 2019 Damian finds out his mother is in Gotham, and staying with Bruce. No blood was shed in the family reunion.
Undercurrents: Striking Stockholm August 11th, 2019 A plan to free and hunt down Stockholm goes sideways when Batman and Batgirl show up. Batgirl and Stockholm take out mercenaries who are after Stockholm. Batman squares off against Bane!
Bat With A Broken Wing August 11th, 2019 Bruce returns from fighting Bane and has his wounds tended to by Talia and Alfred.
The Lady And The Tramp - Did You Just Call Me A Tramp August 10th, 2019 Lady Shiva is engaged by Batman to train some of his people, including Stephanie Brown.
Work Experience August 9th, 2019 Kestrel and Batman bring Stockholm to justice and steal her dog.
Clocktower at night August 8th, 2019 Batman comes to check on Babs. They discuss Hook, healing, and the return of the Demon's Daughter.
Maybe she's born with it... August 8th, 2019 Babs calls Stephanie in for a 'talk'... and gives her the new Batgirl armor and mantle. Bruce arrives to remind her her training isnt done yet.
Nanda Parbat: Demon and Bat August 3rd, 2019 Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul flash back to their past in Nanda Parbat. A hatred that turned into something else.
The Tale Of The Hunted August 2nd, 2019 Bruce finds out Talia is being hunted by former associates set on seizing power. Whether she will accept his protection is up in the air
Barbara Gordon's day off August 2nd, 2019 Batman comes to check on Barbara after her last patrol
Daughter Of The Demon July 26th, 2019 Batman saves an unknown bowman from attackers and a potentially fatal fall, only to find it is someone from his past: Talia al Ghul
What We Lose July 24th, 2019 Cass and Bruce explore a teachable moment.
Undercurrent: One Very Bad Day July 23rd, 2019 Batman follows up on Orphan who's on a tear through Bikers. Shadow is on a tear of their own. The Bats join in and discuss tactics.
The Best Embassy July 20th, 2019 Batman visits Diana at her home to give her a phone and ask her a favor.
Glad Tidings July 20th, 2019 Tim and Carrie plan their fake romance to catch a killer. Stephanie and Bruce offer help and advice.
These are the People in Your Neighbourhood.. July 18th, 2019 Kinsey returns to the Watchtower to continue the promised tour, and is escorted by Batman! They make a deal: A tour in exchange for freshly baked cookies. Mmmm, chocolate chip cookies.
One Small Step For Man... July 14th, 2019 The X-men go to the moon seeking a crashed Cybertronian probe.
Friday Night Beneath Stately Wayne Manor July 12th, 2019 Bruce, Carrie, Helena, Tim, Dick and Stephanie gather in the Batcave. Training happens and equipment upgrades are discussed. Bruce and Dick's relationship strains and rebounds.
Talkin' Cop...Charity July 10th, 2019 Bruce Wayne hosts Selina Kyle to discuss a new idea for a charitable event.
The Cat Detective July 8th, 2019 Catwoman shows Batman she can do some detective work, too
All Good Things July 7th, 2019 Changing circumstances bring Bruce and Kitty to discuss the future of her involvement with the Batfamily
The Violet (but hopefully not Violent) Bat Signal July 7th, 2019 Star Sapphire contacts Batman about joining the JLA
A mysterious meeting. July 6th, 2019 Damian and Bruce discuss an upcoming undercover mission.
Work Trip July 5th, 2019 Nadia and Spider-Man stop a crime! Batman disappears with the evidence.
The Bat and the Bat. June 23rd, 2019 Summary needed
JL and Age of Despair: Epilogue June 8th, 2019 The ending of the Age of Despair TP, with the heroes of the Justice League, banding together to bring Superman back from the abyss!
A New Question Arises June 8th, 2019 Question discusses the case that led him to Gotham with Batman. (This is a backdated scene and takes place before the events of Superman's reawakening in the Watchtower)
So About That Interview... June 2nd, 2019 With Carrie providing moral support, Stephanie approaches Bruce about her media gaffe. He lets her live to fight another day.
Time Heals All Wounds...Or Does It June 1st, 2019 Batman and Catwoman end up responding to the same van full of drug dealers, leading to their first encounter since a big loss of trust.
Coffee At The Wayne's May 29th, 2019 Carrie, Barbara and Stephanie stop at Wayne Manor for coffee with Bruce. Barbara plans to patrol alongside Stephanie
Unlikely Intel and Eyes. May 6th, 2019 Summary needed
When a Bird Gains Her Wings April 29th, 2019 Summary needed
A Budding Paradox April 29th, 2019 Summary needed
Bats and Cats in the Belfry April 21st, 2019 Bruce, Kitty and Jason discuss the Lycan threat. Also, donuts!
Uncommon Intelligence Resource April 21st, 2019 Summary needed
Bats in the Gotham Belfry April 20th, 2019 Summary needed
The Question Of The Day April 13th, 2019 Batman, Robin, Red Robin, and Blackbird are caught in Riddler's (NPC) trap. Red Hood and Kestrel arrive in time to help stop Riddler from gassing an apartment building.
Training a Shadow April 11th, 2019 Kitty is trained by Batman, and tells of werewolves in Gotham
A Bird and a Bat talk about a Cat. April 11th, 2019 Summary needed
It's a Lesson April 5th, 2019 Batman sends a message to Impulse about activity in Gotham, with Shadowcat, Kestrel and Huntress watching on
Reunited and it feels...okay March 28th, 2019 Summary needed
Catching up with the Bat Fam March 22nd, 2019 Summary needed
Curiosity May Not Kill the Kitty March 18th, 2019 Jason takes Kitty to meet with Bruce Wayne, after Kitty has deduced Batman's identity
The Prodigal Returns March 12th, 2019 Summary needed
The Joke Didn't Go Far Enough March 12th, 2019 Summary needed
Flowers in the Attic March 11th, 2019 Babs and Batman talk strategy and familia.
Masquerade Ball March 9th, 2019 Selina Kyle holds a charity event for a big cat sanctuary. Lots and lots of people attend. Lots of money is raised.
Father and Son Talk March 6th, 2019 Summary needed
Sentinels of Gotham Part 2 March 6th, 2019 Summary needed
Truthseekers Podcast: Bruce Wayne March 5th, 2019 Bruce Wayne is the latest guest on April O'Neil's popular internet podcast!
Guns, Graves, and Gusto March 4th, 2019 Summary needed
You're Bringing WHO! Pt2 February 28th, 2019 Continuation of Jason Todd introducing Kitty Pryde to his father, Bruce Wayne
Learning About the Foot February 26th, 2019 Summary needed
Breakfast at Wayne Manor February 24th, 2019 Summary needed
You're Bringing WHO! February 24th, 2019 Jason Todd introduces Kitty Pryde to his father, Bruce Wayne
Coffee and a Masque February 23rd, 2019 Selina Kyle meets with Bruce Wayne at a coffee shop to ask him for something. It leads to some playfulness, but the line blurs between that and something more serious.
Study Hall at Wayne Manor February 18th, 2019 Summary needed
Curious Coffee February 17th, 2019 Summary needed
Gun Talk February 14th, 2019 Summary needed
Caught in the Act February 12th, 2019 Batman shows up to foil a theft by Catwoman. It ends with him getting a big reason not to trust her.
Dark Knights at the Docks February 12th, 2019 Summary needed
Introduction to a new thorn. February 12th, 2019 Summary needed
A Custom Fit February 11th, 2019 Bruce Wayne approaches Janet van Dyne about having some custom suits made.
Amethyst Meet'n'Greet January 23rd, 2019 Amethyst is interviewed to be brought in as an ally to the Justice League.
The Belfry January 22nd, 2019 Summary needed
A Scanner Darkly January 22nd, 2019 Summary needed
Knock Knock January 10th, 2019 Summary needed
Should old acquaintance be forgot December 31st, 2018 Summary needed
Bad Medicine (Act 2) December 30th, 2018 Summary needed
These Rooftops Are Crowded December 3rd, 2018 Summary needed
Down November 25th, 2018 Kestrel rescues Batman, is inducted into the Bat-Family, and becomes Nightwing's sidekick all in one evening.
The Postman November 18th, 2018 Summary needed
Old Treasures November 17th, 2018 Summary needed
50-50 Wayne November 15th, 2018 Summary needed
The Bat and the Dragon November 10th, 2018 Bruce Wayne and Richard Dragon train with one another, just a few short days before he became the Dark Knight.
For The Billionaire Who Has Everything November 9th, 2018 Summary needed
Memory Is The Thing You Forget With November 8th, 2018 Bruce remembers an enigmatic visitor to Wayne Manor from many years ago.
Poor Target Selection November 5th, 2018 Summary needed
The Bat's Out Of The Bag November 4th, 2018 The Bat Family let Carrie in on their big secret.
Halloween Hijinks.. November 3rd, 2018 A Halloween party goes wrong, and the aftermath goes even wronger..
Dulce Domum November 2nd, 2018 Summary needed
What Big Teeth You Have November 1st, 2018 A routine drug bust becomes an insane adventure into lycanthropy, bad luck, and mystical tomes.
After Dark October 30th, 2018 Some thugs run afoul of Jubilee, who then meets the Batman.
Till the Morning Comes October 24th, 2018 Bruce Wayne and Jubilation Lee talk about race cars and marshmallows. Bruce does a terrible Batman impersonation.
The Pater Familias pt II October 24th, 2018 Tim Continues his Investigation into who attacked Batman (GMed by Bruce Wayne)
The Pater Familias October 22nd, 2018 Red Robin investigates the Disappearance of Bruce Wayne.
Stir Crazy October 22nd, 2018 Bruce finds shelter from his assassins in Jubilee's cabin.
Return of the Volkswagen October 20th, 2018 Mercy stops by Wayne Manor to retrieve her borrowed car. (Alfred emitted by Batman)
Interview October 20th, 2018 Jubilee saves Bruce Wayne from an assassination attempt.
Thursday in the Park with Jubilee October 19th, 2018 Jubilee and Bruce share New York's best hot dog and discuss life.
Breakdown October 19th, 2018 Mercy comes to Bruce's rescue in the backwoods.
A Happy Delivery October 18th, 2018 Batman delivers the Joker to Arkham Asylum.
Private Bat-vestigations: The Batcave, reprise October 17th, 2018 A great deal of investigation later, Bruce learns a startling truth that Kate already knew.
Too Good a Deal October 14th, 2018 Summary needed
Pamela Isley and the Cult of the Batman October 14th, 2018 Batman pays Ivy a visit in her Garden.
The Bat who Caught the Canary October 13th, 2018 Summary needed
Child Abuse is Bad! October 11th, 2018 Summary needed
All About the Birds and the Bats October 10th, 2018 Kestrel (Carrie) is out training with new gear. Batman gives some tips.
What To Do October 3rd, 2018 Tim and Bruce talk about what Tim will do about an offer.
Past meets present September 26th, 2018 Batman and The Shadow meet. A surprising amount of gunfire is involved.
A Tale of Two Bats September 22nd, 2018 Summary needed
All Along the Watchtower September 15th, 2018 Wonder Woman and Batman spar and shoot the breeze.
The Kat and the Bat September 12th, 2018 Summary needed
Private Bat-vestigations: Arkham Asylum September 11th, 2018 Batman and Robin have more leads to follow.
The Return of the Tim September 5th, 2018 Tim returns from his time in Russia, Bruce brings him up to speed.
Private Bat-vestigations September 3rd, 2018 Bruce investigates Natasha, but the need for sleep wins out before he finds any answers.
Salutations and Visitations (Also Snooping) September 2nd, 2018 Carrie visits Wayne manor to snoop. Bruce gives her more to think about.
Visit to the Zoo August 31st, 2018 Summary needed
Jokes August 30th, 2018 Spawn and Batman run afoul of one another and talk killer clowns. Some members of the Joker Gang are brutalized.
Analysis August 30th, 2018 Summary needed
The Garden at Night August 26th, 2018 Summary needed
High society networking August 26th, 2018 The Saint Genesius Society of Gotham Society Gala is its usual success, with hefty donations collected from all concerned...
Murder Circles - Situation Update August 5th, 2018 Summary needed
Hugo Building Opening August 1st, 2018 The Hugo Building opens at last! Naturally that's when the rockstars, gangs and ninja show up!
Dinner and Debriefing July 30th, 2018 Summary needed
Bats and Magic July 28th, 2018 Just an average night in Gotham
Fungus Amongst Us July 22nd, 2018 Summary needed
Germination: Latveria July 22nd, 2018 The Justice League and Avengers respond to the forces of the fungus on Latveria's boarder.
Midterm slump July 15th, 2018 Yin takes Carrie Kelley around Gotham by rooftop. Batman is not pleased. Green Arrow is not pleased with Batman's displeasure.
Murder Circles - Making the Rounds July 15th, 2018 Summary needed
Gotham City - Murder Circles July 12th, 2018 Summary needed
Ragnarok pt. 13: Aftermath July 11th, 2018 The first rescue teams arrive on site to the downed Frigga's Mercy and start to the hard work.
Out to the Opera July 10th, 2018 Batman catches up to June at the Opera and using a little face makeup, learns some new things about the mysterious new player in Gotham.
The Bat and the Blade. July 8th, 2018 Summary needed
On the path of the Foot July 3rd, 2018 Batman follows some clues from the botched Museum job, and gets some ideas on who might be responsible.
Brooding and Angst ....for Justice July 1st, 2018 Summary needed
Full Ride June 30th, 2018 Summary needed
Multitasking..For Justice June 30th, 2018 Summary needed
Turning Over a New Leaf June 23rd, 2018 Summary needed
Help From the Spooky Side June 21st, 2018 Summary needed
Germination:A council of heroes is Called June 15th, 2018 Summary needed
Toes to be Stepped On June 11th, 2018 Deep in China Basin, somebody has upset the balance of power, Batman and Elektra try to determine who.
On A Cold Tin Roof June 8th, 2018 Summary needed
Strangers In The Night June 5th, 2018 Batman and Scarlet Spider meet up in Gotham Batman didn't try to run him off!
Visiting the Waynes June 3rd, 2018 Summary needed
Inspiration April 29th, 2018 Carrie Kelley has a close encounter.
How much for your Embassy April 26th, 2018 Bruce and Diana discuss the Avengers and how terrible they are.
You spoil me April 20th, 2018 Batman delivers some goodies to Tony.
Following the Captain April 9th, 2018 Batgirl follows up on a case started by Captain America. She takes the information to Batman. Then she has an unusual request.
The Passage of Time April 1st, 2018 A Montage of Bruce Wayne and Mariam as time passes, revealing what she learned of the man now that she knows his secret.
Don't you know not to interrupt me when I'm doin' my Kung Fu March 27th, 2018 Batman fights some Hand ninjas, and meets Yin on the rooftop.
Kids these days! March 22nd, 2018 Summary needed
Long Uncomfortable Silences March 16th, 2018 Bruce Wayne and Mariam, his bodyguard, have their first discussion since he revealed his secret identity.
Back on up off my grill, kid! March 15th, 2018 Cassandra is not pleased with Batman bringing Mariam in on The Secret. She decides to tell Batman how she feels.
Lessons in Biathlon March 14th, 2018 Mariam learns Bruce Wayne's Secret. Yes. That one. Brain Implosion in 3...2...
Sneaky March 13th, 2018 Mariam finds an injured Bruce Wayne. Secrets are close to being discerned.
Hey you, is this your junk! March 13th, 2018 Summary needed
Don't blow up my city! March 12th, 2018 The Bat crew deal with an arc reactor overload.
Spiders are gross. March 5th, 2018 Backscene: This scene takes place after the events on Superbowl Sunday. Batman and the Black Widow consult about the case while judging one another.
Cats, Cradles, & Kung Fu March 5th, 2018 Batman & Nightwing have a meeting of the minds. Harsh truths are spoken.
Not All Lanterns Are Evil February 27th, 2018 A consultation with Hal Jordan proves that Diana is right. Again. So there, Batman!
Out of the Spotlight February 24th, 2018 Bruce and Tony get a moment aside to talk about real matters.
Vegas: Pt. 1 February 23rd, 2018 Bruce, Tony, Rhodey and Mariam get on a jet to go on a vacation of opulence, Tony style: VEGAS!
Go to bed, old man! February 20th, 2018 Summary needed
What's your problem! February 16th, 2018 Summary needed
Whatever happened to whatsisface February 12th, 2018 Batman brings two of his proteges along to Xavier's School, checking on a young boy he had brought there previously.
You're not the boss of me! February 9th, 2018 Summary needed
What's up with your face February 5th, 2018 Summary needed
Go get me some hot wings! February 4th, 2018 The superbowl starts, just as the Serpent Society tries to target Lex Luthor.
OMG give me money! January 29th, 2018 Bruce Wayne throws a fund-raiser.
Don't ever speak to me or my son ever again! January 27th, 2018 Colette comes to Gotham to speak with Batman about Damian.
Lanterns are Evil! January 24th, 2018 Batman meets with Superman and Wonder Woman to discuss his concerns about the Lantern Corps and their possible intentions. Differing points of view are argued.
Sitting on the Roof by the Bay January 23rd, 2018 Diana decided to find out what a stake out is like. Batman grudgingly agreed. Boredom ensues.
The Most Polite Shakedown in Bat History January 14th, 2018 Summary needed
You did what now January 12th, 2018 Summary needed
Woman, I got work to do! January 12th, 2018 Summary needed
What's Wrong With You January 12th, 2018 Summary needed
What are you doing in my city! January 9th, 2018 Summary needed
Give me money for things! January 8th, 2018 Summary needed
Take this kid off my hands, jeez! January 8th, 2018 Finale of a 3 part story. Batman takes a dangerous young mutant to somewhere he might be helped.
Robin's handiwork January 8th, 2018 Summary needed
Hey you! Get in my plane! January 7th, 2018 Summary Needed
Always Something With You People! January 6th, 2018 Batgirl and Red Robin return to the cave after her fight in a club while unmasked. Fortunately for her, Batman is busy with other problems. For now. Robin, Red Robin and Batgirl all get their assignments for the night while Batman goes to deal with "League business".
Where's your boss! January 4th, 2018 Summary needed
Do this stuff for me! December 30th, 2017 Summary needed
Still Learning December 29th, 2017 Summary needed
Holiday Surprises December 29th, 2017 The Bat Crew gather before heading out for the night on patrol
This is what I'm doing, OK! December 29th, 2017 Summary needed
Enter the Dragon, Again December 29th, 2017 Summary needed
Stop Freezing Stuff! December 27th, 2017 Summary needed
I Know A Secret December 8th, 2017 Mariam and Barbara have a confusing conversation
You're not my supervisor! December 6th, 2017 Bruce Wayne asks Mariam to step down. She agrees. Then things get strange when he changes his mind and shares his secret. Sort of.
Why are you always hassling me December 5th, 2017 Summary needed
The First Move December 2nd, 2017 Summary needed
Go home you angry jerks! December 1st, 2017 There is a riot in Gotham. The Bat crew and Power Girl are on scene to deal with it.
Cats are Evil. November 26th, 2017 Summary needed
Damn, Ghost Lady! November 24th, 2017 Summary needed
Ungrateful Kids! November 17th, 2017 Summary needed
Bruce Wayne, Philanthropist! November 17th, 2017 Summary needed
Learn to Read You Slacker! November 15th, 2017 Batman has a talk with Cassandra about her resistance to tutoring
The Curious Ways of Billy Haines November 7th, 2017 Summary needed
An Autumn Chill in the Air November 6th, 2017 Summary needed
Winter Shoots November 5th, 2017 Summary needed
Better Safe Than Sorry November 4th, 2017 The Board of Directors feel that Bruce Wayne needs to be protected at all times. A bodyguard is assigned to him, much to his annoyance.
WayneTech Launch Party November 3rd, 2017 WayneTech's launch party has some unexpected action.
Barbara Gordon, Geek Squad November 2nd, 2017 Babs is working on an upgrade in the Cave and Bruce chats for a few minutes.
Some Time Ago... October 31st, 2017 This log begins three years ago while Mariam is in Blackgate prison. It continues forward in a variety of scenes giving ideas of what has happened to her up to the current day, a glimpse of her history.
Pot Meets Kettle October 29th, 2017 Artemis goes to the Hall of Justice seeking Diana. Instead, Batman is there to deal with her.
The Problem of Caroline October 29th, 2017 Summary needed
A City's Debt October 28th, 2017 Summary needed
Returning to the Cave October 27th, 2017 Batman comes back from a night's work and finds company in the cave.
He Did the Monster Mash October 26th, 2017 Summary needed
Get to Work October 26th, 2017 Summary needed
Mr. Mach, I presume October 26th, 2017 Summary needed
Tails and Tales October 26th, 2017 Summary needed
Return to the Cave October 24th, 2017 Batman and Robin return to the Batcave after speaking with Albert Wesker. They are met by Red Robin and Alfred. A discussion ensues regarding both Wesker and the situation with Shiva having challenged Nightwing to a fight in the far future.
The Night Shift October 23rd, 2017 Summary needed
Creative Acquisitions October 23rd, 2017 Summary needed
Not My People October 20th, 2017 Batman lets Shiva know how he feels about her challenging Nightwing
Post-Shivonic Plague October 20th, 2017 Summary needed
Rainbow in the Dark October 10th, 2017 May goes to speak with the Batman in Gotham. Castiel invites himself along.
Playing With Matches September 20th, 2017 Batman comes to St. Molly's in his Matches guise, meets Carl, and tries to talk Molly in to work during the Darkseid crisis.
The Prodigal Prodigal September 14th, 2017 Damian proves timely undoing his own kidnapping; the Dynamic Duo discuss the threats ahead.
Redbirds and Bucklers September 7th, 2017 Summary needed
Apokolips Now: Intergang Gotham September 2nd, 2017 Intergang hits the Gotham First National Bank. All hell breaks loose. So do many heroes, and the GCPD.
Shooting Starro September 1st, 2017 Summary needed
Starrvation Plan August 31st, 2017 Summary needed
Downtown, No Finer Place For Sure August 29th, 2017 Summary needed
No One Expects the Dark Knight Inquisition August 26th, 2017 Batman seeks to suss out Molly Millions' motivations and warns her off making the Bats an enemy. Molly raises both middle fingers into the air as she discovers something even worse about the Blood...
The Motto August 25th, 2017 The Dynamic Duo discuss the Scout creed.
Roll The Bones August 21st, 2017 Summary needed
The Dark Knight & The Detective August 20th, 2017 Batman introduces himself to Detective Renee Montoya.
Someday In The Park With Vorp August 10th, 2017 Cats and bats don't mix together well. As for birds... that is yet to be seen.
Bark Far, Far Worse than her Bite August 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
The Arkham Breakout Bash! July 30th, 2017 Summary needed
So they finally made Batman go out, and do it. July 27th, 2017 Summary needed
Wake up, Wing. July 25th, 2017 Summary needed
Idle Hands are the Demon's Plaything July 23rd, 2017 Summary needed
Bruce takes a day off. July 20th, 2017 Summary needed
The interview July 18th, 2017 Summary needed
The Robins Gather! July 15th, 2017 Batman has more than one Robin up his sleeve?
Fated meeting from the past. July 14th, 2017 Summary needed
Following the bread crumbs July 13th, 2017 Summary needed
A leason Batman can't teach. July 13th, 2017 Batman drops off Cassandra on Wonder Woman's doorstep for a lesson.
Batman and junior July 13th, 2017 Summary needed
The Cat, the Bat, and the... Richard July 9th, 2017 Batman and Catwoman work together on something.
The Batman: Tale of two Robins. July 7th, 2017 Batman & Batgirl capture a 'Demon'.
If you read this I am standing behind you -Batman July 4th, 2017 Batman attempts to teach Batgirl the why's of what they do.
The straightforward approach July 4th, 2017 Summary needed
Lois, and the Bat... err Bruce July 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
I'm Kind of Busy Here July 2nd, 2017 An encounter between Batman and Catwoman leads to various warnings, teasing, and a potential alliance of some kind.
Oh great he wants to talk again July 1st, 2017 Summary needed
Super-Homework June 30th, 2017 Summary needed
Green Bats in Space June 29th, 2017 Summary needed
Meeting at the Watch Tower June 29th, 2017 Summary needed
Moonrakers June 28th, 2017 Summary needed
Log June 28th, 2017 Summary needed
The Bat Fish June 27th, 2017 Summary needed
Clay Bat June 26th, 2017 Summary needed
Meeting with GL June 4th, 2017 Summary needed
The Canary and the Bat June 2nd, 2017 Batman paid Dinah a visit at her home, where the two discussed Autumn's mob situation and other matters.
Moonlighting Herowork May 30th, 2017 Summary needed
Afternoon Meeting May 29th, 2017 Summary needed
In Blackest Night May 27th, 2017 Summary needed
Justice Framed in Black and White May 23rd, 2017 Summary needed
Won't Get Fooled Again May 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
Debtor, Alive May 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
Institutionalized May 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
Assault on Gotham Central May 21st, 2017 Summary needed
Problems in Gotham May 20th, 2017 Summary needed
Bruce Wayne Might Know May 19th, 2017 Summary needed
The Bat and the Wolf in Winter May 17th, 2017 Things come to a head as the Bat wants the Denarian coin back from team Dresden.
Show You Love May 15th, 2017 After losing her Sister and her hopes of going to Metropolis, Autumn decides to set herself down a path to help make this world a better place much to the disagreement of Batman.
The New Paradigm May 15th, 2017 Summary needed
One Size Fits All May 14th, 2017 South Hinkley's been especially peaceful recently--but why? The answer is revealed!
Joker's Big Day May 13th, 2017 Commissioner Joker gives his first speech to the News Media of Gotham, and it goes better then expected
All Hell Breaks Loose May 12th, 2017 Summary needed
A Superstitious, Cowardly Lot May 9th, 2017 Summary needed
The Bill Comes Due May 9th, 2017 Summary needed
Visiting An Old Friend May 8th, 2017 Summary needed
Sssmall favorss May 8th, 2017 Summary needed
My Closest Friend--My Greatest Foe! May 8th, 2017 Summary needed
A Dark Visit May 6th, 2017 Batman drops by to check up on Autumn. Advice is given concerning Onyx.
Carnevil Carnage Pt2 May 6th, 2017 The final day of the Jokers Carnevil is at hand and what heroes will put a stop to his dastardly plan.
Amuse Bouche May 5th, 2017 Summary needed
Mind Over Matter May 4th, 2017 Summary needed
A Star Shines Over Gotham May 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
Frozen Assets May 3rd, 2017 Summary needed
See A Penny, Pick It Up... May 1st, 2017 Summary needed
Fear of a Bat Planet April 30th, 2017 Summary needed
A Battle with the Joker April 29th, 2017 Summary needed
The Speed of Information April 27th, 2017 Summary needed.
The Dead Travel Fast April 27th, 2017 Summary needed.
You Take What You Can Get April 27th, 2017 Summary needed.
There Are No Friends in Gotham, Only... April 26th, 2017 Summary needed.
Be the Light You Want to See April 26th, 2017 Summary needed.
In the Light of the Moon April 25th, 2017 Summary needed.
La Nuit du Chat April 25th, 2017 Summary needed.
Loitering April 24th, 2017 Summary needed.
What Was Left Behind April 23rd, 2017 Summary needed.
Another Day on the Job April 22nd, 2017 Summary needed.
Alone in the Moonlight April 19th, 2017 Summary needed.
Assault on Wayne Tower April 19th, 2017 Summary needed.
Panic! At the Disco-unt Store! April 16th, 2017 A bug problem at a store results in a big fight.
On the Waterfront April 15th, 2017 Batman, Red Hood, and Crusader take on a cell of Watchdogs who've abducted mutant teens, including Melter ... with a guest appearance by Aquagirl!
Dark, Light, and Tea make 3 April 15th, 2017 Autumn receives a visit from both Batman and Star Sapphire. Tea is consumed!
A Bat outta hell April 14th, 2017 Autumn gets a visit from Batman who comes offering her a more permenant solution then just crashing at a motel for a week.
Paging Doctor Bats! March 18th, 2017 Summary needed


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Title Date Scene Summary
Age of Darkness: BvS October 9th, 2019 Batman vs Superman. 'nuff said
Age of Darkness: Desperate Measures October 4th, 2019 Summary needed


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